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Messages - vladgd

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Random Chat / Re: Embed videos
« on: August 25, 2017, 03:47:09 AM »


Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 21, 2017, 05:42:09 PM »
I might start that top zones list(spoilers, there WILL be a broken isles area(not entire zone), care to guess which one?) after I acquire draenor AND broken isles flying on that list. It's eating up all of my sanity at the moment.

Draenor is straight up horseshit. From what I've seen you basically have to run around hunting rares and bosses all fucking day which is goddamn stupid. So I'm going to spend real money to get through that because medallion of the legion, a rare item, that goes for ~TEN THOUSAND GOLD A PIECE on my realm to get that done. I need about 7k rep to get to exalted on my closest draenor rep, which gives me an acheivement to unlock the trade depot level 3, which gives me a 20% bonus. So I'm thinking I'll need...~150,000 gold to get it done, buying stuff on the ah when I can. Going to hold off on the wow token until gamescom this wednesday. I hope the gold price for NA shoots up at least an additional 30-40k gold, current price as of this post is 150,000 gold, but since im spending irl money, and that price is constant (20 bucks), I may as well wait until the price is high, and gamescom news should shoot it up at least 10k hopefully more.

At this point my own time is worth a lot more to me than a few dollars. And I'm stupid and obsessed enough to do it.

As for broken isles pathfinder, for whatever reason while it IS more work than draenor, it feels less horseshit to me. Maybe because it's current content and not legacy content? OR MAYBE BECAUSE THE REP GRIND DOESNT REQUIRE ME TO HUNT DOWN RARE GODDAMN MOBS ALL DAY THAT I MAY OR MAY NOT TAG. Log in, see world quest (preferably blue, elite, or epic quests, ignore the rest unless its' for the embassy bonus, then log off. The "find group" button for quests makes these very quick and very easy, and since I'm a tank with over 4 million health, I just straight up fear nothing and don't die, I MIGHT end up with less than 100% health against a raid tier world boss, but that's rare.

So with this, I can assume even my lowest faction which is the court right now, should hit revered well before I hit exalted with the nightfallen. Exalted is REQUIRED for the "good suramaritan" acheivement, which is REQUIRED for the pathfinder acheivement. Good suramaritan basically requires you to do...damn near every single quest in suramar, so 200+ quests, and one of the quests that starts a chain you need is straight up "get exalted with the nightfallen".

So by the looks of things, "if" I play ~1-2 hours a day, I should have broken isles pathfinder by....mid september? If I'm lucky. Draenor will happen whenever more marks are put up on the ah, and they are below 10 grand a pop, I'm already spending a fortune I don't have on these things, I'm going to at least be semi reasonable when purchasing them. Only positive I can come out of this, is anybody who isn't maining a human, playing the game wrong. World of Repcraft's best race is human for that juicy not insignificant 10% bonus rep.

So from neutral to revered is 21,000 rep. 10% of that is 2,100. Neutral to exalted is 42,000, so 10% of that is 4,200. You could argue, in the grand scheme, it's not a lot, but in my eyes, it's several days earlier you get to quit the rep grind bullshit, which is MASSIVE in my opinion. I don't know of a better racial bonus in this game to be honest, and they get a break out of stun cooldown which isn't bad for a tank as a nice bonus.

I feel like I've played too far into this to stop now, just going to ride it out. At least I've done everything else so maintaining the dailies shouldn't be too bad, especially with how convenient and easy they made world quests. Despite the rantey nature of this post, I am probably having the most fun playing this game since Lich King. I'd just like to get this pathfinder shenanagins over so I can either A play other games, or B level my alts with FLYING!

Gaming / Re: Death of a Game - YouTube Series
« on: August 21, 2017, 01:13:52 AM »
I am actually quite a fan of his channel. I got into it with warhammer online (probably my favorite mmo that died too soon), but yeah, glad to see him continuing to kick out more content.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 14, 2017, 05:42:14 PM »
I REALLY want to level more alts, but I REALLY want flying unlocked, but it takes so much damn timeeeeeeee

They made leveling really easy, so I want to grind characters, but knowing I don't have flying in draenor or broken isles gnaws at the back of my mind.

I mean I AM enjoying the post 110 world quests and whatnot, and just got the warrior to 110...prot is still my main, now and forever until blizzard fucks it up. Too tanky, too mobile, too fun, and aoe tanking with warrior is no longer a handicap now. Demon Hunter aside, warrior most mobile class in the game? Don't know a whole lot about all of the classes but I know death knight is probably the least mobile, mage double blink is alright, paladin has a rush mount thing, but warrior 2 intercept + heroic leap? SONNNNNnn

I got full plate heirlooms fully upgraded (may have bought a wow token for that...) so I guess I'll be getting the paladin and death knight up in levels next.

I do intend on making "vlads top 10 zones in world of warcraft" post in the future, whenever I decide to buckle down and read up on all the zones I played and rank them.

In the meantime, I'll just use this thread to post my progress in the game. Ohh and a final note, I got a logitech g502 to replace my over 12 year old logitech mx518. Took a while to get used to, but it's pretty comfortable to use even if it doesn't look like it would be. Only gripe with the thing is the middle click takes some force, and I never was a fan of the middle mouse wheel side tilt feature, i end up doing the side click instead of what I want which is a middle click. Going to keep the mx518 around though, may have retired it, but I may want to use it later on.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:52:34 AM »
Also, be very glad that you jumped into Draenor late.

Actually, I was early. I chewed up and spit out that expansion before they added anything to it. I played for roughly 3 weeks, and stopped. Got on, hit level 100, decided to get paladin through pandaria to get to draenor, got bored before I finished that...and didn't touch the game until a few weeks ago.

But I left well before they added tanaan jungle into the game, I wish that pathfinder bullshit was added when I played because instead of slogging through it now, I'd have it done already. 5 more assaults, then it's working on rep. However as fast as I consumed that expansion, I had fond memories of it. The garrison stuff (minus the mobile game bullshit) was really awesome, and I hope they do soething like that but...bigger in a future expansion. Like a garrison, or town, or base, that won't go obsolete after an expansion, say your mines get upgraded with new ore and whatnot. IM TOTALLY DOWN FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT BLIZZARD, just let me pick any zone in the entire game to set up shop and give me a special hearth and we're good. WoW is a single player game for me now a days, and that's ok. New expansion, level a character or 3, eventually get bored, quit till the next expansion, or skip it and wait for the one after.

Grizzly Hills

While I am quite tired of forest zones, I would put that particular one at the top of the food chain. Like ashenvale, feralas, that elf zone in legion, the druid zone north of kalimdor, darkshore MAY AS WELL BE THE SAME ELF FOREST ZONE, but grizzly hills was a cool alpine redwood type of area, and

THIS RIVER, just did it for me. I cant quite recall, but it might be the first time in the game where a river doesn't feel static, and it actually looks like it's in motion.

Not to mention the music for the zone was top tier.

I really don't have anything against a forest, but damnit, give it some character, and I think they did that with Grizzly hills, as...most of the zones in lich king, minus boring tundra.

Speaking as much about zones, I do honestly feel they are the most important aspect of the entire game. I mean it's where you play the game, and the music, scenery, and questlines, not to mention those vanilla memories of things happening in places that just stand out. Old terran mill, crossroads raids, ashenvale/stonetallon mountains early contested zones pvp. Nostalgia feels every time.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 09, 2017, 12:38:41 AM »
Is fire still somewhat luck-based? Before pretty much all of the major abilities proc'd off of crit chance, so if you didn't have high amounts of crit and a ton of luck you couldn't effectively play that spec.

I have no experience with arcane, but fire is reliant on two crits in a row for instant pyro. And frost is reliant on procs for instant flurry, or ice lance crits, or building up those fingers of frost to let loose, so they're both kinda luck dependent, frost is just better for soloing because of slows and roots.
As far as zone aesthetic goes, I think Warlords is probably my overall favorite. Not only was there a ton of variety, but I think it has the most "desolate but beautiful" zone in the entire game. You probably didn't see it if you only played Alliance and didn't go for the exploration achievements. When you have a chance, swing by Frostfire Ridge (it's the first Horde questing area, but you can walk through there safely if you're on a PvE realm). I don't think I can adequately describe how much I enjoyed the look of that area.

I won't say draenor is my favorite set of zones (goes to TBC for me), but damn if I do enjoy goregrond, and spires of arak. It's a pitty I missed out on frostfire ridge, I did take a visit there to get a flight path or two, and I'd definitely have to put it in my top 10 zones, look wise. Look forward to doing that zone as horde whenever I go back to the hunter shaman or lock. Might be fun to do a little post on my top 10 zones in the game, which would omitt half of pandaria (since I didnt play it), but from the looks of it, I didn't miss much.

World quests are pretty much a cross of Diablo 3 bounties and Guild Wars 2 world quests. They're a pretty good way to kill some time, they aren't as tedious as older dailies (Mists' dailies sucked), and they aren't as mobile gamey as Warlord's "endgame." Still definitely a grind, but they're not bad.

Yeah as I completed my first group of quests belonging to a faction it just popped that I was doing bounties in world of warcraft. I like the system, but...I'd like it more if I

I know you aren't crazy about your shaman, but I'd highly recommend using them to get Draenor flying.

After hitting 110, I needed a new goal, and now I HAVE TO GET DRAENOR FLYING. It'll drive me crazy if I don't. So I explored all zones, got to see more frostfire ridge which was cool...then getting 100 treasures...Now you recommend shaman, but I was doing it on my 102 warrior. Here me out, there's a lot of treasures that require a gimmick to get, or a glider in nagrand or whatever. Warrior has a little something called HEROIC LEAP, which cheats half of those gimmick treasures. With the help of the addons you linked, I went from 15-10 in a few hours in goregrond shadowmoon and nagrand. Still a pain in the ass, but I would have skipped at least 10+ of those treasures if I couldn't just jump to it. Also being that level, I still gain exp for doing all of this horseshit, so I may as well get some exp for my suffering, especially the tanaan jungle rep bullshit that will take the longest amount of time. Being level 102, level 100 enemies, exp for my troubles.

After I get to the "do dailies and shit to slowly finish draenor pathfinder" part, I'll get this warrior to 110, and then...I'll need a new goal. I hear demon hunter is a fuckin solo monster beast, which sounds super appealing for world quests and easier than my mage, so I might work on a demon hunter after the warrior, if I'm still playing by then. Starcraft Remaster comes out near the end of the month, and september brings snes classic if I can get my hands on it, and I HAVE TO PLAY VIRTUAL CONSOLE POKEMON SILVER, I lust for classic gen 2 on my 3ds. Might keep the wow sub for world quests and whatnot, but we'll see. Draenor lasted me 3 weeks from start to finish, but legion is a bit more interesting.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:34:59 PM »
Not a bad idea to split up topics. Pretty small forum as is, so hopefully it promotes more conversation.

Got my warrior to 110...

Wait that's a mage?

My mentality initially was, leveling as a mage from 90-100 was a pain, I was dying and they made that shit easy and I'm still dying. Let's get that character done first so I won't have it on my mind, fuck mage soloing.

100-102 I started off with fire, the spec I wanted to play...and aesthetically I prefer fire over all 3, but gameplay, I HATE IT. Bought some green weapon to hold me over as FROST until I got the frost artifact. After around 102, gear flowed in, I got used to the playstyle, and I really damn enjoyed the leveling experience for mage in legion. I don't really raid or do endgame shit, mainly professions and some other random stuff, so doing a new character for an expansion was a good idea. I may do a different class in the next expansion even to mix it up? maybe? Iunno.

But the zones "feel" smaller and more compact, not sure if they actually are, or if they are just designed better. The story for each zone feels a lot more polished ending with an instance run into the meta thing to get artifacts. The "single player" aspect of going around and completing a zone like a level in a videogame is just getting better and better. Aesthetically I wasn't a big fan of the legion zones, but in terms of what they did with them, it's a thumbs up from me. I prefer the desolate harsh looking zones like blades edge, netherstorm, hellfire peninsula (i am the one guy who likes the way that zone looks), vanilla desolace, silithus, or even green lush zones that are just hard like vanilla un goro crater with no roads and enemies everywhere. But that's just a nitpick, it's an island region, can't expect vast deserts of wasteland. Also noting that there's a ton of rare mobs and tresure chests around the game, it feels like they basically did the same as draenor on paper, but in practice the execution was a lot better. I stopped caring about rares after shadowmoon in draenor, but I frequently went out of my way to hunt those stars and chests down in legion.

The legion specific stuff like having a weapon with a skill tree is great. The order halls for each class with its own story and base and whatnot is also fun, though I suppose it depends on class. I hear the hunter order hall was lame, and priests are basically cucks to the superior paladins, from what I read. Mages is pretty cool though, and class appropriate. The followers going on missions thing was toned down from draenor it looks like, but for the better, and just feels more polished.

So now I guess I need to get my shit in order to unlock world quests, after that...I may head back to the warrior to see how much of a pain in the ass unlocking draenor flying is, before going back to the mage to unlock legion flying, unless I get sidetracked leveling other characters, or stop playing, I kinda hit my main goal at this point.

So yeah, enjoying mage quite a lot in this expansion.



I thought you meant it happens like a few times, which isnt a huge deal, but EVERY GODDAMN TIME THEY GET THE BEST OF YOU EVEN AFTER YOU KICK THEIR ASS, they gotta fix that shit for the next one because after the 5th time, I just gave up.


Hitting 110, I realized how overwhelming everything is. I want to open world quests, but that's like the start of a long chain of stuff, idk where to start.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:42:52 PM »
Not sure if it's new, or I read the store wrong, but I just seen that I didn't need collectors edition for my level 100 instead of leveling this paladin to 100 then buying legion, then using my boost on a fresh character...


I'll level the paladin after my prot warrior is 110, and I'll level the prot warrior in legion content after I check out this shiny new priest. Male?! Dwarf?! Not another draenei for my space goat fetish?!


I'll probably be posting more on this game for a little while.


Achievement Unlocked


That's $2500 cash, most money I've handled in my life, only to go to finishing that car loan 5 minutes later.

Feels good though.

Funny thing, the lock in my passenger side door feel into the door(note, chevy aveos apparently have this problem a lot, my drivers side door had the same fucking problem when i first bought the thing)...and I bit my lip hard (crunch) eating lunch after that. NOT ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY NOPE NOPE NOPE

The good outweighs the bad at least, the door thing is minor and will be fixed monday.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM »

0 heirlooms, 91-100 didn't take all that long on the mage. Only problem is while leveling the mage I was contemplating the "free" 100 i'll get from legion collectors, and...really don't like how squishy mage is, and fuck cloth, but priest doe...

List in order. Priest > rogue = monk

With prot warrior, if I randomly aggroed everything, I'd simply kill it all. With ret? SAME THING, less tanky but heals to make up for it. Mage? just lie down and die, most likley wont escape even with frost nova blink and invis and shield, and die anyway. Fun in instances though, but soloing, bleh, don't like mage.

Sure priest is probably different, but...making me look more at monk now.

Anyway, paladin is next! Leveling is a bit more fast paced and fun, and the mage didn't even have heirlooms, so Id guess its only faster with them.


Brainstorming alt race choices need to jot down before I forget.

Demon Hunter- Nightelf
Monk- Orc
Priest- Undecided, but I may keep the goblin I have, Dwarf is tempting me though, the old runepriest days of warhammer online bring fond memories
Rogue- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (ethereal, blizzard please make them playable)
Druid- I will roll a druid only when I have all other classes at the level cap. IE, never...probably?

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: July 28, 2017, 11:24:00 PM »

That's what I decided on as of current. I'll do the hunter after I get a few more heirlooms. Might level the paladin and mage side by side, using up rest exp on one before going to the other.

Yeah, nothing is the way it was. I don't think that move sets will ever be that intricate again.

That being said, I do like some of the new additions. The talent trees of old provided little more than an illusion of choice and typically only contained one or two viable paths. Downranking spells as a healer was a pain in the ass. Hunters using mana was always stupid (I even felt that way when I was playing BC). I like how the fights themselves tend to be far more active and intricate.

From what it looks to me as a person who jumps in every odd expansion, they gutted each class to make each spec feel more unique. On one hand, I can see it as a good thing, but on another (as someone who played the game weeks after launch) I really don't like abilities being removed. I loved shaman back in the day, and I don't think I want to play anymore now. Never was big into enhancement after vanilla (which was only for windfury lets face it), elemental feels...bad, and I heard earth shield was removed from resto and put into some "heroic tallents" bullshit? I guess I'm happy I moved from shaman to warrior, because I don't like the state of that class.

Also the hunter mana thing, I was saying hunters should have focus like their pets back in vanilla. Just like how mana doesn't fit a warrior or a rogue, it certainly doesn't fit hunter.

(like the famous thing where the Big Bad of a particular arc stops taking damage at 1 HP, then yells, "YOU HAVEN'T BEATEN ME YET," before escaping in an illogical manner while your character sits there staring at them).

That sucks, but it's also in a lot of other games, which, still sucks, I don't know why people do it. Last one I can think of is really recent, Tekken 7 story mode does that shit a few times. You do a fight, if you lose, you lose and have to redo it, but if you lose in the cutscene...wut?

The DK specs are all pretty viable for leveling. Assuming nothing has changed, I'd probably swap to blood for the Mists content (despite my gripes above, it still offers insane survivability for solo content), but the stat revamps in Warlords might have made that a non-issue.

My first character was a hunter, and I've had a pretty good time with them. If you want to go really wild, melee hunters (survival spec) are a thing now.

I just hope frost isn't garbage for leveling, because aesthetically, I like it over the other two. And when I level my hunter, It's beastmaster. From what I seen beastmaster is traditional hunter, marks is ranged only NO PET (boooo), and survival is melee with pet. I'm cool with survival, but, I play enough melee classes as is.

However for the time being, I think I want to attempt to get one or two classes up to 100 before I think about getting legion. Hearing good things about mages, and I've been using it to farm old content for $$$, so I may as well keep at her. I remember loving ret soloing with the paladin, which isnt too far behind the mage, so that'll be the off character, I hope they didn't screw up paladins as well.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: July 27, 2017, 12:10:03 AM »
Sipping it now, reading things about it, one commentor called it a "session bourbon" and that fits this drink pretty accurately. It's a sipper for sure, there's definately some malt liquor character in there, but the barrel aging and the high abv makes it drink more like a liquor.

Surprisingly nice, I've had high gravity malt liquor before (schlitz bull ice, UGHHHHHHHHHH) and didn't enjoy it, but this stuff is pretty good...if you're expecting a super high abv beer that has no place calling itself a beer. Thinking about it though, this stuff actually earns its title of malt liquor, unlike the standard stuff out there.

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:31:08 PM »
Got the shaman to 80 thanks to how much nicer dungeon find queue works. Enhance is a lot nicer, but it ain't the class I grew up playing. Probably going to be swapping on alts until I can settle on leveling one to 100.

Rolled a draenei death knight to 58, plan on playing frost spec since I get the plate sword and board from the warrior, the plate 2h fucker from the ret paladin, dual wield sounds interesting so hopefully frost isn't a garbo leveling spec.

And then theres the "kinda wanted a hunter for the past 8 or so years but never got around to it, undead are finally able to be hunters which is what I wanted as far back as tbc....could do it" Something about the fantasy of undead hunter that sounds unique to me, same with monk...

Would help if I had a goal or people to play with, but I don't, so it's more with what sounds fun to solo with. Or what catches my eye this day. Because in theory, I would eventually like all classes to be max level.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:16:50 PM »

I wanted to try one before bed, but 14.2% abv...gonna wait...

Burbon barrel aged malt liquor? lol ok

Gaming / Re: World of Warcraft
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:56:11 PM »
My first main was a troll shaman, resto in vanilla, ele in tbc before I shelved him.

Really...not...liking ele AT ALL. It feels like a totally different class like going from warlock to rogue different. So I went enhance to check that out (didnt like it in vanilla/tbc) and ended up enjoying it enough to prefer it to elemental, feels less squishy than I remember. So now im sitting at 78, not even sure if I want to continue. I might get er up to 80 so I'm at least up to cata content, but, not too hot on what they transformed shaman into.

So I'm hearing they made 1-60 super easy now? So I kinda want to try that out, but not sure on what class. Of the classes I don't have to post 60, I got...

Monk, not interested in the class at all
Druid, historically never liked having a cool looking player character transform into a lame looking npc bear or cat or tree or catbearbird thing. Might save the class for when I can con my gf into playing the game (which may never happen, she seems to be resisting my nagging)
Death Knight, hero class starts off at high level anyway. And I think I'll delete the gnome for a draenei whenever I decide to work on one.

So this leaves hunter or rogue. Both I'm interested in, might need to coin flip for it. People are saying 1-60 is like 6-8 hours, and I am curious if they're full of shit or not. Do I need full heirlooms for that stuff?

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