Author Topic: Monster Hunter  (Read 22648 times)


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Monster Hunter
« on: February 04, 2018, 07:16:18 PM »


I was enjoying street fighter 5 arcade edition then this hit...other than catching the hell bug that has America sick aint nothing stopping me from playing this bitch

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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 09:53:15 AM »
I'm thinking of renting this on XB1/PS4 (to evaluate whether or not I should grab it on PC when it drops). As much as I love the concept, crafting, upgrading, most of the mechanics, etc, the combat never really gelled with me. I get that you have Very Large WeaponsTM and they want you to commit to your actions, but compared to games that offer a similar style of combat (the Souls series, etc) it just feels overly slippery to me.

I suspect that it's still not going to grab me. I definitely wouldn't blame Capcom for not changing something that so many people like (I'm well aware that I'm an outlier here :P). I definitely want to like it, though.

On the plus side, if MHW doesn't work out for me, I still have Dauntless.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 08:51:02 PM »
I knew I was going to enjoy the game because I put over 120 hours into the psp games only doing local wireless co-op, and I dabbled in monster hunter 4 on 3ds. If I can get past tiny screens, horrible controls, and a worse camera in those games, and this game fixes all 3 of those brainer for me.

Combat is the main appeal, and it's not for everyone. I feel like that animation priority is what makes it, if you're trying to play god of war in here, you ain't going to have a good time. It's meant for you to think more about what you're doing, and if you fuck up, you fuck up, try and learn from it and git gud. Changing it would totally 100% ruin the game imo, and piss off the entire fanbase who's supporting the game at the same time. They already made this game a lot easier than all of the past entries. I entered high rank in ~30 hours in this game, and in freedom unite it took me...80...90? So it's the most accessible game in the series already. I'm not even good/bragging, I'm actually kinda bad at the game, but yknow, the series is really damn hard and I don't think people really talk about that. Freedom unite is 100 times harder than dark souls, yet, dark souls is way more known for being a hard game than freedom unite is. To keep on the tangent I like to make this comparison a lot. Super mario brothers 3 doesn't have a reputation for being a hard game, and the original nes contra does. I firmly beleive smb3 is a harder game than contra, I can beat contra, and I have beaten it multiple times. I always die in world 8 in smb3, never beat it even with warps.  But yeah tangent aside, it's an easier game, just need to find a weapon you like and put a little bit of time into learning it.

Comparisons to dark souls are kinda legit though, but I think it needs to be flip flopped, dark souls should have been compared to monster hunter. Because Monster Hunter essentially is a game entirely of bosses, and bosses of which are a lot harder and more time consuming than those in Dark souls (only beat the first game, so my comparison only applies to dark souls 1).

Second though is gear, so you already know if you're in for that or not.

I think it's a mediocre/ok game to play solo, and a fantastic time eating game to play with friends.

There's not really anything like it, it's kind of it's own thing and that's really cool. Maybe god eater is similar, but i've never looked into them to really know that for certain. I like it, over 50 hours in so far and still having a blast. I'm not going to try and convince nay sayers, but I mean, that clip I posted up there was A PRETTY COOL MOMENT YOU GOTTA ADMIT.

It's not a fighting game so I assumed someone here would play it, maybe I'm just not into the hip popular games anymore? I swear this game was blowing up all over the place. I can hardly talk videogames to people in person because it's pubg this, league that, dota this, fortenite that, destiny this, minecraft that. If I don't shooter, or moba, I may as well not be a gamer I guess.


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2018, 09:41:17 AM »
I don't really have a problem with the animation priority at all. I have no problem with having to commit to moves, and I certainly didn't play it as if it were made by PlatinumGames.

The problem that I have (which may be fixed with the console releases since they have proper controllers) is that if you aren't in a precise position you can actually slip past the monster in mid-animation and hit the ground. I've had that happen plenty of times and due to the awkward controls and fiddly camera it was something that was impossible for me to look past. It definitely doesn't help that my last real Monster Hunter 4 experience was on the OG 3DS, a system with no C-stick and a framerate that had a tendency to randomly tank. At least with the PSP you could use a claw grip to sort of wrangle the camera in place (I haven't played the PSP MH games, but I've seen plenty of pictures of the claw). With the 3DS that's way more awkward with the analog slider being above the d-pad.

I do recall having a better time with Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii (with the Pro controller, because fuck their nunchuck/Wiimote controls), so eh, maybe this will work out.

It is unfortunate that MHW doesn't have any sort of cross-platform play planned. Honestly getting really tired about how the console wars and the insistence of online platform exclusivity (both Sony and Microsoft are guilty of this at one point or another; Nintendo doesn't give a fuck because they're Nintendo) are ruining online games. I'm pretty much deadset on waiting for the PC release, and it kind of looks like everyone I would want to play with has it on console. Considering I'm thinking of selling my PS4/XB1 since I haven't used either of them in months, that's kind of annoying.

And yeah, the clip was a good watch! I always love watching MH gameplay. The problem is when I'm actually given a handheld with MH on it. ;D I might give it a rent this weekend and take it for a spin. It's a shame that the PC release is so far off, but I'm just sort of done with trying to find reasons to continue having a non-Nintendo console. I was considering the PS4 Pro until I found out that it has no support for UHD Blu-Rays. Not a good look for a media company (I mean, the goddamn XB1S supports them!), and not something that I'd want to pay a premium for considering it only has a small collection of exclusives that are worth playing. And I wish people would stop calling it a 4K console, ffs.

As far as the community here is concerned, keep in mind that there aren't many of us left. I think we have, what, 4 regular posters now? Independent forums have been basically dying in favor of places like Reddit.

As far as I'm concerned, aside from fighting games and MOBAs (not like I don't play those genres, I'm just ridiculously casual with them) I'm game (hah!) for pretty much anything. The problem in my case is that I tend to focus on PC/Switch nowadays, so when there's a game like MHW that isn't getting a PC port until later this year I'm not going to have much to say about it. :) That said, if my local video store (going to feel weird walking back in there) has any copies of it I'd like to rent it for the weekend to see if the improved controls make it more enjoyable and so that I can give my thoughts on it.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2018, 07:28:23 PM »
Yeah that's kinda right on the small amount of active users thing...forums kinda died a long time ago. Reddit is fine, but it's like less personal than a forum. There's no place I can go and feel like Cheers anymore.

Shame on the pc release though, I have no intent on getting it now because by time that rolls out, I'll have derived all I wanted out of the ps4 release. It's a fantastic game, but I ain't going to reroll on another platform. 2018 still isn't the multiplatform multiplayer future yet.

Control wise though, there's no camera or control issues anymore. You're on a real mans controller now, and the default camera settings are kinda shit...but you can change them a little bit and they work fine for me without issue. I think that's the big kicker, it was kind of an unwieldy game on portable releases, but it's a non issue for this one.

As for missing, there's camera lock on, but no "lock on" lock on, so yknow, player skill comes in there. However with as much as is fixed, it's still monster hunter, so it may convert people who had issues on the camera/control front, but not those who just didn't like the game.

ANDDDD the last point. It's just frustrating being into videogames, and having damn near nobody to talk game with. Yeah more people than ever like games now than ever before, but ain't the stuff I play. I am super big into fighting games, and not online, not irl have I really anyone to discuss with or even play. I need a local gathering or something, instead of having people over for dungeons and dragons I'll have people over for tekken or street fighter, or virtua fighter or something. Only issue with that, I've been hitting up people for a decade and no takers. Figure I live close to a major state university, a community college, and my local town has an arty college that neil degrasse tyson made an appearance at, THERE'S GOTTA BE SOMEBODY OVER THERE WHO WANTS TO THROW DOWN WITH BOBBY FLAY!


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2018, 08:17:26 PM »
Yeah, I know how you feel when it comes to rerolling characters. I'm peeved enough that I'm going to have to grind through Hyrule Warriors again when the Switch version comes out (to the point that I seriously want to play the Wii U version right now, but I'm forcing myself not to because I know that's just going to be wasted time), and Monster Hunter is probably about as grindy as that when you start getting into the kickass armor and weapon tiers.

Glad to hear that they're taking advantage of proper controllers. The Wii Pro controller did work well enough, so I'm thinking they just expanded on what they had there. It's going to be nice to not have a Wiimote tethered to me at all times. As far as the triggers go, are they just simulating digital inputs with them? If so, I'll probably wind up using the Wii U Pro controller for MHW if I get it for PC. It barely got any use on my Wii U, but it's working out really nicely as a PC controller now (my new mobo has an onboard Bluetooth module, which has been coming in handy).

So if I'm reading your description of the lock on system properly, it sounds like the camera locks to the target but your character still moves independently of the camera. Can you nudge the camera around with the right stick while you're locked on? If you do, does it spring back into place when you release the stick? If so, that sounds absolutely perfect to me.

And yeah, none of my local friends share my taste in vidya at all, so I know how that feels. I know there's a pretty good fighting game community in the Columbus area, but that's about 2.5 hours from me, and I really don't have any interest in progressing beyond "filthy casual" in fighters anyway. When I was going to Youngstown State University it seemed like the only game that people had any interest in was Halo, and even now I haven't really seen any local meetups happen, and my area's not really big enough to sustain something like a gaming cafe. We had a decent DDR community for a while, but that largely died off a little more than a decade ago.

Sigh. Oh well.

Edit: No copies in stock this weekend! Better luck next time.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 03:26:24 PM by Spectere »
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2018, 08:46:48 PM »
It's a grindey game, but it doesn't really "feel" like a grindey game. Like, to me it feels like an open world game in the sense that after low rank, the game opens up and you can kinda tackle whatever you want whenever you want, and the farther you get, the more open it gets.

When I log on, I typically have some sort of goal in mind, like right now I want to complete...all of the quests in the game, so yknow, I try to knock a few out each day. Having those goals, like "I want to try HAMMER, let's see what I need and go about acquiring the materials to make that stuff", it IS a grind, but so are like many many many many other games. It's not everybodys cup of tea, but I'm sitting here with over 117 hours played...and I've yet to be bored.

I've abandoned my pc for the time being, like all month. I am a person who is on the computer all the damn time, and I've probably been on my pc less than 2 hours this month because of this damn game.

As for the camera, default camera is kinda not great, but you can adjust it to your own preferences. I had to muck with it a little bit to get it how I like it, but I have settled on my own settings and I have minimal problems. Not perfect, but LEAGUES ahead of the portable games, which after this games release, those games are unplayable anymore due to horrible controls.


And I'll end this post with that. Players are rated by a "hunter rank" in this game and 1-15 is like the main story, then you get capped till you complete the final story mission, then you get locked at 29? till you complete some horseshit ass bullshit that I don't want to do again mission, which raises your cap to 49, and then you have to fight this asshole who can die for eternity in the flames of evil, and beating this pony fucker whos skin shall be rended by my spear will unlock your cap to infinity as far as I am aware, which in turn lets you fight tempered elder dragons which is the end game real shit for the best loots.

I don't know if I made that look easy, but that fucker can kill you dead in one hit, hit him ANYWHERE but the head and your weapon will bounce AND HE MAY KILL YOU OUTRIGHT IN THE STUN YOU RECEIVE FROM SAID BOUNCE, he can put autokill bullshit under you from any range, and he can blight you which causes any lightning to just stun you, and from stun you can die.

fuck kirin, I am glad I did 0 deaths on my second attempt where I decided to tryhard. HE IS LITERALLY THE REASON I QUIT THE PSP GAME AND MY 90 HOUR SAVE, IM GLAD TO HAVE MY REVENGE! fought him once, said FUUUUUUUUUUUCK THAT, and outright quit cold turkey.


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2018, 11:38:20 AM »
Oh yeah, I definitely didn't mean "grindy" in a negative way. If the gameplay loop is solid and clicks well with you, it doesn't feel like a chore to play through the content. Plus, grindy games can be very relaxing to play (I've been playing Slime Rancher a lot lately, so...yeah).

I'm definitely willing to wait for the PC release of MH:W before I jump in. I'm going to have Final Fantasy XV for PC (god it looks so pretty) and Hyrule Warriors for Switch to keep me occupied, so I figure I should be done with both of those by the time Fall rolls around.

Nice kill! He looked like a tricky monster even without knowing about having to consistently get headshots, between his quick movement and attack patterns. Having your weapon bounce if you miss the head just feels like the final slap in the face.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2018, 08:25:34 PM » this game...

I went from getting killed to easy shit in low rank, to beasting the final mission without even being close to death. My skills have improved.

~192 or so hours

ALL QUESTS complete

And my "lol I couldn't die if I tried" super safe build. Damage ain't great, but id take a longer mission over a failed one.

Here is an example of how much I like this game. My back is bad, for the past 3 or 4 years I have had regular back pain, every single work shift I finish, I have 3-4 hours of not fun back pain that happens every time I stand up from a sitting position. I now know it's because of my horrible posture on my COMPUTER CHAIR, because I've been away from my pc for over a month and a half, and my back pain is minor at best now, I haven't had that sharp pain from standing up in damn near a month now, and I know it's because I've been on the recliner in the living room on my ps4, and not on this pc I'm only on to make this post before...back to the ps4 for monster hunter...

This is a really really really good game guys. Even sales wise it's smashing records over at capcom, and I'm almost 200 hours in, all missions complete, and I want nothing more than to play more to make a new set to try a new weapon or mess around with a new build.

I don't rate games with a score, but this is a 10/10 game if I ever seen one. I seen the damn credits at hour 82 or whatever and I'm sitting on hour 195...still playing every single day...

The game ain't perfect, but any cons are vastly outshined by the pros.

And yeah, I literally only turned on my pc to jizz on about this game, before turning off the pc to go back to playing it...yep.


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2018, 06:15:57 PM »
Just picked up my "evaluation copy":

They didn't have any copies for PS4, but that's not a huge deal. This is more to get a taste of the gameplay so that I know whether or not I'm going to want to drop full price on the PC version down the road. I'll post my thoughts after I've played it a bit.

Hopefully the PC port is as solid as FFXV. Holy shit, does that game look gorgeous.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 11:15:48 AM »
Omg Family Video still exists!?!?!


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2018, 03:33:26 PM »
So I played through it a little bit last night and things are already looking up for me. The combat still feels very weighty but it doesn't feel as awkwardly stiff as it used to. I'm going to play through it a bit more, but I think MHW is going to be the one that ultimately hooks its claws into me. to speak.

I've gotta say, even on the OG Xbox One it's quite a looker (and the framerate generally does stay around 30fps), though it does seem a bit fuzzy in some areas. Probably some sort of dynamic resolution scaling if I had to guess. Seriously can't wait to see what it's going to look like on PC (and if they botch the port even with the extra time I'm going to be annoyed...then I'll cut my losses, buy a PS4 Pro, and get it for that instead).

Definitely going to play it a bit more throughout this week before I make my final decision, but my first impressions are definitely favorable so far. It seems like MHW fixes the things that irked me about the older games.

Also, some of the new QOL features are freaking great. Just having infinite whetstones alone is amazing, and I like how some essentials like the BBQ spit no longer take up inventory space. All of the little UI improvements are certainly welcome as well, like being able to select a simple, prefabbed meal buff if you so desire. Even in the early game it feels like it's much faster and easier to prep and get into a hunt without really sacrificing the level of control that the previous games give you.

One thing that I do wish is that it gave you the option to skip some of the hand holdy tutorials. Just having a "Have you played one of the previous Monster Hunter games?" prompt that controls what the game displays would have been very useful. I'm not a Monster Hunter buff by any means (though I did sink around 40-50 hours into Tri), but the tutorial really didn't go over anything that I didn't already know. Not a huge deal, but I would have preferred to be able to get into the game a bit faster.

Omg Family Video still exists!?!?!

Yep! The one on the corner of Yo-Poland and Midlothian is still clinging to life (the one on State St. in Girard is still open, too). I honestly think a large part of that is because they now share a building with Marco's Pizza and do a bunch of cross-promotion.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2018, 05:11:05 PM »
Yep! The one on the corner of Yo-Poland and Midlothian is still clinging to life (the one on State St. in Girard is still open, too). I honestly think a large part of that is because they now share a building with Marco's Pizza and do a bunch of cross-promotion.

Yeah that's the one I was thinking of. I saw it a year ago when I was in town and was shocked even then. My buddy lives right on Gypsy. That's close to your parents if I remember correctly.

Those stores are a dying breed. I miss those days though.


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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2018, 01:24:09 AM »
~10 minutes away. I live over on Elm, in Struthers. I work on Belmont, though, so I'm on that short, busy stretch of Gypsy almost every day.

And yeah, that was the funny thing about the Family Video experience. I was in there with my dad and, aside from the clerk, I can safely say that I was the youngest person in the store and my dad--who is 30 years older than me--was the second oldest. The game section had more PS3/Xbox 360 games than current gen stuff, and the prices have gotten pretty goddamn high over the years. It was around $9 for MHW for 5 days!

Fun trivia: I once worked as a video clerk at Giant Eagle (Poland, on Center Rd) from Dec 2000 through May 2002. I was there during the transition between the fifth and sixth generation consoles. We were a pretty small shop, but it still felt weird selling off all of our PSX/N64 stock to make room for PS2/Xbox/GameCube/Dreamcast stuff.

I also distinctly remember renting Genesis games from that same location (when that Giant Eagle was located across the street from where it is now) all the time when I was a kid. Mmm, nostalgia.
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Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2018, 07:46:01 PM »
I think I'm more or less done with the game, still going to casually play, just not obsessively anymore. I managed some 200 hours on my save, and I will be back for DLC.

I can do other things now! YEssssssssss

Glad you are having good first impressions, they added a TON of quality of life stuff to make getting into missions and killing big monsters something you do more than dicking around picking flowers and killing wee bop enemies. Most of the bigger issues stem from the end game and how investigations work, but you won't hit that problem before you're past hour 100 most likely. How they handle story missions is a bit dumb as well, say we both want to play a mission, MOST of the missions early on are story missions, and you have to solo them until you watch a cutscene. So like, enter mission, get to big scary monster, watch cutscene THEN you can fire off an SoS said monster is about to hit you for 50% of your's a horrible system to be frank.

And the end game stuff with tempered monsters, that's all investigations, which you get randomly on quests after collecting tracks (for tempered monsters, tempered tracks, and you arent guaranteed a tempered investigation either), and these things are limited use at that. You want to do some tempered Teostra with me, but neither of us have the investigation for it, either A we farm for those investigations and get one at random, or we both just don't play with each other and use the search for SoS feature refreshing 10, 20, sometimes like 40 times to find an investigation...and you can't group join, so yeah we'd be running separate.

It's a fantastic game, but there are still annoying things I should be critical about.

What weapon are you using/planning on using? I hope it's none of those pleb longswords or double pleb bows.

And lastly, we got family videos up here, got one in town, and I know of a few more within an hour of here.