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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2017, 12:51:09 AM »
flying + heirlooms + legion assaults =

I expect to make more posts on more 110's because I'm MAD!


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2017, 09:27:29 AM »
Illy knows what's up.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2017, 02:42:28 PM »

Paladin anyone?

I do think my cutoff point will be 8 max level characters, I believe I can keep it sane long enough to get the remaining 4 up there. The hordies are almost out of pandaria hell, and draenor is a breeze to level through now a days, after that it's just checking this website to see when the next legion invasion is up to get those characters in legion free levels.

Then I'll have rogue monk druid hunter for future expansions to level up on, minus one with the free max level character with next expansion.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2017, 02:07:30 PM »

the sheer speed at which one can level is addicting, I can't stop


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2017, 03:54:39 PM »
Shit, man.

See, I don't know which method I actually prefer. On one hand, I really enjoyed the journey that I went through on my hunter, DK, and priest. When I played through my first toon in BC it almost felt magical--overwhelming at points, but that made the experience that much more enjoyable for me. It probably helped that I was in the midst of a huge slump IRL when I first started playing (and a lesser, but still significant, slump when I was pushing through Wrath), so having a sort of deep escapism was a good thing for me.

Of course, now that I'm a bit of a WoW vet the fast leveling is a blessing. I dunno. I guess I'm just wondering if I would have even stayed interested in the game long enough to get into raiding if I first started in the post-Cata era. The current game is still compelling, albeit for radically different reasons, so it's hard to say.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #35 on: September 19, 2017, 01:18:27 AM »
I will say as someone who's best times with the game were in vanilla, the new leveling is 1000% better. ANY class you fancy can be had in a few weeks of casual play, or one or two marathon game sessions, with pre requisites. IE heirlooms, alts with money, pathfinder unlocked, legion assaults unlocked, a proper gameplan on how to efficiently get through the content and all that jazz. I see no drawbacks to it mainly for one reason I overheard on a youtube video. Lore Alt. If you want to go through the leveling process 1-110 and experience the zones, you can, don't use heirlooms, stay in each zone long enough to get what you want out of them and whatnot(which you'll have to because even without heirlooms you'll most likely overlevel them before you're done, I know this is a fact in outland where you can EASILY finish before even blades edge mountains, let alone netherstorm or shadowmoon). They balance the leveling curve for the current expansion now a days, and past expansions are like hyperspeed.

So damn near my entire current wow experience has been in this thread for the most part, and draenor went fast, and while legion went by fast too...I still went through most of the zones/quests. With my mage, I wasn't using heirlooms at all, and I got through most of 3 zones, and ~half way through the last leveling zone before I dinged 110. It did feel like a balanced well paced and most importantly to me, fair, leveling experience. Because as much as I'll suck vanillas dick all day, the leveling was pretty brutal (not at all compared to the mmos of the day because even hard wow was casual as fuck compared to everquest or something, but comparing it to what the game has become) and there was rarely enough quests in a zone or even series of zones for your level range, to get to the next zone, so you'd have to grind.

I had two 60's in vanilla for the ~90-100 days I had played it, game made you commit to a character. But on both of said characters, I specifically recall dinging them 60 the same way, last 2-3 levels ghosts in the frozen pond in winterspring, and I know I'm not alone in that. There was simply not enough content made to finish the leveling process by questing, which they went above and beyond in TBC. My memories of TBC leveling may be my most fond now that I think of it. It was like a midpoint between vanilla and now, it took a lot of effort to gain a level, but there was more than enough quests to get you there. I remember draining the quest's out of damn near every zone with only the latter part of shadowmoon not being required, and it was nice to see all of the content.

But I think I'm rambling now so this is a snapshot of my current status level wise. Everybody is in legion assault mode, and depending on interest I may just shelve the hunter until the next expansion. If I finish with 8 max level characters, not going to be disappointed. I honestly don't even care at all about monk/druid so I may just never bother playing either of them. Hunter seems like a fun easy class to just brute force to 110 casually, so I may use my next max level boost (from the next expansion) on a rogue...or if I'm crazy, a horde warrior so I can have my favorite class on the better faction(minus the bloodelves, if you want alliance then play goddamn alliance).


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #36 on: September 19, 2017, 10:57:39 AM »
I think that might be why my perceptions with regards to leveling are colored a bit differently--I started in TBC soon after the Black Temple raid was released, so the vanilla content set was complete. Plus, I had the option of packing up and leaving at level 58, which made the final push to 60 absurdly easy, given the exp curve in TBC compared to vanilla. I've done a bit of reading and from what I understand some zones (like Silithus) had almost zero content, even general questing, for quite a while. I really think that if I started WoW during early to mid-vanilla (and I almost did!) I would have probably gotten disgusted around the mid-50s and quit.

And yeah, heirlooms became such a ho-hum thing that I completely forgot to factor those in. You would definitely see quite a lot more of the world without having those equipped.

a horde warrior so I can have my favorite class on the better faction


(minus the bloodelves, if you want alliance then play goddamn alliance).

Shit man, even the Alliance didn't want them.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2017, 03:31:12 PM »
This might be my final update thing till the next expansion anyway. I got what, 2.5 months? Out of this game since I started, literally the most I've played since Lich King. My best times may have been vanilla, but I had a lot of fun playing the current game/expansion.

That shaman has not hit the level cap since freaking BURNING CRUSADE, my original ass troll shaman since before 90% of the current playerbase even heard of this game when I made this screenshot (same character just had to do a name change because server transfer)

But I said I wanted 8 classes at the level cap so I did just that, and since I don't care about endgame raiding gear or pvp or any of that, I officially consider myself burned out. Could I do a few world quests and gear up a bit on various classes? Yeah, but if the next time I touch any of them is another expansion where gear is obsoleted immediately and presumably the legendary weapons are junked, whats the point of leveling the weapons and gearing up? I don't see the point in it.

With that, I think I'm too burned out to make an elaborate post detailing and explaining my top 10 zones, so I did it at work, and I think the list mostly works for me.

I'll shortly go over these. Keep in mind this is from the perspective of a horde player on a pvp server in vanilla.

-Vanilla durotar = the beginning world of warcraft to me, most nostalgic value
-vanilla barrens is just legendary and crossroads pvp was great
-some weird ones are stonetallon and desolace. stonetallon was the first contested zone i went to and thus, much pvp fun. desloace i took over stranglethorn and I have a lot of good memories ganking and getting ganked, not to mention maraudon. second entrance to the instance with the waterfall, as a shaman, cast water walking on an ally before they hit the water...DEAD!
-netherstorm is probably the coolest looking zone in the entire game so that gets points from me
-hellfire peninsula launch day, pvp server, both factions start very close to eachother, VERY VERY ENJOYABLE
-vashjerrrr is underwater, underwater is unique and awesome, more unique zones in the future pleasss
-zul'drak had a cool 3 tier system not really seen in any other zone, im a big fan of this
-suramar is in legion, and it sucks, and a lot of people hate it, why it it on the list? suramar city is like really interesting, it's one of the only? outdoor "cityscape" areas in the game? with the disguise mechanic it has this psuedo stealth system, and as mentioned earlier, unique attributes get points from me
-and finally badlands, none of these are in order, but it's not as much the zone as the town of kargath. alliance met up in what goldshire? in vanilla to go raiding in blackrock mountain. Horde had to take kargath in the badlands, so there was many a good time grouping up to zerg our 40 man group to that mountain and get some loot from the raids there.

I might play around a little bit more, but I think I'm pretty much done with what I wanted to do. I got my flying in legion/draenor, I got a ton of classes leveled up, got my original main leveled, seen most of the content I wanted to see, and I'm pretty full.



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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2017, 10:02:56 PM »
World of Warcraft Classic

This might be my final update thing till the next expansion anyway. I got what, 2.5 months? Out of this game since I started, literally the most I've played since Lich King. My best times may have been vanilla, but I had a lot of fun playing the current game/expansion.

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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2017, 10:33:16 PM »
WAT. I might actually care about this.
This is going in my sig. :)



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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2017, 09:42:03 AM »
World of Warcraft Classic

Ayup. I doubt I'm going to get hugely invested in it, but above all else I just want to go through the old vanilla questing experience again. It felt way more meaningful to me than the current "rush to cap" experience.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2017, 01:48:35 PM »
I've noticed in reading more into this vanilla stuff, there's a lot of people who either A never played vanilla and are only going off second hand knowledge, or B keep bringing up all the fucked up stuff in vanilla and HOW SO MUCH BETTER THE CURRENT GAME IS.

I'll admit, vanilla was far from perfect, and had a TONNNNN of fucked up stuff, spirit/str gear anyone? I mean it's technically true, "mechanically" speaking, the current game blows the former game out of the water, but it's still comparing apples to oranges...or a vidya related analogy street fighter compared to mortal kombat. They are both definately fighting games, but they are really very different from eachother. Vanilla, pull 2 mobs, you might actually die, Legion...with my prot warrior anyway, I literally cant die at all vs 20-30 normal enemies unless I pull like 6-8 ELITES, and even then I might survive.

It was just a very different styled game, and it's shortcomings made interacting with other players much more beneficial, I think the social aspects of the vanilla game are legit superior to the current game where any player is no different than an NPC.

Both games have their pros and cons, but there is one point I can bring up that in my mind should solidify that I can enjoy vanilla today. I played from damn near launch, December 13 2004(looked it up in my account history), and I played the ENTIRETY of vanilla up to the dark portal event (of which I have the tabard on my shaman if you scroll up) into burning crusade day 1. Since vanilla, I have not played the entirety of any expansion in the games history. I liked tbc, but I quit before lich king, so much so, I skipped lich king to play warhammer online (a fucking masterpiece of an MMO if I may add), and I enjoyed lich king when I got to it....then quit well well well before cata, tried cata..didn't even hit the level cap, SKIPPED panda expansion entirely, played draenor for 3 weeks enjoyed it and quit, and with Legion, I did enough blogging here for you to know my opinion on that...

I don't think I want to go hardcore raiding anymore, I straight up don't have the time or desire to do that anymore, but I do want to hit the level cap, do some dungeons, play OLD AV OMG OLD AV, and maybe experience the game with a class I always wanted to try in vanilla but never had the time to due to how time intensive leveling was. Though I am considering ORC RESTO SHAMAN pvp server at this time. totally different from troll resto shaman I know...

Anyway ending my tldr because I am way too excited, so much so...I might try a private server for a reality check, we shall see. But when 2018-2019-2020 whenever this rolls out comes about, I'm down to play with any of you's guys assuming we're all the same server, I do want horde pvp though.


Adding a random screenshot of my warrior, when she was a wee lad in vanilla!

« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 01:55:37 PM by vladgd »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2017, 04:21:59 PM »
I started playing right after the Black Temple patch was released in BC, so while I don't have any experience with the somewhat wonkier talent trees in vanilla (second hand knowledge--please correct me if I'm wrong about that!) I have a rough idea of what the leveling progression and quest lines felt like. I know what hour long hearthstone timers feel like, I'm well aware of the TRUE costs of mounts, I have a rough idea of how valuable gold was before you would have pushed into Outland, and what 3 second mount times feel like. I also distinctly remember what Thousand Needles is supposed to look like. :P

I miss all of the sprawling quest chains. I miss the extensive, detailed lore text (which have largely been replaced by cutscenes). I mostly miss the days before the quest tracker straight-up told you where to go. I miss when each new zone felt like a goddamn adventure, not a means to progress through a linear quest line. I miss the days when I felt like more of an above average citizen, just trying to get by, and not a goddamn hero standing alongside a hundred other goddamn heroes (more on that in a couple paragraphs).

It might be that I'm just jaded from experience, but WoW doesn't feel like an immersive world to me anymore. I still enjoy the gameplay itself, sure, but it's radically different. Nowadays it's not a world to explore--it's yet another story to play. Professions are just a shadow of what they used to be. Group questing is almost pointless in most cases. Group quests are just laughable. From Warlords to Legion, regardless of what I play, I haven't come across a single one that I couldn't solo. I distinctly recall soloing some of the vanilla group quests on my hunter when I was leveling him and, holy shit, even though I was kiting like a motherfucker the whole time and close to panicking I felt like a goddamn badass when I finally took the elite mob down and earned my blue gear.

Nowadays, you get pandered to so much that it's almost silly. You get propped up as being this big badass hero who saved Azeroth countless times. Sure, you very well could be, but that makes the entire questing system feel pretty absurd. You're a badass hero who leads his own garrison and...takes orders from everyone you see, alongside the other dozens of badass, garrison leading heroes that you come across in the world. The game progression in the earlier titles--even up to Mists, really--felt so much more humble in comparison. Yeah, your toon is probably above average, but he/she is still little more than a wandering mercenary. A concerned citizen, if we're being generous. The game isn't trying to stroke your ego with every other quest.

And, as you've touched on, vlad, I also like that vulnerable feeling that I got before. Like you, I would literally pull entire areas with my blood DK (and, sometimes, even full packs on my shaman) and tear them down quickly. I miss back when I had to take on a camp of gnolls in a more methodical fashion. Like the elite quests above, I distinctly remember pulling a pack of five raptors in the Barrens on my hunter, surviving the experience (though my pet didn't. RIP), and literally crying out in delight because wow, that felt fucking great. Not anymore. Now you just smash a few buttons and, oh hey, everyone's dead.

So...yeah, I'm kind of excited for this. It'll also give me the opportunity to try playing a proper warlock again. :P

Haven't watched the BlizzCon footage of it yet, but did they say how they were going to handle the game client? I'm mostly wondering if it's going to literally be the 1.12.2 client, as-is, or if they're going to do what they did with Diablo II and modernize it to work better with modern computers and operating systems.

Hunting down some old UI addons is going to be fun. I'm thinking I should be okay with just an action bar mod and Omen (to help manage pet aggro), and those should be fairly easy to find in the WoWInterface/Curse archives.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2017, 05:42:38 PM »
My first day off in the new place and instead of unpacking...I'm playing around with these. What class to play what spec to play, probably have over a year to decide before this thing is playable.

I started playing right after the Black Temple patch was released in BC, so while I don't have any experience with the somewhat wonkier talent trees in vanilla (second hand knowledge--please correct me if I'm wrong about that!)

From what I remember, they were the exact same with a new tier of talents, same with lich king. You could argue (correctly) the new trees are more useful/functional. But damn, I would spend hours playing around with specs and what is optimal for how I want to play the game. While autorunning to my destination, or flying, or taking a zepplin, pop open that skill tree and ponder what to spend that point on in the next level. But you get 51 points to play with, can spend them in any of the 3 specs with minimum points required to advance in each tier. One point per level starting at level 10. Respeccing was expensive as all hell, but I recall the first one is free, so plan out a proper leveling spec, and then figure out what you wanted to do after the level cap for a proper spec for whatever you intended on doing be it pvp or pve. I just think the new trees are boring as hell with no consequence (kind of like the diablo 3 skill system, LETS GIVE THE PLAYER EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG), even though it is technically "superior".

I miss all of the sprawling quest chains. I miss the extensive, detailed lore text (which have largely been replaced by cutscenes). I mostly miss the days before the quest tracker straight-up told you where to go. I miss when each new zone felt like a goddamn adventure, not a means to progress through a linear quest line. I miss the days when I felt like more of an above average citizen, just trying to get by, and not a goddamn hero standing alongside a hundred other goddamn heroes (more on that in a couple paragraphs).

Even though there was no tracker, thottbot was very popular in vanilla, and I think alakazam later in vanilla, with wowhead? being a thing in tbc. Those database websites have been around since not far from launch, so even with no instructions, people would frequently alt tab to find out where the hell to go.

I distinctly recall soloing some of the vanilla group quests on my hunter when I was leveling him and, holy shit, even though I was kiting like a motherfucker the whole time and close to panicking I felt like a goddamn badass when I finally took the elite mob down and earned my blue gear.

And, as you've touched on, vlad, I also like that vulnerable feeling that I got before. Like you, I would literally pull entire areas with my blood DK (and, sometimes, even full packs on my shaman) and tear them down quickly. I miss back when I had to take on a camp of gnolls in a more methodical fashion. Like the elite quests above, I distinctly remember pulling a pack of five raptors in the Barrens on my hunter, surviving the experience (though my pet didn't. RIP), and literally crying out in delight because wow, that felt fucking great. Not anymore. Now you just smash a few buttons and, oh hey, everyone's dead.

So...yeah, I'm kind of excited for this. It'll also give me the opportunity to try playing a proper warlock again. :P

I am sorry I am doing this, but you listed like the ONLY two classes that can do that shit in vanilla. Pet classes were GODS AMONG MEN TIER for soloing in vanilla (and even now, but the gap was way way WAY bigger back then), and the things you listed just aren't possible for much other classes. I don't recall soloing elites to be possible period for my shaman or warrior, not until burning crusade where it was the start of classes being able to solo elites (with big cooldowns at least). I even remember when new servers would pop up, it was usually a hunter that was a realm first 60, that class didn't need gear to get leveling done.

Haven't watched the BlizzCon footage of it yet, but did they say how they were going to handle the game client? I'm mostly wondering if it's going to literally be the 1.12.2 client, as-is, or if they're going to do what they did with Diablo II and modernize it to work better with modern computers and operating systems.

We don't know, and from what we are lead to believe, they don't yet know how they are going to handle it. Far as I am aware, this whole vanilla server thing was a relatively recent thing they decided to greenlight, so I'd be surprised if it even made release in 2018.

Hunting down some old UI addons is going to be fun. I'm thinking I should be okay with just an action bar mod and Omen (to help manage pet aggro), and those should be fairly easy to find in the WoWInterface/Curse archives.

I'll try getting by with the standard fare, although I hope whatever patch they use is late enough to have more actionbars, in december 2004 there was the 10 slots and that was all you got..., wasn't till a later patch where you got more action bars.

I really am considering rolling healer, but I'll really really really want to assemble a group of people to level with if I decide to do that. Leveling solo as a non dps (tanks had it even worse than healers from what I am told from the tanks of old) was a lot more challenging and time consuming than the dps counterparts. Considering shaman over priest for healing because I remember getting hard every time I would PURGE those damn priest shields into a dead squishy, every time, PURGE PURGE, such a broken ability and people only remember frostshock and windfury.


Level 28, and instead of GOTTA LEVEL GOTTA LEVEL MUST HIT END GAME END GAME IS ALL THAT MATTERS, I am exploring horde territory with my alliance alt looking for lowbies dumb enough to flag pvp. It was like a different time, instead of zerging to the end to get to the "fun", the fun was just playing the game and exploring the world and what's around the corner. I remember being blown away in durotar the first time I seen an orc burrow OMG I REMEMBER THOSE FROM WARCRAFT 3!

*edit because I edit almost all my posts because...*

" A fun trick in PvP is to use your hearthstone, people think it is a heal and will try to kick/pummel/counterspell, hf."

I FORGOT ABOUT THIS, do people still do this? Looks the exact same as a heal as a shaman, they blow their interrupt, then you can heal without getting interrupted. I remember doing that kind of stuff all the time.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 07:52:35 PM by vladgd »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2017, 01:01:58 AM »
From what I remember, they were the exact same with a new tier of talents, same with lich king. You could argue (correctly) the new trees are more useful/functional. But damn, I would spend hours playing around with specs and what is optimal for how I want to play the game.

Oh yes. I remember that well. It was immensely satisfying tweaking my DK's talent tree and kit between raid nights and watching my numbers climb up.

Honestly, I don't really have a preference either way as both systems scratch different itches of mine (except for the Cataclysm system--that was like the worst of both worlds). The system in Mists and newer is great since it gives you some useful moves immediately. The older system is great because it allows you to do some wacky ass shit if you know how to exploit it. I love it.

Maybe the wonky talent tree thing was something from beta. I remember hearing about it but I don't remember exactly what time period it was from.

I just think the new trees are boring as hell with no consequence (kind of like the diablo 3 skill system, LETS GIVE THE PLAYER EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG), even though it is technically "superior".

I'm not too crazy about harsh consequences with that, especially considering how easy it is to screw up using the classic talent trees. That's actually one of the reasons I don't really care to play Path of Exile: if you screw up your talent tree too bad (and it contains 1325 fucking talents!) your only recourse is to reroll.

That being said, I think the original WoW respec system was in a pretty decent place. The main issue that I see with the penalties is that you run into that classic issue where you could have to pay out the ass if you want to change roles for raiding/dungeons. I always appreciated having the ability to dual-spec in Wrath and I remember being genuinely mystified when some select people (vanilla elitists, I imagine) were throwing a ton of shade at Blizzard for adding it!

Even though there was no tracker, thottbot was very popular in vanilla, and I think alakazam later in vanilla, with wowhead? being a thing in tbc. Those database websites have been around since not far from launch, so even with no instructions, people would frequently alt tab to find out where the hell to go.

Yep. Not to mention the various in-game addons and such. I forgot which one I used to use when I first started, haha.

Still, when I was starting it was kind of neat to just read the quest text and make your way over there. It usually at least gave you a decent idea of where to go, and there was almost always something interesting to see along the way.

I am sorry I am doing this, but you listed like the ONLY two classes that can do that shit in vanilla.

Oh, trust me. I'm well aware. ;D

I've leveled a priest and warrior through that content. I completely understand how it's "supposed" to be.

We don't know, and from what we are lead to believe, they don't yet know how they are going to handle it. Far as I am aware, this whole vanilla server thing was a relatively recent thing they decided to greenlight, so I'd be surprised if it even made release in 2018.

Yep. At this point I'm really curious how they're going to handle a bunch of the little nuances, like keeping cheaters out, dealing with the massive differences between the old and new operating systems (vanilla WoW was written during that innocent time before UAC, after all. Hell, it ran on Windows 98!), and stuff like that. I imagine there's going to be some serious retrofits to get everything working smoothly, but hopefully they do it in more of a StarCraft: Remastered way rather than a Darkening of Tristram way.

And, above all else, I hope we don't end up with something like that:

I'll try getting by with the standard fare, although I hope whatever patch they use is late enough to have more actionbars, in december 2004 there was the 10 slots and that was all you got..., wasn't till a later patch where you got more action bars.

I can't imagine them targeting anything less than 1.12.2, honestly. To me, it wouldn't make sense for them to give you anything less than the full experience of Classic, if nothing else because the world just wasn't complete beforehand (I hear Silithus is a great example of that).

I really am considering rolling healer, but I'll really really really want to assemble a group of people to level with if I decide to do that. Leveling solo as a non dps (tanks had it even worse than healers from what I am told from the tanks of old) was a lot more challenging and time consuming than the dps counterparts.

Yep. I leveled my priest from 1-80 as holy. That took a while. <_<

*edit because I edit almost all my posts because...*

How much would you hate me if I randomly disabled your edit privileges for funsies? ;)

" A fun trick in PvP is to use your hearthstone, people think it is a heal and will try to kick/pummel/counterspell, hf."

I FORGOT ABOUT THIS, do people still do this? Looks the exact same as a heal as a shaman, they blow their interrupt, then you can heal without getting interrupted. I remember doing that kind of stuff all the time.

I've never personally seen anyone do it (though I very rarely PvP), but that's a great idea! :o

I have something almost equally as fun. I used to PvP quite a bit on my DK during Cataclysm (I used to do Tol Barad pretty often), so I'd periodically have some fun with Dark Simulacrum. Basically, it throws a 12 second debuff on the target, and if they use a spell that costs mana during that time, the DK can use that spell once by activating DS again. Most people notice that and end up blowing a cheap or weak spell on it, which is something but typically isn't all that useful. One time, however, I hit a mage with it right as they cast mirror image.

You know what? It actually worked. Four hulking tauren, decked out in plate. One of them a harbinger of death and pestilence, the other three just doing mage things. It was pretty great.
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