Author Topic: watcha playin'  (Read 618468 times)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1170 on: March 30, 2010, 01:37:30 PM »
I fought the last boss 5 times going for the 5 star ranking on it. His instant kill only hits if you're below a certain HP percentage and have certain debuffs on I think. If you mean Doom, bosses only do that if you suck and take too long.

And yes, the Picochus stay alive if you hit Neochu with Death. You pretty much have to have someone on medic, snow on sentinel and Vanille to cast Death and just whittle them down. Having the growth egg helps a lot because you'll likely end up with 999,999 CP just by going through the last area.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1171 on: March 30, 2010, 06:56:02 PM »
One of my buddies is in the SC2 beta, and I've watched him play quite a bit - Proxy rushing with barracks in 1v1 matches is retardedly effective. I watched him win 12 games in a row doing it online, but if it fucks up you're pretty screwed. It was still funny though, because unless they somehow catch you before you start pumping out marines, they're totally boned.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1172 on: March 30, 2010, 07:55:03 PM »
I really want to get into SC now, it seems like a dumb amount of fun. Is there anymore betas, or is it a hard locked thing?

Also I feel guilty for playing Ryu in TvC, but he's honestly a lot more fun to play in that game than in any other game I've played with him in it. I'm also trying to play more characters in general (digging Soki, Alex, Zero, Casshan, Karas, and a little bit of Ken the Eagle) but I'm definitely finding some characters a LOT harder to get into then others. Like, everything about Frank West confuses me.

Oh yeah, and anyone here play Monster Hunter? It seems directly up my alley but I'm not sure.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 08:44:53 PM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1173 on: March 30, 2010, 09:14:45 PM »
bob, ive watched a lot of starcraft.  you can pull the balance card and i may even agree, but toss will still be bullshit.  remove psystorm and carriers and i may bitch less.  also, ive seen a lot of toss players bitch about the zerg roach, when the immortal RAAAPAPPAPAPAPPPEPEESSSSSSSSSS them, the fuck man?  basically it doesn't matter what you respond too, i hate toss.  hell, they could be gimp and i would still hate them.  fairly ironic that i hate the race with a "high power per unit" motief, when in just about any other game i prefer the power option(tager, shotguns, rocket launchers, zangief, t hawk, ect). 

mortified, ive played some 40 hours in monster hunter freedom 2, and some 80 hours in monster hunter freedom unite.  in my opinion do not play unless you have a bro to play with.  this game is what you call really really goddamn hard, which can be fine with a bro, but alone, fuck no.  and some of the monsters REALLY abuse the time limit you are given, so expect to be literally beating down some of these fuckers for over a half and hour, and if you die three times, you have to do all of that work all over again.  it's a fun game, but it's not for everybody.  if you want a challenge, by all means, give er a go. 


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1174 on: March 30, 2010, 09:33:21 PM »
getting prepped for super street fighter 4.

not going to play much online unless anybody here wants to play, which i would be happy to play (even against that blanka playing faggot newf, i still love you)

Lol, you better believe it bitch. Unfortunately, I dont have a live account anymore, so it kinda sucks I cant play online for a while :(


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1175 on: March 30, 2010, 09:52:43 PM »
wellp, when you do eventually get live again, i look forward to fighting your green Brazilian ass.  

ffxiii, mission 55.  i switched up my "fang/millie/sazh" party for "millie/snow/hope" and i upgraded her debuff wand to a malboro wand for improved debuffing 2.  

sab/sen/med with both fortisol/agisol to start

snow is a fuckin man, like, he held off attacks for me to get like 4 deaths off, then it fuckin worked.  


a mix of those depending on situation and i got myself a growth egg and some 67thousand cp.  



so i beat chapter 12, and i am on 13 and i realized i hate going through this game normally.  it's just not fun.  but when i am out on gran pulse just dicking around powering up my dudes, i am having fun.  too bad i have to beat the game to unlock stage 10 of the crystarium, hopefully i am close so i can go back to what i was enjoying. 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 12:59:31 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1176 on: March 31, 2010, 01:51:33 AM »
You...enjoy grinding?

Also am I the only person who can't seem to beat a game that you can't save in? I have save states in Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes, Sonic, and Contra Hard Corps and I can't seem to beat them. I even replay the start of the games with no intent of beating them.

but yeah, maybe I just have too much stuff on my plate.

Also why is it that I can play TF2 and suck, but like never play CSS and still do damn good in a gun game?

Also also why won't Sneaky play KF with me.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1177 on: March 31, 2010, 02:51:35 AM »
ok eggman, explain this.

fang is my main character, she has 9000 health.

he touches her with that autokill move.  guess fucking what, i want to put my fist through my tv because i fucking died, and i got a game over.  her health was in the green.

this game is real fucking fair i tell you, having to get lucky just to beat the second to final boss with some 6 million hitpoints, yeah, this is fucking fun.  


yeah, i think i am done with this game.  i won't destroy it again, but like, random chance for a game over on an excruciatingly long fight?  come on, there is nothing skill wise i can do to avoid his touch of death other than getting lucky.  they could you know make it so you don't game over when the party leader dies, but you know, that random chance for a game over, that's what gamers want, that's what we find fun.  we just fucking love fighting bosses over and over not because we can't handle them, but because we like getting lucky, and when you down that son of a bitch, you know you got lady luck on your side.  

i will play the game again when i feel like redoing the fight before that boss, because you know, it is already a bitch, so when you want to turn the game off for a while and come back to it, you remember there was another boss you have to fight before it...and one after it.  

so i think i need 3 of the death resist accessory on my main character, which would only make me 66% immune to death, so while it reduces the chance for an instant game over, it does not eliminate it.  

i know i bitch a lot about a lot of unjustified things, but this is fully fucking justified.  his move he does which drains the party health in the red?  lame, but ok.  his phase where he casts status ailments out the ass?  really annoying, but i can deal.  his ten quintillion hitpoints?  more hp doesn't make the boss more fun, but whatever, i can get past this.  the fact that i have a decent length boss fight before which and i can't save inbetween?  whatever, annoying, but nothing rageworthy.  the fact that when you drain him to 60% or less health, he will regularly cast an instant death beam on your party?  you know, if it hits sazh or millie, i can just revive them, whatever.  if it hits fang, at green health, and kills her, giving me a game over?  

no sir, not ok.  not ok at all.  maby i am just unlucky, but it just happened twice in a row, and i don't feel like giving this a third attempt today.  because when i get angry, the game wins, and i ain't going to let it win.

so i am going to play the demo for just cause 2, hear it's pretty good.  


forgot to mention, mortified, yes, i do enjoy grinding from time to time.  why else would i play an mmo?   i assume you hate grinding in all sorts, so, to my last post, DO NOT PLAY MONSTER HUNTER IT IS LITERALLY 100% GRINDING MY GOD IF YOU THINK GRINDING IS HORRIBLE PLEASE DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT MABY PLAYING THAT GAME. 

it's literally all grinding, killing monsters to get better gear to kill harder monsters to get better gear to kill harder monsters to get better gear...ect
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 03:20:15 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1178 on: March 31, 2010, 04:08:55 AM »
Regularly cast it? I've only seen it twice (it worked once). Then again, I had him broken so fast it didn't matter so who knows. The good news for you is that there is another form after that one...that's really easy since you just break it (you can't do damage unless it's staggered but it's really easy to cause it) and then destroy it and it just does some lame physical attacks.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1179 on: March 31, 2010, 04:42:23 AM »

forgot to mention, mortified, yes, i do enjoy grinding from time to time.  why else would i play an mmo?   i assume you hate grinding in all sorts, so, to my last post, DO NOT PLAY MONSTER HUNTER IT IS LITERALLY 100% GRINDING MY GOD IF YOU THINK GRINDING IS HORRIBLE PLEASE DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT MABY PLAYING THAT GAME. 

it's literally all grinding, killing monsters to get better gear to kill harder monsters to get better gear to kill harder monsters to get better gear...ect

Well, depends on what you define by grinding. WoW grinding is largely mindless and not fun, but grinding in a game like Prototype can be fun because of the mixed gameplay.

If the monsters themselves are fun to fight, then I could tolerate it. Plus isn't it largely about the big scale "boss" fights and less about "kill 10 of these small enemies"?


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1180 on: March 31, 2010, 06:14:41 AM »
I really want to get into SC now, it seems like a dumb amount of fun. Is there anymore betas, or is it a hard locked thing?

Well, there are rumors of a second round of beta keys being given away. I haven't bothered checking the status on that. But that doesn't really matter if you really want to play badly (against computers). There are loaders out there now and custom AI scripts that you can use to play VS computers. You need the loaders and AI because single play AI wasn't actually included in the Beta. It was intended to be only. But people learned how to force it to play replay files, and then learned how to start a game (albeit with randomized race, color, and start location), and just recently, people learned how to actually load a game properly, and how to provide the AI for the computer. That means you have a selection of different AIs to chose form. Some are pretty damn easy, and some (like the StarCrack AI) are fucking hard (at least for me).

I played a couple games against the generic AI that people had (no idea where it originated, it was just "Very easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Very hard, Insane") as well as against StarCrack 7.0, and not once did I have a chance of beating the StarCrack AI. It's like the computer plays at the level of a pro (or pretty good) player, and on top of that, can see through the smokescreened areas, where you can hide units. That makes them damn hard to sneak up on, and they seem to be able to put together armies twice as fast as I can.

On the other end, the generic AIs were damn easy to kill. I tried easy and Medium, and I stomped both of them hardcore.

bob, ive watched a lot of starcraft.  you can pull the balance card and i may even agree, but toss will still be bullshit.  remove psystorm and carriers and i may bitch less.  also, ive seen a lot of toss players bitch about the zerg roach, when the immortal RAAAPAPPAPAPAPPPEPEESSSSSSSSSS them, the fuck man?  basically it doesn't matter what you respond too, i hate toss.  hell, they could be gimp and i would still hate them.  fairly ironic that i hate the race with a "high power per unit" motief, when in just about any other game i prefer the power option(tager, shotguns, rocket launchers, zangief, t hawk, ect). 

Definitely rather ironic, all things considered. I don't get Toss players bitching about the roach, since like you said the immortal rapes the fuck out of them (there was a video of 50 immortals decimating 200 roaches and hardly losing any, both being fully upgraded). And Psystorm did get pretty gimped compared to what it was. Plus, since the Ghosts have that Snipe skill, high temps go down like butter. It 1 hit kills them. As for carriers, I haven't even seen one used in play yet. Seriously.

And as a matter of fact I've been practicing more as Terran than anything else. I just like the Toss better when it comes to then units themselves. I like how Zealots are actually worth something in smaller numbers, and love having canons, rather than bunkers I have to man with units.

Regardless of what race I play though, I need to get better.... Much better. I bet my APM is somewhere in the oh say, 20 range, lol. Plus, my timing is shit, and I don't even know the basic build orders/timing for most races yet. The only one I've reliably paid attention to is Zerg, and they are my least favourite race to play as.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1181 on: March 31, 2010, 06:45:09 AM »
two fully upgraded cherubs crowns per character, 70% death resistance

then one hp bangle

game beaten

probably the most annoying boss i can remember fighting in a final fantasy game, but now i have crystarium 10, YEAH!  though, i have to wait for these damn credits to finish, thus this post.  

mortified, mostly you fight big monsters, but they run away, and the little monsters which populate each map respawn every time you leave an area, it's VERY GODDAMN ANNOYING.  though, i ended up playing some 120 hours so i guess i had some fun.  

*editing since credits are over and i don't have to look back at the tv every 2 seconds*

starcraft 2.  i will want to play zerg, but probably get frustrated somehow and go to terran(though, maby not, last i checked terran was the weakest out of the three as of current).  unless they are as baller as everybody is saying, because zerg in sc1 are not exactly an easy race to use.  i guess the zerg queen larva thing helps a lot, zerg doesn't need to have one more expansion just to be EVEN with the opponent.  


done playing for the day, but goddamn this game throws hp at you like it's candy when you hit level 10 on the crystarium.  fang, 12k.  millie, 12k.  sazh, 16k.  it's funny when everything is maxed, snow gets like 30,000hp. 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 09:02:28 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1182 on: March 31, 2010, 01:21:02 PM »
Yeah, the queen thing really speeds production up. And the fact that a queen can do that to every base can REALLY spee production up if you expand quicker than your oponant.

In all honesty, I haven't seen the terran get curbstomped yet, lol. Well, not completely any way (Colossus do basically incinerate M&Ms instantly). Every match I've seen them in, they've held their own quite well.

And whoever mentioned proxie rax as instant win obviously hasn't seen how quickly a 9 pool can bring out enough lings to overrun anybody, lol.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1183 on: April 01, 2010, 02:04:55 AM »
i think i am a bit too retarded, maby slightly underleveled to non death farm the adamantoise. 

even then, with a connoisseurs catalog, he's fuckin stingey with dropping platinum ingots.  getting money in this game is time consuming.   yeah the 80,000 cp is nice(skills cost 60,000-120,000 cp now), but i could easily get that in a fracton of the time killing the behemoth/other guy in 8 seconds about 6 times in the many attempts it takes for death to work on an adamantoise. 

you know, i probably can kill the thing but i have my priorities wrong in making this post over going to youtube.  but y'all know me, i like to bitch.  :)

ill probably end up getting bored before i accomplish what i originally set myself on doing, so ive been thinking on which ff game to conquer next.  i have 7, which farming bp for omnislash is a pain in the ass.  i already buttfucked 8 back when i played it, so i really don't want to re dominate that game.  could do 9, never got the ultimate weapons and optional bosses in that game.  then there's 6, which i didn't get into because i tried playing it immediately after beating 5, so y'know, could go whichever way.  then there's always the possibility that by playing and completing 13, i need yet another decently long break from the genre. 


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1184 on: April 01, 2010, 02:37:44 AM »
You might be able to beat them without Death but you probably can't do it without a summon. Easiest way:

Fang as lead.

1. Start fight with fortisol so you have haste on. Summon Bahamut right away. It falls down.

2. SAB it to make it weaker, let Bahamut attack it and just run out. Don't go to Gestalt Mode or it'll reset the stagger meter. Switch so Hope is SYN when he comes back in.

3. Hope should give Enfire right away. Get it on everyone, switch to whatever to break it.

4. Switch to COM/COM/RAV and rape the thing until it's dead.

Also, start mission 62 (I think? you fight an adamantoise for the mission) but don't actually finish it. For whatever reason the drop rate of other Adamantoise/Adamantortoises is higher while you're doing that mission.

It still took me something like 8-10 hours (I am guessing) of fighting those to get the 6 trapezohedrons for ultimate weapons and the money to max out 3 of them and some accessories.