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Messages - LunarKeys

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Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: March 27, 2011, 12:47:17 PM »
I don't know how to use Ammy's Glaive right now, and I'm still really scary with her. Her Reflector combo (L->M->H five times-> launch->Mx2->Hx3) hits for insanely good damage just by itself, and she can zone very well with the beads and Power Slash. But yeah, the problem is that she's not very strong stuff, so it only takes a combo or two to down her.

Phoenix is really hard to deal with, don't get me wrong. That's why newbies use her - all you need to do is stall with your first two characters, then just...demolish the opponent's team with Phoenix. One of the things I've noticed as I'm ranking up is that I generally clobber people that abuse Sentinel or Phoenix, because if you snap them in and kill them, then the rest of their team immediately falls apart. I'm a lot more scared of people who abuse other characters that are crazy good with level 3 X-Factor (Dormammu, Akuma, Ryu, etc.)

Anyway! I'm on 360 right now. My Live gamertag is LunarKeys. Feel free to add me, and I can help you out!

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:04:20 AM »

What do you think of Dante? I hear he has a somewhat broken offence? I'm not good enough to make any sort of judgment about him, but from what I've seen, he looks nigh unstoppable in the hands of an experienced player

Dante has very, very long, flashy combos, but they honestly don't do that much damage. His main power is exploiting people who don't react very quickly - his teleport into jumping S will frequently catch people off guard and can lead into a huge combo for roughly 400-500k damage (unless he X-Factors or tacks on a level 3 hyper combo at the end to kill the player) This can be incredibly obnoxious to play against, certainly, but once you figure out his tricks, he's somewhat predictable. He's still very, very dangerous, certainly, but other characters (Wesker, Amaterasu, Dark Phoenix) are generally considered more so.

Sentinel was broken because of hyper armor (cancels/overrides numerous other moves during his own attacks, meaning someone can rush him and he can just hit a button to start a combo and kill them anyway), having some of the best zoning in the game, the best assist in the game, the highest HP in the game, the highest raw power (outside of Dark Phoenix) in the game, normals did damage even when the opponent was blocking, and incredibly simple combos that killed off every character in two combos (or several in one!) Also, his level 3 X-Factor added 230% to his damage, allowing unskilled players to simply save him for last, then decimating the entire enemy team in one go. He showed up in almost every team because there was almost zero reason not to play him - either you were good enough to play one of his counters (almost all very low-HP characters that died if you made a single mistake) or out of sheer stubbornness. I wish the nerf had significantly lowered his damage instead of his HP because scrubs can still abuse him and kill your entire team if you're not incredibly careful, but oh well, some progress is better than no progress.

Phoenix is, admittedly, cheese. I'm grateful that most of the people that gravitate towards her for the same reason they went to Sentinel - the moment Dark Phoenix comes out, they throw on X-Factor and start spamming madly, and, well, usually, that's enough to kill any opponent. However, she's made of paper. Best tactic is to snap her in the moment you see she's on a team, then all it takes is one combo. Use ANYTHING to get rid of her - if your combo falls short, use up your own X-Factor, then finish her off that way. Use hyper combos, delayed hyper combos...chip her to death if need be, it's more than a little feasible.

If all else fails, kill the rest of her team, poke Phoenix until she has almost no health, then run out the clock. :3

If Phoenix does turn into Dark Phoenix, remember these:

- You almost certainly cannot run away, because her teleport is the best in the game.
- Blocking won't do you much because she's so insanely fast that, more than likely a scrub using her will inadvertently hit low when you're blocking high or vice versa.
- You do not have priority. You can use any super and she can respond with Phoenix Rage which will (unless you're at full health on a high-health character) override your super and kill you.
- The best way to snag her is any time she is spamming projectiles. Pushblock/Advancing Guard during one of her up-close encounters or wait until she's using her dual-TK shot to use a beam or full-screen super, then X-Factor and do it again. If you don't have X-Factor, try to land anything that has invincibility (Viewtiful Joe's Mach Speed, Captain America's Hyper Charging Star, X-23's Weapon X Prime...check out Shoryuken's Hyper Guide for other information on that front) and lets you continue the combo onwards. If you can't kill her in one combo...well, you're gonna need to wait until she makes a mistake. Most likely, you won't be playing against anyone who really knows how to use Phoenix, so you'll be fine waiting her out. Many new players (justifiably!) freak out when they see Dark Phoenix and make mistakes that let her kill you off before you can blink. You have to stay calm.

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:58:00 PM »
I picked up Batman: Arkham Asylum, and despite all of the rave reviews about it, I still am just not interested enough to stop playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Seriously, this is the most entertaining, frantic fighting game I have ever played, and I don't think I'll ever be able to play anything slower ever again. The new Mortal Kombat just looks clunky and dull compared to this game. Obviously, actual fighting game fanatics will be able to point out intricacies that I'm missing, but this game is just so hyperactive that I'm willing to overlook numerous other glaring flaws (complete lack of story mode, almost everything one-player being padding, online matches have frustrating amounts of lag, ragequitter hell not kicking in nearly fast enough, etc, etc)

Also, I love the character balance so far. Sentinel was the only obviously broken character, and he just had a massive health nerf, meaning all kinds of characters are viable right now! Tournaments have had such wild choices as She-Hulk, Spencer, and Haggar, characters that everyone scoffed at when they were announced. Awesome!

Ian is sitting on my couch, playing video games.


Life is so, so good.

Random Chat / Re: You couldn't ask for a lamer topic!
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:21:46 PM »
I am sitting on my new couch with Mr. Spectere himself.

He's playing Super Meat Boy! His quotes are entertaining.

'I think I'm using the word 'cock' a lot when I die.'

'This is a transcript of Ian playing Super Meat Boy: 'FUCK SHIT COCK''

'Super Keyboard Boy!' (He really needs to get an adapter. Playing with the keyboard is dreadful) (Spectere typing: I already have a wired Xbox 360 controller, but I'm too hardcore to use something like that!)

'Hey, I hope a laser doesn't totally come out of nowhere and own me' (We quoted a lot of Metal Gear Awesome back and forth yesterday while we were setting up the Pump cabinet)

Keys: 'Well, this level isn't so bad...'
Spectere: 'Yeah, after you get over the shock of there being a FUCKING DEMON MISSILE!'

'You dick-suck-fuck-cock!' (he's playing the last level of Hell right now)

'See, I'm not gonna use English anymore, so you can't understand what I'm saying and thus quote me'

Keys: 'Hey Snake, a demon missile is totally gonna come out of nowhere and-'
Spectere: 'SHUT UP'

Also, he's occasionally lapsed into angrish, or roughly what Tourettes Guy does. 'DICKS!' 'PENIS!' 'COCKS!' (there's a lot of phallic language going on)

Okay he's done with Hell now, I'll update this with Rapture if we get anything new.

EDIT: Wow, that didn't take long!

Spectere: 'I wanna see if I can get that warp zone over there.'
Keys: 'You really don't. It's the hardest one in the game'
Spectere: 'Oh, go penis yourself.'

*after unlocking warp zone*


Spec Edit: Corrected my BBcode n00bishness.

« on: March 09, 2010, 01:51:59 PM »
Hi, I'm unlurking!

My parents are fixing up the house to sell it! I have been up since 7 AM watching the carpet guys to make sure they don't try anything! (the paint guys stole money)

I have two months to make three thousand dollars, don't have a job, and am $600 in debt!

Going without sleep for 36 hours is kind of fun!

I don't know why I'm using exclamation points for everything!

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: July 31, 2009, 07:03:52 PM »
A friend of mine went into the Navy recently, and gave me his Xbox 360. I picked up a set of games for it while I was vacationing up in Pennsylvania and just started playing them today.

Bioshock is...well, disturbingly realistic (All I've played before has been Wii and older systems, so this is a huge graphics jump) and beautiful. The gameplay is pretty awesome and the story seems pretty gripping thus far. Looking forward to seeing some of the stuff later on.

« on: July 27, 2009, 08:01:22 PM »

(I'm lurking)

« on: July 06, 2009, 11:48:19 PM »
Just got back from AnthroCon, hahaha furries. It was awesome and about the only thing missing was ALL MY MONEY.

Staying at my girlfriend's for a week before heading back to Pittsburgh to visit a zillion people.

Okay back to lurking.

I just got back from vacation.


Spent three days in Reno at the Atlantis Fun Center. They had:

- IIDX DJ TROOPERS with custom songs thrown on so it was basically Troopers + Empress. I threw sixty freaking dollars on this thing and spent the better part of one of the days on it.
- Pump It Up NX2. SEXY. <3 Amazing, managed to pass Witch Doctor (CZ), Chimera (HD), and Energizer (CZ). Flippin' amazing machine. In awesome condition, well-maintained.
- STEPMANIA Yeah modified DDR cabinet with a hojillion songs. Managed to pass Guillaume Tell (original from KBMP) and most of Beautiful Synergy. Also played One More Lovely and managed to spam for like thirty seconds before dying on the pad.
- Pop'n Music FEVER (didn't play, was too busy with IIDX)
- DDR Supernova (lol wut)
- Initial D 4 - AWESOME. The game is amazing and beautiful to even watch, let alone play. About the only thing I'd have liked more would have been an F-Zero AX cabinet but who cares this thing is AWESOME.
- Time Crisis 3 + 4 - Smashed my old record on 3 and finished the game on one credit for the first time. Down to three credits on finishing 4. Whoo!

So yeah, vacation was AMAZING and about the only thing that was bad about it is that there's no longer any ITG because the other arcade sold theirs off and replaced it with a PIU Zero but WHO CARES I'm not even typing using proper punctuation anymore.

« on: February 16, 2009, 12:11:20 AM »
I am failing at this 'not lurking' thing.

I quit my job and went back into business for myself. Now I get to say to my friends with pride that I'm an entrepreneur!

(of course, much facepalming ensues after they ask what that word even means, and then even more so when they mock me for what I do: I sell trading cards.)

Gaming / Re: watcha playin'
« on: January 10, 2009, 02:57:05 PM »
I'm playing LocoRoco right now.

I'm an amorphous blob eating rose-like objects to become a bigger amorphous blob so that I can pick up cute little parts to add to my Loco House. Also, black tentacle monsters want to eat me. My world is made of pastels and the only way I can transverse it is changing the landscape by tilting it up or down.

Is this what it's like to be high?

(the game is awesome, by the way)

« on: January 10, 2009, 02:05:18 AM »
I much prefer the oldschool days where you pretty much had to use spell cards in combination with your creatures. It made the game a lot more interesting. Nowdays they are beefing the creatures up so much and adding so many abilities that you could create creature deck by itself.

Welll...the creatures may be big and tough, but only a few can't be killed. Everything still dies to Wrath of God (Or Damnation - they made a black version of Wrath) or Swords to Plowshares. Or Smother, Diabolic Edict, Terror, Cataclysm, Wildfire, Obliteration, Mutiliate...okay, you get the idea. XD Sorceries and Instants are still a huge deal, and one of the decks I'm building can win tournaments without playing a single creature.

« on: January 09, 2009, 06:22:14 PM »
Nyeh, I'd guess the check comes as a nice 'make up gift', since they sent my sister off to the University of Texas at Austin on their dollar, whereas I just want enough to pick up an Associate's. (Compare $10k college cost total for me to $50k for her...) Though yeah, come to think of it, maybe I should've kept my mouth shut. >_>

Bobbias - I actually don't play with modern cards (none too fond of a lot of the new stuff and the new Mythic Rare idea, which only comes one to every eight packs as opposed to their usual rarity system), so you're more likely to understand the kind of crap I'm playing with. (Elves, Dark Ritual + Hypnotic Specter/Duress/Hymn to Tourach, Burn, etc, etc.)

« on: January 09, 2009, 01:47:52 AM »
I got back into Magic: The Gathering again!

I'd post a thread as such but I'm pretty sure nobody (okay, so maybe one or two other people) play.

Also, picked up parental bribery check. (parents got sick of my 'poor' grades of Bs and Cs, and thus promised $500 per A, $200 per B for the semester.) $1,400 more towards a car! ($5,000+ to go =p)

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