Author Topic: watcha playin'  (Read 618441 times)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1425 on: August 30, 2010, 07:51:02 PM »
I haven't really had an enjoyable time playing either of the MW's online, although it may because I'm not a very good FPS player (although I <3 FPS games)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1426 on: August 30, 2010, 09:29:08 PM »
I'd say COD4 was definitely not as bad, but it did have it's problems.

My main issues with COD4 are that I only enjoyed one or two of the maps, the fact that the game merrily spawned you on top of an airstrike (how that was seemingly missed by all of the game testers is beyond me), and the fact that the game rewarded players with kill streaks by ensuring that they wouldn't lose their lead just annoys the piss out of me.

So yeah, that game pretty much got three huge strikes right off the bat for me.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is my favorite online FPS right now.  Every time I play that game I have an absolute blast.  They pretty much took the numerous things that were horribly wrong with Battlefield 2 and totally fixed them.  Now I just need to play it more...
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1427 on: August 30, 2010, 11:21:24 PM »
I haven't really had an enjoyable time playing either of the MW's online, although it may because I'm not a very good FPS player (although I <3 FPS games)

It's not that hard to play, assuming you own the game. Shit, shooters in general are really simple, and MW2 is a simple shooter. All you need to do is memorize the maps and weapons general spray pattern and you have the game down (considering how accurate the guns in newer COD games are, that's easy).

My main issues with COD4 are that I only enjoyed one or two of the maps, the fact that the game merrily spawned you on top of an airstrike (how that was seemingly missed by all of the game testers is beyond me), and the fact that the game rewarded players with kill streaks by ensuring that they wouldn't lose their lead just annoys the piss out of me.

So yeah, that game pretty much got three huge strikes right off the bat for me.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is my favorite online FPS right now.  Every time I play that game I have an absolute blast.  They pretty much took the numerous things that were horribly wrong with Battlefield 2 and totally fixed them.  Now I just need to play it more...

wat and really? I heard from several people that BC2 has some severe balance issues (Carl Gustav, M60 and something else being 90% of what's being used). Also by the sounds of it, you played too much Deathmatch and Team DM in COD4. Deathmatch/TDM in a shooter were the first person that sees you kills you is a horrible idea to begin with, I've never seen the appeal outside of "OH BOY INSTANT ACTION AND NO THOUGHT REQUIRED". The thing about MW2 is that the more rewarding kill streaks and the infinitely worse respawn system (I've never seen someone camp a spawn point in MW) make objective based games horrible.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1428 on: August 31, 2010, 01:12:55 AM »
wat and really? I heard from several people that BC2 has some severe balance issues (Carl Gustav, M60 and something else being 90% of what's being used).

Pfft, one of my greatest joys is sneaking around capping people who take Carl Gustavs.  I don't think I've seen a game where foliage and forest cover worked so well (a few levels in COD4 used foliage very effectively, but I find that IW's biggest mapping strength is in urban areas).  There's nothing more rewarding than sneaking up about fifty feet away from a rocket spammer and blowing their head off, then having your team rush the objective.

Even when I play assault I don't have much of a problem with rocket spammers.  As long as you move intelligently, staying behind cover and being wary of enemies, you can usually maneuver yourself to their front line and raise some hell without getting spotted.

Also by the sounds of it, you played too much Deathmatch and Team DM in COD4. Deathmatch/TDM in a shooter were the first person that sees you kills you is a horrible idea to begin with, I've never seen the appeal outside of "OH BOY INSTANT ACTION AND NO THOUGHT REQUIRED".

See, the thing is, I find TDM to be very fun, even in COD4.  In the urban maps I don't think I'd have it any other way, honestly.

I understand that a few of the maps might be better played with point capture or other game modes, but about half of the maps in that game simply don't appeal to me at all.  Saying that I only like one or two is a gross exaggeration, but I can pretty safely and honestly say that I simply don't like half of the maps.

The thing about MW2 is that the more rewarding kill streaks and the infinitely worse respawn system (I've never seen someone camp a spawn point in MW) make objective based games horrible.

Yeah, the only spawn issues I've had in COD4 is the airstrike problem.  Nothing makes me rage quite as much as dying, waiting 20 seconds to spawn, spawning, then immediately dying to an airstrike and having to wait another 20 seconds to come back in.

Helicopters are just fine.  I almost think that the rewards should have been reversed.  The only time I've ever seen masses of people die to a helicopter is when I run into a team that thinks the RPG is strictly designed to be an anti-personnel weapon.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1429 on: August 31, 2010, 02:34:37 AM »
Interesting, I might buy it when it goes on sale then (BC2, that is).

Also, I'm more then likely going to buy Muramasa on Amazon. It's only like 20 bucks.

and now that you mention it, having the majority of your team wiped out in sabotage (well, the round based game mode) is so goddamn irritating. Still, I giggle like a little girl when I do it, and most smart teams realize it's coming and get the fuck out of the way.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1430 on: August 31, 2010, 04:02:11 PM »
Interesting, I might buy it when it goes on sale then (BC2, that is).

Cool.  Let me know if you start playing.  I think my in-game name is Spectere84.

I probably wouldn't advise playing the single-player campaign, by the way.  It's a good way to lose brain cells.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1431 on: August 31, 2010, 07:17:11 PM »
See, the thing is, I find TDM to be very fun, even in COD4. 

I miss the Team Deathmatch that was Team Fortress 1.5 (or Classic if you played before the big June 2000 update). Fantastic game, so ungoldy good. I have no idea how many hours I put into that thing before High School took over my life. It was one of VERY FEW class based games that I actually to to actively be ALL of the classes.

I probably wouldn't advise playing the single-player campaign, by the way.  It's a good way to lose brain cells.

Really? Damn, I so badly wanted Bad Company 2 to have a good campaign. I thought the original Bad Company was alright. Nothing fantastic, but not bad either. I hoped #2 would make up for it. Ah well, I'll have Halo:Reach soon (getting it mostly for the co-op with the gf)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1432 on: September 01, 2010, 01:41:43 AM »
I miss the Team Deathmatch that was Team Fortress 1.5 (or Classic if you played before the big June 2000 update). Fantastic game, so ungoldy good. I have no idea how many hours I put into that thing before High School took over my life. It was one of VERY FEW class based games that I actually to to actively be ALL of the classes.

Oh gawd, you mean the original Quake mod?  If so, can I hug you?

I thought that Quake TF was even better than TFC.  I don't know what it was, but TFC just didn't feel right to me.

Man, I don't even want to guess how many hours I spent playing that damn game (with Rocket Arena matches scattered between every few matches, of course).  Ah, 1997...

Really? Damn, I so badly wanted Bad Company 2 to have a good campaign. I thought the original Bad Company was alright. Nothing fantastic, but not bad either. I hoped #2 would make up for it. Ah well, I'll have Halo:Reach soon (getting it mostly for the co-op with the gf)

I got about three levels in before I felt like putting my head through my monitor.  Maybe I'll give it another shot one of these days...could have just be in a negative mood last time I played it or something.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1433 on: September 01, 2010, 02:02:34 AM »
Nah, for some reason I never got into the Quake stuff. It was all from the Half Life releases...

... can I still have a hug?


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1434 on: September 01, 2010, 02:11:23 AM »
Oh.  Well then.


Eh, what the hey.

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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1435 on: September 01, 2010, 02:53:14 AM »
Funny how many Quake mods become games of their own. Then again, doesn't a fucking ton of games run on some sort of Quake engine (I know unreal is popular, but isn't Quake right behind it?).

Also so far I'm enjoying Metroid Other M. Seems fairly linear, but it looks like I'll have a LOT of backtracking to do (it shows items on the map, which is retarded IMO, but it's still fairly unclear how to reach most of them). The last boss I fought (This giant bee hive) was fairly goddamn hectic.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1436 on: September 01, 2010, 03:54:22 AM »
Funny how many Quake mods become games of their own. Then again, doesn't a fucking ton of games run on some sort of Quake engine (I know unreal is popular, but isn't Quake right behind it?).

Not for newer games.  Unreal is definitely on top, the Source engine is undoubtedly in second, with id Tech being behind it.  I don't believe Source shares much, if anything, with the Quake-derived GoldSrc engine.  Even if it did, the current id Tech engines are a radical departure from the previous ones.

If you're including older games, the id Tech engines definitely beat Source.  Technically, everything from Doom to Rage are consider id Tech engines (Doom being 1, Quake/Quake2 being 2, Q3A being 3, Doom 3 being 4, and Rage being 5), so that's quite a bit of market share over a good stretch of time.

Also so far I'm enjoying Metroid Other M. Seems fairly linear, but it looks like I'll have a LOT of backtracking to do (it shows items on the map, which is retarded IMO, but it's still fairly unclear how to reach most of them). The last boss I fought (This giant bee hive) was fairly goddamn hectic.

Most of the Metroid games that have in-game maps tell you whether there is an item in the room, actually.  As you've surmised, the trick is actually finding how to get to them.

One perfect example is in Zero Mission.  Near the end of the game there is a hidden item that is only accessible if you use a complex series of speed boosts and shinesparks (Samus's dash and mid-air charge moves, respectively) spanning about four or five screens to reach it.

Zero Mission also has a decently well-hidden secret in Brinstar.  After you defeat Mother Brain, you can go down to see her lair in ruins.  In the screen past her lair, there is a wall that must be dashed through (or rubble, I don't remember which).  The only problem is that there is no room to do so.  What you have to do is go a few rooms to the right, speed boost, then screw attack all the way through Mother Brain's chambers -- being careful not to hit the ceiling or land -- and blow through the wall and into the escape tunnel, then through the left wall and into a secret chamber.  Basically, you have to put all of the pieces together and do a speed boosted screw attack.

So, yeah, finding the items has never been a problem.  Getting them is the real puzzle.  It's kind of a nifty take on the carrot-and-the-stick approach, and I think it suits the game well.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1437 on: September 01, 2010, 11:21:22 PM »
It's generally much simpler then in the other games, what with a lot about a third or so of them basically being tossed into your face. I'm sort of on the fence, the game goes from fun to boring, at least so far the enemy variety seems good. Also the controls are fine, I really don't see how people have a problem with them.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1438 on: September 02, 2010, 12:04:41 AM »



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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1439 on: September 02, 2010, 01:16:38 AM »

Holy fuck, you reminded me of this game. God damn, this traumatized my childhood. I thought all I had to do was hide when suddenly A GODDAMN PEDOPHILE BUSTS INTO THE BASEMENT AND OH NO.