The Chatterbox > Gaming

World of Warcraft

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Still buggering around with the game, but lost a lot of time playing "cough" things I can complete "cough" so I'm basically raid logging now. I would like to see the end of blackwing lair and I might bop off not too long after that. Farthest I made it in vanilla vanilla was defeating chromaggus, so once I see Nefarian die, I beat classic. Personally have no interest in the 90 hour long aq40, or "spend 300+g on consumables per week" Taxxramas. So finishing bwl will suffice.

Currently stuck on broodlord, but making weekly progress. Novelty of seeing 40 people still hasn't got old yet, and raiding can be a good time, albeit with what limited time I have, something I do want to stop in the next month or so to keep on doing other things. Especially as I am juggling another game to add to my list in the other thread, but I SHALL NOT POST TILL THE DEED IS DONE. spoilers it's an smt game, but which one? NOBODY KNOWSssssss



BUT WITH CYBERDELAYED 2021, why not. WW axe get, thanks guild.


I've been playing a little more than expected. I'm actually paying for a zygor literally...

I kinda like it, I have 3 total 60's on classic, 2 in vanilla classic, one on this current version, and the place I took this screenshot I never knew exited. It's really cool to just not need to worry about what quests to do when and where (in classic it's like spaghetti, do quests in like 9 different zones for a span of 2 levels, only to backtrack to zones multiple times at different levels), since it has you going in an efficient path. Like for instance, I am on my way to badlands, i have quests to turn in there, it has me going on this pitstop mini quest hub area ON THE WAY, so im not wasting time.

Using it for like 11 levels now, it's good. Nice way to turn my brain off after work and get some exp in without needing to think much.


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