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The Lamest Topic Ever Conceived

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Got my first COVID shot earlier today.

My arm hurts.

Other than that, no issues so far. Then again, most of the "fun" happens with the second shot. That's gonna be happening on May 14th.

They take long to set up after calling? Thinking about calling up an appointment monday, try and get er done before the end of may to "hopefully?" avoid needing covid tests to fly to and fro Seattle.


Different subject, but pretty much only relevant in this topic so im gonna double dip.

Got off work early enough to get a ride in, went my normal 11 mile out 11 mile back route, back home, shower, chill out, texting the new still breathing really hard...i have BEEN done with my ride for at least 15 minutes and I am STILL breathing hard...and my hands are going numb...and my legs...

the fuck, I think I have experienced hyperventilation for the first time? bae (silly name, but too early for girlfriend status imo) told me to calm down my breathing and whatnot...while i pounded a few scoops of almond butter because my calories have been low...low, sub 600 low, so could be either one of those, idk.

Scarey shit, iunno what the hell caused it, but, nope.

YMMV, but in my case I just scheduled it online with Rite-Aid. I scheduled my appointment for the 16th on the 10th, so there was about a six day window. With the two shot vaccines, there's about a month between the two shots and another two weeks before it becomes fully effective, so bear that in mind as well.

Re: hyperventilation, I'm not a doctor, but I know that low calorie diets can cause your body to do a lot of wonky stuff, especially when combined with intense exercise. Might want to check with a doctor or dietitian to get an expert opinion on that, since given the combination of hyperventilation and numbness in the extremities kinda gives me the impression that you might have had low blood oxygen or something along those lines.

Razorblades, alcohol, and depression is a cocktail I do not recommend mixing. Besides some embarrassing "would not rather explain to people who happen to see them" scars, it's nothing to write home about. Still no feeling in part of my arm, but it's a small enough spot not to care.

I can also relate to the bruised hands thing, I may have fucked up my right hand in some unknown capacity doing some rage smashing...drunken...rage smashing.

Also don't drink when you're not feeling well, it's counterproductive.

Being depraved from being social even as an introvert is brutal. Doing a little better now due to my new ladyfriend, played lazy with her all day while fucking around on random switch games yesterday. "BABA IS YOU" is a fantastic social game I swear everyone I show it to loves it.

...and she's into pocket knives...I think I lucked out on this one.

I feel kind of lucky. Whenever I'm pissed or depressed I completely lose my taste for alcohol. My diet kinda goes to shit, but I'd say that's pretty normal.

And yeah this pandemic's been rough. Even introverts need some level of social interaction. There's a growing list of things that I want to do as the restrictions start being lifted. Visiting my friends in Texas, going to Round 1, taking a long-ass road trip to anywhere without having to worry about being shoved into mandatory quarantine...that sort of stuff. Sure, I could drive almost anywhere, but what's the point if a place is going to be closed?

Just looked up Baba Is You, and the look of it almost reminds me of VVVVVV, or something created with MegaZeux. Definitely going to have to wishlist that one!

If you're looking for something a bit more action-y and rhythm-y (with co-op support!), check out Just Shapes & Beats (also available on Switch and PS4). I played through that a while ago with my best bud and it was a ton of fun.


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