Author Topic: watcha playin'  (Read 618445 times)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #645 on: August 16, 2009, 02:47:43 AM »
well i don't really care for driving, BUT, the levels in which driving is apart of, are the sole reason i have beaten half-life 2 a total of 3 times now.  even the levels from which you leave your car until the part in my previous screenshot, after that part, the game goes down hill. 

so i beat episode 1, i enjoyed it, but the majority of it was going from place i don't like, to place i don't like.  take that in consideration when i said i ENJOYED PLAYING it, i simply swear a lot more and rage a bit more, but overall, it was good.

episode essentially start off going in a cave thing with bugs and shit.  well, good stuff, i enjoyed those levels, it was fun to run around in.  didn't much enjoy the level of "GO GET THE CAR FROM THIS MAZE OF BUILDINGS AND ZOMBIES, but i got through it...blablabla. car goes out of commission and you have to stop more combine from this laser zombie shooting gallery, that part was kind of really fucking annoying till the end where you have a grenade box and can spam those everywhere.  what else...the hidden package things, I ENJOY THOSE.  first one was pretty easy, see icon...blow up barrel...get reward. 

the second one...ill tiny text for those who don't want the puzzle spoiled, as it's the best puzzle ive really seen in this game, it's predecessor, and all of the expansions. 


third was probably the hardest, but if you have a keen eye, you can spot it and realize how easy it actually was.

fourth...not too hard, just have to be in the right spot to know where to look.  and im not to the fifth.

drive in town...get trapped, go in building.  SIEGE, buncha combine/hunters...i fucked those up and im at the part right after that.

FIGURE I GOTTA BE NEARING THE END...since well i have 3.7 hours played on episode 2, and i beat episode 1 with 3.6 hours played.  still, enjoying it.  will be going back to that 'blivion after i finish this g'darn episode up.

also, what's up with the vortagons?  like in half-life, you blow those niggas up like "insert analogy here", but they are friendly in the half-life 2.  why?  sure they are annoying in the first game, but since gordon walks faster than a cheetah going full isn't a problem at all to get away from them. 



im probably blowing that way out of proportion, but it was pretty cool, and i felt good when i figured it out.

i think maby it was the way i did it.  drop a grenade in the pit, switch gravity gun, knock down metal thing, stand on metal thing. 
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 02:55:49 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #646 on: August 16, 2009, 03:45:08 AM »
I went back to HAWX because I figured I wanted a challenge of some sort so I'd try out Elite difficulty and as it turns out, the AI isn't any different. Enemy missiles just do more damage and you get fewer special weapons. So it's still really easy. It's also even easier since I've unlocked optional weapons packages for a large amount of the planes so when they tell me I'm fighting ground guys and air guys together and they want me to fight both of them with JStrike missiles, I say screw that and pick a package with JStrikes, Free Fall Bombs and Multi Target Anti-air and blow them all to hell.

Tried a ranked multiplayer match for the first time and was sort of confused. I ended up as my team's ace somehow and had the highest survival rate, which made no sense as everyone else on my team was way higher level than I was. And we lost, but not by that much. I even got a kill on a guy using my cannon while they were jamming missiles. But it basically felt like "fly into center area. pick a guy to shoot at. try to get lock on. hope a different guy doesn't just sit back with a radar guided missile and slaughter you." And you just do that over and over again. I'll trade it in with CoD4 when I go preorder Modern Warfare 2.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #647 on: August 16, 2009, 04:43:29 AM »
also, what's up with the vortagons?  like in half-life, you blow those niggas up like "insert analogy here", but they are friendly in the half-life 2.  why?  sure they are annoying in the first game, but since gordon walks faster than a cheetah going full isn't a problem at all to get away from them. 

When Gordon kills the guy at the end of Half Life, it frees the Vorts, or something along those lines. They need t release a comprehensive time line for the Half life series and all of it's spin offs.

I could also use one for the Legacy of Kain/Blood Omen and Killer 7 series

Also I'm now at the Barrier Trio in Mother 3 and I'm confused, but I don't want to check a guide because I feel that would kill the fun.

Oh yeah, and I played a ton of SF4 with a few friends and I decided to dick around with Sakura and I think I pissed them off because I kept winning.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #648 on: August 16, 2009, 04:47:37 AM »
a timeline of killer7 would look like this

so i beat the episode 2, id rank it about as fun as the first episode.

you may be thinking "but vlad, episode 2 has way more stuff you enjoy than episode 1"  this is damn true, nearly every part of episode 2, i enjoyed more than episode 1.


so because of that, alone, i rank them about the same, otherwise episode 2 was a lot more fun than episode 1.

and fuck the ending, fuck that, fuck that, i was just starting to enjoy said character as well. 

for no reason other to waste time, i shall rank them in terms of good to bad

half-life > opposing force > blue shift > half-life 2 > EP 1/2

ironic since i enjoy the first one the most, and that enjoyment goes down as they make more....but really i enjoyed them all.  i would replay them all (ive beaten half-life AND half-life 2 three times each) save for the episodes to be honest.  do note that half-life is my favorite single player fps...and blue shift/opfor are nearly the exact same game with different levels (and different guns in opfor's case) so i guess it's pretty fuckin obvious why i like them so much.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 05:20:09 PM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #649 on: August 16, 2009, 06:53:43 PM »

You must have done it wrong then, or were you trying to save every building?

Also, SF4 online just isn't fun. Like, every other match I'll fight someone genially better then me and I enjoy it, then I fight some shitty person who runs away and spams fireballs and I can't counter it effectively with a half second of lag input. It's all bringing back bad memories of Brawl online were Ike players could spasm side smash and win, but this isn't that bad.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #650 on: August 16, 2009, 07:04:23 PM »
i lost the lumbermill, and that's it.

also, you don't mind people better than you, but you lose to people "not better than you" with simple fireball spam?  the lag in the game isn't that bad most of the time. 


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #651 on: August 16, 2009, 07:24:05 PM »
the lag in the game isn't that bad most of the time. 

Most fights are either 2 or 1 bar of connection. That whole split second is enough to fuck up A LOT. It honestly wouldn't bother me that much, but when I'm playing as someone who has no projectile it's amazingly frustrating. It's just chase them to the corner, do some damage, have them escape and do the whole thing over again and I always get hit like 3 times during that whole chasing part.

That, and it's amazingly frustrating when you know what to do to beat them and you just can't do it. Hell, that ALL this one kid did so I fought back using the exact same tactic and I won, but it wasn't fun.

Oh yeah, and did Mother 3 really need a rape scene?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 07:46:36 PM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #652 on: August 16, 2009, 09:06:59 PM »
It's only a rape scene if that's what you get out of it. Itoi never put one in the game if you ask him. But that's how people in the US see it because that's "funny" or whatever.

Also I've definitely never had really any noticeable lag in SF4. Even at 2 bars I still never get more than a quick spike here and there.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #653 on: August 16, 2009, 10:00:29 PM »
It's only a rape scene if that's what you get out of it. Itoi never put one in the game if you ask him. But that's how people in the US see it because that's "funny" or whatever.

Also I've definitely never had really any noticeable lag in SF4. Even at 2 bars I still never get more than a quick spike here and there.

Oh please, it's painfully obvious that it's supposed to come off like that, or at least that's what the translation makes it seem like. You see a kid and a older "guy" nude in a hot spring and the older guy swims up behind him and says "endure it" and then the screen goes blank. You'd have to be dense to think otherwise.

As for the lag, I could notice my opponent also getting hit by things that would normally be block able so it's not just me.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #654 on: August 16, 2009, 10:43:16 PM »
It's not a rape scene, no matter what you want it to be. It wasn't written that way and shouldn't be taken that way and the only reason you are taking that way is something on your part.

Lucas learning PSI was written to be like a fever that he has to endure hence the enduring. When it goes black, you're just assuming Lucas gets raped, which is ridiculous and says something about you. And the Magypsies are neither male nor female. They have no desires on humans.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #655 on: August 17, 2009, 01:08:35 AM »
Most fights are either 2 or 1 bar of connection. That whole split second is enough to fuck up A LOT. It honestly wouldn't bother me that much, but when I'm playing as someone who has no projectile it's amazingly frustrating. It's just chase them to the corner, do some damage, have them escape and do the whole thing over again and I always get hit like 3 times during that whole chasing part.

i use honda and i generally don't have problems.  it can be annoying, but it's just one of those "deal with it" things.  but i could be saying that because i play sf2, and well, the fireball spam in sf4 is nothing (unless fighting AKUMA) in compairison.

That, and it's amazingly frustrating when you know what to do to beat them and you just can't do it. Hell, that ALL this one kid did so I fought back using the exact same tactic and I won, but it wasn't fun.

depends on what they are doing.  punishing the dragon punch NEVER EVER gets old.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #656 on: August 17, 2009, 04:22:18 AM »
Lucas learning PSI was written to be like a fever that he has to endure hence the enduring. When it goes black, you're just assuming Lucas gets raped, which is ridiculous and says something about you. And the Magypsies are neither male nor female. They have no desires on humans.

I suppose you could say that, but the whole hot spring and the naked "man" walking up behind him and saying endure it would come off as a rape scene in most peoples eyes. You'd have to not understand basic human reproduction to think otherwise.

That and Magypsies come off as feminine cross dressing men kind of a moral lesson there, the whole "don't judge simply because they seem odd to you" type deal as well as a horrible first impression so assuming it as a him isn't a real stretch.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #657 on: August 17, 2009, 10:42:50 PM »
mass effect for the 11thish time...trying something kind of different

sentinel with singularity as an extra skill

using ASHLEY (i hate this will be new) and garrus

otherwise my shepard looks the same, only blacker, and with white lipstick and white eye stuff, kind of GANGURO

as for the 'blivion.  either A i start getting into it, B i find some more mods, C turn it into a morbrowind thread.  either way, no updates for a while.

so yeah, that.

also, leveling priority in this game

keep charm maxed>armor to get shield boost > specter to get unity > weapon > everything else

that's how i roll.  also for engineerey people, decription/electronics are first, so i don't miss a single item.


ok this is weird.  even with my adept and engineer playthrough for achievements, i never really used/found much use in combat for party members.

but like, sentinel has no "weapon" skills or even no "armor" skills.  i mean, i guess the class skill gives some bonuses to pistols, but nothing for armor.  because of that, i have an asston of different abilities at any one time.  so i kind of try to chill farish away from the bad dudes.  ashley kind of just shoots dudes with shotgun (or other random weapons she decides to randomly switch to without my permission....that "bug" needs to be fixed in the next game.  i mean, when i want ashley to do CARNAGE and she has the fucking useless assault rifle out, I CANT FUCKING DO CARNAGE FOR AN HOUR IT TAKES HER TO SWITCH BACK WEAPONS IF SHE DOES SO IN THE FIRST PLACE AFTER I TOLD HER TO SWITCH) and nothing much more.  garrus is like SNIPER RIFLE I CAN USE IT FUCKER DIE.  so if i can keep him back (he ain't the most durable fucker in the kitchen, even with max electronics) he basically kills everything, my job is kind of to shoot bitches with the pistol whilst knocking people around (neural shock, throw, lift, singularity).  and pistols do pretty ok damage, and marksman (oddly the sentinal class skill gives this ability) makes your pistol into an automatic weapon, so the damage is nice.

huge block of text = garrus + sniper rifle = probably the only combat useful party member in terms of killing people with guns 

no joke, in my 10 playthroughs, none of them have been "hybrid" classes.  and about all 10 were with soldier.  (got to the end of the game but deleted said files after achievements with engineer/adept)

but if you have singularity unlocked, why would you even want an adept?  i guess you could have an assault rifle or shotgun, and you have an armor skill.  but really you don't want a shotty on insanity if you aren't a soldier, the AR is the ken of weapons in this game so don't use it, and the sniper is kind of difficult to use in this game all the time, so you would waste more points in a secondary closer range weapon.  sentinel gets like a million abilites, ALL of them are useful, this gives you more shit to throw in combat that isn't shootan, and pistols are pretty damn good in my opinion, with hammerhead rounds, that's a lot of knockdown bullets flying around slowing enemies down whilst your party executes them. 

but it's all a matter of opinion i guess.  i mean, i hear some people actually ENJOY the vanguard.  i mean, soldier + singularity(i don't even use this, i should have got electronics instead for more shields, odd because it's like the best biotic power in the game WHY USE MAJICK WHEN I GOT GUN) >>>>>>>>>>> vanguard


ok so i got to novera and decided, IM GOING INSANITY DIFCULTY

so going to use this "build" (yes a build, the fuck, im not me) with the same allies...only im going to have ashley go sniper rifles as well.  main reason is she can use the AR when needed (IGNORANT ME) and well, shotties on insanity actually require you to be close to dudes.  and well, im not in direct control of ashley...thus she will do more damage on insanity missing with a sniper rifle, if she hits, well gal durnit she might kill something.

sentinel build on the bottom

this will be the first playthrough i don't invest any points into charm/intimidate
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 05:20:12 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #658 on: August 19, 2009, 06:33:53 PM »
shadow complex bitches, BUY IT

it's like a metroidvania (duh) but it has it's own flavor to it.  you know how metroid was distingt from castlevania, but on the grand scheme of things are quite similar, this would be on the same boat.  a shadow complex is different from your castlevania or metroid, whilst still feeling familiar.  but it's fun, the combat is cool for the genre, and well, more of these games need to exist. 

not pulling me away from mass effect, but playing along side mass effect?  sure.  (note, the only thing to pull me away from mass effect is diablo 3 or mass effect 2, not a knock on shadow complex at all)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #659 on: August 19, 2009, 07:44:12 PM »
So, my current "mains" in SF4 are Abel, Gouken, Akuma (lololololol) and I'm trying to learn Fei Long considering he seems like a good aggressive striking character. I've decided to do the trails because I figure it will get me more familiar with what's possible with the combos in this game.

Also I'm still somewhat stuck on the Barrier Trio in Mother 3 and I got to the second Steamwood incident in Brave Fencer Musashi (FUCKFUCKFUCKINGFUCK) so I put both on hold somewhat. So most of my gamen time is spent on GG and SF4, which should change once I get a decent non fighting game going.