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Messages - Jupi

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 88
/ Re: Say something about the user that posted before you.
« on: May 27, 2008, 10:47:27 AM »
has the most pussy I've ever seen on an internet forum.  Seriously.  Three hello kitties and one angry kitty.

So.  Much.  Pussy.

Random Chat / Re: Health and Fitness
« on: May 27, 2008, 09:59:30 AM »
Perhaps meth would be a good option then. (!)

Random Chat / Re: Health and Fitness
« on: May 27, 2008, 08:11:37 AM »
I do not brush or floss nearly enough. My main problem is that I need to get a routine started, but considering how fucked up my hours tend to be, it's VERY hard to get into a decent routine.

I'm kinda scrawny, so my friends say. I weigh 130-145lbs (it fluctuates over time), and I'm something like 5'11" or something. I'd like to bulk up, and to get rid of this annoying bit of stomach flab, but once again, the routine issue. Now, I'm up more at night than I am during the day, which makes something like weight lifting kinda impossible right now, since I don't want to wake everyone in the house (the home gym in my basement is kinda loud).

I drink WAY too much caffeinated stuff, and not nearly enough water, milk, or other drinks that are actually good for you. My staple drink is coke, and I get minor caffeine withdrawal if I don't have like, 6+ a day, give or take. I get actual cravings for coke.

If you ever have a week or so off and you want to cut down/cut out caffeine, just do it right then.  Flat out stop.  The first few days are a bit of hell, but eventually your body learns how to function without it.  I did it last winter over my holiday break. 

It didn't last all that long though.  Probably for six weeks at best.  All of a sudden when school started back up for me, I couldn't stay awake for more than an hour at at time, and caffeine was literally THE only way I had any hope of getting through a class.  Fortunately that went away after about a month. 

Random Chat / Re: Health and Fitness
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:41:26 PM »

Sounds like my kind of night.  To watch at least.

Random Chat / Re: Health and Fitness
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:35:33 PM »
Why do you insist on disgusting people?

Random Chat / Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:16:54 PM »
I'd like a job, but at this moment, I'm probably not qualified for any jobs that would let me sit down.  I'm rather unable to stand up for more than an hour or two anymore.  :(

Random Chat / Re: Health and Fitness
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:45:08 PM »
I've been trying to lose weight for some time now.  My diet for the most part is pretty good, although I have some days where I'm just all "ARRGH FOOD! MOAR! NOMNOM"

Here's probably the most recent picture of a ridiculous outfit. 

I'd -LIKE- to lose 60 or 70 some pounds, but meh.  I really don't see that happening. 

Exercise is awesome and all, but I literally can't do most of it right now because my right knee is pretty much completely shot right now.  I'm lucky if I can stand up for more than an hour at a time most days, which pretty much fucks me over for any jobs I'd like to get right now.

Fortunately, the pool across the street from my house opened up yesterday.  Swimming won't kill my joints.  :3  And I really enjoy it.  So if I can manage to lose maybe 30 or so, my knee won't be quite as much of a problem, and I'll be able to lose more weight because I can handle different forms of exercise.

Also, I don't really know what I "look" like I weigh...but odds are whatever number someone thinks I weigh is a lot lower than my actual weight.  I've always been "freakishly strong" - as my friends would describe for a girl (yes, I'm a girl believe it or not) that doesn't do any weight training. 

My uncle is known to come into our house with random things he's purchased.  He lives by himself, so he likes to buy little things for my parents and I every so often.  Semi-disposable income, y'know?

I think this morning, he put the icing on the cakes of randomness.

He bought me freaking BAGPIPES.

*squees with delight*

Media / Re: The YouTube Videos Thread
« on: May 25, 2008, 04:15:59 AM »
If y'ins haven't seen it yet, Weezer's newest music video for "Pork and Beans."

Pork and Beans!

Lovely, isn't it?


Yes, I noticed.

If I were truly a malicious bastard, I'd make an MMS version of swap.avi.

(then again, that would require watching it, and I don't really want to do that)

Long story short: meatspin is hilarious.


Please send that to me lol 602-579-6834 I'll throw it around


I got bored and made a picture message version of meatspin.  Sound and all. 

Sent it to about five friends so far.  All have responded with something akin to "AAAH!  MY EYES!"

Heh.  One of my friends can go like three weeks before anything will even show.  He rather likes that.

And then another one of my friends...sweet lord, I swear it's like three hours.

Random Chat / Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« on: May 15, 2008, 08:40:07 PM »
Well, I apparently don't act "normal" to most people.

I however, don't believe in normal.   :o

Random Chat / Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« on: May 15, 2008, 05:54:59 PM »
I've been somewhat interesting in trying marijuana for the past year or so.  Haven't actively tried to get my paws on it though.  Mostly 'cause I tend to be a rather lawful citizen.

I've had several people tell me that I would act "normal" if I smoked weed though.

Noooot quite sure how to take that.   :P

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