Author Topic: You fucks are getting old  (Read 9997 times)


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You fucks are getting old
« on: March 09, 2021, 03:23:38 PM »
What's the best and worst thing about being middle aged now?


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2021, 12:51:53 AM »
Well I'll be 33 this month, have several greys in my eyebrows, old enough to be called an old man by a teenager.

Best part, more maturity/mentally sound.

Worst part, everything else. Besides life experience and learning from past fuckups, I see no benefits in aging aside from it being inevitable.



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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2021, 02:49:26 AM »
I think the only negative point in my case is the hair loss, but meh. Whatever. I'm honestly less bothered about that than my dad is for some reason. Honestly, it would be nice if it all sort of fell out so that I didn't have to deal with it, but unfortunately that's not how it works. I also notice that the front of my beard is a bit lighter, though I can't tell if it's greying or, uh, blonding (until he started greying my dad's facial hair was always lighter than his hair color, so either is possible really). Either way, I actually like the way it looks.

Mentally, I feel sharper and more focused at 36 than I did in my mid/late-20s, but I suspect that's more due to getting past severe situational depression more than anything else. I've largely gotten over my old self-defeating "meh, I'll never be able to do this" mentality and just started doing stuff. The biggest problem now is finding the time to do all of this stuff.

I could probably be doing better physically, but that's not due to any underlying health issues. I can still pull off fairly intense Beat Saber and Pistol Whip sessions, though I'd really like to clear out some space for a DDR pad to round everything out. I was able to do 12s in ITG as late as 2018 (that being the last time I had easy access to a cab) so I'd say that's pretty good.

So, eh, no real complaints here. I'm sure I'll have some at 46, but for now everything's fine. :P
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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2021, 12:48:10 PM »
Do you guys find you have less friends now? I have developed a bit of misanthropy and typically keep new people at a distance, which is the opposite of how I used to be. Happy with the friendships I have established but don't care for the leg work required to develop something new.


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2021, 05:06:03 PM »
Yeah, either from gradually growing apart from someone or by excising toxic people from my life.

My main difficulty when it comes to finding friends has been finding people who give even a fraction of what they take, but that's not exactly uncommon. My dad deals with the same crap at 66.
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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2021, 08:30:48 PM »
Typical time pulling friendships apart/people move away/too busy or preoccupied with their own lives stuff here. I have a few good friends whom I've been friends with for ~20+ years, and still keep in touch, so it's not all bad. Just the other day some...bad stuff happened, and I just didn't want to be alone that night, and one of my good friends drove up on a whim an hour away to keep me company, so I got a small circle, but it's good people.

Due to covid + no longer being in a relationship, I have craved social interaction more than any other time in my life, so having a smaller circle of more or less busy people who are either an hour away or out of state, bad time right now. The reason I started the fitness thread is that I just want to be outside doing stuff, and if nobody else has time, I'll make my own time for it.

To drive that point home even farther, ASSUMING NOTHING GETS IN THE WAY BECAUSE DAMNIT SOMETHING BAD WILL PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING, I'll be looking at getting some plane tickets in a month or so to visit an online friend in seattle who I met durring my trans/lgbt meltdown phase and we've kept in touch ever since. Very outside of my comfort zone to go that far solo to see someone for a week, but fuck my comfort zone, being outside of that tends to yield happy memories/experiences. I want video of me shooting an AK47, I will try and produce this on the trip assuming again nothing unexpected happens to prevent me from going. Could be the pandemic, could be me changing as a person, could be both, idk.


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2021, 12:53:06 PM »
Very outside of my comfort zone to go that far solo to see someone for a week, but fuck my comfort zone, being outside of that tends to yield happy memories/experiences.

This is so true and accurate. Doing things you are not comfortable with typically produce memorable moments in life good or bad. it's the best way to grow as a person. Let us know how it goes. Will this be the first time you've physically met?

I think the only negative point in my case is the hair loss, but meh. Whatever.
Mentally, I feel sharper and more focused at 36 than I did in my mid/late-20s, but I suspect that's more due to getting past severe situational depression more than anything else. I've largely gotten over my old self-defeating "meh, I'll never be able to do this" mentality and just started doing stuff. The biggest problem now is finding the time to do all of this stuff.

Which is surprising you even had that mentality you've always been sharp IMO even back in the old Arch0wl forums. Figured you would be successful in some way.

I could probably be doing better physically, but that's not due to any underlying health issues. I can still pull off fairly intense Beat Saber and Pistol Whip sessions, though I'd really like to clear out some space for a DDR pad to round everything out. I was able to do 12s in ITG as late as 2018 (that being the last time I had easy access to a cab) so I'd say that's pretty good.

I am actually looking to buy a VR unit for the express purpose of not sitting down and gaming all the time. I'm hoping it will help get me a bit more active. I'm pretty late to the game but I guess that's kind of good because I have options. Seeing a lot of positive feedback about the Oculus Quest 2 and the HP Reverb G2. Haven't decided what I'm going with yet.


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2021, 01:51:39 PM »
Which is surprising you even had that mentality you've always been sharp IMO even back in the old Arch0wl forums. Figured you would be successful in some way.

It's more about the ease of stepping out of my comfort zone. All too often I would wind up starting something only to abandon it because I didn't feel like I could understand the concepts. It's a bit of a self-defeating mentality, obviously.

Nowadays I try not to let it stop me. As a result I've done things that I would have never imagined that I'd be able to do, like writing a Wolf3D-like raycaster, implementing an SM83 CPU (as part of a very, very incomplete GameBoy emulator that I've been slowly hacking away at), developing a reasonably robust expression parser, and stuff like that.

I am actually looking to buy a VR unit for the express purpose of not sitting down and gaming all the time. I'm hoping it will help get me a bit more active. I'm pretty late to the game but I guess that's kind of good because I have options. Seeing a lot of positive feedback about the Oculus Quest 2 and the HP Reverb G2. Haven't decided what I'm going with yet.

Oculus is a good headset for the price if you don't mind Facebook. I owned a Rift CV1 and Rift S and both were great systems for the price, but the second they started requiring a full on Facebook account I checked out fast. One major issue that may be a deal-breaker is that they seem to have is that the second they abandon a platform (like the Rift) they immediately cancel warranty support for them. For example, the day they discontinued the CV1 they stopped offering any hardware support for it, so if you had a perfectly functioning headset with a flaky cable they would tell you that they had to replace the whole unit. They wouldn't even let you buy a replacement.

I haven't used a Reverb, but I've heard very good things about its tracking and display quality. I have a bit of an anti-Facebook bias, so if I had to start from scratch either that or the Vive Cosmos ($700) would probably be my top two picks.

As for my current rig: I'm currently rocking the Index. Fantastic hardware and controllers, but man is it pricey. I like the external base stations (seriously, the tracking on this thing is next level) but it's a little hard to justify the price, especially for a first time buyer.
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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2021, 02:14:20 PM »
Oculus is a good headset for the price if you don't mind Facebook.

IDC about FB that much honestly. I've had 5 strikes on my FB account in the last year. Pretty sure I'm 1 strike away from total deletion since the last strike was a 30 day ban. I don't support FB practices, but I use messenger a lot with my family. I would probably just create a rogue account for my headset.

As for my current rig: I'm currently rocking the Index. Fantastic hardware and controllers, but man is it pricey. I like the external base stations (seriously, the tracking on this thing is next level) but it's a little hard to justify the price, especially for a first time buyer.

Well I do want something of quality that will stand the test of time for a while. It says it comes with 2 Base Stations. Did you just buy the kit or were there some additions you had to purchase?


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2021, 05:27:49 PM »
IDC about FB that much honestly. I've had 5 strikes on my FB account in the last year. Pretty sure I'm 1 strike away from total deletion since the last strike was a 30 day ban. I don't support FB practices, but I use messenger a lot with my family. I would probably just create a rogue account for my headset.

Yeah, I wouldn't risk it in that case. I've read reports that if you get banned from FB you get locked out of your entire account, purchases and all, and they have a history of tracking down and banning burner accounts (fun fact: the burner account I initially set up as a test when the FB account requirement was announced was flagged and banned despite not having any friends or activity).

I can't wait until someone takes them to court over that bullshit.

Well I do want something of quality that will stand the test of time for a while. It says it comes with 2 Base Stations. Did you just buy the kit or were there some additions you had to purchase?

I just bought the kit and it came with everything I needed. I've been thinking of adding a third base station at some point down the road, but it seems to function fine with two stations on opposite ends of my play area, even when I've done stuff like lie prone while sniping in H3VR (which, I've gotta admit, felt freaking awesome).

The main pros when it comes to base station setups is that it tends to be far less sensitive to lighting conditions and other oddities. While I've had occasional skips with the Rift S where it lost track of where I was in the room, requiring recalibration, I never had that issue with the Rift CV1 or Index. It usually picks this up and tells you, but the friend who bought my Rift S wound up plowing into a wall because the guardian system drifted off about a foot from where it was supposed to be (don't worry, the headset and wall were fine).

The obvious con is that each base station has to have access to a power outlet and be put in a stationary place. The Index does include a decent mounting kit with drywall screw anchors and a pivoting mounting plate, so wall mounting them ended up being very fast and easy.
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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2021, 09:24:32 PM »
This is so true and accurate. Doing things you are not comfortable with typically produce memorable moments in life good or bad. it's the best way to grow as a person. Let us know how it goes. Will this be the first time you've physically met?

Yeah we haven't seen eachother in person, so it should be interesting, hopefully positive but you never know. We've known eachother since...2014? We used to cam while doing drugs and stuff, and I think I was romantically interested in her at that time, so that added to us speaking pretty regularly. But now a days I just want to get out of the house and hang out with people, and she is interesting people. Gonna look at tickets in April for maybe a late May or June trip, again, assuming nothing gets in the way.

AND WHEN COVID IS OVER I SHOULD DRIVE 6-7 hours south to see this man spectere's IIDX skills. I'm so damn rusty 9* tracks are challenging for me now, shell of my former self in the rhythm game front. Fightans all but replaced the genre for me, Tekken 7 anyone?


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2021, 10:00:46 PM »
AND WHEN COVID IS OVER I SHOULD DRIVE 6-7 hours south to see this man spectere's IIDX skills.

Hell yeah you should. If all goes well I'll have my own place by that point, too. Fingers crossed!

I'm so damn rusty 9* tracks are challenging for me now, shell of my former self in the rhythm game front.

I took a ~6 month break from IIDX and have been working my way back up. Weirdly enough I have more of a problem with chords than anything else. Like, my Sigmund 7H (200bpm, stream-heavy mid-tier 10*) score is more or less the same, but for some reason I've been having a hell of a time with stuff like Miracle Meets 7A (chord/CN-heavy low-tier 11*...that I used to be able to consistently AA/HC).

Fightans all but replaced the genre for me, Tekken 7 anyone?

If you do come 'round these parts I should convince my buddy Phil to meet up with us. He's way more of a fighting game fanatic than I am. I kinda doubt I'd even remotely be a challenge unless you severely handicap yourself. :P
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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2021, 02:36:10 AM »
Do you guys find you have less friends now? I have developed a bit of misanthropy and typically keep new people at a distance, which is the opposite of how I used to be. Happy with the friendships I have established but don't care for the leg work required to develop something new.

Abso-fuckin'-lutely.  I'm pretty sure that I've lost at least five or six friends in the past month, and one "person who was never my friend, I merely tolerated them because pretty much everyone else in my friend circle seemed to like them, I in fact think they're a terrible person, and I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire."  The rest I genuinely care about, but I basically had to cut ties with one of them because I couldn't handle the way I was being treated by them because of the piss-person.  And when I did that, I became the bad guy because I don't have the energy to defend myself anymore, and I just gave up.

I'd love to be friends with most of them again, I miss 'em.  Even the one I had to cut out.  But I know we'd never be very close again.  I can't trust them.
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: You fucks are getting old
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2021, 09:10:48 PM »
Gaining weight. Goddamn it. Lol.