Author Topic: Health and Fitness  (Read 16841 times)


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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 01:59:51 PM »
Damn, just reading this thread made me brush, floss, and mouth wash my teeth. It burned because I hadn't done it in so long. Also I use this ( which makes me feel bad, considering how much plastic is wasted everytime I floss. Also yeah, I brush somewhat regularly and floss + mouth wash maybe once or twice a week and my dentist says my teeth are in much better condition then most people my age.

If reading this thread made you want to do all that, then it is doing its job. As for those little flossing thingers, you don't have to throw them away after each use. In fact, I use the heads on my floss tool until the floss breaks, which is usually after about two weeks. Just clean it and use it again if it makes you feel wasteful.

I'm very strict about my oral hygiene routine, haha. It goes as follows:

 - Take half of a multivitamin before anything
 - Floss thoroughly between all teeth
 - Brush for two minutes (I actually have a little timer in my bathroom that I use) then spit
 - Brush tongue for about 5 to 10 seconds and clean toothbrush
 - Rinse with mouthwash for 30 seconds and spit

I do this twice a day, after breakfast and before I sleep, every day, and it makes me feel REALLY clean and healthy.

Also I've been trying to "bulk up" on and off for a couple of years now. It started with doing 15 to 20 push ups and 30 pull ups before taking a shower, and now I do about 30-40 push ups and about 40-50 pull ups (just started again recently). I've only noticed some change in the middle of last year and now I've basically run into a wall, and I haven't changed much at all. Also I REALLY need to do some sort of running/biking (would love a shitty BMX bike). I can't even run a couple acres without having to stop to breath, and now that my push mower broke (push mowing an acre is surprisingly hard) I get like no exercise.

It sounds like you've hit what's called a strength training plateau. There's an article about how to get past it here:

By the way wow, at your 40 - 50 pull ups. I can barely do two XD. How much do you weigh?

I do not brush or floss nearly enough. My main problem is that I need to get a routine started, but considering how fucked up my hours tend to be, it's VERY hard to get into a decent routine.

I'm kinda scrawny, so my friends say. I weigh 130-145lbs (it fluctuates over time), and I'm something like 5'11" or something. I'd like to bulk up, and to get rid of this annoying bit of stomach flab, but once again, the routine issue. Now, I'm up more at night than I am during the day, which makes something like weight lifting kinda impossible right now, since I don't want to wake everyone in the house (the home gym in my basement is kinda loud).

I drink WAY too much caffeinated stuff, and not nearly enough water, milk, or other drinks that are actually good for you. My staple drink is coke, and I get minor caffeine withdrawal if I don't have like, 6+ a day, give or take. I get actual cravings for coke.

It's all about how strongly you want to be healthier. If you REALLY REALLY want it, then you'll have to make a lot of sacrifices that suck at first, but pay off big time in the near future. I guarantee that you'll feel better after a couple weeks of dedication to being healthier, if that's what you want.

I was in the exact same situation in my teen years. My friend and I would probably drink about four liters of Mountain Dew (my staple, back then) every day and we'd never drink water or milk or anything. We would also stay up for hours and walk to 7-11 at 5am to buy a 40 oz. Slurpee (are there 7-11s in Canada...?) I agree that it's really hard to just start a routine out of nothing, so I would suggest just taking baby steps. If you're impatient with things that don't show immediate results, like I am, then this is MUCH easier than going cold-turkey. Make (and by make, I mean actually write or type out) a week-by-week plan for yourself, making one small goal after another, and stick to it 100%. Don't "reward" yourself or make exceptions or compromises, just stay with the plan. I have found that it's easier mentally, to form a routine if you start your weekly goals at the beginning of the week on Sunday, and keep them consistent with this time frame. For example, if you drink, say, 6 to 8 Cokes a day, starting next week, reduce it down to 4 to 6, and keep good track of this (maybe even have a little tally system going.) Also, make absolutely sure that you convince yourself you not only CAN do it, but that you WILL. Confidence in your own abilities to retain healthy convictions is majorly important. That's why it was so hard for me to stay with anything because I generally have low self-esteem, and I was always giving in to that.

Honestly, I'd go fucking insane if I stopped drinking coke flat out. You know how smokers get when they are quitting. That's how I'd be. Seriously. I'm that fucking addicted.

I've tried (semi-successfully) to lower the amount of coke I drink, but that usually results in the coke getting drank by everyone else so that when I do have a serious craving, there's no fucking coke to drink. And that craving does not go away until I get the coke. If there's no coke for 10 hours, I'll have that craving for those 10 hours, non-stop.

I totally understand your addiction. I used to be reliant on soda to function well throughout the day. Energy drinks, too. But if you are afraid of running into the situation you described, what about buying your own Coke? Maybe get yourself a six-pack every day, and ONLY drink that. If you don't trust yourself to keep away from the family Coke supply, let your family know that you're going to try to cut down, and tell them not to let you have any. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. Also, you have more incentive to quit because the less you drink, the less money you have to spend.

If your body doesn't work right without the constant flow of caffeine, and you get really lethargic and sleepy without it, you really should work on your sleep schedule. What I do to get back on a decent sleep schedule is stay up all night, without sleeping at all, and without napping the rest of the day until about midnight or 1am, then set your alarm for seven hours later. The amount of sleep you get is insanely detrimental to your physical and mental health. The fact that you aren't resting well probably has a lot to do with how hard it is to cut out some of your unhealthy staples.

Chances are you've heard most of what I just said before, and actually tried some of it, but there's no sense in not trying again, right?

Perhaps meth would be a good option then. (!)

YES, definitely. Meth addiction is a sure-fire way to lose weight. Also teeth, hair, brain matter, and sanity :D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 02:01:34 PM by Sqthreer! »
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2008, 11:14:20 PM »
By the way wow, at your 40 - 50 pull ups. I can barely do two XD. How much do you weigh?

Did I say pull ups? I meant crunches (or whatever it's called when you lay on your back and lift your upper body without moving your feet). Also yeah, I only weigh 120 pounds, so it's not hard for me to do much of anything body weight related.


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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2008, 11:46:50 PM »
Haha, okay, that makes a lot more sense. Now that I think about it, the world record for pull-ups in a certain amount of time is about that much :p
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2008, 12:13:15 AM »
Heh, crunches. In grade 9 we had this stupid fitness test in physed. For crunches, they had you lay on your back with your legs bent and your hands out to your sides, and had tapes 2 positions for your hands, one for laying back, and one for the crunched position. They used a tape to tell us when to move and such. I ended up finishing the tape, and being only 1 of 3 people to do so in the half of the class that did it at that time. The tape had something like 80 or 90. The teacher stopped counting at 70. lol.

I can leg press about 360 lbs, max (which is also the max weight the machine we have can give). I can pull down 120 lbs max using the overhead pulley in the home gym thing we have.

I don't know how many chin ups I can do, but I think I can manage more than 2, lol.

And for all that, I'm rather weak :/

The most ridiculous strength thing I've done is probably this:
A while back we were moving this huge freezer from our basement, my dad said it must weigh something like 500 or 600 lbs. It was so heavy we couldn't get the wheels of the dolly we were using over the lip of the stairs (the freezer was in the basement). So, we ended up just pushing it up the stairs. At one point, my dad had to do something and he couldn't hold it in place, so I ended up holding it in place by standing on a stair, and basically using myself as a brace (it was resting on my head (my arms were also up, holding it, but the brunt of the weight was on my head))

(here's a shitty text drawing of the scene, to clarify things)

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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2008, 01:42:34 AM »
^ that is awful.


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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2008, 06:51:42 AM »
It gets the point across though, and I did say it was shitty.
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2008, 11:32:34 PM »
Two summers ago I weighed ~145. I was a little chub, at like 5'5 or 5'6. I've grown slightly since then, and definitely thinned out and muscled up. I'm at 132 and 5'7 now, and I feel the healthiest I've ever felt. I bike regularly, engage in, uh, passionate acts, and am in band (well, kinda quitting this year, haha, but I was!).

I can contribute losing those 15 or so pounds to taking Personal Fitness online last summer. The course (and my mom, who is a certified fitness instructor) encouraged me to get more active and watch my diet, and so did my doctor just before I started that, so I did. And stuck with it. Now I never overeat, bike to the store instead of driving, and feel awesome :D

I also brush and use mouthwash twice a day, but rarely floss- only after eating steak :P

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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2008, 01:01:39 AM »
That's good to hear :D I wish one of my parents was a fitness instructor.

I'm 6' 3/4" and about 175 pounds, which I hear is average. One thing that I'm really trying to work on is losing body fat, because I used to weigh about 220 - 230 until I started playing DDR. But some of the fat still lingers and it's hiding some of my hawt muscles. Losing body fat is fucking hard, because you can't really target specific areas, you have to just do an assload of cardio and hope that it burns it where you want it to. I also got my mom's crap metabolism, so I REALLY have to watch what I eat if I want to make any progress.
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2008, 01:30:27 AM »

because I have just found an ACTUAL cure for the hiccups. Just drink a tablespoon of vinegar, and they stop instantly. I have tested this, and it works, and it's awesome. I don't think the type of vinegar matters all that much, but if you want some that doesn't taste too godawful, use white balsamic vinegar (I actually kind of like it). It's the expensive kind, but it's good. Apple cider vinegar is cheaper, and I think overall better for you, but nasty tasting.

In addition to that, I also found out how to GIVE YOURSELF the hiccups. Burp a lot. If you want to test the vinegar cure for yourself and you can swallow air pretty well, do it. It's cool.

Vinegar is like, the miracle liquid, too, because it has HUNDREDS of uses for several different types of things.
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2008, 02:57:49 PM »
Vinegar is a good way of dealing with charlie horses.  My mom told me about that and, surprisingly (and I am a skeptic at such things), it works.  It's not an instant remedy, but it does seem to help ease the pain throughout the day and prevent them from happening again.

I kinda like the taste of vinegar in general, sadly.  I'm weird.
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2008, 05:07:18 PM »
Jupi walked about four miles today.  *whew*  Tis rather hot outside.

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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2008, 04:29:27 AM »
Prevent yeast infections. Douche with one
tablespoon vinegar to one quart warm water,
to adjust the pH balance in the vagina.

Perfect. Also, vinegar on bee stings? Sounds crazy enough to work. Baking soda works well too, actually. vinegar + baking soda = profit.

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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2008, 04:40:39 AM »
vinegar + baking soda = profit.

B-but they balance each other out when used together.
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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2008, 04:42:53 AM »
B-but they balance each other out when used together.

explodes, too.

I'm 6' 3/4" and about 175 pounds, which I hear is average.

oh my gawd. We're about the same height. fuck, now I feel less retarded for being tall. :] thanks
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 04:44:44 AM by Zakamiro »

We pressed on. Shortly afterwards, we arrived in a poisonous, post-apocalyptic hell - a sprawling, toxic dumping ground stretching for a mile or two. This is the final resting place for your old TV, computer or mobile phone.


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Re: Health and Fitness
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2008, 04:46:06 AM »
Hmm...I thought you were taller than that.  I'm 6' or 6'1" and I seem to remember you being a couple of inches over me.

BUT I DUNNO, it was a while ago.
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