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Messages - MortifiedocAlot

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Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: March 11, 2012, 04:28:24 AM »
The second season is pretty amazing too. Also yeah, it's comedy made by the same people who did Sea Lab, hard to explain but it's a good show.

/ The hottest porn I've ever seen.
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:34:49 PM »

10/10 would quack.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:02:32 AM »
Man, these last few Archer episodes have been wickedly depressing.

/ Re: I have an annuity
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:02:39 PM »
You're fucked bro.

Media / Re: The YouTube Videos Thread
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:45:14 PM »

this upsets me.

My father found a new window for my truck, and I've been having a ton of fun with a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. Hung over now and am trying to deal with the digesting IHOP, but that will pass.

My one friend is really starting to piss me off to the point I want to fucking scream at her.  She has been avoiding me and not really talking to me when another friend of mine is getting sick of her bullshit.

Not that I'm huge into distancing yourself from other people, but you should either talk to her about it or just walk away. People like that can be a liability.

Also over the past two days I went in for a job interview and evidently failed the personality test for the second time at the same place. Then this sunday I drove all the way across Florida to a salvage yard that was closed when we got there. It was about a 7-8 hour drive each way. Finally got a ton of sleep and honestly feel better though.

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: February 27, 2012, 04:36:31 PM »
Alright, a couple things. Does Fear 2 have the same melee system as fear 1? I think I heard it had health regen, but I could live with that (despite the old health system being really awesome). As long as that sweet melee system is intact I'd be fine. I loved playing fear online going full melee and hauling ass and kicking people to death, it was like the specialists but not as awesome.

As for that realistic water mod, could I get a link? I have SkyUI and Titanis installed, and I honestly wish Titanis changed a bit more. It did add a ton of weapons (some common, some named. Just found a sword that rockets fire constantly called dragon breath that's evidently part of another weapon I can smith) and  lot of new armors, but since I'm going light armor this time it feels less important to whore armor.

Also got pretty far into Fallout, finally figured the game out and I'm really enjoying it. One thing I noticed is that trying to do the right thing in this game is HARD. It's not like a simple option, you'll generally have to fight a lot of harder enemies to continue and do any good. Right now I'm stuck between taking down super mutants that can pretty much 1 shot me and deathclaws. I bought Planescape Torment and Baldour's Gate 2, and after I finish FF6 I'll move onto 7. Should be a good time for RPGs.

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:16:39 PM »
I haven't even played a single game yet :/ Being that it's tribes I actually feel a bit intimidated, since I've never played another tribes game before, and I feel like I'll be horrible, since I haven't played a twitch shooter in forever. I want to play, but I never actually feel like just busting it out and playing some matches. Same goes with LoL :/ (And SC2 now T.T)

They have skiing tutorials in game, and at the start they pair you off with low level people. I'd recommend playing a few deathmatch rounds, then going to capture the flag and figuring out how things work there once you got down the basics for combat. Also you can free roam on any map in game, so checking out a capture the flag map and seeing where the generators are, where the sentries are, and where the general best flag approaches are would also be a good idea.

Also don't go for slow flag caps, flag capping is something you just need to figure out per map, and taking the flag while going slow will inconvenience someone who has some speed for it.

I've also restarted and modded skyrim pretty hard, trying to do a stealth build and I'm enjoying it.

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:24:18 PM »
Borderlands was alright, nothing amazing but a fun little romp. I do hate bullet sponge enemies, like, why do games even fucking have them? fuck. Also I really enjoyed half life, but it is easy and lacks a lot of the weapons and enemy types that the first game had. The episodes seemed to improve the game a decent amount. Is FEAR 2 good? I was talking about it with ulti and he said it was heavily consolized.

Also I'm trying to get back on track with player older RPGs, started Final Fantasy 6 and will probably play through 7 after I beat it. Playing the GBA version because I'm told it has dialog and bug fixes. Finally got my PS2 controller working and I've been using it to play controller based games. I'm also patching Fallout, but I can't get this annoying mouse bug to stop. Every time I move my mouse slowly I get this annoying stutter that makes clicking on anything a minor headache. I'll probably just endure it at this point.

Also is having a sale on a bunch of good games, I just bought Planescape Tourment and Baldour's Gate 2 for 10 bucks and just got a free game with them.

So yeah, Need to finish Space Marine (honestly a mediocre game), Skyrim and Skyward Sword. Skyrim is just so boring when you get far enough into it, I'm going to just rush through to the ending and then replay as a stealth character after I heavily mod the game. It's just crazy how easy it is to break skyrim, I just used smithing and two handed and nothings been a challenge for 10 levels. Also Skyward sword gets a little tiring, it has like 0 exploration but the dungeons are good and the combat is at least interesting. I feel like I'm only content if I have like 10 games I can play at a time, just so I can hop around from game to game.

OH and Boobies, you need to add me on tribes (LordMortimi). I goddamn love that game, just startted getting decent at capping and it felt great getting the GOTTA GO FAST accolade. Now I just want to get the slayer one and I can die happy.

Just beat skyrim, on to the next game.

The people who have beaten "you mad?" into the ground. I know how this already sounds "hurr durr you sound mad" but it's honestly just sad at this point. I've been playing Tribes Ascend a lot, and in one game I had two people constantly asking each other if they mad. Like, the conversation was literally "u mad? no, are you mad?" for like 10 lines of text. I spammed the Quite command until they just stopped talking.

Then today I had a guy who was playing tech (a class that can set up a stationary turret, used largely for defense) who had been killing me a lot since I was making a lot of attempts at trying to get our flag back from the enemy (we had each others flags and each team went incredibly heavy on defense). This went on for quite a while and eventually this pretty good guy on our team managed to help me wrestle the flag free and finally cap it. We then cap again and win that match, and the guy playing tech asks me for the next few matches if I'm upset.

The saying has lost all meaning now. It was funny for a short while when used right, now people just spam it because they are not very clever.

Oh yeah, and something else unrelated. A while ago I was playing bad company 2 and this guy would charge me with a knife, so I would shoot him to death. He did this several times and would laugh in this awkward passive aggressive way after every failed attempt. Basically the mentality of "if I lose who cares I'm dicking around, and if I win then you're terrible" just makes me rage.

Random Chat / Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:32:56 AM »

Also good luck, any idea where you're going?

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:33:06 PM »
Modified: I am playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Skyrim and Bastion. And in two weeks it will be SSX. And a week after that Mass Effect 3

Oh god, some damn good games.

spoiler for Deus Ex though, but I'm sort of glad I knew this prior to coming to this part.

It's possible to save Malik

also another one.

Don't update your software, it makes the next boss fight a pain

Gaming / Re: General Gaming Accomplishments
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:44:19 PM »
Yeah, I definitely know the pubstar mentality. I'm a bit of one. Suppose I don't feel too bad about that MW3 one, what with the killstreaks and the fact that even I went positive my first game. but whatever, I'm starting to feel a bit better now since I've been able to break through a bit in Tribes.

Did this as a tech with a pretty good sentry spot. I can top a team pretty easily as defense now, and his turret is super useful.

Also this is my best so far, as a Brute

Felt good about that Tank kill, I just lobed some spinfusor rounds at it from half the map away and managed to hit it twice and blow it up.

Really digging the game and loving how cheap they made all the classes, just gotta save up a lot to get all the guns, and the upgrades seem a little hard to find and manage now.

Gaming / Re: League of Legends
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:53:14 PM »
I've been meaning to play honestly, but I never have the urge to play online games, and when I do I usually head to Tribes or SF. I'll try to idle online a bit more, but I'm assuming the characters have switched rotation, and I have no idea what to buy or do with the new set of characters.

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