The Chatterbox > Random Chat

I recently learned how kids use the word meme nowadays...


So it's been a while since I've found myself in chat with kids. Ever since I started playing Fortnite obviously that's been a bit unavoidable if I'm running squads solo. I noticed a trend with the word meme when I play with groups of kids who know each other.

So apparently meme basically just means joke now I've gathered. Like acting up in class makes you a meme. You become a meme essentially by acting a fool. Or for example busting your buddies balls, and I quote "I memed him so hard". Or even just somebody silly "he is such a meme".

Has it always been that way and I just wasn't savvy enough? Or is this just the evolution of the internet we're seeing here?

Noooooope, that's definitely not what it means. Or, meant, rather. But hey, considering the word "meme" has been largely associated with random lol funy pictures, I wouldn't be surprised if people just assumed that it meant something like that.

I'll just lean on the dictionary definition because I'm a lazy bastard:

--- Quote ---meme


an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
[*]a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
--- End quote ---

Its the same kind of twisting of meaning (or in this case most likely complete lack of any knowledge of the original meaning) that has happened to so many words over the years of slang. I just hope this particular word abuse ends soon.

Yep. I’m all for the evolution of language where it makes sense (such as adapting they/their as gender-neutral pronouns) but evolution through ignorance and stupidity is a different matter entirely.

Fookin’ millenials amirite lolol


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