Author Topic: You were right, vlad  (Read 5456 times)


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You were right, vlad
« on: August 08, 2008, 01:57:07 AM »
Allow me to explain. Remember when I mentioned in the lame replies thread that I had found my dream girl and that she had left someone to be with me? Well vlad called it when he said that it just meant she could leave me for someone else.

This past month has been the most painful and terrible month I've had to endure. I actually loved this girl. It's the first time I was ever actually sure I loved someone. And she loved me, or so she said, and so I believed. After a fucking month, too.

I'm not going to go all the way into the situation because it's way too much for me to type, but here's what happened about a month ago: I called her asking if I would be able to see her later that day. She said "yes" and that was that. Yay. And let me just mention that things were going great, I had no reason to doubt the status of our relationship at that point. Well, I didn't hear from her at all that day, and I called and called over and over with no answer. A few days passed without any sort of communication with her whatsoever. Words can't accurately describe what was going on in my mind. The worry, the frustration and the guilt, thinking I could have done something wrong and not known it. My imagination was on overdrive. So about a week passes and by then I've called her phone probably about two hundred times. Then I decide to call her work (again) and see if she's there. Here's the BEST part of the story: the guy who picks up the phone says she didn't come in to work today because she had to file a police report about a stalker. A fucking stalker. That's what I became to her. At that point, I realized that it would be in my best interest, legally, to stop trying to get hold of her, and I just had to break down and convince myself that it was done for. If you've never been heartbroken before, it's something so awful that I wouldn't wish it for my worst enemy. I've never felt more hopelessly lost and confused in my life. It royally fucked me up. I lost the one thing that was keeping me sane through this hurricane of shit I've been living through. So that's what I have been recuperating from in the past month. And I'm feeling much much better these days. BUT it's not over yet! See, I had absolutely no idea what was going on with her; I didn't know if she was with someone else or what, and had to live with a lack of closure, until tonight :O I'm walking to the store to buy some soda, when who do I happen to see picking up the very guy she left me for in the first place from work? Yep, apparently she went back to that total idiot douchebag who will continue to treat her like shit as long as she's with him. As they were pulling out of the parking lot, I was standing on the sidewalk, looking at her. She saw me, I waved and smiled devilishly, and she left the parking lot through the less convenient exit furthest from me in a big hurry.

Seeing this happen tonight has made me feel unbelievably better. Why? Because I realize that she isn't the type of person I thought she was. I have a history of attracting totally insane girls who have clinically diagnosed mental problems, and I had pegged her for a pretty level-headed and not-so-psychotic person, but seeing her leave a relationship in which she knew she would be shown nothing but loyalty, respect, love, and honesty, and going back to this immature, lazy, shithead asshole who hits her and cheats on her and mentally abuses her, made me realize that she is probably the most crazy of the girls I've dated, and that I have dodged a huge bullet. I finally got closure, and it's amazingly pleasant feeling. Knowing that she is embarrassed as fuck right now makes me smile, too. Fucking bitch.

SO here is the moral of this story, and the ultimate point I'm getting to. The reason I survived (and I almost mean that literally) through the past month is because of my friends. This whole situation made me understand just how incredibly important having good friends is. I have never appreciated the personal relationships I've established with these people more than at this time. So there's the moral, and here's the point: I'm probably not going to be returning to this forum anymore. And I say 'probably' because I have left before and I am never more than 99% sure of anything. You guys and gals are awesome. Definitely the coolest e-personalities I've ever known, and it's a shame I've never gotten to meet any of you in person, but internet-based relationships have become utterly meaningless to me in the past few weeks. I'm going to get out more and meet real people made of flesh, and socialize and start to become the person I've been wanting to for a long-ass time. The Age of the Computer is over, so-to-speak :3

I'll probably stop by here every now and then to see what kinds of replies I get, but I'm not going to be posting anymore. Also, don't think I'm trying to cut off completely from everyone, that's not my agenda. If you REALLY want to stay in touch, I will still be checking emails. I might still upload to my deviantart when I start making art and shit again, as well. I think my email is my profile here, but if not it's sqthreer at gmail dot com.

OKAY well byebye then!!
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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 02:02:54 AM »
i said what i said, so what just happened, wouldn't happen.  but im sorry it happened anyway, i mean generalizations, no matter how "right" they sound to me, don't apply to EVERYONE, so i can understand your previous response.

wellp, good luck out there.  MEET SOME NICE PEOPLE!


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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 02:09:40 AM »
Sounds like me to some extent.

I was with my last ex for almost 3 year...and I seperated from her because of various reasons (none of which I wish to discuss).

I have gotten through with the help of friends but mostly just by keeping myself busy...but when I do get the time free she comes into my mind.  Yes I did honestly love her.

So I can understand what you are going through...just hang in there.


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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 02:25:35 AM »
Well, I'm sorry to hear what happened man. However, I have to agree with what vlad said. The exact same thing happened to a friend of mine. Not just about the whole "if she left him for you, she can leave you too" part, but the fact that she went back to an abusive relationship. It seems that most girls who end up in abusive relationships who don't know enough to leave right away, usually end up back in an abusive relationship when the find someone who isn't abusive. They don't know how to deal with a normal person. They need that abuse to make them feel normal, or something to that effect. and yes, they really are crazy. However, I do feel sad for them. The way I see it, instead of trying to save those girls, we should attack the problem at the very source, and try to stop those guys from being abusive in the first place. That is a problem in society that simply isn't being fixed.

I'm also sorry you're leaving (again). E-friends might not mean much to you any more, but to me, they're the only people I talk to on an actual daily basis outside of my family, and my girlfriend. This site has pretty much been my lifeline to social interaction outside of my family and girlfriend. I'm not in any way saying that you need to come back, or anything like that. Just explaining why I'm saying what I'm saying.

I wish you nothing but the best, but I'm always going to hope that you do come back here. You've always been a cool guy, and even though you never really opened up personally except for a couple times, we've all come to enjoy having you at the site. At the very least, I count you among my good internet friends.

Well, whatever you do, I hope you enjoy your life.
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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2008, 04:12:46 AM »
Sheesh, sorry to hear about that, sq3r. :(  Glad to hear that you've gotten over her, though.

I'm sad to see you go, but I'm glad you're getting out and meeting people.  Do be sure to stop by and say sup every once in a while, though!  If you ever want to e-talk or whatever, my e-mail addy is spectere at gmail dot com, but you probably already know that. :P  I check it just about every day.

Take care of yourself, m'kay?
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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2008, 05:43:37 PM »
Well, umm, goodbye again then. God luck meeting people, in all honesty I'm probably going to do the same once the school year starts again. I've yet to hang out with a lot of cool people that I've recently hung out with.

Also yes, she seems like a total cunt, thank god you're not with her anymore.


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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2008, 08:50:57 PM »
One of my best friends went through a recent breakup.. Sooner is better than later, and, at least now you're single. I'm always on aim/msn/yim/icq/irc/lol/gtalk/rofl/xfire/myspaceim, and you can always email me at Peace out, brothah.

God luck


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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2008, 02:12:39 AM »



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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2008, 05:03:29 PM »
Sorry to hear that man, albeit 200 calls does sound a weee bit excessive in one week.  I was in a similar situation, and I forced myself to call just twice (and maybe leave a voicemail, but a broad one) in one day and I would take a few days in between to call again.  Then again, hindsight is always 20/20.


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Re: You were right, vlad
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2008, 06:07:01 PM »
Reading this is like looking into a hypothetical crystal ball for me. i have no idea what i should do. i've been thinking about all-but-quitting the internet lately.

hope it all works out for you sq3r
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