
The Chatterbox => Random Chat => Topic started by: TimJing on February 08, 2008, 11:03:27 AM

Title: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: TimJing on February 08, 2008, 11:03:27 AM

That article was posted in my newspaper, haha. It makes much mention of Anonymous and "We Are Legion". The raid is coming to my county. Should be pretty interesting... wonder if I'm gonna go drive down there just for the lulz. It's gonna take place like 20 minutes away.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 08, 2008, 01:25:55 PM
I'd so go if there was one near my place, but I don't even know where the nearest scientology place is, lol. Nice to see that Anonymous hasn't forgot yet ;)
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: MortifiedocAlot on February 08, 2008, 02:08:48 PM
It seems as if they do things simply for publicity now. Ah well, at least their going after Scientology.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 08, 2008, 05:08:02 PM
I'm going to my local raid.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Shoop Da Whoop on February 08, 2008, 08:42:57 PM
I would go, but I have to work all fucking day. I was going to meet up with like 20 other people In SF. :'(
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Spectere on February 09, 2008, 06:07:27 AM
Hahaha, I should totally go to the one in Clearwater.

...except that would involve leaving my room.  We can't have that.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 09, 2008, 06:40:51 AM
I honestly hope that Anonymous actually achieves something with this. If enough hackers got together and did some hardcore hacking, they could really fuck Scientology up. I mean, if they could get personal information on some of the highest ranking people, they could really wreak havoc on them. Wouldn't it be awesome if they managed to spend every cent of the money that all the top leaders have in their bank accounts?

In any case, I hope that we manage to rid the world of scientology. Despite the fact that you have the freedom of religion, I don't believe that scientology should exist. It wrecks people's lives, it has all the bad aspects of cult-like organized religion, with no redeeming aspects whatsoever. Not only that, but anyone with a true mental problem who requires drugs to function that is involved in that religion is putting themselves in a situation where they may go completely insane. Part of the way that scientology believes people with severe mental issues should be dealt with is by seclusion. By forcing them to stay secluded from everyone in a very controlled environment to try to meditate or something akin to meditation so that they can make themselves better. Of course, all that will do is make things worse.

Plus, anyone who wants to leave the organization after getting a certain distance into the hierarchy is put into a very demeaning seclusion where they are treated like they are worthless in terrible conditions.

Honestly, I would be happy if someone came into someplace where a bunch of the high ranking people were and massacred them. Scientology is one time where I fully believe in vigilante justice.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: MortifiedocAlot on February 09, 2008, 01:15:12 PM
^ Agreed, Scientology shouldn't be able to do have the things they've done.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 09, 2008, 05:38:06 PM
It's one of the few times that I actually disagree with the laws protecting them. I figure that there should be a provision somewhere that allows the persecution of organizations like Scientology and the KKK, and other groups like that.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: TimJing on February 10, 2008, 09:17:36 PM
Hahaha, I should totally go to the one in Clearwater.

...except that would involve leaving my room.  We can't have that.

Haha, yeah, I was planning on going to that this morning, but kinda forgot/didn't feel like driving for a half hour to Clearwater and back. :x

Watching youtube videos online about it, though. Amazingly kickass.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 10, 2008, 11:10:04 PM
Awesome. I hope this gets loads of news and shit.

Thanks for the toronto raid pix, xxxxx, wish I was there.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 10, 2008, 11:30:01 PM
I went to mine, there were probably 200 people there as well. Here's a slew of pictures, none of which I took! :3

http://s255.photobucket.com/albums/hh132/Zzeennuu1023/Seattle_Feb10/?start=0 (You can see me clearly on the middle picture on the second row, staring right at the camera, grinning like an idiot. Grey Hoodie.)


Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 11, 2008, 01:00:39 AM
Wicked, I'd go if Toronto wasn't so damn far :/ Nice work getting on the news, even if you weren't all that visible.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: dinnerroll on February 11, 2008, 01:24:10 AM

all of fucking orlando hate scientology rofl. this vid is amazing.

Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Alice on February 11, 2008, 01:47:06 AM
There's a CoS building in Englewood.  I'm going to see if I can get over there the next time there's an Anonymous gathering (March?).  I dunno how to check if there's an Anonymous meeting there, though, lolz.  I guess I'll find out :D
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 11, 2008, 03:09:20 AM
So, can anyone give me some links to figure out when and where this is happening around me? Is there any central place they are organizing from, or anything? I haven't been to any of the chan sites in ages now, lol.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 11, 2008, 09:18:37 AM
Thanks, I don't know when I'll be able to do a raid, if I ever will, but I'll certainly try.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Milk Chan on February 12, 2008, 02:12:01 AM
On a note Anonymous isn't really behind this. They were AT FIRST and most of them backed out. Almost all of /b/ and every other chan board had 0 support for the raid about a week after it was planned. The reason it continued was because some anons attracted a fuckton of newfags who wouldn't let it die and it pissed off a lot of regulars/oldfags because they didn't know how to be discreet about who's organizing it and they were making dumb threads at 4chan etc.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 12, 2008, 02:36:20 AM
So that's what that message was about...

Well, either way, I think that this should continue anyway. I honestly believe that scientology needs to be removed as an organization.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 12, 2008, 03:41:14 AM
Milkchan, I think your accusation that everyone going to the raids is a newfag is pretty harsh. All the raids were quite well organized, and people acted professionally (for the most part). People automatically assume that all raids suck 100% of the time now, but I think things like this really show that there's potential for good to be done. I mean, if you're going to take that stance, you might as well quit /b/, because it really is just filled with newfags. You're confusing the issue with 'Anonymous' in this sense and anonymous in the general chan sense, because they're really not affiliated. I mean, it's not as if we're like "HEY SCIENTOLOGY, WWW.4CHAN.ORG HATES YOU. BY THE WAY LOOK AT OUR SITE.", which is what everyone seems to think. At my particular protest, there wasn't any meme spamming or anything, just people wearing Guy Fawkes masks, and rickroll being played as people left the church. By the way, rules 1 and 2 are total bs. And the addendum that they only apply during raids really only should apply when we're doing something illegal, and drawing negative attention to ourselves. It's basically common knowledge with people that are on the internet that 4chan exists. It's not a big secret anymore. Our memes are leaking onto the internet, trying to keep newfags out of the chans is basically a losing battle. Now, I'm all for stopping people from being idiots, and I hate camwhores and reposts as much as the next guy, but I figure if you hate them so much, you might as well just move to one of those obscure chans and deal with the fact that there are a total of three regular visitors.

lol wall of text.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 12, 2008, 07:07:43 AM
You summed things up pretty well anyway. I frankly don't care if the new "Anonymous" is full of newfags. I believe in the Anonymous as described on the sites. Not a group of people, not some loose organization. Anonymous is more of an ideal, than any group of people, and following that an idea can outlive it's creator. Just because Anonymous is not simply a 4chan thing anymore doesn't mean shit, as long as the people who are involved with Anonymous keep the spirit of the idea.

Just because Anonymous was spawned by members of 4chan doesn't mean that Anonymous is only members of 4chan. If that were the case, there'd be no chance in hell of actually doing much damage to scientology. But, if Anonymous is allowed to evolve, grow, and as long as it stays true to it's original ideals, I can't see how Anonymous being comprised of non 4chan members could possibly be bad.

To me, Anonymous is a way to express yourself without having to deal with all the influences society has on us. I believe in Anonymous as more than simply 4chan, and more than simply a raid on scientology. I believe in Anonymous as that part in all of us that just wants to have our freedom from all the things society forbids us to do (short of being illegal). Anonymous is freedom from the faux pas, from he social norm. It's freedom within the legal limits imposed upon us by the government. 4chan was the first place to really create a system like Anonymous, but Anonymous is more than that.

Anyway, enough with my idealogical rant, all in all, who cares if Anonymous is newfags? They're doing something good that should have been done a long time ago.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Alice on February 12, 2008, 05:23:02 PM
As stated at the actual anonymous wiki, anonymous is not a physical entity, but an idea; a way of thinking.  It seems like that's what the general media fails to understand.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 12, 2008, 05:24:34 PM
Yeah, that's basically what I was trying to get at. Being a /b/tard and being Anonymous isn't the same thing anymore.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Alice on February 12, 2008, 05:49:51 PM
best. flash. video. ever. (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/scientolulz)
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: dinnerroll on February 12, 2008, 10:53:03 PM
The first thing i did after watching that was download the song that plays during the credits.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 12, 2008, 11:39:33 PM
best. flash. video. ever. (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/scientolulz)


That was really good, I was expecting a lot worse.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 13, 2008, 03:20:29 AM
I wasn't that entertained, until I hit the end. Pretty damn awesome.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 13, 2008, 05:13:03 AM
Have you seen the original Hyakugojyuuichi before? If not, then watch it. If so, then I can't see how you could not find that video awesome...
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 13, 2008, 10:21:42 PM
Yeah, I saw it like a million years ago. I don't really remember it.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Milk Chan on February 14, 2008, 12:15:21 AM

I'm not saying all of the raiders were newfags (and why we keep saying raid idk, more protest). The raid only continued because of that reason. It may have cleaned up and reformed a bit near 2/10, but back in late January it was EXTREMELY unorganized and a bunch of people were saying stuff on youtube for popular scientology/anon videos mentioning the chans and /b/ and anonymous is legion and shit like that when one of the biggest rules is ALWAYS blame ebaums. It may have gotten more organized later on but there was a time where it was really shit like "so what have you been doing to your local scientology place? i've been doing a lot to contribute, like ordering a bunch of pizzas and graffiting their walls, now they'll have to spend money. if we keep doing stuff like that their funds will deplete"

Funny i'm defending this considering i'm not even an active /b/tard.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on February 14, 2008, 03:53:29 AM
Yeah, basically, but granted back then the whole idea was "Hey, let's piss off CoS". So I guess it kind of makes sense. It's a whole lot more professional now.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on February 14, 2008, 11:12:16 AM
Yeah, originally it was just sorta "well, we made a scary video, we should probably follow it up with something..." now it's become "ok, the CoS seriously needs to be removed, this shit isn't cool."
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: TimJing on March 15, 2008, 10:54:11 PM
Hey so Scientology got owned again today. Anyone participate in the second raid?
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Bobbias on March 15, 2008, 11:10:53 PM
I wish I had, but nope :/ Getting to Toronto is a pain.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: Ulti on March 16, 2008, 11:29:25 PM
I couldnt get down to Seattle, had no place to stay. I know people who went though.
Title: Re: Scientology Raid discussion :x
Post by: TimJing on March 17, 2008, 11:39:10 PM
Yeah I was totally planning on going, and taking a few friends, but I had an 8-hour practice on Saturday and really didn't want to give up chillin' at my girlfriend's house to go stand on Clearwater sidewalks and yell things. :<