Author Topic: Weight Loss  (Read 15437 times)


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2020, 11:10:34 PM »
Fuckin grats man, just try and find something sustainable and if possible enjoyable. A lot of the little changes end up adding up, say you have your 220 calorie monster every day...and change it to even say a lo carb monster, that's 220 calories, to 30(still very high in sodium despite the calories), a savings of 180, which you could either use to eat more food, or just lose weight. One lb of fat is like ~3800 calories, so if you do that for a little while, weight loss is inevitable. Keeping consistent is a total bitch though, if I drop off and give myself some leeway...I just take it all. Especially when life stuff or stress or work gets in the way, I make excuses all day to binge on this or that. That self discipline is hard to stick to for any meaningful amount of time.

Personally I kinda...been...slacking very hard on the diet...hovering around 204-205, as low as 202, so not bad at all, but hardly the 190 I wanted to be at. I wonder if I was just making excuses with the cycling I've been doing, when I read a very VERY true statement on the cycling reddit "weight loss is done with the fork, not with the bike", which is a good thing to remember. A great workout won't make up for a shit diet.

Diet aside, I biked probably over 100 miles on this two wheeled machine I purchased, and it's getting I think I should be going farther than 11mi/day...progress! Lost gains on the diet, weight currently stagnated, but can still make fitness progress. Things I need next, proper athletic glasses (for the bugs that ram their corpses into my eyes) and...ned flanders tier cycling seats aren't really that comfortable yo...


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2020, 02:14:12 PM »
Thanks! It's been going really well so far. I've still been getting food that I enjoy, just far less often than before. I've also been making small cuts here and there, like only eating two sushi rolls instead of three, limiting high sodium meals (subs, mainly) to once or twice a week, stuff like that.

I've been wanting to cut back on Monster for a while, mostly because it's been negatively affecting my sleep patterns. Coffee doesn't have as much of an effect on me, probably because it lacks the myriad of other things that energy drinks typically have. Plus, I tend to enjoy the taste of energy drinks (Monster and Red Bull, at least). Consuming anything habitually generally makes it less impactful and enjoyable, in my experience.

As far as your progress goes, one thing to consider is that you're probably losing body fat but gaining muscle mass at this point, especially with that many miles logged. That happened to me when I first started playing DDR—I got really skinny and dropped a ton of weight, but then my legs and arms ended up getting more muscular from stomping/barring and I gained some weight. I imagine that'll start to plateau soon and you'll start seeing losses again. I can't imagine you're gaining body fat unless you're really going overboard with the calories, though if your sodium intake is high you may be retaining too much water. I dunno, depends on how much you sweat, I guess.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2020, 02:03:51 PM »
Well uhh I mean, diet wise, I've not exactly been sticking to plan. So after my weight stagnated I said fuck it, and I haven't really gained all that much,'s alright for now. Portioning less is pretty good though, still have what you want, but...less. INSTEAD OF AN ENTIRE LARGE PIZZA...maybe half a medium pizza? Still bad, but, better than the alternative. On pizza though, that's one of those things that's kind of impossible to moderate, just too many damn calories.

I do think with my diet still being shit, the thing that's keeping me from ballooning back right away is snacking. Removing snacks entirely, or drastically reducing them, I think thats where most of my progress is at. It's not hard to have more than an entire meals worth of calories just in random snacks throughout the day, for me anyway. My method to curbing it, stop buying it, if I don't have it, I'm not eating it.

And the biking...probably helping? The past 7 days I biked 11, 11, 11, 11, 16, 16, 16 miles...which is...uhh, 92 miles. NOT TOO BAD FOR AN OUT OF SHAPE BEGINNER, probably? The thing preventing me from going farther is the just 10 seconds ago before I finish even typing this I impulse ordered some proper cycling shorts to wear under my normal skinny jeans (for modesty, idk how men specifically can rock those out and about) and see if that helps any.

Tomorrow I might rest the legs for a day or two till these shorts arrive, but it's nice. Pop a podcast on the phone, wireless headphones, it's good podcast time while being outside and whatnot.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2020, 04:44:02 PM »
Yeah, cutting snacks have been a big thing for me, too. I've been occasionally partaking in baked potato chips (Baked Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream and Baked Lay's Sour Cream & Onion have been my go-tos lately).

It's pretty tough when you eat out. Even in cases where things seem like they'd be healthy (subs, etc) they tend to more than make up for it with sodium content. As an example, just one medium Italian sub from Jersey Mike's contains an entire day's worth of sodium. It's kind of nuts, honestly.

Honestly, though, if you're biking that many miles daily you're probably shedding most of those "excess" calories and sodium (through sweat). I know someone took on body building as a hobby and averaged 4000 daily calories, simply because his body straight up needed that many.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2020, 10:45:52 PM »
Ohh sodium...I've been having a lot recently...2 energy drinks and a sports drink per day ON TOP of just garbage, candy pizza whatever. Ohh and alcohol...alcohol...yeah...let's just not go there. Gonna tone things back down to black coffee and eggs and whatnot this next week and see what happens. Let the binging go on too long, lol.

As for building muscle, I don't think cycling is that great for that goal. Look at a lot of top end cyclists, they are lean, but...yknow, lanky, lean. More muscle = more food you can eat and maintain weight, so ADDING some lifting would probably be a good idea...which is what I thought a few days ago when I ordered a hex bar. That aughta arrive later in the week, going to ONLY do deadlift to start, and if I can stick with it, add other stuff. I do have a standard olympic bar, but hex bar seems safer for my back on deadlift.

Still biking most every day. I think that I can work a 10 hour shift, and do a ~70 minute bike ride after, get home, and not seeing it as work, helps me keep doing it. If I don't see it as hard work, I can keep doing it. Like it doesn't feel like an "accomplishment" to ride 16 miles after work, it just feels like a good way to unwind after work and enjoy a podcast and some fresh air, while working up a good sweat.


Barely made it before dark, first milestone complete, 30 miles. Now my neck hurts, need a break.

Man the graphics in this vidya I started playing called "get off your lazy ass and go outside" are really good. This is literally the bumfuck middle of nowhere, and it looks gorgeous.


Let's see, got these to try out for the next ride. I am not new to compression shorts since I wear these in place of boxer briefs. Womens because no "male front panel" which just never was comfortable to me. But I somehow feel the cycling shorts are less worksafe than my standard compression shorts, no idea how people can feel comfortable in public with those...but I'll see how they preform under shorts.

While on the deep end, hearing nothing but raving on ordered these, in for a penny in for a pound I guess. Not going to go ALL OUT with full spandex(I don't see a need to replace a standard t shirt), but after doing 30 miles with no ass protection, it's a good idea to invest in some.


Kinda doing a little every day so may as well keep track of my thoughts. Compression shorts UNDER cycling shorts, slightly more modest, quite nice under jeans. If I am bold enough, may attempt them on tomorrows ride without jeans covering things up.

Slowly playing around with hex bar dead-lifts, don't wanna agitate ye old bad back, but I got 180 on there and it's enough to finish my legs off for the night I tell ya. Much more comfortable than conventional deadlift.


not sure if I should change name of this thread to "fitness" or something because I'll be real, drinking an entire bottle of wine, having had dominos, and "several" bags of  gummies, kinda not giving a shit about weight loss atm...(even though...somehow, im not really gaining weight)

It's weird, because typically when I do this "fitness" shit I want results, and I fucking want em now, and im always disappointed. But knowing I eat like a garbage disposal, and...ACTUALLY ENJOYING cycling, I just want to keep doing it to get better at it. Really weird turn, but, probably good? I mean, the gut HAS gone down, and my legs are starting to look pretty it's small, but the mirror gains are real.

Last bit of this edit, after I got over the really awkward feeling of wearing cycling basically feeling naked from the waist down...aint nobody gives a shit, expected, but weird. Less restrictive on the bike, overall more comfortable. Sure I look like a dork, but who honestly cares, it's fun.


Feeling not that awkward at all in cycling shorts now, compression shorts underneath, and im aight.

Also holy shit, I may be the most fit I have ever been in my entire life. 36.52 miles round trip, DAMN NEAR 60km, in about 2.5 hours which is 14.6mp/h. Not speedy, but not slow either. This is uhh "cough" after working 9 hours of being on my feet "cough" by the way.

Definitely not enough daylight to get that done after work, last 2-3 miles was getting PRETTY I think I'll stop pushing distance now and work on speed/consistency.

*ever more edits more I say*

Let's see. Last sunday, 36, monday, off, tuesday 16, wed, 16, thu, 16, fri, 16, sat, off, sun (today), 36.

Sun-Sun = 136 miles, 100 if you wanna omit last sunday for a 7 day number. I really think for real this time im cutting back, getting off work early to bike 36 miles to get back before it's pitch dark, as it's slowly turning fall and the sun sets earlier and earlier...not too viable. 2 off days, and 5x 16 mile days seems workable for now, tho may cut that back as the daylight becomes an issue. 

In august, I have biked...quite a lot more miles than I have drove...

« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 10:47:14 PM by vladgd »


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2020, 12:07:50 AM »
Before I started I thought I was like 200lbs, and stayed this way for the past...4-5 years. Which is fine for someone of my height, 6'1", but having got a better scale that is actually wonder I have a gut.

I am by no means "done", still miles of work to do, but after work yesterday...

Excuse my "just got off a 10 hour shift gross man feet", but uhh, goddamn. I plateaued at 199 at my LOWEST, added cycling...started eating more junk...drinking too much, energy drinks again, hovering around 203-204. Cut all that shit again over only a few days, weight just evaporated. 190 looking somewhat achievable. Less cycling due to temp AND daylight dropping rapidly is a concern, need proper cycling "tights" instead of "shorts" now, warmer top probably gloves, even in the mid 40's/50's this evening...could barely feel my hands/arms with the breeze I cycling shorts and a t shirt...

Mirror gains starting to get real, stomach is much MUCH more flat than when I started. I think I went down from a gut, to having a belly, it's a step in the right direction for personal appearance gains. And on personal appearance stuff...I'd been thinking about err, doing this...again... I got the money to do it now, but current world situation + I get stressed out and anxious just THINKING about it, it's non trivial to just "get done". So yeah, hopefully I can get that done. Actually pretty embarrassing to talk about, probably telling close to nobody irl about it if im going to be honest, but gotta vent it somewhere.

That weirdness out of the way, I think I did most of what I wanted to do out of this thread AS IS. Cycling over 500 miles and losing 20lbs, going down a belt notch and seeing a visible change in my stomach, not to stroke my ego, but I think I get at least one pat on the shoulder. But more work to be done, next on the list is 190lbs, working on deadlift, eat healthier (currently just "eat less" to drop lbs, but eating healthier would allow me to be less hungry while doing that).



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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2020, 02:48:09 PM »
I've decided to try out this keto diet thing. Seems odd, but when I read up about it, it made sense. We will see what happens. Just gotta make sure Im eating the right stuff.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2020, 07:49:16 PM »
I know someone who lost a lot of weight on a fairly strict keto diet. From what I've read it's harder to stick with it than most other diets, but the end result seems to be worth it.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2020, 02:36:32 PM »
It's effective, but damn if it's hard to stick to. I think I barely lasted a week when I tried it. I don't think it's a diet people tend to stick with for the long term, more of a tool to kickstart whatever goal one is trying to hit. I like carbs too damn much though.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2021, 07:45:12 PM »
It's cold out, but the snow is gone...trail is still blocked off tho.

At least I look fab in these, and despite being ned flanders levels of form fitting, they're warmer than the hoodie I'm wearing on top. Now for this path to open so I can start going more than 5-6 miles from my house.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2021, 06:35:14 PM »

x2 (have to ride back home) = 21 miles/~34 rest of the world units

After a shit week and a shit day at work yesterday (well a great day just an annoying end), fantastic weather today, was going to go half the distance but felt good enough to get to the next town over. On top of that ran into an old friend part of the way through and had a good conversation, good times. Rain all week but looks clear tomorrow, so if the legs feel good, it'll be round 2 tomorrow. It's good podcast time being on the bike, anyone listen to JJ reddick?


So with some new found "motivation", aka, girl doesn't give a flying fuck but I still do, I got back down to 195...for a few minutes before finally eating. Still, CAN fit into medium shirts again, will try to keep this up.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 12:00:10 PM by vladgd »


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2022, 01:32:39 PM »
...will try to keep this up.

So like all the other times, I didn't. In fact with my hiatus from work and taking it easy in general this year...I have reached my heaviest weight ever, 225lbs.

Always told myself if I started to get fat, I was going to do something about it, so I guess this is an attempt at that. Normally when I go without food for a while my torso gets somewhat thin, but this time it's like I feel bloaty all the time, even with a nearly day long fast. Think my body is telling me that I am no longer young enough to get away with eating trash all day, low activity level, and beers beers beers.

...and with my last relationship recently ended(mutual, we're still on good terms, yay for being adults I guess), I need a positive goal to work on right now. Pretty much what sparked my weight loss journey the last time, so may as well make the best out of an unfortunate situation.

GOAL WEIGHT 185lbs. Updating when I can motivate myself to make any progress.


So...some progress > no progress? If I really tried I would be farther on, but yknow how it be.

Currently sitting at 216lbs. I'd wager most of that is just water weight, but my pants noticeably fit better now so it doesn't only reflect on the scale.

Doing bike riding when I can, although way less than I should. Half ass lifting when I can, going to try and step it up tomorrow.

And uhh half ass dieting to be honest. I bought an air fryer, and it's great for chicken and fish and whatnot. I don't know how people hit 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, but I'm just trying to hit ~100grams protein a day, and I think I fail most days. Breakfast is 4 eggs, during the day I'll have a greek yogurt with grapenuts added. Lunch I try and skip, using protein shake throughout the lunch/dinner time to keep the hunger away. Dinner I try to have meat of some kind, usually the less healthy option...for now...but yknow, baby steps. It's not too bad so far, eggs at 9am keeps me satiated till at least 3-4 pm, and the shake can curb that till easily 7ish.

Cutting alcohol too, from 3+ like ~1 every 2 days. That probably helps more than I think it does.

PROGRESS? It'll feel better when I'm under 200lbs, again.


212lbs, my jeans fit really good now. Did have a beer yesterday, but it's one of these, 3.7% abv, 110 calories, pretty guilt free imo. It ain't two hearted, but it's a good enough compromise until I can hit my current goal of I guess 200lbs.

The hardest part so far is that my appetite isn't what I think it is. If I eat the right stuff, I don't need a lot in the day. The hard part is that I think about food every hour of every day more or less, and I always want a snack or the next thing. Wanting doesn't mean needing, and wanting to eat doesn't mean hungry, and hungry can be pushed back an hour to keep me satiated longer.


so far so good, taking it day by day.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 11:12:52 AM by vladgd »