Author Topic: watcha playin'  (Read 618442 times)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #510 on: June 29, 2009, 08:51:58 PM »
I figured something like that would come into play, but how are the combo's per weapon?

Also disregard what I said about death, I bought a few potions from the shop and used them to just plow through his final part. His soul power is amazing, it really helped me destroy the next guy (Legion).


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #511 on: June 29, 2009, 11:29:54 PM »
It's not really about combos per weapon. It's more about linking the powers together to do stuff. Say, turning on Musclemass to pick up a car and then charge throw to whip it at a charging hunter and then turning to Blade and jumping into the air to come crashing down and cut it in half. All of the powers have fairly rudimentary combos, which could be why it would get repetitive for dumb people if they just try to button mash to the win.

A good example of a cool thing you can do is pick up a truck, throw it at a military base, the base then attacks you, you absorb the nearby rocket launcher guy, gain his rocket launcher and then use it to shoot out the APC's coming at you. Then a helicopter team shows up so you run up the side of a building, switch to Whipfist and then leap off the building and use long range grab to pull yourself to the helicopter, take it over and then rain missiles down on everything in the area. If you get knocked out of the sky, you jump out, target say, the tank that shot the helicopter, switch to the Gauntlet-type ability (can't remember, you just get huge arm things) and do a goddamn ELBOW DROP from 20 stories up.

It's a lot like Assassin's Creed like that actually. People complained hurrrr it's repetitive, but it's only repetitive if you yourself CHOOSE to do everything and CHOOSE to only do counters during fights. There are plenty of options available at all times.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #512 on: June 30, 2009, 09:59:27 AM »
the Gauntlet-type ability (can't remember, you just get huge arm things) and do a goddamn ELBOW DROP from 20 stories up.

Hammerfist. Yeah, one of my favorites, cause its powerful and its got a great aoe effect.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #513 on: June 30, 2009, 02:48:11 PM »
Good to know, I'll definitely try to check it out.

Also I just beat Castlevania Aria of Sorrow, damn good game. The final boss was a push over, but it was still fun.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #514 on: June 30, 2009, 09:07:54 PM »
I just got Prototype<3. AMAZING game. I've only completed like 2 missions and I'm loving it.

I finished Red Faction Guerrilla too. Also amazing. LOTS OF BLOWING SHIT UP.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #515 on: July 01, 2009, 02:45:47 AM »
looking at blazblue, and looking at tager.

interesting, he seems to be like a mix of scorpion, and zangief.  and his super move or whatever basically hurts a lot(as it fucking should, big slow dudes need DA POWA).  going to have to see if the video place 'round ere has it for a rent.  won't bother though till my TOURNAMENT EDITION FIGHT STICK comes in, shipped yesterday, so yeah, CANT WAIT BITCHES!


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #516 on: July 01, 2009, 03:14:51 AM »
won't bother though till my TOURNAMENT EDITION FIGHT STICK comes in, shipped yesterday, so yeah, CANT WAIT BITCHES!

Nice stuff.

Also, I played a few round of the game today, and I must say it's definitely not just a new Guilty Gear game. It feels a lot harder to move quickly, but it's definitely possible. Also that gray hair and the giant sword seems rather awesome. His special button is a counter throw type deal, so you could easily deal with anyone who got past his slow defenses. The one thing that bothers me is that there's only 3 attack buttons, but they still seem to have a lot of moves with them.

Also I was completely bummed because I thought it would take forever for me to even touch this game, and then I end up doing so on release day.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #517 on: July 01, 2009, 03:22:57 AM »
yeah, i read about the 3 button thing, it's going to take a while to get used to that since really the only 2d fightans ive played (i say that as in like played played, like against other people, for hours and hours.  i have cvs on the ps1 and well, frankly, i can't play 2d fighters without a stick) are the street fightans, 6 button games.

but uhh, this video.

it's like tager gets his ass kicked, then hes all "GET OVER HERE" and the opponent dies.  i like that, a lot.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #518 on: July 01, 2009, 04:22:42 PM »

Speaking of Tager and Hakumen. Mike Z's Tager is how everyone should learn Tager.

I use Arakune, which is crazy because I never use characters that weird. I've done fairly well though. I'm around even on win/loss


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #519 on: July 01, 2009, 06:55:09 PM »
it's like tager gets his ass kicked, then hes all "GET OVER HERE" and the opponent dies.  i like that, a lot.

Yeah, he seems a bit more complicated then what I've seen. Really, when he gets stuck in a blocked combo string he seems so useless. Either way, it's going to take a while to see where he fits in on a tier list (yeah I know, tiers are for tards).

I use Arakune, which is crazy because I never use characters that weird. I've done fairly well though. I'm around even on win/loss

He seems rather awkward, so good luck with that. Definitely not a pick up and play character.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 07:42:35 PM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #520 on: July 01, 2009, 09:11:16 PM »
arakune looks like a mashup of dhalsim and twelve

also monster hunter freedom unite is fucking awesome

playing with a friend of mine, he's heavy bowgun, i'm lance, we own low level shit up nigga!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 03:48:58 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #521 on: July 03, 2009, 01:39:40 AM »
Arakune's...a bit different from that. He can play very defensively but cursing people sets up a TON of combos and he's extremely fast on aerial approach with a massive mixup game.

I'm 36-23 overall so far so I'm pretty happy. Rank 20. I've beaten a few level 30's but I still lose to super scrubby Jins that just do Ride the Icening and his rapid slash attack and that makes me sad. It's like those two attacks move faster than nearly everything and have Sagat-like priority.

As for tiers, Tager is currently low with Hakumen and Carl (Carl's lowest I think) but even with a super favorable matchup (Arakune vs Tager for example), one mistake can still cost you half of your life. If an Arakune gets Tager in the corner it's over though. He's too big and slow to get out of the corner trap.

I really wish there was an easy way to post replays online or something, like the game having its own youtube type thing like Skate does. I have a few really good matches I'd love to show people (one being a strong example of setting up the corner trap in an actual match, which leads to a double perfect and another with some cool air combos and defensive play).


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #522 on: July 03, 2009, 03:32:29 AM »
Arakune's...a bit different from that. He can play very defensively but cursing people sets up a TON of combos and he's extremely fast on aerial approach with a massive mixup game.

I'm 36-23 overall so far so I'm pretty happy. Rank 20. I've beaten a few level 30's but I still lose to super scrubby Jins that just do Ride the Icening and his rapid slash attack and that makes me sad. It's like those two attacks move faster than nearly everything and have Sagat-like priority.

heh, that's still impressive. Really, I hate fighting games now. I never beat a game that has a story and I never get good at fighting games, it makes me sad.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #523 on: July 03, 2009, 04:12:07 AM »
finding people around your skill level and playing them a lot = fun

so i got my TE stick and i decided to play some championship mode because well, the only game place around here WALMART doesn't carry blazblue.

i got excited at first, but it ended up turning to the standard roster of matches.


im pretty pumped, fighting people i barely ever see untill


i guess ill call it a day

also, if you set down the controller, people tend to instead of kill you quick, spam taunt or do nothing until you do.  so if you are in a match you do not feel like fighting (like ANOTHER FUCKING AKUMA QUIT RUNNING AWAY FAGOT GOD YOU ARE ANNOYING TO FIGHT) dash towards them, most of them will attack you just for that.  some people get smart and continue to do nothing, so throwing them over and over kind of forces them to kill you.

the TE stick however, is badass, and while it's taking me some getting used to (you know, like the only other stick ive used was the fighting stick ex2) im really enjoying the feel of the buttons/stick.  thing's built like a tank, and feels very well made.  also it has a cord storage thing in it so if you are taking it over somewhere, you can just tuck the usb cord inside the stick itself so it isn't in the way during transport.  which the door for that has a notch for the cord to go through while it's in use, small things but very nice to have.


i got blazblue at the gamestop in the next town.

thus far.

what the fuck is going on?  why are people breaking my throws?  juggling can suck my ass. 

this is from single player arcade, and i thought i was compitent at these games, i can't even beat v13 with tager(OOLOLOLOL AKUMA FROM SF4 BUT WITH 10x MORE CRAP TO THROW AT YOU OLOOLL).  most of the time it seems shit comes out randomly, like my 360 throw, it says use A or B, but i can somehow execute it with C as well.

please explain this game, thus far it just seems like a random mishmash of crap on the screen with no coherence to what buttons i push whatsoever.

maby tager is a bad choice, it shouldn't, because i consider myself pretty competent with grapplers, but apparently not.


ill just play him later till i have the basics of the game down, i mean, the fucker if he has full meter can literally kill anybody in two attacks.  take zangief's sf2 super, only you can fucking drag people to you if they are charged.  and you can do it fucking twice since it only uses half meter, the fuck mang, that's awesome.

but i guess it's just different games.  this game feels faster and requires more physical skill than street fighter...but at the same time when you get the moves down i reckon it simplifies quite a bit.  can't say till i get better though.


i guess no character is simple to learn unfortunately.  maby ill just play boobie lady till i learn how to 360 throw people into doom.



there aren't any charge characters in this game....THE FUCK MAN I AM ONLY GOOD WITH CHARGE CHARACTERSSsssssssssssssgodamanitttitittt
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 10:31:12 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #524 on: July 04, 2009, 09:06:38 PM »
Downloaded and played Neotokyo, and I must say it's a bag of fun.

You have three classes, a heavy guy with the most health, no invisibility, a heat visor, and a 50 caliber revolver as a side arm. The medium guy has a motion detecting visor, a short invisibility cloak with a painfully long charge time, can run, but uses a gauge that depletes. The lightest is the most mobile and has a rather large leap it can do while running to cover a lot of ground, but can only be used twice before you need to wait for it to recharge, he can also run without getting tried. He has the best invisibility, which can recharge rather quickly. He only has night vision, which is definitely the weakest vision in the game.

Also with the invisibility, you are VERY hard to see while standing still, but show up a bit more while running. Also you can shoot with it up, so sitting still and using a silencer when you sneak up on an enemy is grand.

Also some guns have an alternate fire, like the pump shotgun being able to load a single slug round.