Site-Related > News v4.0 is now open for business!

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The move between hosts seems to have gone well! is now happily running on 1&1's servers.

In case anyone missed it (which is very likely), I moved the site because Interweb's service basically went to shit in the last year.  More importantly, my most recent server payment did not go through and my e-mail regarding that went unanswered.  Rather than risking the site getting shut down (since I doubt they'd give me hosting for free forever) I decided to pack up and move everything.

I chose 1&1 because of Zakamiro's good experiences with it and they seem to be pretty good so far.  My only real gripes is that they give you some really ass-backwards usernames and such (unlike the comparatively elegant ones, such as that Interweb gives).  Also, some of the processes, like creating an SQL database or changing passwords, are not instantaneous like they were on Interweb.  Fortunately, that doesn't matter much after the initial setup, so we're good.

Everything's in a bit of a confused state right now.  I dumped all of the files to my computer and am now trying to weed everything out and get it all back in place.  I'm currently in the process of getting Kuroneko's subdomain back online.  My goal is to get that, and the forums, completely operational before I leave for Maryland, and so far it seems to be going well.

And uh, yeah...I guess that's all for now.  Toodles!

Cool, I wasn't really all that much of a fan of the Joomla software which was installed last time, and so far am liking the switch back to plain SMF. 

So when are you leaving for Maryland? 

my shit's fallen and it can't get up

sir please fix :[

also i can't access my webspace at all with dumbftp.  weird

I like how it's back to the old style though :D

mother fucker, you should have told me you were going to switch to 1and1.... I could have gotten a year of webhosting paid if I had referred you. Arghh.... <3 jk

Sweet, so when does v5 come out? :P

--- Quote from: Spectere on August 18, 2007, 02:26:06 PM ---My only real gripes is that they give you some really ass-backwards usernames and such (unlike the comparatively elegant ones, such as that Interweb gives).

--- End quote ---


Also, why wasnt there warning, or a backup of the SMF forum?

I'm really disappointed that I tried checking the forums again, only to find everything erased (for a second time).

Toot toot.


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