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Messages - tommy

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Media / Re: 少年A (iidx 15 hard stuff)
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:09:56 PM »
hahahahahah holy shit the first video

"holy shit this is impossible- hold on, doesn't this song have a speed upAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH"

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:01:28 PM »
Also, bear in mind that it's not all anthro art.  I just mentioned that because some people are like zomg furriez.  It's also all tame...I don't know a single person who was ever weirded out by any of it.  Let's just say, my mom's definition of "furry" came from that CSI episode and she didn't see anything strange about the artwork.

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 13, 2008, 11:42:35 AM »
hay i post there

Also yeah, I don't think SM 3.9 supports aspect ratio changes, so the only way not to stretch it to widescreen is to set a fixed aspect ratio.

As for why they don't use SM, a bunch of features have been added and such, such as modmines (yeah, they were implemented in SMPlus or whatever, but they were originally in Mungyodance).

sm has had 1680x1050 since 3.9 alpha something

unless this is the 3.0 codebase there's not really an excuse

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 13, 2008, 02:11:06 AM »

this is pretty fucking lol

but, uh, i set my monitor to fixed aspect ratio and it's actually pretty good. decent song selection, etc.

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:46:36 AM »
tommy's mungyodance review:

WHAT WORKS- it looks like it has some good songs
WHAT DOESN'T- you can't change the goddamn resolution

hey you know what's great? 640x480 stretched to 1680x1050

goddammit why can't they just use stepmania like normal fucking people

Gaming / Re: audiosurf
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:40:34 AM »
oh god

untitled gabber song ninja mono

i died at least seven times

Gaming / Re: audiosurf
« on: January 13, 2008, 12:50:39 AM »

it can be glitchy, and the loading times are kind of annoying, but

it is fucking amazing

if you have in rainbows- and you should- play 15 steps. it's fucking awesome.

Gaming / Re: audiosurf
« on: January 13, 2008, 12:30:47 AM »
i had no idea there was a beta

also hi5 no caps crew

Random Chat / Re: lulz 1st thred whar we shuld tlk liek da ideduits
« on: January 12, 2008, 06:38:52 PM »
look there's a forum right at the bottom for this goddammit

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 12, 2008, 05:24:34 PM »
Well, I said in another thread that I appreciate hands to some extent, but I really do think that people just add them because they want to make a file harder, or just to add them. I think Zaghurim does a good job with them, they add to the file without making it excessively hard for the most part, and they're not overdone. But I do also think it's  just a logical progression within the community, people are getting better, and I can only assume that there's just a whole bunch of people that are able to do basically anything that doesn't have hands more or less effortlessly.

pad hands aren't really hands though, unless it's piu 7913 or similiar. they should be called triples or whatever

Computing / Re: The "Post Your Desktop" Thread
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:17:50 PM »

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:16:15 PM »
It's a full installer.  Mungyodance has its own engine (heavily modified StepMania 3.9) and everything.  It's completely standalone.

alright that's fancy i guess

so is it all pad or what

Random Chat / Re: Lame Replies Thread, The Second Coming
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:46:48 AM »
just watched shoot 'em up

it loses its steam quickly after the start, but it's still interesting. just you have the 5 minutes of "jesus christ did he just stab a guy's eye with a carrot" and then it becomes kind of mundane

Creation Station / Re: Photos
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:45:12 AM »
err, what

why would you buy a cobalt flux those things are like $300 or something

Gaming / Re: should i get back into ddr
« on: January 12, 2008, 02:44:43 AM »
I'm kind of partial to Mungyodance for pad stuff, but I might be a bit biased.

If you hate anthropomorphic artwork you might want to stay away.  If you aren't biased against things just because the Internet tells you to be, give it a go.

Just be warned: the Mungyodance boss songs are painful.  MGD2 is worse than MGD, MGD3 is going to be worse than MGD2.

yeah uh i'm not a fan of furry artwork not because it's something the internet told me to hate but because it's weird as fuck and i don't get what the hell it would be doing in a dancing game

are the banners and bgs like that and why is this thing an exe and not a zip

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