Author Topic: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.  (Read 837230 times)


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2190 on: September 14, 2010, 08:53:51 PM »
Woo...moving things from a LAMP test server to a WAMP production server is a pain in the ass.

Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad if Joomla extension developers had a fucking clue and realized that some operating systems use a backslash as a path separator, NOT AS AN ESCAPE CHARACTER.  Ugh.  At least it's over.

That doesn't sound fun at all... Why the switch?
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2191 on: September 14, 2010, 09:11:22 PM »
The Linux box is just a test server.  We host several sites that rely on ASP, so Windows is an absolute must.

Most huge PHP projects, like Joomla, phpBB, etc, will properly function on whatever you throw them on.  It's the add-ons that always manage to fuck something up.  In this case, the offender is Jumi, a Joomla extension that allows you to insert arbitrary code in Joomla pages (or make your own pages with relative ease).

PHP has rather good path support.  You can use forward and backslashes on any operating system that you run it on in order to make it truly OS agnostic.  Of course, due to how PHP handles backslashes when you're using double quoted strings, using forward slashes for everything is more definitely recommended.  Good so far, eh?  The fact that "C:/wwwroot/site" is perfectly valid is fantastic, and I actually have to give the PHP team credit for making that work, since it's far more readable than "C:\\wwwroot\\site".

However, Jumi royally fucks all of that up.  For one, it treats backslashes as escape characters.  That is a relatively minor offense, as you can work around it.  However, it gets worse.  It doesn't even do it right!  Part of is it bad luck, since the site directory name that we use for this particular site starts with an 'n'.  Jumi interprets this (names redacted, of course):


As this:


HOW DO YOU EVEN FUCKING DO THAT?!  Seriously, if you use PHP with double quotes, it'll parse that correctly, transforming the double backslashes to single backslashes as it should.  I can't even imagine why Jumi would ignore the double backslashes yet incorrectly translate "\n" into a newline.  The only reason I can see why that would happen is because it uses its own half-baked escaping system, but even that wouldn't make any sense simply because there's no reason for it to have to do such a thing!  I even checked the database to make sure that MySQL wasn't mangling the string.  It wasn't, of course, because that's not a database's job.  The issue was definitely with Jumi, as Joomla happily accepts paths both ways, and even ensures that strings with single backslashes are parsed properly.

To make matters even more headdeskish, attempting to put in the path with forward slashes, such as "C:/wwwroot/new_site" failed miserably, instantly throwing an HTTP 500 when I would go anywhere on the site, even to a non-Jumi page.

It's really, really fucked up, yet we're so reliant on Jumi that I simply had to Make It Work(TM).  What I wound up having to do was leave the Jumi root blank (which causes Jumi to correctly pick up Joomla's root directory without fail, displaying it with backslashes just to add insult to injury) and use relative paths for every single one of the Jumi pages.  Fortunately, I coded a "$jumi_prefix" variable into the config file for the site.  If I hadn't done that and depended on Jumi to set its root path properly, things would have been much worse.

Oh well, at least I don't have to add another bad mark against PHP because of all of this.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2192 on: September 14, 2010, 10:11:39 PM »
Wow... Is there any chance that complaining to whoever handles Jumi would get any sort of results? That's beyond bad coding, as far as I'm concerned that falls into the "bugs that actually NEED to be fixed" category of coding fuck ups.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2193 on: September 14, 2010, 10:20:04 PM »
I very much doubt it.  Jumi hasn't been updated in about nine months. :/

Honestly, it works very well aside from that.  It's just blatantly obvious that it was developed under Linux and that absolutely no consideration was given for other platforms.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2194 on: September 22, 2010, 10:56:05 PM »
Wow, Google.  Was it really necessary to make Android 2.1/2.2 automatically download your old apps from the Market without fucking asking?

Granted, I'm not technically supposed to be running Android on my G1, but that stupid "feature" is dragging my phone down so badly that I don't think any phone would be able to handle the onslaught of downloading every single downloaded app simultaneously (I wish I were joking).  I also pity people who have very limited data plans.

Once again, it's made even more "awesome" by the fact that you can't opt out of that "feature."  If your phone isn't one of the top of the line ones, you literally have no way of even canceling the downloads because the number of simultaneous downloads and installs effectively gridlock your phone.  What a pile of garbage.  What's worse is that it's literally restoring all of my apps, regardless of whether I want them or not.  I don't use Advanced Task Manager because it doesn't work well with CyanogenMod.  I haven't used PicSay since Android 1.6 or so because Photoshop Express is way better.  Why the FUCK did you force me to download and install them?

And to think that Android fagtards whine about iOS not giving users any choice.  It's funny how they seem to think that their phones automatically installing applications without prompting is acceptable behavior.  Android has certainly improved over time, but this behavior is completely unacceptable.

Edit: 30 simultaneous application downloads and installs.  Seriously, that's just stupid.  If one of Apple's devices did that sort of anti-user behavior, every time I reset my iPhone it would automatically start downloading 80-100 apps over 3G.  Good thing Apple isn't completely fucking stupid.

Also, I literally had to open up a dev shell on my phone to kill the market process in order to make my phone usable at all.  Sadly, the only reason I did that was to enable wi-fi so that it wouldn't have to pull all of that over 3G.  What a load of shit.

What's worse is that I was desperately trying to get this fucking thing set up and configured by midnight.  At the rate it's going, it's going to be downloading shitty application that I don't want all night.  God, this is annoying.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 11:04:17 PM by Spectere »
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2195 on: September 23, 2010, 12:59:04 AM »
Well damn, that is pretty terrible. I'm all for android forcing apple to realize it actually has competition (and giving people a choice about their smartphones...) but regardless, that is retarded.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2196 on: September 23, 2010, 01:10:21 AM »
Android is pushing Apple pretty hard.  After the G1 was released, Apple literally put every feature that it had that the iPhone didn't into the 3GS (compass, auto-focusing 3 megapixel camera, video recording, additional RAM, and a faster ARM processor, off the top of my head).  As far as major operating system features go, they're about equal.  Each OS is better at certain things, of course -- Apple's mail client is much better, Android's Maps application is better, etc -- but there's not as much disparity as there used to be.

But yeah, that feature was a major turn-off.  Regardless of whether or not a phone's CPU is enough to handle the stress, downloading upwards of 30 programs simultaneously over a cellular connection is just stupid.  Ugh.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2197 on: October 03, 2010, 05:24:20 PM »
This has bothered me for a while, but it's nothing really relevant to me.

I always hated how people assumed sword fighting was somehow more noble and more skilled then our current form of warfare. Sword fighting has basically always been brutal and uncivil. Knights wore armor and rode on horses just stabbing people who didn't have the money for either, and they didn't stop doing that until long bows came into play. The only time people try and fight civil is when they have the massive advantage.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2198 on: October 03, 2010, 05:44:25 PM »
I don't consider any form of killing each other to be "noble" in any sense, personally. Warfare is a joke no matter how you do it.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2199 on: October 07, 2010, 07:29:52 PM »
From my Tumblr:

I think I had a glimpse of Hell earlier today.  I was behind a school bus that proceeded to literally stop four times in a tenth of a mile before (thankfully) turning off of that street.

Funny, I thought school buses existed as a convenience for students whose parents cannot give them a ride to school but live too "far" away to walk.  I didn't realize it was a fucking chauffeur service.  And it's not the driver was doing that for safety reasons; no, these were high school students that were being dropped off.

Here's an idea: pick one section of each block, perhaps between the houses on the route.  At this point, turn on the flashers, stop the bus, and let them walk twenty feet to their house.  Across the street, same side, doesn't matter, traffic in both lanes is at a standstill anyway.  That sure beats the rage and frustration that's going to build in the driver behind you because you stopped four fucking times in a tiny fraction of a mile.

What next, are they going to pull into their driveways so that school kids don't have to make such an arduous journey to their front door?
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2200 on: October 07, 2010, 10:46:54 PM »
Man, you'd have hated my bus driver in the 7th grade.  He insisted on dropping me off right at my driveway.  It isn't so bad if you're not coming from the west (the shopping centre near my house.)  But that year, I was the first stop.  So we WERE coming from the west.  You'd think he'd just turn left, and y'know - pull OUT of the intersection.  But no, this guy insisted upon stopping halfway in the intersection. 

Tis better than the time he wanted to go up my driveway though, 'cause he thought it was an actual street.

THAT was funny.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2201 on: October 07, 2010, 11:07:48 PM »
Man, you'd have hated my bus driver in the 7th grade.  He insisted on dropping me off right at my driveway.  It isn't so bad if you're not coming from the west (the shopping centre near my house.)  But that year, I was the first stop.  So we WERE coming from the west.  You'd think he'd just turn left, and y'know - pull OUT of the intersection.  But no, this guy insisted upon stopping halfway in the intersection.


Tis better than the time he wanted to go up my driveway though, 'cause he thought it was an actual street.

THAT was funny.


Dare I ask how that went?
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2202 on: October 08, 2010, 04:42:20 AM »
I've come to the sad realization that there will PROBABLY never be a new Darkstalkers/vampire savior game due to the fact that they don't want to add venom into MvC3 because making all his crazy moves 3D animated would be too hard.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2203 on: October 08, 2010, 08:09:27 AM »


Dare I ask how that went?

"Man, this stupid town doesn't do jack to maintain the roads anymore!"
"Sir, this is my driveway you're trying to climb.  You probably shouldn't do that."
*opens door*  "Get off the bus."
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2204 on: October 11, 2010, 05:39:41 PM »
I wanted to set up a study meeting for a math class I'm going to take next semester, I get there and after a short conversation with the lady at the front desk realizes I'm not in the class that current semester, and I loosely mentioned that I want to take the placement test prior to see if I can't get placed in a higher math class, and she constantly states that I can't get a tutor for the placement test and I can't get one for my class because I don't have it that semester, despite my counselor telling me that I should study up for it prior to starting next semester. She literally talked to me and told me like 10 fucking times that I could get a tutor for the placement test despite me explaining I wanted it for my class next semester.

So basically I wanted to get a tutor, and all I got was a way too long lecture from someone telling me I can't do what I already have been doing and have been instructed to do.