The Chatterbox > Gaming

World of Warcraft

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Yeah, nothing is the way it was. I don't think that move sets will ever be that intricate again.

That being said, I do like some of the new additions. The talent trees of old provided little more than an illusion of choice and typically only contained one or two viable paths. Downranking spells as a healer was a pain in the ass. Hunters using mana was always stupid (I even felt that way when I was playing BC). I like how the fights themselves tend to be far more active and intricate.

That being said, they stepped way too far from the roleplaying aspect. They did bring some of that back in Legion with the class halls (spoiler alert) but vanilla made you feel like you were a young pup finding their way in the world. I honestly regret not spending more time on my shaman, as the idea of going on trials to earn your totems was awesome. I guarantee that you'd be far more disappointed if you rolled a new shaman. There's just no depth there anymore--everyone goes on the same quests. Each zone takes you from point A to point B, then shuffles you off to the next area. Small voice acted bits and cutscenes replace the stories and lore items of old. In some cases it works, but the world feels less rich as a result of it.

And don't even get me started on some of the little cutscenes in the Cata content. Most of them are awful. At least Blizzard improved their visual and aural story dramatically in Warlords and Legion. The tropes that do remain are pretty awful, though (like the famous thing where the Big Bad of a particular arc stops taking damage at 1 HP, then yells, "YOU HAVEN'T BEATEN ME YET," before escaping in an illogical manner while your character sits there staring at them).

The DK specs are all pretty viable for leveling. Assuming nothing has changed, I'd probably swap to blood for the Mists content (despite my gripes above, it still offers insane survivability for solo content), but the stat revamps in Warlords might have made that a non-issue.

My first character was a hunter, and I've had a pretty good time with them. If you want to go really wild, melee hunters (survival spec) are a thing now.


That's what I decided on as of current. I'll do the hunter after I get a few more heirlooms. Might level the paladin and mage side by side, using up rest exp on one before going to the other.

--- Quote from: Spectere on July 26, 2017, 01:35:24 AM ---Yeah, nothing is the way it was. I don't think that move sets will ever be that intricate again.

That being said, I do like some of the new additions. The talent trees of old provided little more than an illusion of choice and typically only contained one or two viable paths. Downranking spells as a healer was a pain in the ass. Hunters using mana was always stupid (I even felt that way when I was playing BC). I like how the fights themselves tend to be far more active and intricate.
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From what it looks to me as a person who jumps in every odd expansion, they gutted each class to make each spec feel more unique. On one hand, I can see it as a good thing, but on another (as someone who played the game weeks after launch) I really don't like abilities being removed. I loved shaman back in the day, and I don't think I want to play anymore now. Never was big into enhancement after vanilla (which was only for windfury lets face it), elemental feels...bad, and I heard earth shield was removed from resto and put into some "heroic tallents" bullshit? I guess I'm happy I moved from shaman to warrior, because I don't like the state of that class.

Also the hunter mana thing, I was saying hunters should have focus like their pets back in vanilla. Just like how mana doesn't fit a warrior or a rogue, it certainly doesn't fit hunter.

--- Quote from: Spectere on July 26, 2017, 01:35:24 AM --- (like the famous thing where the Big Bad of a particular arc stops taking damage at 1 HP, then yells, "YOU HAVEN'T BEATEN ME YET," before escaping in an illogical manner while your character sits there staring at them).
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That sucks, but it's also in a lot of other games, which, still sucks, I don't know why people do it. Last one I can think of is really recent, Tekken 7 story mode does that shit a few times. You do a fight, if you lose, you lose and have to redo it, but if you lose in the cutscene...wut?

--- Quote from: Spectere on July 26, 2017, 01:35:24 AM ---The DK specs are all pretty viable for leveling. Assuming nothing has changed, I'd probably swap to blood for the Mists content (despite my gripes above, it still offers insane survivability for solo content), but the stat revamps in Warlords might have made that a non-issue.

My first character was a hunter, and I've had a pretty good time with them. If you want to go really wild, melee hunters (survival spec) are a thing now.

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I just hope frost isn't garbage for leveling, because aesthetically, I like it over the other two. And when I level my hunter, It's beastmaster. From what I seen beastmaster is traditional hunter, marks is ranged only NO PET (boooo), and survival is melee with pet. I'm cool with survival, but, I play enough melee classes as is.

However for the time being, I think I want to attempt to get one or two classes up to 100 before I think about getting legion. Hearing good things about mages, and I've been using it to farm old content for $$$, so I may as well keep at her. I remember loving ret soloing with the paladin, which isnt too far behind the mage, so that'll be the off character, I hope they didn't screw up paladins as well.


--- Quote from: vladgd on July 28, 2017, 11:24:00 PM ---From what it looks to me as a person who jumps in every odd expansion, they gutted each class to make each spec feel more unique. On one hand, I can see it as a good thing, but on another (as someone who played the game weeks after launch) I really don't like abilities being removed. I loved shaman back in the day, and I don't think I want to play anymore now. Never was big into enhancement after vanilla (which was only for windfury lets face it), elemental feels...bad, and I heard earth shield was removed from resto and put into some "heroic tallents" bullshit? I guess I'm happy I moved from shaman to warrior, because I don't like the state of that class.

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That's a good point, and given several of the other changes (like how discipline priests play now, survival hunters becoming melee, etc) it does make a ton of sense. Now that you mention it, around the time of Cata/Mists, the class changes did make a lot of them play the same. The difference between a holy priest and a non-atonement disc priest was very subtle, as I remember.

The honor talent points thing is some PvP-only stuff. You unlock them by murdering people and you can only use them in bgs and arena. I'm not too crazy about that concept--to me, all it's doing is giving an advantage to people who have been playing longer. If they reset it per season, that would probably be okay. I don't really have any interest in PvP, though, so I dunno.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 28, 2017, 11:24:00 PM ---Also the hunter mana thing, I was saying hunters should have focus like their pets back in vanilla. Just like how mana doesn't fit a warrior or a rogue, it certainly doesn't fit hunter.

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Same! In my experience, all it did was confuse primary stat priorities. I mean, if you see a mana bar in a game that actually does implement other stat bars (I was well aware that there were rage and focus bars), and the abilities have elemental properties--even if the class doesn't seem like it should use mana--how can you just intuitively know that you're supposed to only stat agility?

Sure, it became a bit more clear when you got aspect of the viper, but still.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 28, 2017, 11:24:00 PM ---That sucks, but it's also in a lot of other games, which, still sucks, I don't know why people do it. Last one I can think of is really recent, Tekken 7 story mode does that shit a few times. You do a fight, if you lose, you lose and have to redo it, but if you lose in the cutscene...wut?

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It's just laziness. There's plenty of other ways to script something like that. Blizzard seems to do it one of two ways: 1) make the boss invincible or 2) spontaneously immobilize the player. Both methods are used. It's still better than some of the shit they pulled in Cataclysm's cutscenes, but I'm definitely not a fan.

Hell, I'd be fine if they had the target run away at 50% health when they realized they were getting stomped. That would make a hell of a lot more sense than forcing them down to 1HP. Or, possibly, having them cast a last ditch spell to prevent the player from attacking them in some way while they escape. And, of course, not doing it multiple times in each zone would help a lot.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 28, 2017, 11:24:00 PM ---I just hope frost isn't garbage for leveling, because aesthetically, I like it over the other two. And when I level my hunter, It's beastmaster. From what I seen beastmaster is traditional hunter, marks is ranged only NO PET (boooo), and survival is melee with pet. I'm cool with survival, but, I play enough melee classes as is.

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I think you'll be fine. You might have to take a rest every few pulls, but it should be doable without too much trouble. I haven't leveled anything through pre-Warlords content since the Legion patch dropped, though, so take that with a grain of salt. As far as I'm aware, though, none of the expansions are in a broken state at the moment.

And yeah, I'd love to try leveling my hunter as survival, but I also have a ton of melee classes. I dunno...we'll see.


0 heirlooms, 91-100 didn't take all that long on the mage. Only problem is while leveling the mage I was contemplating the "free" 100 i'll get from legion collectors, and...really don't like how squishy mage is, and fuck cloth, but priest doe...

List in order. Priest > rogue = monk

With prot warrior, if I randomly aggroed everything, I'd simply kill it all. With ret? SAME THING, less tanky but heals to make up for it. Mage? just lie down and die, most likley wont escape even with frost nova blink and invis and shield, and die anyway. Fun in instances though, but soloing, bleh, don't like mage.

Sure priest is probably different, but...making me look more at monk now.

Anyway, paladin is next! Leveling is a bit more fast paced and fun, and the mage didn't even have heirlooms, so Id guess its only faster with them.


Brainstorming alt race choices need to jot down before I forget.

Demon Hunter- Nightelf
Monk- Orc
Priest- Undecided, but I may keep the goblin I have, Dwarf is tempting me though, the old runepriest days of warhammer online bring fond memories
Rogue- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (ethereal, blizzard please make them playable)
Druid- I will roll a druid only when I have all other classes at the level cap. IE, never...probably?


--- Quote from: vladgd on July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM ---0 heirlooms, 91-100 didn't take all that long on the mage. Only problem is while leveling the mage I was contemplating the "free" 100 i'll get from legion collectors, and...really don't like how squishy mage is, and fuck cloth, but priest doe...

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The only cloth class I leveled was my priest. I can't really say much for the lower-level priest leveling experience now (my priest is one of my primary alts, and I initially leveled him in Wrath), but I can say that shadow is pretty enjoyable in Legion. Haven't tried healing with him yet.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM ---List in order. Priest > rogue = monk

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Monk healing is wonky as hell, so not sure if I'd recommend trying that unless you're in the mood for something really different. I still have yet to try monk DPS/tank.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM ---With prot warrior, if I randomly aggroed everything, I'd simply kill it all. With ret? SAME THING, less tanky but heals to make up for it. Mage? just lie down and die, most likley wont escape even with frost nova blink and invis and shield, and die anyway. Fun in instances though, but soloing, bleh, don't like mage.

Sure priest is probably different, but...making me look more at monk now.

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In my experience, priests have more "oh shi~" buttons than to mages. Mages seem to fit very cleanly into the holy MMO trinity while priests tend to have a more diverse toolset.

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM ---Monk- Orc

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I dunno, the roll animation for tauren monks is pretty hilarious. :P

--- Quote from: vladgd on July 31, 2017, 11:51:28 PM ---Rogue- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (ethereal, blizzard please make them playable)

--- End quote ---

I know someone who would do very lewd things to see ethereals become playable. If that ever happens, I'm race changing my rogue immediately.


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