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Messages - vladgd

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Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:30:12 PM »
I'd been holding back on the steam sales, but that's probably a facet of the past 200 steam sales and my game list being quite large right now.

However I did pick up cities: skylines, which I'll probably dabble in later.

Ohh, I beat witcher 3, took 148 hours...good game, just...very...long...

mmmm and this arrived, so, im kinda sitting around waiting for the release of street fighter can come out any day now...i got the ps4, the ps4 stick, the game, the ps+, going to get the season pass sometime in january...seriously capcom if you wanna release it early...y' can, i'll allow it...

In the meantime, looking at playing something in my hugeeeee hundreds of games big backlog now that im free from the grasp of witcher, but I haven't decided what to tackle just yet.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: December 21, 2015, 12:28:10 AM »
Well, I've been playing on controller, when I didn't even like the fighting game genre until I got a stick, so, it's been rough for me.

Even with that, overall, positive feelings on the game. Just can't wait to play the final release, on a damn arcade stick.

*edit* Interesting looking back on my posts about my "trans" stuff.

I feel so stupid for even going through that stuff in 2014, and im so far removed from that entire year's experience that it's comical to me that I was so brainwashed in that community that I thought the things that I did.

I mean yknow you live and learn right? Still, I went pretty far with it, far enough to get a freaking prescription for hormones and shit. I mean I still like that stuff, as in, females are aesthetically pleasing to me, so, looking like one would make myself look good to me. But to like, live that way? If any of y'all ever meet me in person, im a male, I act like a male, and it's hardwired into my existence to be the way I am, no fucking way I could even fake living as a female. I must have wanted the look so bad that I was diluted into thinking I needed to go the full distance to justify just a simple aesthetic preference? Iunno, but, I still feel dumb as hell thinking back on it.

Never know what's around the corner.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:58:44 PM »

I know it's a bit late, but better late than never? unless nobody with a ps4 reads this post before they can make use of it.

That's a ps4 beta code for sf5, anyone is free to use it. It's up from the time of this post, to 9pm, est, on 12-19-2015. Beta comes back up at 7am on the 20th, and stays up till 1am the 21st, all on est.

I've been playing what I can, on pad....but better on pad than not at all right? Anyway, not going to go on a whole post about the game, I'll save that for later. Hopefully someone can make use of the code.

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:15:48 AM »
Suppose I'll double post since...It's been almost 2 months.

Last post was omg starcraft, beat broodwar. Which, great game, glad I went back to it.

Since then...

Starcraft 2 LotV!  Fucking great, pretty much what you'd expect from a starcraft 2 campaign, Q plays an asshole protoss character and he's great. Then after the protoss campaign, there's a 3 mission epilogue to wrap starcraft up...and they leave it a bit vague while giving a satisfying ending. I liked it.

Fallout 4, the fallout thread kinda expresses my opinion. It's a good game, just not a great game. I am interested in future dlc if not only because I don't have anything to do in my current save, the main quest is kinda most of the meat in this game, unlike other bethesda open world games. Still had a good time with it, but it aint no elder scrolls game.

Witcher 3. I have not beat this game. I am level 16, and I have put EIGHTY EIGHT FUCKING HOURS INTO THIS MONSTER. This thing is mammoth like skyrim mammoth, literally. Like 88 hours and im probably half way? 2/3? I don't know, but fucking hell this game is a monster. ITS HUGE, im afraid to leave it, or to stop playing it for a while because going back to it would be really hard. I don't want to speak too soon on how good the game is until I complete it, but It's gotta be one of the most finely crafted rpgs ever made or something, like, it's a damn fine game. It's really really really good and rpg fans need to play it, that's my take on it.

In conclusion, I got a ps4, and instead of it collecting dust like when I got an xbox 360 back in 2006, I have put over 120 hours into this fucker. BEEN GETTING SOME USE!

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 26, 2015, 01:02:47 AM »
I think im the only one here NOT playing on pc. Playstation 4.

No mods for me, but, I never used em in the first place. Skyrim the only mods I used are bugfix mods, and one that totally changes the entire game, get this, it adds roads to the map! TOTALLY GAME BREAKING SHIT RIGHT THERE! Like they shoulda been there in the first place, but they weren't, so I got em modded in.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 25, 2015, 05:16:21 PM »
It's nothing mods can fix. It's fallout, a post apocalyptic game. I don't like the 50's aesthetic, I don't like post apocalyptic.

Now I'm not saying I don't like the game, nor am I putting those things as faults to the game. You don't bitch about those things when you know what you're getting into. Like you don't bitch about Skyrim being in a fantasy setting, just because you don't like the fantasy setting.

But at the same time, it's not as enjoyable to me to rummage dilapidated buildings and wasteland all day compared to nice looking towns and scenery.

But that's just me, I like the game, I may even try some of the DLC, but if anything, Fallout 4 just makes me excited for the next elder scrolls game.

However if I did have a complaint about the game. The town building system sucks, they give you like 20 places to build towns that I don't give a fuck about, and like 2 actual real towns in the entire game. Not to mention all real questlines die after you complete the main quest. Not to mention you can craft a fucking toilet but you cant craft ammo? Come on guys, that's just silly.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:23:32 PM »
I finished the main story at around level 40. Probably going to take a break from the game now.

I liked it. Probably the best combat Bethesda has put into one of their open world games, but overall, I still don't really like the setting at all. All that means is im going to invest like 60 hours into the game, instead of the 170 I put into skyrim. Which for a setting I don't even like, they did a damn good job.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:58:26 PM »
With temp, I'd rather just Celsius since the rest of the frigging world uses it. I can understand being uncomfortable with the change, since my mind is tuned to Fahrenheit when it comes to the weather. However freezing/boiling at 0 and 100 makes a lot more sense in my brain than 32 and 212.

Or to keep the scientists happy, let's just not use either, and we can use Kelvin instead! No negative values, great for equations!

It's 289°K Right now!

Pretty damn warm for November to be frank. I do hear snow is coming later in the week though.

And about the liquids, it is kinda fucky around here isn't it? For soda you can get an 8oz can, 20oz bottle, or a liter, or a 2 liter. 5th of liquor, 750ml. Beer? Pint.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 17, 2015, 05:31:43 PM »
Idiot Savant + save scum = two levels for a quest turnin.

Ohh, beautiful. Only 400xp for that quest? Ninja? How bout you take that times FIVE and turn that into a 2000xp quest, THATS WHAT IM TALKIN BOUT!

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: November 17, 2015, 05:28:57 PM »
When I started taking college classes again, and getting into the science oriented classes, it's all metric system. Plus, not sure if it's just me in this country, but for liquids, I personally prefer using liters over gallons/pints/whateverthefuck. Way simpler.

I just got my ps4!

Why am I in the angry thread?

No psone classics available on this thing? Really? Not even joking, it was one of the bigger reasons I wanted to get this thing. Well, 95% of the reason I got it is for street fighter 5, but the other 5% was psone games. Yeah, yeah, I have a working ps2, AND working classic fat ps1, but damnit, would be nice to have some of those games on the ps4.

Not really enraged, just disappointed.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:25:05 AM »

Haven't got the game yet, should have it tomorrow, but I wanted to get a starting stat build set so I'm good to go when I'm playing. I play these games stealthy, so, working with that. Looks fairly good so far, may need to look at the perk chart to see if I want to modify it any. First thing I'll do is probably get agi to 7 so I have access to ninja, otherwise grab all perks I want and then work on str 6 for strong back, and then maybe boost up endurance so I won't die all the time after all the major stuff is taken care of.


Thinking about probably lowering agi to 3, and raising luck to 5 for idiot savant.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 10, 2015, 11:23:41 PM »
I'm trying to convince my GF to start SC2 with me soon. I've way overdue. Thinking about getting us both the Battlechest from the OG to start her off and see if that gets her interested. We just had a big SC2 tourney here in Atlanta in light of the WCS too. Those Koreans....smh.

I had just got done playing a few hours of the new co-op mode, and I will say that for something I didn't even know was going to be in the game until a few weeks ago, it's pretty freakin fun. I'd say co-op mode alone is a good enough reason for a new player to hop in.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 09, 2015, 06:13:08 PM »
I didn't plan on it, but, seen a deal with ps4 bundle + fallout 4. So that should arrive sometime late this week/early next week. In the meantime, playing the starcraft 2 legacy of the void when it drops in about 6 hours of this post.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: November 08, 2015, 01:38:18 AM »
Jaeger is good, but I can't really have liquor around because I'll drink...the...whole bottle...

Bought a bottle of Bacardi Black (don't recommend it, Bacardi ain't good), and because I DONT KNOW WHEN TO STOP, I was a wee bit hungover yesterday.

For christmas though...maybe a little pint bottle of Jaeger or Kraken would be ok...

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