Author Topic: Weight Loss  (Read 15456 times)


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Weight Loss
« on: July 01, 2020, 08:19:00 AM »
Since recently turning single and whatnot, and thinking of how to make positive of this situation, I figured trying to drop some weight would help.

Before I started I thought I was like 200lbs, and stayed this way for the past...4-5 years. Which is fine for someone of my height, 6'1", but having got a better scale that is actually wonder I have a gut.

My goal is either 170lbs or no gut, whichever happens first (IIRC I do recall still having a small gut at 170 back when mass effect 3 was out...but I have more muscle since then, so I could probably pull off being heavier now). So...45 lbs...

In the past two weeks I started making small steps. Before I started, I basically ate whatever I want whenever I want, drink whatever I want, candy, junk, alcohol, pizza, with no restrictions. Eat an entire pizza and im full? Is that a bag of oreos next to me? NOMMING THOSE! Gluttony basically. Only thing I am good with is soda, because I got addicted to barely flavored carbonated water to the point where I literally vastly prefer it to soda. So like doing any dietary restriction at all should lose me weight, and so far it has. No pizza, candy, snacks, beer. Being willing to accept dropping weight at a reasonable pace will require me to deal with being hungry, something 6'1" 135lb high school graduate me could do EASILY.

To this day in one week of half assing it, and another week of taking it a bit more seriously, I am down to 204lbs. Goes up and down each day, I was 211 this past thursday, 210 friday, 209 saturday, 208 sunday, 204 monday, but spiked to 207 tuesday (I REALLY WANTED ARBYS AND GUMMY SNAKES) but trending down, so really gunning for sub 200lbs soon.

A few side notes, I bought a bike for hopes I can play vidya/watch youtubes while I cardio. I can control my pc with this wired hori ps4 controller I have, so I can pretty easily control youtube from the bike, and I've been able to play persona 4 golden on steam just fine, so it's working out fairly well. Starting slow, as any newbie aughta, but the goal is 30-60 minutes per day on the thing.

Last note, been gradually moving stuff out of the now ex girlfriends place which has recently involved all of my olympic plates. Still need to get my bench and barbell, but when I get everything set back up here I'd like to be lifting again. Starting slow with single lift at a time, and low weight to avoid snap city, but when everything is set back up I intend to start with squats since they basically work 80% of the muscles in the body. More muscle = more weight = MORE FOOD I CAN EAT.

I fully expect to quit any day now, and wouldn't even have bothered to make a post if I didn't make some actual meaningful progress so far. But in the meantime, dropping damn near 1lb a day, and it's not slowing down yet. Curious to see how serious I'll take it before I eventually quit as I have been doing off and on for the past decade. Never dropped 10lbs though, so that's a feat.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 08:35:49 AM by vladgd »


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2020, 08:38:39 AM »
Congrats on your progress so far, and best of luck moving forward!

It's kind of amazing how much the human body adapts to new diets and such. Last time I tried the whole dieting thing I thought it was amazing how sensitive I became to overly sweet/salty foods. After a little while your cravings will definitely start to change, and you'll find it easier to eat Arby's and gummy snakes (and yeah, Haribo gummies are like fucking crack) in moderation. :P

I'm actually trying to get back onto somewhat of a weight loss "program" as well. I should be able to start shedding some initial pounds pretty easily (currently 270lbs…kinda fell off the wagon a few years ago :'(), at least. I have a decent space to play some VR, and I'm clearing out an area in the basement for my trusty Cobalt Flux. I've tried to get out for walks whenever I could, but we're in an awkward rainy/super-duper-humid season now, so that's been a mite difficult in recent days.

Kinda thinking of getting one of those under-desk cycles at some point as well. We'll see.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2020, 07:28:47 PM »
Congrats man. God knows I need to eat better. I can understand getting addicted to the flavored carbonated water though. They are pretty good, and I do drink them now and then. In my case though lately I've actually had a pretty noticeable lack of appetite and I'm probably a bit under weight at the moment. I don't have a scale, and the last time I was weighed was nearly 2 years ago, so I mostly track my weight by how tight/loose my pants are.

But yeah, congrats on the progress you've made so far. I hope you manage to stick with things and get the results you're looking for.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2020, 02:40:36 PM »
Kinda thinking of getting one of those under-desk cycles at some point as well. We'll see.

Ive been reading those might not be worthwhile, and a waste of time. I got a normal fitting stationary bike, and that's fine more or less, feel like I actually get some decent cardio on the thing. If you want more of a kick back option I've seen recumbent bikes look to be a good option for chilling in front of a screen. I probably should have got one of those instead of what I got...but I'm having a good enough time with it 30 minutes a day (with a day or two off in the week) so far and it's been well.

Congrats man. God knows I need to eat better. I can understand getting addicted to the flavored carbonated water though. They are pretty good, and I do drink them now and then. In my case though lately I've actually had a pretty noticeable lack of appetite and I'm probably a bit under weight at the moment.

I wish I had that problem (again), I find it all too easy to nom down over 2-3k calories in a sitting and wanting more. I also use it as an excuse to spoil myself after a day of work, which when made into a habit, is hard to break. "Ive worked all damn day, I EARNED this" type of mentality. Need to change it to a "I don't have the physique I want, I have to EARN that" style of thinking.

Weight loss has more or less stopped, as I expected a majority of the weight was water, the actual weight of all the food I've been eating, and with less food, means less salt/carbs, meaning even more water loss. So I have been consistently hovering around the 200-202lb range, still down from 215, so I'm not sad. Just might need to change my goals somewhat.

I had been "cheating" a bit more recently because I smashed my hand via a work related accident and thought I broke it, thankfully I didn't and it's getting better fairly rapidly. However I have been noticing, eating like I used to again, I feel like garbage. Like to the point where some of those days I was almost starving myself, I actually felt better...somehow? There's got to be a better balance, and I'm starting to find it, but it'll take a lot of trial and error over the coming months if I can stick to building better habits. Like breakfast I'll do 4 whole eggs, and that'll last me almost my whole working day (from about 9:30am-near 8pm depending on day), and I can just finish the day with some chicken breast and hot sauce and be more or less fine for really low calories. I might add 2 greek yogurts mid shift to stave away any hunger, but those are only about 100 calories a pop, but I think that's a good start. 4 whole eggs might not be the best thing for health nuts(they're very healthy, but maybe not 4 yolks), but compared to what I could be eating, it's as good as I'm willing to do right now.

Current brainstorming since weight loss has stagnated, and going farther means eating less, or exercising more, I'm thinking the latter would be more productive. Already making progress on the stationary bike, 30 minutes does me quite well, and I've noticed the ride is a lot easier after a rest day, so one or two of those a week seems to give me a good boost. If I'm not totally lazy on my days off, I want to clear out a space for my equipment and get my deadlift setup, and just grind deadlift until I'm comfortable with it, before I add any other lifts. I want to keep it simple, easy, and quick, as it gives me the best chance to stick with it and less chance of quitting. 30 minutes cardio, and ONE lift, gradually and slowly add more as I adjust to the workload.

Last note, since I'm easily influenced by the internets...Ive been watching a lot of this channel, and now I want a bike bike. The stationary is great, it's doing exactly what I wanted it to...but I noticed I got a trail very close to where i live , and I could totally go on a few rides a week on that son'b, with maybe a goal of going from one end to the other and back or something if I can get fit enough. PROBLEM...mexican beer crisis = massive bike shortage...local sporting goods store has kids bikes and nothing for adults, online is sold out of a lot of I am currently looking for something. I don't know exactly what I need, trail looks paved so maybe a road bike?

Still a work in progress, but going alright so far. Weight stagnation doesn't worry me too much since 200-202lbs at 6'1" isn't that bad, just the lack of muscle on my frame means I got skinny arms and a small gut at that weight, so I gotta do more physical activity methinks. If y'all knows a thing or two about what bikes to look out for or where to obtain one, I'm in the market for something decent and preferable under 1k usd.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2020, 04:44:23 PM »
I started a low-sodium diet the other day and already shed a bunch of water weight. I'm tracking nutrition/calories with MyFitnessPal. If anyone wants to add me, I managed to snag "spectere" for my username.

I ended up making the same mistake I always make and went a little too fast into my Beat Saber workout on Saturday evening. My right arm is fine now, but it still hurts to fully extend my left arm. Whoops.

Ive been reading those might not be worthwhile, and a waste of time. I got a normal fitting stationary bike, and that's fine more or less, feel like I actually get some decent cardio on the thing. If you want more of a kick back option I've seen recumbent bikes look to be a good option for chilling in front of a screen. I probably should have got one of those instead of what I got...but I'm having a good enough time with it 30 minutes a day (with a day or two off in the week) so far and it's been well.

I ended up doing some measurements and, yeah, even if the bike worked well and was effective I'd have an issue with legroom.

The only problem with getting a full-sized bike is that I simply don't have the space for it right now. I am planning on getting my own house within the next year, and when I do I have quite a few Plans™, but until then I'm just going to have to make do with what I have (VR + Cobalt Flux—definitely not at the same time—and the streets of Struthers).
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2020, 04:03:41 PM »
I've gained roughly 70lbs over the last 5 years. Wife and my lifestyle is pretty much shit.

Was always a fat kid/guy nearing 300lbs by the time I was 15. I lost 100lbs my junior year (right about when I met you Ian. DDR played a factor in that). Was a bit of a back and forth but mostly stable over the years until I ruptured 2 discs in my back. Happened almost 4 years ago during a workout. Pretty sure my profile photo here is last time I was consistently working out and eating good. Been pretty much down hill ever since. Was scared to workout for a long time afterwards and now I'm just so out of shape it's intimidating. With no female to impress as my tried and true motivating factor in the past, I've damn near accepted this as me but I know I'm not really happy with myself.

Obviously with my prior weight loss I know what to do and how to do it, I have just been so "comfortable" in my ez pz cavalier do whatever I want eat whatever I want when I want lifestyle, I'm on a crash course in the future.

Also MFP used to be my shit when I was actually keeping track of macros and what not. I'll add you I should just be Zephlar on there.

Need a boot in my ass fellas.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2020, 10:43:59 AM »
I ended up getting a boot to the ass when I realized how quickly I was getting tired when I was putting my current desk together, on top of general lower back pain. It also helps that my mental state has improved quite a bit since the beginning of the year (things were shitty before the pandemic, then only got worse) so I've been able to mentally steer myself away from comfort food. Having some minor issues crop up due to a high sodium diet has also been a very serious reminder that I'm not as young as I used to be.

Having a fairly open, stable environment for VR should help. Before if I wanted to play Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, or anything else of that nature I'd have to rearrange my room. Now I just have to boot into Windows, shove my chair aside, strap the headset on, and go.

And yeah, definitely add me on MFP when you get that set up again!

I lost 100lbs my junior year (right about when I met you Ian. DDR played a factor in that)

I honestly didn't realize you were younger than me, haha. I was just starting college around then, and DDR took me from 250lbs to 195 just after I left high school (and I weighed in at 282 last week…ugh). That still stands as the only time someone recognized me IRL from a picture I posted on a forum, y'know. :P

I wish we would have hung out more while you were still up here. I was pretty bad at keeping in touch with people around then (that "oh, I don't want to bother them" mentality, coupled with self-esteem issues) and wish I would have been able to overcome that sooner.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2020, 11:15:17 AM »
I honestly didn't realize you were younger than me, haha. I was just starting college around then, and DDR took me from 250lbs to 195 just after I left high school (and I weighed in at 282 last week…ugh). That still stands as the only time someone recognized me IRL from a picture I posted on a forum, y'know. :P

I'm pretty sure I was 19 when we met my senior year or right after graduation. I repeated a grade and have a November bday so I was already older than most of the class before I got held back graduated 2005 at 19. Yeah that was pretty crazy you and Jared were almost like DDR celebrities to me lol I aspired to be that skillful. I had to bar rape everything. Every time I'd go to Southern Park Mall or Camelot I'd hope to run into one of you guys.

I wish we would have hung out more while you were still up here. I was pretty bad at keeping in touch with people around then (that "oh, I don't want to bother them" mentality, coupled with self-esteem issues) and wish I would have been able to overcome that sooner.

That was a really weird time for me too honestly, though I'm sure we would have had some good times. I at least still had a decent D&D group at that time. However I was also just starting to get into partying having sex experimenting with drugs etc around 19-20. Having lost all that weight and feeling confident in myself about it I was actually really getting serious with girls for the first time in my life. Had a 5 years spree of really dumb decisions and finding out who I was as a person. Had some bad friends that were terrible influences I used to hold in high regard just by being a bit naive. I probably wouldn't have been the greatest friend anyway.

Just know if you're ever in Atlanta you got a place to stay. My 330 trips are far and few between anymore but I definitely wanna at least hang out for a bit next time I get up there. I do remember meeting your parents they were super cool folks.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2020, 05:50:40 PM »
I'm pretty sure I was 19 when we met my senior year or right after graduation. I repeated a grade and have a November bday so I was already older than most of the class before I got held back graduated 2005 at 19. Yeah that was pretty crazy you and Jared were almost like DDR celebrities to me lol I aspired to be that skillful. I had to bar rape everything. Every time I'd go to Southern Park Mall or Camelot I'd hope to run into one of you guys.

Yeah, I also have a November birthday (the 15th) so I know the feeling. I was older than most of my class and friends.

That was a really weird time for me too honestly, though I'm sure we would have had some good times. I at least still had a decent D&D group at that time. However I was also just starting to get into partying having sex experimenting with drugs etc around 19-20. Having lost all that weight and feeling confident in myself about it I was actually really getting serious with girls for the first time in my life. Had a 5 years spree of really dumb decisions and finding out who I was as a person. Had some bad friends that were terrible influences I used to hold in high regard just by being a bit naive. I probably wouldn't have been the greatest friend anyway.

It's hard to say, and for what it's worth you were fun to be around. I remember your excitement for Oblivion's launch being nothing short of infectious. :) I also seem to remember driving through New Springfield with you on the way to the BVM and having a cop illegally pass us (after tailgating us for a bit) in that stupid 25mph speed trap. Not sure why that moment in particular is sticking with me, lol.

I think in a lot of ways we were all shitty to some degree throughout our late teens and most of our 20s. I'm glad you ended up leaving all of that behind you, though. I've seen what that sort of spiral can do to people and it ain't pretty.

Just know if you're ever in Atlanta you got a place to stay. My 330 trips are far and few between anymore but I definitely wanna at least hang out for a bit next time I get up there. I do remember meeting your parents they were super cool folks.

For sure! Hell, by that point I might even have my own place. Plans ended up getting pushed back a bit due to the pandemic, but I'm kinda hoping to be out of my folk's house in 2021. I could use the extra space, that's for sure.

And yeah, I would really like to start traveling more often. If I'm ever down in the dirty south I'll definitely hit you up.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2020, 08:45:30 PM »
I went down the deep saving me now.


Ignore the pricetag...I got a discount at the shop I went to, but $200 off a lot is still a lot...ouch.

Probably the single most comfortable bike I have ever experienced in my life (not saying much I haven't ridden in well over a decade), and it's light enough where I can hold the bike out with one arm with minimal effort. TIME TO ACT LIKE A NORMIE AND GET OUTSIDE! Good think I now drive an SUV (ford edge) so that fucker actually fits in my ride.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2020, 03:22:35 PM »
Nice! As far as the price goes, there are some cases where quality costs money. I think it's safe to say that bikes are one of those cases, given my experience with both cheap and mid-range cycles.

And yeah, if I wanted to transport a bike inside of a vehicle I wouldn't pick anything smaller than an SUV, haha. I ended up stuffing a bike into the back of my old Saturn SW2 and it barely fit. Roof rack, trailer hitch mount, or bust if you have a station wagon or hatchback, that's for certain.
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2020, 09:07:27 PM »

Yeah the SUV is JUST big enough to fit the's a big ass bike, I'm 6'1", not a giant, but large enough to require an XL size bike. My dad (5'10") said he couldn't even get on the damn thing.

That aside, I've lived in this damn town 30 years and never knew this creek existed. WEIRDO DEVIANT ACTING LIKE A NORMIE?! More likely than you think.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2020, 11:34:15 AM »
How has the bike been working out? I'm thinking about doing the same now I see a lot of cyclists in my area. Couldn't tell you last time I got on a bike but it seems like a more fun way to get the exercise I need.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2020, 10:15:51 PM »
Actually, surprisingly, really well. Tons better than the stationary, only real issue is bugs getting in my face/hair. I think so far I've put over...60+ miles on the thing, maybe more. Wanted to go more on my weekend, but only put about 5 miles due to rain...all..weekend...

That said, going 10 miles on a bike is easier than jogging a mile, so I'm learning more about the advantages of a bike over running that's for sure. Farthest I've gone in one trip so far was about 19 miles, next goal is the next town past that point which would be a 23 mile round trip.

It's fun though, pretty chill and relaxing, while being good cardio. I am usually riding at a "fast" pace for my current fitness, it's not a slow steady the seat hurts my ass and its less painful to GO FAST LIKE SANIC than it is to be a turtle, which is good since I'm doing cardio not relax sleepy time cycling. But if I get tired, I do rest for a minute or two, and it's usually good enough to refresh my legs for another few miles. Doing quick math, I determined I do roughly 14.5miles/hour, which is alright for a beginner, but kinda slow for a real bike rider. Good to get numbers because I can track progress as my fitness gets better.

Current routine is work 9am-7pm, get out to the trail (2-3 minute drive from work), get the bike out, and go out 3.5 miles and back, for a 7 mile round trip, takes me 30 minutes in total. That was last week, this week I wanted more miles, so today I went out 5.5 miles, for an 11 mile round trip, and that took about 45 minutes, which I think is plenty fine enough for an after work ride. So assuming I go every day after work, that's 55 miles from work days alone. Longer rides on weekends (assuming good weather, I've been getting rained on the last two weekends) because I have the time. But it's cool, at least as of now, I actually look forward to it after work, and that's probably the most important thing to find in exercise, something you actually enjoy. YMMV of course, don't blow $1500 on a bike on a whim like I did(even tho its a great bike), go for something a bit less insane incase you aren't into it. It's 1000 times more enjoyable than jogging, and a lot more accessible than swimming, way more effective cardio than walking, give it a shot.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 10:22:15 PM by vladgd »


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2020, 08:33:06 PM »
I think it's safe to say that I shed all of that pesky water weight and pissed away all of that excess sodium. I've been less thirsty lately and shed around 20 pounds (~9kg) (!!) in about a month while maintaining an average daily calorie intake of ~1300-1500. Yeah, I miiiiiight have had a pretty high sodium diet before I started this. Within the last week I ended up dropping a far more reasonable 2 pounds (0.9kg) without really changing anything, which is a pretty healthy pace from what I've read.

I've also been drinking far less soda, and have largely switched from regularly drinking Monster to plain ol' coffee and tea. I'm sure that's helped quite a bit as well.

So far, I went from 282 lbs (~128kg) to 261.8 lbs (~119kg). Not bad.
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