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Weight Loss

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x2 (have to ride back home) = 21 miles/~34 rest of the world units

After a shit week and a shit day at work yesterday (well a great day just an annoying end), fantastic weather today, was going to go half the distance but felt good enough to get to the next town over. On top of that ran into an old friend part of the way through and had a good conversation, good times. Rain all week but looks clear tomorrow, so if the legs feel good, it'll be round 2 tomorrow. It's good podcast time being on the bike, anyone listen to JJ reddick?


So with some new found "motivation", aka, girl doesn't give a flying fuck but I still do, I got back down to 195...for a few minutes before finally eating. Still, CAN fit into medium shirts again, will try to keep this up.


--- Quote from: vladgd on April 05, 2021, 06:35:14 PM ---...will try to keep this up.
--- End quote ---

So like all the other times, I didn't. In fact with my hiatus from work and taking it easy in general this year...I have reached my heaviest weight ever, 225lbs.

Always told myself if I started to get fat, I was going to do something about it, so I guess this is an attempt at that. Normally when I go without food for a while my torso gets somewhat thin, but this time it's like I feel bloaty all the time, even with a nearly day long fast. Think my body is telling me that I am no longer young enough to get away with eating trash all day, low activity level, and beers beers beers.

...and with my last relationship recently ended(mutual, we're still on good terms, yay for being adults I guess), I need a positive goal to work on right now. Pretty much what sparked my weight loss journey the last time, so may as well make the best out of an unfortunate situation.

GOAL WEIGHT 185lbs. Updating when I can motivate myself to make any progress.


So...some progress > no progress? If I really tried I would be farther on, but yknow how it be.

Currently sitting at 216lbs. I'd wager most of that is just water weight, but my pants noticeably fit better now so it doesn't only reflect on the scale.

Doing bike riding when I can, although way less than I should. Half ass lifting when I can, going to try and step it up tomorrow.

And uhh half ass dieting to be honest. I bought an air fryer, and it's great for chicken and fish and whatnot. I don't know how people hit 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, but I'm just trying to hit ~100grams protein a day, and I think I fail most days. Breakfast is 4 eggs, during the day I'll have a greek yogurt with grapenuts added. Lunch I try and skip, using protein shake throughout the lunch/dinner time to keep the hunger away. Dinner I try to have meat of some kind, usually the less healthy option...for now...but yknow, baby steps. It's not too bad so far, eggs at 9am keeps me satiated till at least 3-4 pm, and the shake can curb that till easily 7ish.

Cutting alcohol too, from 3+ like ~1 every 2 days. That probably helps more than I think it does.

PROGRESS? It'll feel better when I'm under 200lbs, again.


212lbs, my jeans fit really good now. Did have a beer yesterday, but it's one of these, 3.7% abv, 110 calories, pretty guilt free imo. It ain't two hearted, but it's a good enough compromise until I can hit my current goal of I guess 200lbs.

The hardest part so far is that my appetite isn't what I think it is. If I eat the right stuff, I don't need a lot in the day. The hard part is that I think about food every hour of every day more or less, and I always want a snack or the next thing. Wanting doesn't mean needing, and wanting to eat doesn't mean hungry, and hungry can be pushed back an hour to keep me satiated longer.


so far so good, taking it day by day.


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