Author Topic: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.  (Read 837259 times)


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2265 on: December 05, 2010, 02:58:42 AM »
I agree.

Related: I hate when I mention someone as attractive (actress, model, whatever) and people look at me weird. Yeah, I've got my own taste, and it happens to be slightly different than what 95% of people seem to agree on. I rarely voice my opinion because I generally go for what people simply consider "cute", rather than what people will say is hot (I've actually had someone say that someone I said was attractive was cute, rather than hot). To me "hot" is people trying too hard, people that are only considered hot because they conform to the industry standard :/.

tl;dr people are stupid when they somehow think that you can categorize the entirety of human attraction into a single definition.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2266 on: December 05, 2010, 04:03:56 AM »
Meh, good to know that the AI in Gran Turismo 5 is still as fucking terrible as it always was.  I love having to restart races because I get pushed off of the course.

What's worse is that GT5 introduces some events (I think GT4 had them as well, just not as many of them) where you can get disqualified for coming into contact with the AI drivers.  I say "coming into contact with" because they can slam into you and you'll be the one that gets fucked.  It's infuriating.

The worst part is that the only way to get enough money to buy some of the cars that you need to get through the beginning races is to do some of those awful special events.  Ugh.  Just let me fucking race and quit with the esoteric bullshit, already!

Let's not even get into the abortion that is the painting system.  You have to literally buy cars of a particular color, get a "paint item" from them, and use those "paint items" to color your other cars.  What the shit?  That would be like if buying a red card earned you a license to buy red paint.  If you wanted to paint another car red, you'd have to trade in the license for the paint.  It doesn't make any sense and is stupid as hell.

I think I'm just going to stick with a wait and see attitude on GT from now on.  As far as I'm concerned Forza Motorsport is still a must-buy game, though.  With each release of Forza it's taken strides to cut the bullshit and just let the player race, rewarding players for willingly increasing the difficulty.  I can deal with the license exams in Gran Turismo (I don't think they should be required, but I like that they're there), but most of the other random bullshit -- like a horrendously slow and painful race with 12 Volkswagen Buses (I'm not shitting you) -- just needs to die.

Oh, almost forgot.  GT5 ripped off the driver leveling system of Forza and made it shitty.  Instead of unlocking races, it unlocks the privilege of buying certain cars.  It's like the arbitrary car unlock system in Forza 1 and 2, only worse because it will quite literally throw cars in your face that you cannot get.  I don't remember which car I was vying for, but on my first trip into the used car dealership at the start of the game I saw a car that I really wanted to start out with.  I was even able to afford it.  Oops, too bad, I needed to be driver level 2 and I was driver level 0.  What's worse is that I had to buy a car to even get into the license exams, so I couldn't just go in, take a few exams, hit level 2, and hope that the car was still listed.  Nope, I got fucked out of it.

Don't even get me started on the load times.  For a game that installs 6.5GB to the hard drive, the load times are as slow as Forza 3, which loads off of the disc for the most part.  Ugh.

I really want to like it but it clearly hates me.

1. The AI is there to be an obstacle. It's a driving simulator, not a racing simulator. The entire point of the game is to see if you can overcome the challenge of correctly passing people who hold to correct driving lines for the most part. Complaining that you can't pass them without running into them means you're bad. Get better at it.

2. The events where you can be disqualified for hitting them is the same. If they run into you, you don't get DQ'd. This is guaranteed as I've spun out and been T-boned by one of them and gotten no DQ. You have to be the one to hit them and it has to be enough to do damage to them. This is just like in real racing where doing so gets you DQ'd and kicked off the track.

Also Forza is a terrible game and always has been.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2267 on: December 05, 2010, 05:09:19 AM »
I agree. I agree massively (to bobbies). I cannot stand the whole tan/fake tan with blond hair look. Who thinks that looks good? Also basically ALL fake breasts look bad. I really don't see an appeal in large tits to begin with. That and I've never found pale to be gross, and can actually make the right girl look A LOT better.


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2268 on: December 05, 2010, 11:24:03 AM »
I can agree what what you added as well. My girlfriend happens to have some rather large breasts, and I certainly do love them, but I don't love them because they're large, I love them because they're hers. And Pale skin + good complexion can be quite good on the eyes...

Also eggman, I' pretty sure that it would be considered a racing simulator, since the whole point of the game is to WIN RACES.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2269 on: December 05, 2010, 02:12:17 PM »
1. The AI is there to be an obstacle. It's a driving simulator, not a racing simulator. The entire point of the game is to see if you can overcome the challenge of correctly passing people who hold to correct driving lines for the most part. Complaining that you can't pass them without running into them means you're bad. Get better at it.

That would hold up if they didn't ram the rear end of my vehicle and send me careening into the walls when I drive parallel to them.

Also, saying that it's a "driving simulator" rather than a "racing simulator" is probably the worst, most fanboyish excuse I've ever read.  From the back of the DVD case:

  • Customize, race, and upgrade over 1,000 detailed cars, including NASCAR, rally, kart, and drift.
  • Race on 20+ tracks with 70+ layouts, or create your own with Course Maker.
  • Race online or socialize with frients in the new custom race olounge for the ultimate track day.
  • A revolution in racing
  • Gran Turismo returns with the most realistic and complete racing experience.
I don't argue that it's not a "driving simulator," as experiencing the cars is a major part of the game.  But, as all of the marketing material and gameplay clearly shows, the meat of the game is racing.

And what's with the hostility?  If I want people to take unwarranted jabs at me I'll start posting my rants in trade chat on select WoW servers.  If your only purpose for being here now is to insult me over my rants, of all things, then I suggest you take your attitude elsewhere because it's not welcome here.

2. The events where you can be disqualified for hitting them is the same. If they run into you, you don't get DQ'd. This is guaranteed as I've spun out and been T-boned by one of them and gotten no DQ. You have to be the one to hit them and it has to be enough to do damage to them. This is just like in real racing where doing so gets you DQ'd and kicked off the track.

It depends on how they hit you.  If they hit you in such a way that it causes your front end to hit a car, then yes, you do get DQ'd through no fault of your own.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2270 on: December 05, 2010, 03:29:51 PM »
My girlfriend happens to have some rather large breasts

pix plz


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2271 on: December 05, 2010, 04:01:55 PM »
gt5 rant

This really saddens me to hear all that shit. I LOVED all the previous GT's and was waiting on the edge of my chair this whole time for 5 to come out so i could buy a ps3. Alas, the things I've heard already make it very unappealing to me. It seems they were right when it comes to odd numbered sequels, there is just something about them that is unlucky. (I heard this from a GT team member interviewed on GT5, back when GT4 was the shit)
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2273 on: December 05, 2010, 06:52:48 PM »
This really saddens me to hear all that shit. I LOVED all the previous GT's and was waiting on the edge of my chair this whole time for 5 to come out so i could buy a ps3. Alas, the things I've heard already make it very unappealing to me.

It's still a great game.  I pretty much just touched on some of the bad parts.  Despite some things about it being annoying I've still had a lot of fun with it.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2274 on: December 06, 2010, 10:43:05 AM »
Nothing worth buying a ps3 just for that, I was a hard fanboy of all the previous ones.. Guess I'm just a 360 guy now lol. none of my friends game online with a ps3. And the ones that do, don't do it as much as the ones that have XBL. hm.
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2275 on: December 06, 2010, 10:55:37 AM »
Yeah, if you don't already have the PS3 I wouldn't rush out to get one just for it.

If you haven't already, give the Forza series a shot.  Most of the world disagrees with Eggman in regards to its quality.
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2276 on: December 06, 2010, 06:00:12 PM »
pix plz


I feel so lied to

Unless they're much bigger than they look, in which case I apologize


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2277 on: December 07, 2010, 01:21:52 PM »
They're like, a 36 or 38 D, IIRC. They certainly aren't massive, but they are nowhere near small. Also, good job facebook creeping :P Also, that shirt really covers her a lot. I can't post any of the other pictures of her, because the ones that show enough would get me killed for posting on here (there's a reason she's not tagged in them).
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 01:30:00 PM by Bobbias »
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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2278 on: December 07, 2010, 01:56:17 PM »
Missing packages make me a sad Jupi. 

I had a present for a friend delivered to my house, since we're giving them out at a little shindig later in the month.  UPS states that it was delivered yesterday, but there's no sign of it.  If it actually was delivered, I doubt someone took it, 'cause my driveway isn't exactly something you schlep up and down just for a kick. 

I'm gonna go around and ask some of the neighbours if they got it, as everyone but the mail carrier seems to confuse my house (340) for the one next door (314.) 

This makes me real confident about the other package I should be receiving soon.  Same service too.  hahah.
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Stuff that peels your potatoes with paring knives of ANGER.
« Reply #2279 on: December 07, 2010, 03:00:14 PM »
Also, good job facebook creeping :P

dass how I do

and while 38D is certainly larger than average, it barely perks my breast fetish.

the ones that show enough would get me killed for posting on here

pix plz