
The Chatterbox => Random Chat => Topic started by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 05:14:35 PM

Title: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 05:14:35 PM
Alright, well, I've got the necessary rulebooks, and have been formulating a campaign. I think I've got the storyline down.

Now, if I'm going to continue on and actually like, learn the rules and get openrpg and make maps and things, I need to be sure that I'm going to have people who want to play.

The game plays just like D&D, it's the same system, just in a different setting, with slightly different rules for weaponry and stuff, as we'll be shootin' the guns for the most part. Stats and character creation are the same, if not a little simpler. Feats and skills are the only real differences, although there's a large amount of overlap. Basically, if you've played D&D, you're fine.

I'll get to work on having everything modified to my liking and ready to go if I can get three or four people. I should be ready by this weekend.

Also, questions, you can ask them. I can try to answer them. :U

Here's the information you need for making your characters. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9IZ0RY57

You'll be starting out at level 2.

People playing


Here's a necessary backstory blurb so you can make your characters.

About the universe:

It's roughly 2234, roughly 150 years after first contact with an alien species. Unluckily for us, they seem quite determined to wipe out humanity, without a second thought. In 2098, They (as humanity refers to them, as they have yet to initiate any communication) staged a massive attack on earth, literally erasing the entire western hemisphere, causing a mass extinction, and killing off nearly half the population of earth. However, the attack was repelled before further damage was inflicted, however the mystery of how such a large fleet slipped into earth orbit completely undetected still manages to baffle scientists. Luckily, humanity pulled itself out of the rubble, and began reconstruction almost immediately, with the cities on Mars and the Moon becoming the main centers of power, forming a unified government. It's only in the last 50 years that earth's surface has been completely reclaimed, although conditions are often harsh outside of cities. Many larger asteroids and the moons of Mars have been colonized as well, along with a handful of extraplanetary systems, although they're all within a fairly small radius.

Faster-than-light travel has been developed, but it's mostly the domain ofthe military and a small  group of private corporations specializing in moving industrial goods in bulk. Regardless of your character's colony of origin or social status, they're all answering the call of the  largest organization in human history, the Terran Military Coalition - Providing a stable source of income and some sense of belonging for the myriads of unemployed young people, or simply those who feel it's their duty to serve their species. Regardless of background, education, or morals, members of the TMC are humanity's first defense against extraterrestrial threats.

Here's some information for clarity on the backstory, just core facts.

- Faster-than-light transportation was discovered around 2070, hooray theoretical physics turning out to work. Colonization both inside and outside of the solar system immediately ensued.
-English is still the primary languages, although asian languages are still spoken. The Earth had a unified government prior to the initial alien attack, and english was the primary language worldwide.
- Cybernetics are very highly controlled, and for the most part illegal. The first instances of such technology surfaced around 2150, although it's not exactly clear when they first were created, or who made them.
- Most combat between humanity and Them take place in space, although ground combat is still quite common, as They are prefectly content to land and level colonies as they see fit.
- Military service is mandatory, but it's more of a national-guard-esque thing, where all able-bodied men are required to do a year of training and serve as defense forces for their respective colonies, essentially as part of their schooling, at the age of 21. All extraplanetary combat, ie offensives, are done by voulenteers. Joining the military isn't just something for people who are suicidal, either, it's a completely legitimate way to earn a living, as you get paid, and in addition all your basic needs are provided for while in the service.
- 97% of people don't own their own space vessels, you'd either have to be in the business of transporting goods or people, be a smuggler or pirate, or be in the military.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: annon on December 06, 2007, 06:37:57 PM
I'll join. I don't know if I'll contribute much, though.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 06:52:57 PM
Ah well, I'll have fun :U

That's at least one.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 06, 2007, 07:22:16 PM
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 07:40:55 PM
Alright. I managed to find character sheets for d20 modern, so I'll PM you guys those, along with the modifications that are going to be necessary. There's no magic in the universe I'm planning, it's going to be realistic, for the most part.

Edit: I also found a rulebook of the core d20 modern game, which has all the mechanics in it, although it doesn't have all the extra skills, feats, or occupations that are in d20 future. I'll have to type those up for you guys. Also I'm going to be making equipment, at least weaponry, myself.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Alice on December 06, 2007, 07:53:51 PM

As soon as I get openrpg. :)

And, if it bitches about my OpenGL direct rendering (or lack of), as soon as Spectere and me recompile my kernel.  My popcorn is so important to me, you see ;)
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 08:00:25 PM
I haven't even attempted to get openrpg yet.

Oh man so I got this book of guns for d20 modern, it's so awesome, it has like every single firearm ever made and like an entire essay about each one.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Bobbias on December 06, 2007, 11:12:41 PM
I might be interested. I'm in the "no openrpg yet" boat as well though.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 06, 2007, 11:14:46 PM
I'm just downloading it now. If I can't figure openrpg out, we can still just do it over IRC, although it will take an ungodly large amount of imagination, along with you guys actually needing dice and things. I think there's other programs that do the same thing, too.

Also: 1000get.

Also also: actually commit, guys! I need to know how difficult to make everything. 3 people, vs 5 people, is a big difference, rofl. Also I'm going to cap it at 6 people.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Bobbias on December 06, 2007, 11:18:26 PM
Lol, creative? Ever Roleplay over MSN, or any other text only chat system? When you have no dice, and the only thing you have is your imagination, things get interesting, and creative, by comparison, the D20 system is VERY restricting.

There are tons of dice roller programs out there.

Also, most monsters/enemies are rated by what level a 4 person party should be to kill them, so you'd only have to take that into account and have us slightly higher level if we were a 3 person party, or slightly lower if we were 5 or 6 people...
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 07, 2007, 11:02:49 AM
CR is a joke. It simply doesn't work. I've played in countless campaigns, and any campaign with halfway competent players can destroy an appropriate CRed creature very easily 9 times out of 10.

For reference, the normal, shitty rule on CR is that a properly balanced party of 4 adventurers can kill a monster with a CR equal to their level by expending approximately one-quarter of their resources.


If a party of level 2s burned through a quarter of their ammo/hp/etc. every time they fought a CR2...lmfao. They'd get nowhere.

Also: Ulti, the fill-in-the-blanks PDF character sheet is dumpy, it won't let you save the filled-in copy for unknown reason. I'll just do up a notepaddy formatting guide for characters after I finish cutting the PDFs properly.

EDIT: There's some other crap we need to cover too. WHY AREN'T YOU ON AIM? SCHOOL IS LESS IMPORTANT.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 07, 2007, 01:45:49 PM
Hahaha, I am too on aim! I just decided to turn off my computer overnight for the first time in a week or two.

Also: CR is irrelevant here, I'm making all the creatures and weaponry from scratch.

Also also: Yeah, I've done RP-ing outside of an actual system, but this makes combat a bit more structured, if you ask me. It seems more fair, other than "I shoot u in hed" "no u dun', u miss."
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 07, 2007, 02:19:27 PM
I was on FFXI for a while, PLing some JPers. Get back on AIM.

Proof that I was legitimately fighting xenophobia (giant because I'm too lazy to resize):
No english person would ever intentionally type {Thank you.} !PT {Disbanding party.} very very thanks ! hollyknight(star)
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Bobbias on December 07, 2007, 02:24:17 PM
You only get that if you're RPing with idiots. Freeform RP (as I'll refer to it now) is much less structured, however, it allows a lot more room for imagination.
It allows for stupid people to be even dumber, but if you're in a group of good RPers, you can make some interesting things.

Hell, I knew one person who actually had a 100 post intro for his character. (100 posts on lycos chat, not sure on other things with different word limits.)
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 07, 2007, 06:47:44 PM
Posted the backstory portion, it should be enough to give you ideas when making your character. I should have the required materials and sheets for that up by the end of the night.

Also: I think we're going to use openrpg, but only because of the fact that it has a map and dice roller, I'm having trouble figuring out how the heck to use the rest of the program, like the actual game features that end up automating most of the things. So some of the responsibility is going to be on you guys, having your character sheets ready and properly filled out, etc.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Alice on December 07, 2007, 07:36:13 PM
Cna mah charactur b frum Ceres? :{ooo
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 07, 2007, 09:13:53 PM
From where? :s

Make the character, and send me the character sheet, and I'll check over everything and make sure it works. That applies for everyone: I want to see your character sheets before we start, so I can make sure you're not completely absurd, and for my records.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Alice on December 07, 2007, 09:17:17 PM
Ceres is the biggest asteroid in the asteroid belt, and is now considered a dwarf planet.  It used to be considered an actual planet, but like Pluto and Eris, got shmacked down to dwarf planets (well, wait, Eris wasn't an official planet was it.  I remember when it used to be named 2003 UB313).  I'll get around to that sheet some time this weekend.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 07, 2007, 09:36:30 PM
Yeah, that's fine. As long as it's somewhat feasable.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Alice on December 08, 2007, 12:57:56 AM
While we're on the topic of random astronomical bodies, which ones are actually settled?  Are there bases on outer dwarf planets or satellites? (Ganymede?  Europa?  Callisto (apparently the most likely to support a human base)?  Pluto?  Eris?  Triton?  I doubt there would be anything other than military outposts out that far, since it would probably take too long for anyone else to travel that far.)  Have we came up for a new name for dwarf planets, since the name "dwarf planet" is kind of dumb sounding? :D
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 08, 2007, 03:48:58 AM
Yes, it's fair to assume there's civilian outposts outside of the solar system, and on most of the moons that could you know, actually support some sort of human life on. Also planetoid is a valid name for such things :U

Also got another person. We just need one more. I'm in the process of writing up equipment and drawing maps for the first part of the campaign.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 10, 2007, 01:06:24 AM
Bump: Can I have your character sheets by sometime this week? I'm just about finished making the gear, which means I've just got to do a couple more maps and we'll be ready to go.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 10, 2007, 11:51:36 AM
Silly Ulti, you haven't posted the link to the stuff yet.

EDIT: Silly Sharde, you're blind and retarded.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 10, 2007, 03:03:42 PM
I was half-way through reading your post and thinking "Hay, wait..."
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 10, 2007, 04:59:25 PM
Doublepost: Slots are full. More people can still sign up though, you'll just be introduced later in the campaign (You won't have to be in the military!), and will play as a reserve, when someone else can't make it.

Also: are you guys working on characters? Piro's the only one who's checked anything with me.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 10, 2007, 09:00:12 PM
I'm making mine tomorrow, had a bunch of crap to do today.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 10, 2007, 10:08:49 PM
Ah, okay. I worked out all the weapons today, and I'll probably have the armor done as well, which means I just need to draw up the last couple maps and we'd be ready to go.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 14, 2007, 05:07:34 PM
Double-post, weekend's here, I want your character bio's. Piro, Sharde, and M_M are still the only people who've talked to me.

Edit: Wait, it's friday, not saturday. I'm smart. Point still stands though, toss me an email or AIM.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 14, 2007, 06:26:16 PM
I know, I'm lazy. It'll get done tonight, for real this time. Only XPing until about 9pm, then I'll get on it.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Alice on December 14, 2007, 08:07:10 PM
Had a sudden streak of uncreativity and emoness.  Count me out for now, sorry :(
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Korremar on December 14, 2007, 10:55:43 PM

I'm done and you're not on.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 15, 2007, 12:38:16 AM
Kuro: Aww, alright. You can always hop in later.

Sharde: Email it to me, I'm going to go see I Am Legend tonight, so I won't have a chance to check it until tommorow sometime.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 18, 2007, 04:53:50 PM
Doublepost: Once I see everyone's character sheets, I'll be ready to go. I don't think we'll need to have openrpg for the first session, I haven't figured out how to get my maps working there properly, so we'll probably just use IRC or something.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 18, 2007, 06:12:23 PM
Triplepost: Here's some information for clarity on the backstory, just core facts.

- Faster-than-light transportation was discovered around 2070, hooray theoretical physics turning out to work. Colonization both inside and outside of the solar system immediately ensued.
-English is still the primary languages, although asian languages are still spoken. The Earth had a unified government prior to the initial alien attack, and english was the primary language worldwide.
- Cybernetics are very highly controlled, and for the most part illegal. The first instances of such technology surfaced around 2150, although it's not exactly clear when they first were created, or who made them.
- Most combat between humanity and Them take place in space, although ground combat is still quite common, as They are prefectly content to land and level colonies as they see fit.
- Military service is mandatory, but it's more of a national-guard-esque thing, where all able-bodied men are required to do a year of training and serve as defense forces for their respective colonies, essentially as part of their schooling, at the age of 21. All extraplanetary combat, ie offensives, are done by voulenteers. Joining the military isn't just something for people who are suicidal, either, it's a completely legitimate way to earn a living, as you get paid, and in addition all your basic needs are provided for while in the service.
- 97% of people don't own their own space vessels, you'd either have to be in the business of transporting goods or people, be a smuggler or pirate, or be in the military.

Edit: Mirrored on the front page
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Bobbias on December 18, 2007, 06:38:31 PM
cool backstory, I like it.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 18, 2007, 07:02:35 PM
Have you finished your character sheet yet? I want to start, before I lose all motivation to do so :(
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Bobbias on December 18, 2007, 07:42:46 PM
I wasn't really planning on joining, but I might. I haven't got any of the stuff though, no books or anything :/ I was just commenting on the back story.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 18, 2007, 09:05:59 PM
Oh okay, I thought you'd said earlier that you were. The information you need to make a character is in the first post, it's mostly spliced out of the books. The mechanics work pretty much exactly the same as D&D.
Title: Re: So, that d20 thing we were going to try.
Post by: Ulti on December 29, 2007, 03:54:27 PM
Fifteenbazillionth doublepost for this thread, Aldrasio, I haven't been able to catch up with you for a while, have you finished up your character sheet? If so, I think we can start. M_M has fallen off the face of the earth, so I think I might just start out without him, and just throw him in as soon as he appears again.