
The Chatterbox => Gaming => Topic started by: Sneaky on August 18, 2010, 07:41:59 PM

Title: Starcraft II
Post by: Sneaky on August 18, 2010, 07:41:59 PM
Yea that just came out....

SO I bought it because one of my close friends did. I've owned the original battle chest for a long ass time but never really got into it at all, so SCII is my first experience with any kind of starcraft at all.  I've played a shit ton of red alert 2/other C&C games, so I do have an okay knowledge of strategy games, but never applied it to SC.

My email is jburton@ionet.net  if you want to add me to the "realID" thing on blizzard, or my in-game SC2 is Radunas.

So far I like protoss, and am annoyed by zerg.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Spectere on August 18, 2010, 07:44:50 PM
I don't have SC2 (yet...) but I'll add your RealID to my b.net account anyway so that I can pester you while I do WoWStuffs. ;)

If I like SC1 I'll probably buy SC2.  I don't really get into RTS games much, but I've heard that StarCraft is exceptional, so I'm more than willing to give it a go.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Zephlar on August 18, 2010, 07:56:01 PM
I can't wait to get that freakin game. I used to be obsessed. I'm just hoping my laptop can handle it.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: vladgd on August 18, 2010, 07:58:52 PM
if you want to play starcraft 2 mister spektur, i have a spare 7 hour time code for the game.  if sneaky got a boxed copy, he should have two time-codes as well. 

ask and you shall receive. 

probably add some real id's later. 

as for races.

sc1:  zerg > terran >>> protoss
sc2:  zerg > protoss > terran

lore wise i like all 3, game wise, sc1 protoss feels imba for low level play(terms of pro play, all is balanced), sc2 terran is generally considered a bit too strong and everybody and their mom plays them. 


it's random, for the time being. 
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Spectere on August 18, 2010, 08:00:50 PM
Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to wait until I clear SC1.  From what my Trusted Inside Source (aka Pyroko) says, the storyline basically continues from where the first game left off.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Sneaky on August 18, 2010, 08:01:35 PM
I have an ASUS U80A with a 64bit centrino T6500 2.1GHz dual core with 4GB RAM, and shitty intel mobile graphics stock and SC2 runs pretty great, until a bunch of units come on screen. When I say a bunch, I mean like 50 rays and a fuckton of ground units all attacking at once on a fastest map. Other than those select instances, smooth as penis.  Even if the settings are low, still looks and sounds awesome!
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: vladgd on August 18, 2010, 08:09:20 PM
from what im aware of, they skip most of the broodwar stuff in the second game, and they recap everything narrated when you are installing the game.  i could never really get far in sc1/brood war, always thought it was "too hard". 
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Spectere on August 18, 2010, 10:38:26 PM
Yeah, I thought it was kind of annoying when the game decided to throw a Zerg rush at me at the end of, like, the third Terran mission in the game. :/  It's the one where you have to defend your base for thirty minutes.  Mind-numbingly boring up until the very end.

The only reason I won was because it was timed so close to the end and, despite all of my forces dying a gruesome and violent death, my command center lasted long enough for the drop ship to make its arrival to pick up the zero survivors.  PYRRHIC VICTOLY IST MEIN.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: NewF on August 22, 2010, 02:54:37 PM
Add me in there, newf7@live.com   I'll play anytime :D
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: vladgd on August 30, 2010, 02:08:11 AM

still right now dicking around with 2, 3, 4 v comps.  i need basic mechanics down, and this is a way to do it without getting too stressed out.  i mean, you don't really feel that urgency against a computer opponent.  


i know i can just jump into 1v1 ladder and wing it, but why bother.  if i end up being a silver level player after getting my basics down, that saves me the trouble of fighting out of bronze, or if i end up higher.  i may even be fucked for bronze as is right now.  some people win one game, lose the other 4, end up in silver.



good stuff there
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Bobbias on November 08, 2010, 09:55:57 AM
So, I've been watching the beginnings of the GSL Season 2 (yeah, I'm a bit behind, but oh well). Awesome stuff so far. Kinda disappointed that only 3 foreigners made it in, but TLO and IdrA are in, so I don't really care.Anyone who's interested in watching professional starcraft should definitely watch this stuff. With Tasteless and Artosis casting, you get a lot of insight into what's happening, as well as discussion about the maps, tactics, and such. You get a lot more than normal, because they are talking for more than just the game itself, which makes it a bit different than just casting replays.

I have a link to somewhere where you can watch the VODs of the GSL for free, but I guess spectere wouldn't want me to post it here, so if anyone's interested, I can send you a link. I will say that if you want to stream them, you'll probably need firefox and greasemonkey (though technically that's not required).

In any case, I'm absolutely loving everything so far. Now is definitely a great time to start getting into watching SC2 if you never got into the original SC. It's so much more accessible now that they have 2 english casters all the time, and there are finally getting to be some regular foreigners showing up.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Ulti on November 10, 2010, 04:43:18 AM
I got dis shit too, srslyguyze@gmail.com
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: NewF on November 10, 2010, 12:25:38 PM
I tried adding you Vlad, but it said unable to find you...So add me, Newf7@live.com
And I also sent a request to everyone else so accept it!!!!! :D
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Bobbias on November 19, 2010, 07:00:27 PM
So, I just got SC2. Bobbias@gmail.com

I'm pretty terrible at the game, but I definitely want to get better, so if someone here is serious about practicing and getting good, let me know.

Played first placement match. PvZ (I'm playing toss for now). The guy decides for some reason to do a fucking zergling all in. He literally quit making drones and JUST pumped lings. I was teching up to stalkers, and got caught with 4 zealots out, against something like 20+ lings (well, 2 waves of like, 12 each). Feelsbadman :<
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Bobbias on November 24, 2010, 04:47:13 AM
Doublepost for most satisfying win so far. This was easily the most satisfying win that I remember, simply because I stopped his cheese, and got him to ragequit.


Basically, the terran tried to proxy rax into fast thor... By that point I had expanded, gotten double robo, with (IIRC) 4 gates (and was still failing to spend my money quickly).

There's some fun stuff in the later part, but I'll smalltext it to avoid spoiling it for anyone who wants to watch the replay.

After I'd killed off his initial marines, and moved my army out, I decide to knock out the back door rocks with a zealot stalker army. I didnt realize that as I was knocking down the rocks, his thor + 2 marines + scv was about to move out, sitting just outside vision of my army. I actually moved my zealots into his vision for a moment, but I didnt see his thor, and he didn't see my zealots. I was gonna reinforce it with an immortal, but I had him headed to the watch tower, and spotted the thor moving across the map, and damaged it. I did lose the immortal, but he backed off with the thor because it was at about half health, and would have gone down in no time. His economy was SHIT (the whole game) so I easily had enough resources to build an army capable of crushing him. While he was bringing the thor back, I finished breaking the rocks, moved in, ran past his (now full) bunker/2 marines at his door, and started taking out his factory, and he ragequit.
Title: Re: Starcraft II
Post by: Sneaky on December 06, 2010, 01:58:15 PM
Got myself a Turtle Beach x11 and I've started playing more sc2 lately, you'll probably catch me online at some point, or just add me on facebook http://www.facebook.com/jdburtonasu