Author Topic: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.  (Read 837297 times)


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2010 on: February 14, 2010, 01:04:59 AM »
I didn't have a single problem with the game tonight. And all I play is Ground War.

I did get a Sentry Gun/Attack Helicopter/Chopper Gunner on Estate one round and ended 34-2-3 which was satisfying. I just think it's hilarious that people still try to run with the care package like it actually does something when it clearly doesn't.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2011 on: February 16, 2010, 04:33:21 AM »
So I put a staple into my pinky finger Friday night at work trying to fix the damn stapler. I needed to pull on the inside part with pliers because it was stuck and sure enough I put enough muscle into it that it comes out and brings the rest of the top with it. My pinky was directly under the part that ejects staples.

It surprisingly didn't hurt at all initially, however typing right now trying to use my pinky hurts like a bitch. Everytime I removed my finger from under the water while washing it at work blood just kept pouring out, it's amazing how much can come out of a staple sized hole.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2012 on: February 16, 2010, 05:02:49 AM »
Cuts on fingers seem to bleed out like crazy. I have a scar on my middle finger from a cut that almost bleed through a paper towel.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2013 on: February 16, 2010, 11:23:10 AM »
Despite the shitty road conditions this morning, I had to go to class.  Peh.  Also, a friend of mine is going to pay for an awesome sushi lunch for another friend and I.  So overall, worth the trip.

I walk the temporary annoying distance to my car.  (I have to park at the police station near my house because my car can't get through the snow and ice on my driveway.  Annoying, yes.  But I've got a place to park my car.  It only really sucks when I have to carry my and my friend's bowling equipment.)

I get about halfway through clearing the snow and ice off my car when my ice scraper breaks.  It's not completely useless now, it just takes longer.  Whatev.

I drive through the not-very-well cleared roads.  Mildly irritating, but at least nobody was being a jerk.

Despite the roads, I arrive at campus about twenty minutes before the student lounge opens.  So I trudge through the snow again to get some awesome coffee.  I even got the coffee at a bit of a discount, because the clerk and I are like totally BFFs.  Very nice.  Very tasty coffee too.  So, happy.

I get to the lounge, and hang around for until it's time to walk to my class.  Since I had my laptop, it's not bad at all.  For some reason, the "good" wireless connection is continuing to refuse to let me log on, so I get stuck on the slow connection.  Eh, it's ok.  I was one of three people on it, so it really wasn't too bad.

Time to go to class!  I schlep up the steep icy hill, and up the multiple flights of steps to my class.  Only sucks because my knees really hate stairs.  

I arrive at class, sign in, and my professor tells us we're not going to have class today.  We were supposed to have a test, but what with all the hubbub with the snow last week, he was hardly able to get any of his own work done, so he decides that us students probably had just as hard a time doing any actual work or studying.  Mildly infuriating, because that was my only class today, and I would have shown up later to meet my friends for lunch had I known we didn't have class.  But I guess I got credit for attending, since we had to sign in and all.  

I call my friend to tell him I got out of class early, and he tells me that he's not coming out for lunch.  Grr.  

So I go back to the lounge to find my friend who is supposed to help me coordinate the video game tournament I'm running for my club.  It has to be postponed for a while because it turns out I and another officer in the club are going to be going out of town while everything is going to be happening.  Since most of the equipment is mine, and I am NOT willing to leave it with someone else (I doubt anyone else would be willing to take it anyways), I'm just going to push the date forward a few weeks.  

But, of course, the guy is nowhere to be found.  

So I head back over to the parking lot so I can get my car and go home.  There's nothing else keeping me on campus, so hell, I might as well go home.  

Turns out some jerk has decided to improvise a parking space five feet behind my car.  And someone else is waiting to get my parking spot.  She, at least, is patient with my efforts to get my car out of there.  I finally manage to get my car out with maybe an inch of space to spare before hitting the douchebag's car (but at that point, I wasn't certain just how much I cared.  That "spot" where he parked is blocked off for a reason.  It makes getting out of the REAL parking spots along the wall a real pain in the ass.)

So I get to driving home.  It's fairly uneventful until some guy decides to run a stop sign and nearly smashes into me.  

I get to the hill that's about five minutes from my house.  Cool beans.  Almost home!  And then some fellow decides to get onto the wrong side of the road to pass me because apparently, going 25 when the speed limit is 25 (and the roads are shit) isnt' fast enough.  But of course, when he does that, some oncoming traffic driving on the proper side of the road comes along, and the guy who thinks he's in the UK has to freak back over to my lane.  But he hasn't managed to pass me yet.  Still, he jams back over.  I'd scoot to my right into the shoulder, or y'know, brake, but I can't.  There is no shoulder because there's four feet of snow piled in it, and I've got someone else right behind me.  

Somehow, he managed not to kill me.  

A few minutes later, I'm on the home stretch.  And all this time, I've been driving with my window open because my windows like to fog up, and my defroster doesn't work well enough for my liking.  No big deal, I don't get cold very easily.  It's almost never a problem unless it's raining very hard.  

Today, it turned out to be a problem when someone speeds through a huge puddle of muddy slush, getting it alllll over me and the interior of my car.

I make it to the parking lot of the police station.  Walk up the first hill, and across the access road to the back of my driveway.  

Somehow, I managed to make it into my house without killing myself.

I think I might rage.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 11:27:44 AM by Jupi »
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2014 on: February 16, 2010, 03:40:14 PM »
Wow. Talk about a shitty day. Well, one of those days where everything just seems to go wrong. And I was about to complain about the jackass who nearly ended up hitting me head on when we were both driving at east 80-90 km/h :/ Well, I'm going to anyway...

Basically, the road had a stretch of 3 lanes, 2 lanes going my way, 1 their way. And absolutely no passing on the other side while the road is 3 lanes, so the only opertunity to pass someone going the other direction is pass them before the other lane on my side ends/begins. For some reason this particular jackass didn't think things through quite right. From my perspective, this is what happened: I moved over to the middle lane a bit before the outside lane ended, because I think it's kinda stupid to stay in a lane that's about to end, and be forced to merge when the lane ends. Well, next thing I see (and by this point, the right hand lane is gone, though the oncoming lane is still not supposed to pass anyone there) is some jackass heading right for me, and I've got nowhere to go (there's a bit of shoulder, but if I tried to move that far over I can guarantee I'd end up in a snowbank (not fun). On top of that, I wasn't completely paying attention, so he was damned close when I finally noticed him (I honestly have no idea how I didn't see him earlier though).  So I was scared shitless because I came about 3 feet from a head on collision with some fuckhead.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2015 on: February 17, 2010, 04:20:49 PM »
The "baby voice".

It doesn't matter if it's a baby or a puppy or whatever, but when people see a cute animal of some kind and "talk" to it in that high-pitched, speech impeded child voice I want to slap them in the mouth.

I'm not saying humans should talk to lesser-beings the same way we talk to each other, and a little cuddly animal talk is okay but when people get WAY too into it I cringe and want to die.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2016 on: February 19, 2010, 08:41:08 AM »
Averaged 162 at bowling practice on Wednesday.

Had a match yesterday.

Averaged 122.

Dammit dammit dammit.
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2017 on: February 19, 2010, 05:25:19 PM »
The "baby voice".

My mom does this ALL the time to my pets, shit's funny.

Also that's a bitch.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2018 on: February 20, 2010, 04:50:20 AM »
mw2, knife/commando.

why put hip fire in the game?  why put steady aim in the game?

"ohh im entering a close quarters scenario, let me whip out my akimbo g18's"

"ohh, an enemy, let me shoot my dual machine pistols all up in dat ass"

"wait wait wait, did you mean that in the range optimal for an akimbo g18, they can just fucking knife you, which is an instant kill?"

"why the fuck do i even bother, back to every class having stopping power AND commando"

fuck mw2

while im at it. my first game in 3 days, spawn, 2 seconds later, preditor missile death. 

fuck mw2

it's unbelievable how much bullshit this game contains, and yet im fucking retarded enough to keep on playing, i must hate myself.

seriously though, if you have a gun, you are most likely doing "scavenger, stopping power, commando"  it's just dumb.  scavenger for "more nades please"  in my case claymores and general ammo.  stopping power is retarded not to have on most guns.  commando for the reason there's nothing really better, steady aim, sure, but commando rapes scenarios needed for hip fire unless the guy gets the jump on you. 

i need a different "go to" multiplayer game.  ill try starcraft when i can get a few local bros to play with me.  like i mean, sometimes a man doesn't feel like doing anything, and wants a game to jump on and have fun for a few minutes to an hour.  sf2hdr has akuma, im done with that shit.  sf4 has no characters i want to main plus ssf4 is coming in a few months. skill is long fucking gone, plus it's not online and multiplayer i guess.  i mean a couple bros online with the voice chat just talking about random shit playing some vidya, it's good fuckin' times...just the only game people 'round these parts (assuming most other parts as well) is that mw2. 


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2019 on: February 21, 2010, 01:09:04 PM »
For mw2 it depends on the time of day/week for good results. In example, I'm usually off work and school in the middle of the week, when I hop online for a few hours, and I do good.  Recently, I came down with some upper respiratory infection, so I called out of work and ended up playing on friday night/saturday. I did HORRIBLE all day. Seriously, barely any positive KDR matches.  I do agree knives are BS and should at the max maybe knock someone down into a last stand kind of thing, because in real life, if I fucking shoot you 3 times in the chest, you're not going to be able to run 8 feet and stab me in the heart. fuck that shit.
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2020 on: February 21, 2010, 08:30:05 PM »
I do agree knives are BS and should at the max maybe knock someone down into a last stand kind of thing, because in real life, if I fucking shoot you 3 times in the chest, you're not going to be able to run 8 feet and stab me in the heart. fuck that shit.

That's a really shitty justification. I can't stand the whole pseudo realism as a way to justify things in games, it just doesn't work unless you want the game to be as realistic as possible, which most people don't actually want.

They just need to balance it out somehow, like take out the goofy lunge and make it do a bit less damage and stun or something.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2021 on: February 21, 2010, 08:37:13 PM »
I'm not trying to justify it to real life, maybe I should rephrase in that, some of the things are not as realistic as their in-game counter parts are made/designed/coded to be.  The balance is hiding somewhere.  If I shoot you in the FACE with a striker from 3 feet away and you stab at me, I'm dead, and you win, and that's bullshit.
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2022 on: February 21, 2010, 09:37:38 PM »
I think half the problem with the game balancing is how many people take advantage of the obviously insta-win crap. I still have lots of fun playing with friends and shit, because none of my friends abuse any of that stuff. Sure, it's there, and it could be use, but none of us care to rely on stupid tactics like that. We have our own things we like to do. My friend richard has his LSW with something like stopping power, steady aim, fmj and grip, and akimbo pp2000's (IIRC) and has proven that that can be a deadly combination. Basically, point and shoot. No aiming, just point and shoot.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2023 on: February 21, 2010, 10:21:33 PM »
I don't even use the noob tube for a 'regular' attachment on any of my weapons, and only use it to get the 20(?) or so kills to get the XP points to level faster. And I still feel dirty killing someone with it.
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2024 on: February 21, 2010, 10:42:45 PM »
I'm not trying to justify it to real life, maybe I should rephrase in that, some of the things are not as realistic as their in-game counter parts are made/designed/coded to be.

...who cares? If they did make them as realistic as their in game counterparts then they'd obviously have one gun be obviously superior to all of the other ones.

I think half the problem with the game balancing is how many people take advantage of the obviously insta-win crap. I still have lots of fun playing with friends and shit, because none of my friends abuse any of that stuff.

Just play better games then. A well balanced game doesn't have "cheap" tactics or broken guns/items/whatever. Or if the game permits, disable it. That's why I usually disable the smashballs in Brawl. I once went something like 9 kills and 2 deaths in a free for all because of them.

And I still feel dirty killing someone with it.

Fuck it, it's in he game as a non glitch so it's fair game. Plus noob tube isn't really that bad, the real OPed weapons in COD4 and I'm assuming MW2 are the assault rifles. That and if they hate it so much they should play on a server that bans noob tu-oh wait...

This also pisses me off considering I was administering on a CSS server that had no AWPs, Autos, limited Scouts, infinite cash every round, custom maps, AND a system that prevented camping and no one plays there despite it being one of the few servers to bother addressing with a lot of the bitching the CSS community does. Good thing there's awlays a full 24/7 Dust 2 server...