The Chatterbox > Random Chat

I came (SMF v2.0, beta screenies)

(1/2) > >>

Oh baby:

I really like how that looks so far.

Hey, that's pretty cool. But in my currently painkiller-induced euphoria, many things are cool now that were not before.

I likey! I like the drop down menus and such. I've always liked seeing properly done drop down menus online.


--- Quote from: Bobbias on September 05, 2007, 08:51:05 PM ---I likey! I like the drop down menus and such. I've always liked seeing properly done drop down menus online.

--- End quote ---

Indeed! :D  The message rules look pretty nifty and I rather like the changes that are being done to the member groups (like the phpBB-style group join system -- I was wondering when they'd add something like that).

It looks like it's going to be another fine release of SMF.  I should become a charter member...I've been using SMF long enough (since 1.0, bay-bee) that I really should give a little bit back to them.  And besides, if I become a charter member we'll be able to see alpha versions and stuff like that before everyone else. ;)

Cool, I didn't realize you'd been using since 1.0.


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