Author Topic: 10 games for 2018  (Read 7027 times)


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10 games for 2018
« on: August 22, 2018, 10:40:54 PM »
Not too entirely sure this is thread worthy, but maybe it'll start a small conversation or two?

Think I made a comment or two about wanting to beat 10 games I never beat before in 2018. Started a list back in November of 2017, and a few months into 2018 realized while having not been following said list, been doing progress enough into new games and some backlog games as well. Figured I'd use this is a place to keep track. I normally beat like 1-3 new games in a year, IF that, and it was hitting me I was getting a lot done, so I'm just going to truck along and finish this arbitrary goal.

List is in order of completion this year.

1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided

Thing is I work 50 hours now, so I have less time to use for entertainment, but im so close, and there's plenty of time left in the year. I pre ordered Dragon Quest XI, and that's a long fucker, so I want to finish something hopefully fun, short, and something I already own.

Was thinking Halo 2, or since I finished mankind divided recently(good game, but kind of mediocre Deus Ex game not really worth making a post about), Deus Ex Invisible War....then at work I remembered Halo Wars existed, and I bought it on steam around last Christmas. 15 mission pc port of a console RTS, I think I can do that in two weeks before dragon quest comes out.

Not sure I'll do another thing like this next year, but it's been fun. I usually go months between games, but it's been bam bam bam this year, and I've been enjoying it a lot. After I finish this personal quest, I might get back into multiplayer things like fightans/rts again. Till then, let's see how this Halo Wars is.


Uninstalled Halo Wars soooooooooo fucking fast.

Mission 4 can suck my big fat dickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Hey let's put a defend for x minutes mission early in the game, and it's harder than anything in starcraft/2 or warcraft 3 put together!

« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 11:46:46 PM by vladgd »


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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2018, 07:22:08 AM »
Yikes, if that mission in Halo Wars is that bad on PC I'd hate to see how it would play on console. Might want to just stick with Halo 2. Great game (except for Legendary—getting one shotted from full shields by snipers isn't my cup of tea).

Anyway, topic. I'm trying to honestly think of new games (for me, anyway) that I've beaten this year. Angels with Scaly Wings is a notable one, and that was over far too quickly. I finally did a full 300% run of Doom and Doom 2 this year (completing the entire game with 100% kills, items, and secrets on every level). Finally beat Doom 2016, and I started a fresh game on ultra-violence. That's honestly all I can think of at this time.

Ones that I'm thinking of playing/replaying include:
  • Monster Hunter: World
  • Doom 2016 UV (already mentioned that, but what the hey)
  • Final Fantasy XV (really need to get back to that)
  • Kinda thinking of replaying OneShot. I like that game.
  • Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. I beat Legend Mode already (for the second time, if you count the time I spent on the original game) but I still a lot of maps and challenges to get through.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn. I picked up the complete edition when I bought my PS4 Pro but haven't touched it yet (mostly thanks to HW:DE and, now, MH:W). I plan to get to it this year, though.
And here's a few that are on the horizon, either because they haven't been released or because I haven't established a firm timeline to get to them:
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (I have a Humble Monthly key for it, so I might as well check it out)
  • Dad of Boy
  • beatmania IIDX 25 CANNON BALLERS (really need to haul my ass to Round 1…I mean, Cleveland isn't too far from me)
  • Dark Souls III. I bought it at release, sank a bunch of time into it, and…stopped. :|
  • Doom. Fucking. Eternal. Is it bad that I'm just as psyched for the soundtrack as the game itself? Doom 2016 has an absolutely killer soundtrack and Mick Gordon is scoring Eternal as well!
Also, one of these days I might get Battle for Azeroth. This is the only expansion I haven't purchased on launch and I'm really not in a huge hurry to play it. I've lost my love for WoW in a huge way, I guess. :< It might have something to do with having to play Warchief Roulette every fucking time they release a new xpac.
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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2018, 12:25:20 AM »
I think the issue with halo wars, is I expected it to bend over backwards for me because...console rts on pc. But nah, it bested my drunk on olde english 800 ass. I'll probably try it another day, seemed competent enough. 

-For Deus Ex, I'd recommend starting with human revolution personally. I liked that game better, and the game takes place before mankind divided. I mean I'd recommend the first game over anything, but if you had to choose, human revolution is a great game.

-You tell me Cleveland has some beatmania, and they somehow pump out more? Why don't they just release a console product anyway. Downloadable game, make it have a "seasonal" dlc model, as that's what the game is with it's "styles" anyway. Get an external company to handle the controller (like any number of companies making fightsticks with arcade hardware) and PROFIT! I may have to make a drive down there for some IIDX purposes some day...'

-Dark Souls 3 is on my list too, except mine is literally still in shrinkwrap...never bothered with ds2, but I really liked the first game.

Getting used to my long hours, seeing the fruits of my labor in paycheck form tomorrow. I guess that'll dictate whether it's worth it or not. Less time for games, but I somehow managed to add another to the list...the day before dragon quest XI arrives...and I hear you've played some metroid in your time...

1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided
9- metroid: samus returns

Bought it on impulse after getting frustrated with halo, beat it 100% in about 12.5 hours. It was good, haven't beat a metroid mission, making it my fourth metroid.

super metriod
zero mission
samus returns

Yet to beat prime (I'd get to the end before the final boss and get too frustrated and quit), but I'm thinking of maybe digging up some old metroid games I've yet to complete to add on the to do list. I own fusion on gba, so maybe I'll find time for that in the future.

As for the game, I didn't really like it to start. The melee counter just made things slow, enemies are bullet sponges, and playing a metroid to stand, wait, counter, shoot....ehh. Then you get screw attack and wave beam, BOOM no more sissy countering required, just blast through everything. I haven't played all of the games, but I feel like this one has the most "invincible to normal attacks" enemies that I've experienced. You end up running away more than anything before you get the tools to deal with it, not entirely a fan of that design aspect.

There's also this "aion abilities" system, using its own meter which drops from enemies. Not to spoil all the upgrades or anything, but in later areas, you run into a lot of enemies that are immune to missiles and standard shot, and require spending this aion resource to down. It's not a deal breaker, but I wanna say this is the game where standard shot may be the least useful? I never use it on bosses sans "cough" the last boss when im out of ammo "cough" but maybe I was missing something. I didn't use ice beam much, and maybe that would have done work.

Visually the game looks great, gravity suit in this game is probably one of my favorite suit designs that i've seen in a metroid game.

On the same token while it looks great, and there ARE "varied" environments, it must be the tiles they use or something, but the entire game nearly looks the same. Areas are just...areas. No brinstar or phendrena, but area 5, or area 3...I get it's a remake of metroid 2, but they could have spiced that up or something. You see snow, and water, but, it's not like the past games where you feel like you're in a snow area, or a water area, it's more background noise.

And on the topic of noise, there are a few great tracks, but most of it wasn't too memorable. Which is a damn travisty, because I rank metroid probably number 1 for videogame music, period. Super metroid is a goty all years ost, metroid prime ALSO A GOTY ALL YEARS OST.

Still you do see remixes of a few old favorites from prior games.

I may have to give the ost a listen outside the game, because it's not too audible playing on a 3ds. Tracks like the one above are the exception not the norm sadly.

And yeah, your hands will hurt a lot playing this even on a new 3ds xl. I had to take multi hour breaks just to let my hands rest, and my hands ache even now typing this tldr of a post coming fresh off the game.

Been thinking of getting the game since it was announced, and im glad I got around to it. Getting a thumbs up from me m'boy!...just expect a slow ish start before it picks up.


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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2018, 10:03:18 AM »
Yeah, I've played through Human Revolution. Fantastic game! Definitely a worthy successor to the original. As for my feelings on Invisible War, JC Denton said it best: "What a shame."

Cleveland has a Round 1, so they're on Konami's e-AMUSEMENT network. One of the perks of that is that the latest versions of the supported Bemani games are pushed to the machine.

Konami did release a home version of IIDX a couple of years ago called INFINITAS, but it's a bit…underwhelming. First and foremost, you have to jump through hoops to play it if you aren't in Japan. Second, the initial song list was based on SIRIUS. You know, that thing that came after EMPRESS. In 2009. Sigh. It's gotten better with DLC, but I don't even think it even offers the same value as the old PS2 releases, to be honest.

If you ever do swing down here, let me know! I'm only about an hour and a half away. If you're willing to go a bit further (Columbus) there's an arcade down there with all day free play, and they have n-1 (i.e. the previous major release) for most Bemani titles. If you wanted to go there we could always meet somewhere (the Akron/Canton area would be ideal) and car pool the rest of the way.

Ye gods, I forgot about Samus Returns. I still have that shrink wrapped. I've also been working on my Zero Mission speed game here and there (on GBA. I have a GameBoy Player but the input is just plain funky on that thing. I couldn't even get early Varia on it!).

The countering system was one of those things that worried me, honestly. While I haven't experienced it myself yet, it just seems very contrary to the way the games are traditionally played. While changing up the formula isn't necessarily a bad thing, Other M left such a bad taste in my mouth (seriously, that game is fucking awful, even if you try not to think of it as a Metroid game) that embracing any of its core feature set just makes me a little leery.

The Aion system makes me even more leery. It almost feels like they're trying to force combat on a series that generally didn't require it for standard map traversal. I'm going to reserve judgment until I actually play the thing (naturally) but I don't see that as a good sign.

The hand cramp thing is a bit troubling, seeing as much of the reason I couldn't enjoy Monster Hunter on mobile is because of the cramped controls, haha. That being said, I have played plenty of Zero Mission (and Fusion, but Zero Mission was muh gaem) on my GBA SP without any issues, so…ehh, we'll see.
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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2018, 12:40:02 AM »
1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided
9- metroid: samus returns
10- dragon quest xi

Funny the last post was september 4, and i finish it on october 4.

Watching trailers and stuff, I thought it was going to be like dragon quest "skyrim open world" edition, but no. It's dragon quest to a T.

Highly polished TRADITIONAL jrpg with a few modern things added in. Bit of a slow burn, but it starts to ramp up near the end of the first act. Final Fantasy may have started going down the shitter after 10, but at least I can recommend a dragon quest game in 2018. Like these types of games? It's a no brainer, pick it up.

~80 hours completion. I have no idea how I make time to do this anymore, but at least I can manage to polish off one of these monsters of a game in a month. Even being sick with probably bronchitis (no idea what it is, but it's in my lungs and it wont go away, currently on week 3...) and multiple days where I had time to play, and just sat around resting, I still managed to complete the fucker.

Ye gods, I forgot about Samus Returns. I still have that shrink wrapped. I've also been working on my Zero Mission speed game here and there (on GBA. I have a GameBoy Player but the input is just plain funky on that thing. I couldn't even get early Varia on it!).

The countering system was one of those things that worried me, honestly. While I haven't experienced it myself yet, it just seems very contrary to the way the games are traditionally played. While changing up the formula isn't necessarily a bad thing, Other M left such a bad taste in my mouth (seriously, that game is fucking awful, even if you try not to think of it as a Metroid game) that embracing any of its core feature set just makes me a little leery.

The Aion system makes me even more leery. It almost feels like they're trying to force combat on a series that generally didn't require it for standard map traversal. I'm going to reserve judgment until I actually play the thing (naturally) but I don't see that as a good sign.

Far as I understand, metroid fans typically gave samus returns a thumbs up. It adds a few odd things, but as a whole game I feel it's metroid how people like to play metroid. This ain't other M we're talking about. Also since it's a metroid game, it's short, so it isn't the biggest of time investments.

But shit, that's all 10 games. I was fooling around with the idea november of 2017 as a way to get my ass to beat more games since I'll buy shit, and not play it, and I actually managed to do it. Never woulda figured.

As for what to do next...iunno I got work in the morning. Might purchase sublime within the week maybe, my girlfriend is actually semi interested in working on python with me so that could motivate us both to work on it, and spend time together. Two birds with one stone. But also starting up another game...because yknow...get home, tired, watch youtubes for a little bit, then want to kick back and play something. Gotta have that side game.

We'll see, but goddamn I did something I thought I wouldn't even get close to finishing last year, and I got two months to spare at that. Quite pleased.


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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 07:53:15 AM »
Even being sick with probably bronchitis (no idea what it is, but it's in my lungs and it wont go away, currently on week 3...) and multiple days where I had time to play, and just sat around resting, I still managed to complete the fucker.

Funnily enough, that's sort of how I managed to finish FF8 (original PC release) for my first time. I was off school for three days with the flu and when I wasn't sleeping, I was playing that. It was engaging and didn't have enough action and movement to trigger nausea or motion sickness. It was far from a 100% run, and I think I managed to beat it in around 30 hours. The dynamic leveling definitely helped.

Far as I understand, metroid fans typically gave samus returns a thumbs up. It adds a few odd things, but as a whole game I feel it's metroid how people like to play metroid. This ain't other M we're talking about. Also since it's a metroid game, it's short, so it isn't the biggest of time investments.

I love how Metroid games tend to take a super long time on your first playthrough while you're getting a handle on it, then your time quickly slips into the sub-hour range.

I know I've been saying this for a while, but I've been recently inspired once again* to start working on Zero Mission. I need to get my GameCube in a position where it can run GameBoy Interface (basically, a piece of homebrew GameBoy Player software without all of the awful timing issues and input lag) and then get to practicing. I've come to the realization that my PB, set in around 2005 and with minimal routing suggestions taken, is actually still pretty damn good. I think I could probably push my times into the top 25 if I started cracking away at it.

*A couple of my friends in Wisconsin do gaming marathons at their house. I participated in one (designed to help them get back on their feet after both of them ended up in serious car wrecks in a span of a week—during which we ended up becoming the first group to 100% clear Mike Dies, which was pretty cool) and was there last weekend when they ran Super Stigma Slam, benefiting Take This.

But yeah, I'd love to be able to participate in one of them. Strangely, I'm better at games at 33 than I was at 22, so I think I have a fair shot at getting a marathon-worthy run together.

But shit, that's all 10 games. I was fooling around with the idea november of 2017 as a way to get my ass to beat more games since I'll buy shit, and not play it, and I actually managed to do it. Never woulda figured.

Congrats! You've definitely got more dedication than me when it comes to beating long games.

If you want a solid short game to fiddle around with, give Minit a shot (if you haven't already). It's sort of like Half Minute Hero meets Zelda.

As for what to do next...iunno I got work in the morning. Might purchase sublime within the week maybe, my girlfriend is actually semi interested in working on python with me so that could motivate us both to work on it, and spend time together. Two birds with one stone.


If you have any questions, let me know. I actually just wrapped up a fairly involved Python project at work (using pygame, no less!), so I've gotten a pretty solid handle on it.
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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2018, 11:38:42 AM » need to take my vidya away so I can be productive or something. I mean I'm working, and eeking out a living but yknow...

1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided
9- metroid: samus returns
10- dragon quest xi
11- smt 4 apocalypse

Better gameplay than smt 4, way worse story and none of the cool alternate fucked up universes the end of smt 4 had. Also same "enemies dont drop money have to pick up respawnable junk and avoid random battles to get money, so it motivates me to buy a dlc for that scumbaggery"

Not a fan of that bullshit, but I soldiered through it. It's an alright game, overall better than smt 4, but a lot worse than...iunno p4, p5, nocturne....

So now I got no damn idea what game is next on the totem pole. I may impulse buy a switch or red dead 2, or maybe nothing.

I kinda want a laptop now, because I'm actually really rarely on my desktop anymore because of the back problems I had with my horrible posture at the pc.

Now that I'm not on the pc, I can work 10-14 hour long shifts standing up the whole day, with NO BACK PAIN. I'm actually afraid to be on the desktop for more than an hour because of all of the back issues. Like the last time I called into work was 3-4 years ago, because my back hurt so bad I couldn't even get to the car to go to the emergency room to get a fix for the pain. So I needed someone else to drive...and even getting out of bed, or worse yet, moving at all, was very painful.

So...I'm thinking a latop chillin in my recliner would yknow kickstart this coding motivation. Even shit I really want to do on pc (play that classic wow private server for instance) I just gave up on because it's too much strain, and this very well affects my desire to learn dat python.

Something like that maybe, although with more storage, just started the hunt so it may be a few months before I find something. I don't need a desktop replacement, but if I can learn my programming on the thing, and do some "light" gaming (I wanna play wow classic in the living room in ultimate comfort! and I know that game isn't a system destroyer)

Sorry for the rant, but those the thoughts I'm having. I know I've been procrastinating the hell out of this, but honestly 2018 is the year I've spent by far the least amount of time on my pc, in my entire adult life. All of my pc hours in 2018 is probably one single week of me being on my pc in 2017, no joke, I can go more than a week without even opening the door to my pc room. It's probably the reason I've been getting into games a lot more.


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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2018, 10:53:38 AM »
I kinda want a laptop now, because I'm actually really rarely on my desktop anymore because of the back problems I had with my horrible posture at the pc.

Now that I'm not on the pc, I can work 10-14 hour long shifts standing up the whole day, with NO BACK PAIN. I'm actually afraid to be on the desktop for more than an hour because of all of the back issues. Like the last time I called into work was 3-4 years ago, because my back hurt so bad I couldn't even get to the car to go to the emergency room to get a fix for the pain.

Oof. :(

Yeah, I had to force myself to adapt better posture because I was getting some gnarly lower back pain. Not nearly to the level that you were experiencing, but it was bad enough that I knew I had to do something about it.

So...I'm thinking a latop chillin in my recliner would yknow kickstart this coding motivation. Even shit I really want to do on pc (play that classic wow private server for instance) I just gave up on because it's too much strain, and this very well affects my desire to learn dat python.

Something like that maybe, although with more storage, just started the hunt so it may be a few months before I find something.

That's a really odd configuration. If you want to do light gaming, I'd just snag something with a better CPU and just use integrated graphics. That would be good for light gaming (I can play modern WoW with my laptop's integrated graphics at 1080p on high quality and maintain over 30fps, and you'd easily be able to hold 60 with Vanilla with everything cranked). You could probably get away with an i7 for the same price, and that would give you quite a bit more CPU power to work with.

If you do plan on doing some mid-range gaming on it from time to time, that would be a decent base system. The CPU is decent, and you don't often see laptops with a dedicated GPU at that price range. You can put two drives in it (it has both an M.2 slot and a 2.5" HDD bay) so you can expand the storage, and it would be unusual for a laptop of that size to not have upgradable RAM if you ever needed to upgrade that.

Oh, also, this might better serve your Python needs than Sublime would (since it's designed specifically for Python development): There's both a Professional edition and a free Community edition. I ended up using the Pro version for the aforementioned work project and it made for a really nice experience.

Sorry for the rant, but those the thoughts I'm having. I know I've been procrastinating the hell out of this, but honestly 2018 is the year I've spent by far the least amount of time on my pc, in my entire adult life. All of my pc hours in 2018 is probably one single week of me being on my pc in 2017, no joke, I can go more than a week without even opening the door to my pc room. It's probably the reason I've been getting into games a lot more.

S'all good.

I actually have the opposite issue with my setup. My PC is connected to the same TV as my consoles, and my laptops generally stay in there as well, so I find myself using that for most of my entertainment-related stuff. My ultimate plan is to set up my computer hardware in another room. Not only would it make streaming easier (since I do want to get into that, maybe once or twice a week) but it would also let me have a dedicated workspace and a dedicated console/entertainment space.
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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2018, 11:50:01 PM »

1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided
9- metroid: samus returns
10- dragon quest xi
11- smt 4 apocalypse
12- advance wars 2

I bought a game boy player for the gamecube about 3 weeks ago, and was mucking around with a few games, I've been buying loose carts over the years but never bothered to play due to not being able to find a NEW battery for the gba sp. Only batteries available are "new" batteries, aka, been sitting on a shelf for 15 years and cant hold a charge for more than an hour.

But now, I can just use the good ole gamecube.

I was a pretty big fan of the original, but the difficulty of the final mission caused me to...abandon the game for over a decade before somehow finishing that impossibility.

Either way, decided since I bought 2 some unspecified time ago, why not.

This time however, I wasn't a fan of how you unlocked characters in the first game, some ~3 entire playthroughs of the campaign to unlock everybody, and the best character can't even be used in war room (think one off challenge maps, but theres a lot of em, and they're really fun). All the effort for...only vs mode, ehh.

THEY CHANGED IT IN THE SEQUEL, so you can use any of the crazy OP unlockable characters in war room...

Caveat..."beat the campaign with an overall rank of S"

... first playthrough of the game, to unlock that character, needs to be S rank...

...So, I did it, and now I'm posting here.

A little anti climactic but I don't feel like writing another essay on another old game I beat. It's a great game, wish they'd make another one instead of chumping out another fire emblem, but I had fun. Maybe I'll tackle the DS game sometime in the future.

In the meantime, I have far exceeded my expectations for actually working on my backlog this year. Probably the most games I've personally beaten in a year in my life.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 11:51:44 PM by vladgd »


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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2018, 09:35:40 AM »
I bought a game boy player for the gamecube about 3 weeks ago

Just as a heads up, the GBP handles controller input in a really really wonky way, so if you suddenly find yourself unable to do something you can do consistently on a real GBA, it's probably not your fault. That happened to me when I tried to play Metroid: Zero Mission on my somewhat recently-acquired GBP (that said, my playthroughs of that aren't the most casual).

There is some software called GameBoy Interface that does an amazing job of driving that hardware. I don't have access to it personally just yet (I can't run homebrew on my GameCube at the moment), but I've used it on a friend's system. It's quite good.

Naturally, stuff like this isn't likely to improve your experience with stuff like Advance Wars, but it might help with more action-y stuff. :)
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Re: 10 games for 2018
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2019, 05:01:28 PM »
I guess since year's over, I could do a small year end review of the work I put into this thing 2018

1- earthbound
2- monster hunter world
3- smt nocturne
4- smt 4
5- south park fractured but whole
6- xcom terror from the deep
7- persona 5
8- deus ex mankind divided
9- metroid: samus returns
10- dragon quest xi
11- smt 4 apocalypse
12- advance wars 2
13- disgaea 5

October/November 2017 I was thinking about how I haven't been beating many games and I made some list of 10 games I wanted to complete in 2018. apparently I made a list of 5 in October...

...yeah...didn't even touch any of those...but my goal of 5, arbitrarily turned to 10, and I wanted to only beat unbeaten games...I OBLITERATED IT.

Less pc time, more games being beaten, my back feels fantastic, and I have been tackling some of those naggling games. Let's try and categorize some of this away for a wrap up of my 2018 vidya experience.

Favorite Game/2018 GOTY
Monster Hunter World.
Not much to say, I had a thread about it. Monster hunter was a fantastic series hampered by the platforms capcom released it on...this game fixes that...nuff said. I haven't had this much fun playing a honestly can't remember the last time I fiended for a game as much as when I was in the middle of my hunter addiction. Not to mention the first time in a long time I played online with irl friends of mine for long periods of time. Good friend of mine whom I havent played games with online since...modern warfare 2...ended up putting at least 100+ hours of my 200 hours played in this thing.

Runner up favorite
smt nocturne
My introduction to Shin Megami Tensei, and having had experienced's knocking its way on the door to my favorite jrpg. Might need some more time to simmer on it, but I really REALLY like this game. Light on story, heavy on atmosphere, great battle system, great challenge, great music. I still listen to the OST at work damn near every week, I only wish...the sequel was better...

Least Favorite Game
Shin Megami Tensei 4
This game refines a lot of things of nocturne, which is great...except the game's not bad..just...not good? Take the first "tutorial" dungeon of the game, make it the hardest jrpg dungeon I've ever played no exageration, and then make the rest of the game very easy, with a horrible starting atmosphere and an even worse story until near 80% through the game, it's just disappointing. I am confused as to why the smt community recommends people start with this game, at least smt4 apocalypse has a balanced difficulty curve, but the story in that game is just straight anime weeb stuff, which is fine...just not in the context of shin megami tensei. Play nocturne, then play this, you'll know the difference in tone real quick. Cutesey anime "LETS GO ON A PICKNICK!" just out of place in a game like this.

Most rewarding game to complete
xcom terror from the deep
Played this game a few years ago, it utterly defeated me. I savescummed like a bitch...and it still beat me. This game is HARD. Hardest game on my list this year, one of the hardest games I have completed. But it's xcom, underwater, and that's AWESOME. Like the original, but want shittier weapons and stronger aliens(well yknow till you get molecular control, and soldiers skilled to use it...then you can kinda just kinda obliterate everything...but yknow, good luck surviving that far with enemies who can take rockets to the face without even flinching)? I guess this is up your alley, had a blast playing it from start to finish, and I am extremely happy to knock this fucker off the backlog.

Biggest surprise
dragon quest xi
I thought this game was going to be some open world skyrim like game, and it wasn't. This is a dragon quest ass dragon quest game with a shiny coat of paint, and after a slow start, it plays great. All these great jrpgs ive been exposed to this year alone, and to end it, square enixes own NON final fantasy game just killed it this year. I don't even have any intent to play final fantasy 15 anymore, I think im done with that whole franchise at this point, but dragon quest...I got what, 9-10 others to try out since this was my first one? Getting excited of which one I'll knock out in 2019! Highly recommend this title to jrpg fans who like that OG style with a fresh coat of paint.

Seems like jrpgs and turn based strategy games on my plate for the most part, we'll see what 2019 comes to bring. Not sure if I'm committed to going crazy on vidya in 2019, but we'll see what the year brings. Change is usually slow for me so I'll probably pile on a few games before I focus attention on more important uses of my free time, so we'll see.

Good games 2018.