Author Topic: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.  (Read 675328 times)


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #615 on: July 02, 2008, 09:19:36 AM »
Lol, while I can see how you might not like the atmosphere and such of a language class (they are kinda formal and crap, unlike stuff like marching band, philosophy (sometimes) and other classes like that), I still think that language classes are really helpful. I'd absolutely love to have a german, russian, japanese, korean, finnish, norse, estonian, romanian, class, or just about any of the slightly more obscure languages really.

The big thing that I've realized recently, while trying to learn languages by myself is that it's extremely hard for me to learn the vocabulary without any structure, and it's also hard for me to learn how more complex sentences are structured in that language without someone I can ask about it. Just because you know a language is Subject Object Verb doesn't mean you know where adjectives, adverbs, and entire other clauses go, and how to join them.

I've tried software and websites that try the "total immersion" style as well (the Rosetta stone, and a couple websites that copy that style of teaching) and found that it is very awkward, even if I know the writing system they are using. They simply give you a flash card with something on it, show you the word that means what's on it (which can be obscure sometimes), and then say the word. They don't explain anything, including the writing system, which means seeing something like "女の子" and a flash card of a young girl can be simple, but seeing something like "私は短いです" on the same flashcard can really confuse people.

(note for anyone that can't read them, the first is "onna no ko" or literally "girl child", and the second one is "watashi wa mijikai desu" or "I am short".)

After having tried to learn number of languages and barely scratched the surface of them, I've begun to learn how incredibly useful it is to have a class. Even if you don't learn how to speak the way a native would, it certainly helps you learn many words that are in common use, and that is really helpful.
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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #616 on: July 02, 2008, 10:52:43 AM »
The only reason I'd ever want to learn French is to be able to read the text on my Erik Satie sheet music and Les Miserables in their original forms.

Japanese wa for otakus desu lol kawaii desu ne.

Spanish is where it's at for foreign languages.

Oh and German simply because TimJing is learning German.

But mainly Spanish. Second most useful language ever if you're American. (Hey, guess what's first most useful!)

As for having classes... that's fine, but having a book for Spanish is also lovely. And I also have Pimsleur audiotapes which are awesome as fuck. Sorry if you disagree but I really like the "infer how it works" method. It really helps me learn how to truly manipulate the language. Also, I shat bricks when I learned that castellano is another way of saying Spanish in Spanish.

Also maybe one of the reasons why you could never get the hang of a language is because you never stuck strictly to one and persevered. I make sure to study Spanish at least 15 minutes every day on my own. I've been stepping it up a bit more now that I'm on summer vacation, e.g. whenever I walk to get lunch I make sure to go to a specific pizza place far away from my house so I can listen to (almost) two Pimsleur lessons throughout the round trip.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 11:00:59 AM by ovanova »


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #617 on: July 02, 2008, 11:49:50 AM »
I hated learning French in school. However, I can read a half decent amount of material in french now :P I couldn't speak it or listen to someone speaking it and know what the hell they mean, but I can read it pretty decently. Erik Satie kicks ass.

My problem is vocabulary. I can learn basic grammar (enough to read the more complex sentences as well) very quickly, however, especially in a language such as Japanese, learning the vocabulary is a big stepping stone. In the case of Japanese, you have to deal with learning the kanji, as well as learning the pronunciation.

I don't live in the US, so Spanish is essentially as useless to me as Japanese or Russian would be, except of course, that I could find a lot of use for being fluent in Japanese, since the Japanese have a huge presence on the internet.

See, I learn differently than a lot of people, so simply being given a sentence in some language I barely know, that I can't read, and must simply assume the meaning has something to do with a flash card that I'm shown, generally doesn't help me very much.

Sure, I might eventually be able to figure out what it means by inferring meaning form the other cards, and eventually after that, being able to figure out the meaning and use of each part of the sentence, but being given some basic knowledge of the grammar and writing system would help me a lot more than simply doing that over and over.

I'm a bit of a social learner when it comes to language. I prefer having someone there to be able to ask my own questions and get clarification from than simply having to use a static resource, such as a book or online course to figure it out. If I can get a straight answer, I'll be able to learn it right away, because I know how to ask a question to figure things out.

The other problem with learning by yourself is that it's hard to find a properly ordered lesson that teaches you vocabulary well. Yes, classes in school are kinda boring when all you're learning is how to say cat and dog in that language, but learning sentences like "the cat is small" really helps cement your basic understanding of the fundamentals of the language. Building on that you can very quickly learn how to say things like "that at is looking at me" or "the cat ran away quickly". It gives you a solid foundation form which to build you knowledge.

Learning by yourself generally bypasses that part, unless you are able to teach yourself in a very structured manner, which I find quite difficult.

If I have a book on the language, I can learn the basic and intermediate aspects of grammar quickly, but I always get stuck very quickly on the vocabulary. Unfortunately, those programs and such that are supposed to immerse you in it and such just feel wrong when I try to use them. I'd much rather just try to have a discussion with someone and have the same sort of books that teachers tend to use for teaching resources in those classes.
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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #618 on: July 02, 2008, 05:52:15 PM »
i'm learning latin via rosetta stone

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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #619 on: July 02, 2008, 08:46:00 PM »
But mainly Spanish. Second most useful language ever if you're American. (Hey, guess what's first most useful!)

Unless you live in Maine, especially northern Maine because they've got a decent population of French speaking Canadians.


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #620 on: July 02, 2008, 10:49:01 PM »
My problem is vocabulary. I can learn basic grammar (enough to read the more complex sentences as well) very quickly, however, especially in a language such as Japanese, learning the vocabulary is a big stepping stone. In the case of Japanese, you have to deal with learning the kanji, as well as learning the pronunciation.
Yeah, same here. Grammar comes really easily and vocabulary is a bitch. I was annoyed by how quickly my classmates forgot the conjugation of some verbs in two different tenses after a three week tangent considering we spent oh who knows how long on it beforehand. But it seems like everybody else has no problems with vocabulary, while I have to study it and use the worst tricks ever to remember the words (e.g. peinarse means to comb... I remember that because it's a "pein" in my "arse" to get the knots out) (not that those tricks aren't totally amazing... but I just feel like it should come more naturally for me).

Now it's definitely harder to learn a kanji AND the normal, phonetic word on top of that, but as far as my experience goes, learning definitions for kanji is pretty easy. I know quite a few and I don't even actually care for Japanese; I just have Rikaichan in my browser and I've taken note of a lot of kanji definitions. I could probably write approx. 20 kanji with their English definitions (excluding numbers rofl that's cheating). But that might just be how I learn things.


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #621 on: July 02, 2008, 11:02:57 PM »
I just realized this, but I have this rather attractive spanis girl as my "study buddy" (supposed to gather papers for said person while they are absent). So that's fun.


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #622 on: July 03, 2008, 03:18:24 AM »
diablo ii, drugs, programming, electric light orchestra, london elektricity.

Turns out i got turned down for a promotion at work that I applied for. Also turns out they still want me to be a manager, and will be starting my training in two days. When I'm done, I'll be filling the next opening or will be transferred to a different store. Fuck yeah.

Also, biking on drugs at night past midnight to pick up a friend while listening to music with no bike light. :]

Oh, and breaking up with my girlfriend, only to go back out with her several days later. I forgot that I hadn't mentioned this prior.

Basically, I broke up with her, and then several days later asked me if i wanted to go out with her again. It went down like this:

Her: I want to ask you something, but I don't want to be annoying or whatever.
Me: It's fine, just ask.
Her: Well, will you date me again?
Me: You have balls.
Her: I'm sorry, forget I asked. I apologize.
Me: Do you promise to keep them?
Her: My balls?
Me: Yes.
Her: Yeah.
Me: Then ok, yes.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 03:22:36 AM by Zakamiro »

We pressed on. Shortly afterwards, we arrived in a poisonous, post-apocalyptic hell - a sprawling, toxic dumping ground stretching for a mile or two. This is the final resting place for your old TV, computer or mobile phone.


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #623 on: July 03, 2008, 11:25:38 AM »
Haha, nice one.

And quite honestly, I could not write a single kanji. I haven't practiced writing them at all, lol. However, give me a list, and I could fill some of them out. I wouldn't know all the on-yomi and kun-yomi readings, and especially none of the nanori ones for those that have them, but I could definitely write the English meaning. I've gotten to the point where certain kanji are so well know I instantly recognize what they mean, and the most likely reading they have (大 dai big). Those kanji I have learned enough to be able to read them without manually translating. Of course, I'm much better with Spanish and French (though there are still VERY many words I don't know in both those languages (for example, peinarse, lol)). If the sentence is using words I know, i don't even have to think to know what it means, I can read it fluently.
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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #624 on: July 03, 2008, 06:26:00 PM »
So Dairy Queen now sells a Blizzard with Thin Mints crumbled in. 



I'm about to get much fatter.  >_<
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #625 on: July 04, 2008, 01:28:43 AM »
they changed the volume thingy on youtube

like i can adjust the volume, take my mouse directly away from the volume meter, AND IT GOES AWAY.  rather than before, i had to drag my mouse down, and to the side, or else it would stay.



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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #626 on: July 07, 2008, 12:35:18 AM »
So for the last couple of months, explorer.exe wasn't staying open. I tried something to fix it a while ago, but it didn't work, so I just went and used Ubuntu for everything. I ran combofix.exe today, and now it works fine.

Code: [Select]
{return u*u*u*u-u*u*u*_+u*u*y-u*e+a?k?f(u+1,c,k-1,_,y,e,a,h):0:putchar(u-c+h)==f(u+1,u,k-1,_,y,e,a,h);}
main(){return f(0,0,34,84,2423,26628,72864,98)<putchar(32)>f(0,0,40,125,5809,118995,906750,96)==~putchar(10);}


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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #627 on: July 07, 2008, 12:50:30 AM »
combofix is absolutely amazing. It kills a whole host of evil crap that is hard as fuck to remove.
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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #628 on: July 07, 2008, 03:38:35 AM »
Gee.  I wonder if it would've fixed my machine back in November.  My dad bought some little photo keychain for my mom's birthday, and it turned out to be loaded with viruses.  x.X  I fought with it for a week or two, then eventually resolved to just reformatting the damn thing. 

The worst part of it was I thought I backed up the stuff that was really important to me - like my year and a half's worth of pictures that I had taken. 

Nope. >>  The damn CD was blank when I went to go open everything.  -.-  It was quite a bitch reshooting five projects for my photography class in three days.
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Re: Stuff that fries your potatoes with olive oil of HAPPY.
« Reply #629 on: July 07, 2008, 12:57:13 PM »
Yep, that's why I never reformat, or bother with backing things up. Instead of formatting, I reinstall windows over itself, and that usually breaks most viruses because the registry is cleaned out. Then I use a virus scanner and/or my previous knowledge of where they were to delete all the dead virus files. And I don't lose anything on my computer, or have to back a ridiculously huge collection of stuff I want to keep.
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