
The Chatterbox => Random Chat => Topic started by: Zakamiro on August 25, 2007, 02:22:40 PM

Title: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Zakamiro on August 25, 2007, 02:22:40 PM
I dunno if you dunno, but I dunno.

#s.net on irc.phazenet.com

Connecting using port 7000 doesnt seem to work. so 6660-6669 will work fine.

Also, I implemented a little script on my bot in the channel... It let's you know of new posts. If you want to get included in the updates, enter !subscribe in the channel, or to be removed off the list, !unsubscribe. It's a pretty nifty gizmo I made, but it just needs to convert &char; and &#num; to regular text. Maybe some other time. It reads from the RSS feed, but unfortunately the RSS feed doesn't include the poster's name. Sooo... Yeah. Anyways--

Hope to see ya there.

Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Ulti on August 25, 2007, 02:33:41 PM
Idle there. Now.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: 淫蟲 on August 25, 2007, 07:52:07 PM
Hell yeah.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Kuroneko on August 26, 2007, 01:52:48 AM
this channel's happening!  join or you'll miss out on some quality idling action!
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Ulti on August 26, 2007, 01:54:27 AM
Chat may actually occur if people are there.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Spectere on August 27, 2007, 01:01:42 AM
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Ulti on August 27, 2007, 01:59:51 AM
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Zakamiro on August 27, 2007, 03:23:48 AM
it helps. I guess. >.<
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Ridge on January 09, 2008, 11:27:33 PM
bump due to i need fucking voice
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Ulti on January 10, 2008, 12:01:56 AM
I don't know what the deal is with phazenet, it seems to give op/halfop/voice etc. completely at random.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Bobbias on March 25, 2008, 03:20:42 AM
So, is phazenet now part of espernet or something? I keep getting tossed into espernet right after connecting to a phazenet server...
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Alice on March 26, 2008, 12:46:49 AM
Join #ceresius on EsperNet

it b dah hip place 2 b

#s.net these days consists of Zakamiro, his bots/clones, and PhazeNet's bot.  None of whom are actually active, ever.  Pancake is around occasionally, I guess, and so am I.

#ceresius consists of me and my clone. :(
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Zakamiro on May 14, 2008, 04:17:40 AM
fucking bump.

#s.net back in the heezy. I wanna see sum nigguz in there. you know who you are. lazy fucks with internets but dont connect. :[

if anyone wants to come but doesn't have the technical know-how, IM me. (xfire,yim,msn,aim,gtalk,icq) I'd be happy to help.

I'd recommend connecting to TheTree.PhaZeNet.com, so just in case of a server split we're still all there. Oh, and to answer your question, bobbias,, espernet and phazenet aren't together.. But that would be pretty righteous, though.

On a side note, I think it'd be rather fucking cool to make an IRC network consisting of about 30 home computers running unrealircd or sumthin. Maybe 250/300 users per computer/server... I think that'd be pretty fucking sweet.

Anyway, at least just come and idle. If you idle, it will make others want to come, too. So fucking do it.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Bobbias on May 14, 2008, 09:16:09 AM
I'd idle, but I tend to get kicked really quickly, and only know about it when I say something. It's a really annoying problem I cannot seem to fix. Even when I had a script set to ping every second, all it did was ensure that I actually knew the second I was dropped, so I could reconnect with minimal away time.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Sneaky on May 21, 2008, 03:42:20 AM
So the irc is pretty much a chat window for Zak and I, so get in there and make it not look like a gay grotto.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: vladgd on May 21, 2008, 08:32:29 PM
make it not look like a gay grotto.

my presence just made it more gay
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: vladgd on July 21, 2008, 05:23:32 AM
bump for more awkwardness and the fact that people actually use it sort of now!
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Zakamiro on July 23, 2008, 08:40:54 AM
additional bump
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Spectere on July 28, 2008, 04:04:25 AM
Anyone ever see this: http://en.gogloom.com/PhaZeNet/S.net/ (http://en.gogloom.com/PhaZeNet/S.net/)?

All I have to say is LOL I GUESS WE HAVE STATZ.
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Bobbias on July 28, 2008, 04:19:12 AM
It's not as cool as the chat stats that show stuff like "the most common messages" and "who talked to themselves the longest" and all those neat stats :/
Title: Re: #S.net IRC Chat
Post by: Zakamiro on July 28, 2008, 05:04:09 AM
I could actually set up eggdrop bot on my server to do that. Good idea. Also, lulz for the listing of thetree.phazenet.com.

I find it funny it says there's 20 of of us IRCops... Usually (what seems) 8-10. Hahaha. At least in the oper channel... >.>

Anyway, I should definitely look into the channel logging.

Oh, and searchirc is a more commonly used irc database. I see their snoops logging on and off of my server all the time. Hahaha. xD