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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2017, 12:38:41 AM »
Is fire still somewhat luck-based? Before pretty much all of the major abilities proc'd off of crit chance, so if you didn't have high amounts of crit and a ton of luck you couldn't effectively play that spec.

I have no experience with arcane, but fire is reliant on two crits in a row for instant pyro. And frost is reliant on procs for instant flurry, or ice lance crits, or building up those fingers of frost to let loose, so they're both kinda luck dependent, frost is just better for soloing because of slows and roots.
As far as zone aesthetic goes, I think Warlords is probably my overall favorite. Not only was there a ton of variety, but I think it has the most "desolate but beautiful" zone in the entire game. You probably didn't see it if you only played Alliance and didn't go for the exploration achievements. When you have a chance, swing by Frostfire Ridge (it's the first Horde questing area, but you can walk through there safely if you're on a PvE realm). I don't think I can adequately describe how much I enjoyed the look of that area.

I won't say draenor is my favorite set of zones (goes to TBC for me), but damn if I do enjoy goregrond, and spires of arak. It's a pitty I missed out on frostfire ridge, I did take a visit there to get a flight path or two, and I'd definitely have to put it in my top 10 zones, look wise. Look forward to doing that zone as horde whenever I go back to the hunter shaman or lock. Might be fun to do a little post on my top 10 zones in the game, which would omitt half of pandaria (since I didnt play it), but from the looks of it, I didn't miss much.

World quests are pretty much a cross of Diablo 3 bounties and Guild Wars 2 world quests. They're a pretty good way to kill some time, they aren't as tedious as older dailies (Mists' dailies sucked), and they aren't as mobile gamey as Warlord's "endgame." Still definitely a grind, but they're not bad.

Yeah as I completed my first group of quests belonging to a faction it just popped that I was doing bounties in world of warcraft. I like the system, but...I'd like it more if I

I know you aren't crazy about your shaman, but I'd highly recommend using them to get Draenor flying.

After hitting 110, I needed a new goal, and now I HAVE TO GET DRAENOR FLYING. It'll drive me crazy if I don't. So I explored all zones, got to see more frostfire ridge which was cool...then getting 100 treasures...Now you recommend shaman, but I was doing it on my 102 warrior. Here me out, there's a lot of treasures that require a gimmick to get, or a glider in nagrand or whatever. Warrior has a little something called HEROIC LEAP, which cheats half of those gimmick treasures. With the help of the addons you linked, I went from 15-10 in a few hours in goregrond shadowmoon and nagrand. Still a pain in the ass, but I would have skipped at least 10+ of those treasures if I couldn't just jump to it. Also being that level, I still gain exp for doing all of this horseshit, so I may as well get some exp for my suffering, especially the tanaan jungle rep bullshit that will take the longest amount of time. Being level 102, level 100 enemies, exp for my troubles.

After I get to the "do dailies and shit to slowly finish draenor pathfinder" part, I'll get this warrior to 110, and then...I'll need a new goal. I hear demon hunter is a fuckin solo monster beast, which sounds super appealing for world quests and easier than my mage, so I might work on a demon hunter after the warrior, if I'm still playing by then. Starcraft Remaster comes out near the end of the month, and september brings snes classic if I can get my hands on it, and I HAVE TO PLAY VIRTUAL CONSOLE POKEMON SILVER, I lust for classic gen 2 on my 3ds. Might keep the wow sub for world quests and whatnot, but we'll see. Draenor lasted me 3 weeks from start to finish, but legion is a bit more interesting.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2017, 01:55:56 AM »
Sounds like mages have roughly the same dynamic as last time I explored them. :) And yeah, arcane is about as proc-heavy as frost was, in my experience, though the DPS was significantly lower (hopefully that changed at least).

Yeah, doing a top 10 favorite zones list does sound like fun, actually! I might have to think about that a bit.

Frostfire was a nice little questing area. The biggest problem with it is that it's the first thing see when you play a Horde toon, so you naturally compare everything else to that. While I do rather like the design of most of the Warlords zones, most of them did fall pretty far short of that (though Spires of Arak comes the closest--the ambiance there is awesome).

My problem with Mists in particular is that most of the zones feel very samey. I kind of get what they were trying to do--start players off in a tranquil-looking forest, then showing the lands becoming more and more corrupted as they progress--but considering how many forests I'd explored getting to that point, all it does is make me remember how much I hated questing through Ashenvale, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale, Terokkar Forest, Grizzly Hills, and oh god please make it stop please. For me, I always felt like the Dread Wastes was, by far, the strongest zone in Pandaria. It gave me a classic Shadowmoon Valley vibe in a lot of ways, and helping out the Klaxxi was pretty cool, too.

oshi, for some reason I got the impression that they removed heroic leap in legion (my warrior is still 85, lawl), so I figured you had about as much standard mobility (i.e. not including charges) as my DK, and I had a pretty miserable time even getting 25 treasures. Dismounted, I'd barely make some of the required jumps, and in some cases fall, and when I mounted I'd overshoot them. Ghost wolf seems like it'd be just about perfect...unless you already have heroic fucking leap. :P It felt like they were trying to ape the parkour challenges in Guild Wars 2 (which, might I add, are actually pretty fun) and failing miserably because WoW's engine is pretty terrible when it comes to movement/jump precision. It's no wonder they made the treasures in Legion much easier to get.

And hey, glad the addons helped out! I know there's no way in hell I'd be able to put up with that shit without them, haha.

Also, be very glad that you jumped into Draenor late. You know that thing where you do garrison missions, then wait for them to finish like you're playing a fucking mobile game? That was pretty much the entire endgame. Then they released a major content patch that added a dock. Such missions! Much content! WoW! They eventually added the Biff Tannan dailies, but I think most people were sick of it by that point. Warlords made me unsubscribe for the first time since BC. The story line was pretty damn good, IMO, but unless you raided (and there were only three raids, might I add! A drastic cut compared to other expansions) you literally had nothing to do but level alts.

Thank goodness they revered course hard with Legion. Blood DK annoyances aside, I've enjoyed Legion far more than the past several xpacs.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2017, 03:52:34 AM »
Also, be very glad that you jumped into Draenor late.

Actually, I was early. I chewed up and spit out that expansion before they added anything to it. I played for roughly 3 weeks, and stopped. Got on, hit level 100, decided to get paladin through pandaria to get to draenor, got bored before I finished that...and didn't touch the game until a few weeks ago.

But I left well before they added tanaan jungle into the game, I wish that pathfinder bullshit was added when I played because instead of slogging through it now, I'd have it done already. 5 more assaults, then it's working on rep. However as fast as I consumed that expansion, I had fond memories of it. The garrison stuff (minus the mobile game bullshit) was really awesome, and I hope they do soething like that but...bigger in a future expansion. Like a garrison, or town, or base, that won't go obsolete after an expansion, say your mines get upgraded with new ore and whatnot. IM TOTALLY DOWN FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT BLIZZARD, just let me pick any zone in the entire game to set up shop and give me a special hearth and we're good. WoW is a single player game for me now a days, and that's ok. New expansion, level a character or 3, eventually get bored, quit till the next expansion, or skip it and wait for the one after.

Grizzly Hills

While I am quite tired of forest zones, I would put that particular one at the top of the food chain. Like ashenvale, feralas, that elf zone in legion, the druid zone north of kalimdor, darkshore MAY AS WELL BE THE SAME ELF FOREST ZONE, but grizzly hills was a cool alpine redwood type of area, and

THIS RIVER, just did it for me. I cant quite recall, but it might be the first time in the game where a river doesn't feel static, and it actually looks like it's in motion.

Not to mention the music for the zone was top tier.

I really don't have anything against a forest, but damnit, give it some character, and I think they did that with Grizzly hills, as...most of the zones in lich king, minus boring tundra.

Speaking as much about zones, I do honestly feel they are the most important aspect of the entire game. I mean it's where you play the game, and the music, scenery, and questlines, not to mention those vanilla memories of things happening in places that just stand out. Old terran mill, crossroads raids, ashenvale/stonetallon mountains early contested zones pvp. Nostalgia feels every time.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 04:00:13 AM by vladgd »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2017, 04:47:20 AM »
Oh, I misread your post (and now that I think about it, I think you showed some screenshots showing that you already had a 100). I thought those three weeks were part of your most recent resub. So yeah, you know what it was like. =)

Totally agreed on Pathfinder. I can honestly understand them keeping some sort of barrier to flying so that they didn't end up with another ridiculous Cataclysm situation (I mean, honestly, did anyone walk *anywhere* during cata?) but it's past content. It's time to tone that shit down. I think that all you should have to do now is finish all of the major storyline chapters for each zone on a single faction and get the exploration achievements. That rep stuff is literally pointless at this point.

I was actually pretty hyped for garrisons, though I wish they would have taken it a bit farther. I think it would have been pretty awesome if garrisons were larger but shared among all of your toons. I think that would have made the grind to build them up a bit more rewarding, and it would have been kind of neat to see your other player characters walking around when they were in the right level range. I dunno. I wish Blizzard would find some way of acknowledging alts in some sort of in-game fashion. Also, the way that garrisons were implemented made it so that altaholics could flood the market with ores and herbs, greatly reducing the value of gathering professions. I think anyone who thought about the implementation of that system for even half a second could have seen that coming.

And yeah, I do agree that the content itself (sans mobile game bullshit) was pretty stellar. I was admittedly very sour towards Warlords after "experiencing" the "amazing" "endgame" and subsequently axing my subscription. When I realized that Legion was good I decided to "suffer through Warlords" again to get some alts leveled up. It's simultaneously surprising and immensely sad how the endgame mechanics negatively colored my experiences of the expansion. So far, since Legion dropped, I leveled my priest and shaman through the Warlords quest line and have enjoyed the hell out of it (but especially Spires of Arak, because burdmen). If I would have been able to set my grievances aside, I'll bet I would have leveled half of my toons to 100. In some ways--especially with regards to silly tropes--the single player content of Warlords actually beats Legion, IMO.

Regarding Grizzly Hills, I think it might have more been that the Horde quests were largely unmemorable (haven't gotten through it on any Alliance toons yet--I think my highest blue toon is ~72?). It was certainly far less offensive and far prettier than the previous forests, and it doesn't have the horrible camera issues that occur in thicker forests. I think the only thing noteworthy that happens is that you sorta kick off the Drakuru quest chain, but most of that ends up happening in Zul'drak anyway. I think that might have been my main issue with it. When I finally manage to get through that content with my mage or pally (whom I rerolled at some point) I'll be sure to go through that zone again just to find out for sure.

I agree, I think the way that Blizzard handled the zone system is one of the most brilliant parts of WoW. A lot of other MMOs (SW:TOR in particular comes to mind) there are just a lot of zones that feel very samey. Forest zones aside (and even those try to have different moods), most of WoW's zones feel unique in some way. Even when computers and VRAM were a bit more limited, they tried to change things up by using color filters to set a particular mood (those are still in full force in Outland and Northrend). That, coupled with the slightly exaggerated look of the character models and the rich color saturation both manage to give the game a characteristic look as well as a visual style that's bold, refreshing (especially with so many "brown is real" games in the AAA space, especially at the time), and unforgettable.

I can't tell you how refreshing it was to see ArenaNet actually understand that concept and apply it to Guild Wars 2. I remember the original Guild Wars having that issue where the graphics were pretty but unmemorable. When I first played GW2 (speaking of which, I'm about due to play it again) I absolutely loved the aesthetic. Slightly exaggerated, high saturation, instantly memorable environments and characters. I can still navigate the first Asura questing area in my head.

It's almost like they understood the key ingredients that made WoW so successful, threw some of their own spices in there, mixed it real nice, and released a successful game. The others just took WoW's recipe, threw it on a copying machine, scribbled a few half-baked and impossible to balance design ideas on the copy, rescanned the copy, drew big tits on all of the female characters on the copy-of-a-copy, scanned that, then released the copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy and wondered why nobody bought it.

Buuuuuuut I digress. A lot. I probably shouldn't be allowed to use computers at this hour.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2017, 05:42:14 PM »
I REALLY want to level more alts, but I REALLY want flying unlocked, but it takes so much damn timeeeeeeee

They made leveling really easy, so I want to grind characters, but knowing I don't have flying in draenor or broken isles gnaws at the back of my mind.

I mean I AM enjoying the post 110 world quests and whatnot, and just got the warrior to 110...prot is still my main, now and forever until blizzard fucks it up. Too tanky, too mobile, too fun, and aoe tanking with warrior is no longer a handicap now. Demon Hunter aside, warrior most mobile class in the game? Don't know a whole lot about all of the classes but I know death knight is probably the least mobile, mage double blink is alright, paladin has a rush mount thing, but warrior 2 intercept + heroic leap? SONNNNNnn

I got full plate heirlooms fully upgraded (may have bought a wow token for that...) so I guess I'll be getting the paladin and death knight up in levels next.

I do intend on making "vlads top 10 zones in world of warcraft" post in the future, whenever I decide to buckle down and read up on all the zones I played and rank them.

In the meantime, I'll just use this thread to post my progress in the game. Ohh and a final note, I got a logitech g502 to replace my over 12 year old logitech mx518. Took a while to get used to, but it's pretty comfortable to use even if it doesn't look like it would be. Only gripe with the thing is the middle click takes some force, and I never was a fan of the middle mouse wheel side tilt feature, i end up doing the side click instead of what I want which is a middle click. Going to keep the mx518 around though, may have retired it, but I may want to use it later on.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2017, 12:46:01 AM »
Ayup. I was on the other night (you were on, too! hiiiii~) working on my flying. Even going through Frostfire Ridge--which, from a treasure hunting perspective, was dead simple--was tedious as all hell. I parked my shaman in Biff's Pleasure Palace so that I can start that bit of fun next time I sign on. Gotta say, I'm definitely not crazy about one of the main criteria for flying (the daily assault quests) being random. Uggggh. Might see how far along I am with that on my DK, since I actually did some of those with him.

As far as mobility goes, I'd definitely agree with the warrior being second only to demon hunters. I have very fond memories of chain pulling enemies with the various charges. One of my favorites was pulling two distant groups by charging, hitting thunderclap, intervening to the party, then using intercept to rush to the second group. Looks like that's still sorta possible nowadays, but you'd have to substitute one of the enemy charges with heroic leap. I'd say warriors started becoming viable AoE tanks during the Cata era--I never had a problem holding threat on groups.

I think I'm going to do my top 10 WoW zones thing after I get a bit closer to finished with Draenor flying. I'd definitely like to do a flyover of all of the zones before I make my final judgment. In some cases, the last time I visited some of the classic zones was when I got the explorer achievement in, like 2009, and I don't think it's fair to go solely based on memory. I might even try to see if I can get some screenies of the pre-Cata vanilla zones to see if any of those are better/worse than the current versions.

Ooh, nice mouse! That one was on my list, but I ultimately went with the G600--Logitech's Naga-style MMO mouse. If its middle click is anything like the one on mine, it'll soften up fairly quickly.

I like it over the Naga because Logitech actually did some fucking ergonomic design on it rather than just slapping a numpad on the side of a slab of plastic. The Naga Epic that I used to have had a barely noticeable nub on the "5" key and a flat design, so it was hard to really tell where you were on it. Furthermore, the thing was so damn small that I couldn't use the bottom three buttons.

The G600 has prominent nubs on the 5 (G13) and 2 (G16) keys. Additionally, the top and bottom sections of the side buttons are curved to contour with your thumb, so you can very easily tell where you are on the mouse. There are also two buttons just below the scroll wheel. The scroll wheel also acts as a tilt, though unlike your G502, that acts--by default--as the browser back and forward buttons. It actually feels really intuitive, to the point where normal back/forward buttons feel odd to me now. Not sure if it's due to the differences in hardware design between the two or the difference in how we use the devices, but I have yet to accidentally tilt the wheel to the point where it responds. The tilt action on my mouse has a pretty decent click, solid enough to prevent accidental actuation but light enough that it doesn't feel awful to use.

With the VR rig, I've found myself using those side buttons more and more when it comes to games that use more traditional control schemes to prevent me from having to blindly flop around on the keyboard for commands (*cough cough* Elite: Dangerous *cough cough*). But that's a story for another thread (maybe).
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2017, 05:42:09 PM »
I might start that top zones list(spoilers, there WILL be a broken isles area(not entire zone), care to guess which one?) after I acquire draenor AND broken isles flying on that list. It's eating up all of my sanity at the moment.

Draenor is straight up horseshit. From what I've seen you basically have to run around hunting rares and bosses all fucking day which is goddamn stupid. So I'm going to spend real money to get through that because medallion of the legion, a rare item, that goes for ~TEN THOUSAND GOLD A PIECE on my realm to get that done. I need about 7k rep to get to exalted on my closest draenor rep, which gives me an acheivement to unlock the trade depot level 3, which gives me a 20% bonus. So I'm thinking I'll need...~150,000 gold to get it done, buying stuff on the ah when I can. Going to hold off on the wow token until gamescom this wednesday. I hope the gold price for NA shoots up at least an additional 30-40k gold, current price as of this post is 150,000 gold, but since im spending irl money, and that price is constant (20 bucks), I may as well wait until the price is high, and gamescom news should shoot it up at least 10k hopefully more.

At this point my own time is worth a lot more to me than a few dollars. And I'm stupid and obsessed enough to do it.

As for broken isles pathfinder, for whatever reason while it IS more work than draenor, it feels less horseshit to me. Maybe because it's current content and not legacy content? OR MAYBE BECAUSE THE REP GRIND DOESNT REQUIRE ME TO HUNT DOWN RARE GODDAMN MOBS ALL DAY THAT I MAY OR MAY NOT TAG. Log in, see world quest (preferably blue, elite, or epic quests, ignore the rest unless its' for the embassy bonus, then log off. The "find group" button for quests makes these very quick and very easy, and since I'm a tank with over 4 million health, I just straight up fear nothing and don't die, I MIGHT end up with less than 100% health against a raid tier world boss, but that's rare.

So with this, I can assume even my lowest faction which is the court right now, should hit revered well before I hit exalted with the nightfallen. Exalted is REQUIRED for the "good suramaritan" acheivement, which is REQUIRED for the pathfinder acheivement. Good suramaritan basically requires you to do...damn near every single quest in suramar, so 200+ quests, and one of the quests that starts a chain you need is straight up "get exalted with the nightfallen".

So by the looks of things, "if" I play ~1-2 hours a day, I should have broken isles pathfinder by....mid september? If I'm lucky. Draenor will happen whenever more marks are put up on the ah, and they are below 10 grand a pop, I'm already spending a fortune I don't have on these things, I'm going to at least be semi reasonable when purchasing them. Only positive I can come out of this, is anybody who isn't maining a human, playing the game wrong. World of Repcraft's best race is human for that juicy not insignificant 10% bonus rep.

So from neutral to revered is 21,000 rep. 10% of that is 2,100. Neutral to exalted is 42,000, so 10% of that is 4,200. You could argue, in the grand scheme, it's not a lot, but in my eyes, it's several days earlier you get to quit the rep grind bullshit, which is MASSIVE in my opinion. I don't know of a better racial bonus in this game to be honest, and they get a break out of stun cooldown which isn't bad for a tank as a nice bonus.

I feel like I've played too far into this to stop now, just going to ride it out. At least I've done everything else so maintaining the dailies shouldn't be too bad, especially with how convenient and easy they made world quests. Despite the rantey nature of this post, I am probably having the most fun playing this game since Lich King. I'd just like to get this pathfinder shenanagins over so I can either A play other games, or B level my alts with FLYING!


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2017, 12:39:27 AM »
I used TSM sniper to snag a legendary belt for 70 gold which I flipped for 85,000

Yes, that is correct, I bought an item for 70 gold, that I sold, for EIGHTY FIVE...THOUSAND

Because of that, I could afford the medallions of the legion needed to take this screenshot

Just need broken isles pathfinder (and items that give you rep for broken isles factions are coming in the 7.3 patch....!) and I'll be golden!


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2017, 10:41:32 AM »
Woo, congrats! Also, very nice choice of mount for the screenshot. The Netherwing drakes are still some of my favorite mounts in the game. <3

I really need to get back to my pathfinder stuff. I got a good jump on it, but unfortunately I kinda got distracted by Guild Wars 2. Oops.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2017, 12:34:16 AM »
That post feels like forever ago, i've been BURNING THAT MIDNIGHT OIL

I...I...can level alts now, I CAN PLAY OTHER GAMES NOW!


As for the mount, I do like the old netherdrakes and that repgrind was the last big thing I did on my old vanilla horde main before switching over to alliance in lich king till current. I do want a green protodrake but I've been super unlucky with the eggs, and I'm too lazy to go to sholazar every 3 days to get another failure, so I might farm the blue one? Who know, black netherdrake is still a good one.

Now I'm thinking, what race to make my monk or rogue? human, night elf, draenei? ORC? ohh...dunno yet...should get the paladin to 110 or play the hunter, the new street fighter characters? or tekken 7? or persona 5?

« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 12:39:02 AM by vladgd »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2017, 10:03:00 AM »
Double congrats!

I still need to do the Sholazar dailies. I got exalted with the Frenzyheart forever ago and was in the middle of working on my Oracles rep (pretty sure I'm revered with them right now) when Cataclysm came out. And yeah, it's annoying. It's too far away to easily get to, so I just sort of let it linger. Same thing with Ogri'la, really.

FORTUNATELY, I haven't been playing my DK. I think I might just park him there and finish it up (and after that I'm sure I'll get the protodrake egg sometime after hell freezes over).

As far as races go, I'd pick with the ones that make the least sense. Like, orcs are chunky and loud, so they'd obviously make great rogues. Tauren are meat mountains, so they're clearly the best choice when it comes to monking. If tauren rogues were playable (they exist--they're just so stealthy that you can't see them) that would be ideal. Alas...
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2017, 04:26:47 AM »
Thinking female orc for the rogue, male tauren for druid, monk still undecided (either male orc, female human/nightelf/draenei)...doesn't much matter because i got plenty of characters to level before that point.

One thing I did discover that'll make my shaman leveling easier, I guess its undocumented, but like chest legs helm shoulders heirlooms mainstat will change based on spec. So agi mail heirloom shoulders will change to int, if I spec resto.

VERY AWESOME, queue as healer for autoqueue dungeon, then stay ele or something for solo questing.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2017, 04:47:28 AM »
Yeah, they introduced dynamic primaries in Warlords. It obviously doesn't help you with secondary stat priorities, but it's a hell of a boon if you (heaven forbid) don't want to go through hell gathering multiple gear sets for each character. It also prevents those awkward "oh noes, I forgot to switch into my spirit gear now I'm oom lolol" moments from happening. <_<

Another convenience feature is that artifact weapons automatically change when you switch spec as long as they're in your bag. Pretty handy!
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2017, 04:36:15 PM »
Can't see me complaining about that change for sure, still don't know what I'm going to spec the shaman. I don't like elemental, but maybe if I put the time in, i'd eventually get it. Kinda like mage, I didn't initially enjoy it, but I came out of legion thinking mostly positive on the class. However since I have plate heirlooms (and now leather) at 110, I feel like polishing off those classes first. Found that legion assaults are the best way to level from 100-110, so the demon hunter and paladin are just camped until an assault is up, log in, do assault missions, log out. Each assault as of now gives a guaranteed level, which is insane. So I guess my goal is to get characters to 100, do artifact quest, camp in dalaran for assaults.

Death Knight is the lowest plate I have so I've been working that bugger up. Tried blood for faster queues, but I'll be honest, at least for the level range I'm at, I hate blood. It doesn't feel fun at all, and death and decay cooldown feels way too long to get decent aoe threat going, not to mention the severely restrictive runes/runic power system the dk uses. I know for a fact that blood DK is a top tier tank in this game, but, that only applies for high end raiding, not for my casual enjoyment. Went back to frost, queue times aren't instant but not terrible, but I enjoy playing that spec a lot more, so that seems to be where it is for me. Best part is when a tank of a dungeon levels then "ohh i gotta go..." and leaves to do the next expansion content, I can change to blood, whip out the heirloom 2h, and be an emergency tank to finish the dungeon with.

For the races of my remaining classes, doing the math, I have 6 alliance, so...I could balance with 6 horde. 1 dwarf priest, 1 human warrior, 1 nightelf demon hunter, 3 draenei paladin death knight mage. Horde is looking 1 troll shaman 1 tauren druid, 1 undead hunter, 3 orc warlock, rogue, monk

Unless I change my mind on the rogue/monk, orc is probably my favorite race in the warcraft lore so if I have 3 draenei, I aughta have 3 orc. Only exception is if they had goblin monk, but they don't, so it aint happening. Maybe goblin rogue? I think monk sounds cooler for that race, but I digress, it's a personal cosmetic choice anyway.

I think I'm going to keep leveling until I stop playing enough to warrant a monthly bill. But I figure if I can get say...casually 1 alt to 110 a month, it should be worthwhile. But This is coming in the mail tomorrow, so, maybe I'll get around to it. We'll see, I do know that game is hard as fuck, so not sure if I have the patience for something like that right now.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2017, 05:17:16 PM »
Definitely agree with regards to blood DKs. Blood has been an awful tank spec for LFD leveling at least since Cata made it to de facto tank spec. Back in Cata it took until around level 75 before they even became remotely viable, and every expansion seems to push that level up. Not sure if this is still the case, but blood boil used to do stupid amounts of damage in the BC level range, so I'd have to carefully manage my runes and use that and DnD to hold threat on groups. Things might have gotten slightly better now that blood boil doesn't require runes to use; I'm not really sure. Thankfully, things do eventually settle down. I'm not sure what level they do so at nowadays (especially considering how much blood changed in Legion) but it does eventually happen.

Regardless, for lower levels, blood isn't a great choice unless you're questing and have an aversion to seeing your health bar move. As far as group content is concerned, frost would have made a much better low-level tank spec, IMO.

I think I might have to jump on my priest and do some of those assaults before they nerf the XP gains. I wouldn't mind putting him on a fast track to 110. ;D
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