Author Topic: watcha playin'  (Read 618443 times)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1455 on: September 08, 2010, 09:28:40 PM »
no, i don't mean cmk.  the lk links into siscor kicks is good pressure and chip damage.  

i can't really talk because i don't know my stuff in sf4, but if you watch a good bison play, you will see plenty of clk links to sk.  


bought and beat the overlord dlc.  pretty good, nice mix of hammerhead stuff and on foot stuff, with a pretty damn trippy/neat boss at the end.  

i have all of the dlc that isn't payed weapon/costume packs.  now i just need to beat the shadowbroker dlc on hardcore or insanity and ill have all the achievements again.  i hope i can just turn the difficulty slider on insanity or hardcore before i do the mission, and not "you have to have the slider on the difficulty at the game start" bullshit.  because i deleted the insanity playthrough file was deleted immediately after the achievement popped.  

as for when ill get to it, i have a maleshep file i want to complete, but he's an adept, not sure if ill tackle the mission with him.  

then there's a femshep sentinel i want to start, starting with mass effect 1.

so i have two options, and ill get to both of them eventually.


fucking link, now im playing ssfiv again.

was dicking around.  i don't like most the entire roster.  gen is not mainable.  bison i don't want to main.  honda is a little over my head.  chun was my OLD sf4 main, i think ill try coming back to her.  the bro i play against uses makoto, so if i fuck up with zoning, BAM BYE BYE GG TIME FOR THE NEXT ROUND.  probably do with chun like i have been doing with mu the past few weeks.  everytime i have nothing better to be doing, pop in "fighting game" and do that training mode. 

« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 03:52:21 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1456 on: September 10, 2010, 06:43:14 PM »
People actually play Makoto? I spent all of one match with her and decided that she was dead to me. Also I'm really slipping in SF4. I hate how lose the inputs are in that game (went for ultra, got Abel's borderline useless anti air grab) and I can't play an aggressive Bison for the life of me.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1457 on: September 10, 2010, 07:30:35 PM »
if i ignore what "people" are saying about makoto, and base my experience from just playing my "sparring partner"'s makoto.  i would flat out tell you that makoto is a solid character.

but i can't zone worth shit with chun right now, so when i get that down, maby ill call makoto a piece of trash only better than hakan.  until then, she's solid, and kicks my ass more often than not. 

and mortified, i hope you don't have the "i can't find a main syndrome" i have in this specific game.  i can find mains in other games easy enough, even blazblue i ended up liking mu-12.  but i have over 200 hours of super and vanilla played and i can not find a main.  for now im sticking with chun, but as the past has shown, i can't stick with a single character in this game.  though, there's always hope ill figure chun out and stick with her. 

advice for capcom regarding chun in street fighter 5.  chun is a cop, GIVE ME MY CHUN POLICE OFFICER OUTFIT PLEASE, IT WOULD BE AWESOME!  however, if not possible, you have been forgiven for her a2 being her alpha outfit...but i guess you aren't forgiven because bison's only good outfit is his default, GIVE ME A GOOD BISON COSTUME PLEASE!


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1458 on: September 10, 2010, 11:10:49 PM »
and mortified, i hope you don't have the "i can't find a main syndrome" i have in this specific game.  i can find mains in other games easy enough, even blazblue i ended up liking mu-12.  but i have over 200 hours of super and vanilla played and i can not find a main.  for now im sticking with chun, but as the past has shown, i can't stick with a single character in this game.  though, there's always hope ill figure chun out and stick with her.  

I sort of do, but I've taken a liking to Abel and Sagat (haters gonna hate) and Bison works well against my friends spammy shotos (head stompin' and blocking that shit all day). Also From my personal experience, I couldn't stand Makoto. She feels like an all around gimped version of her third strike one.

Oh yeah, and the AI in SF4 is shit. It cheats hard and then whiffs ultras left and right.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 02:19:38 AM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1459 on: September 11, 2010, 02:38:55 AM »
y'know, i am still playing fear effect 2.  the game isn't scarey or anything, but im not playing it alone because of this shit.


though, i guess fallout 1 had creepier music, and honestly diablo 1 had some damn creepy jams.  but this track is creepy, and i don't know why.  maby it's the synth.  maby it is a little creepy of a game, that music, zombies that literally fall out of the sky, and rooms full of unkillable enemies, game's theme has just drastically changed. 


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1460 on: September 11, 2010, 03:52:08 AM »
I started playing Mass Effect the other day.  For as long as I've owned it, first on 360 (used copy), then on PC, it took it this long to hook its fangs into me.  Man, that's a good game.

Honestly, I have about a million little criticisms of it, but they aren't huge enough to get in the way of it being an insanely fun and interesting game.  The action feels pretty nice, though the cover system is a little bit broken on PC (automatic cover with keyboard and mouse controls just doesn't feel right -- I often get stuck when I try to move through gaps in mid-fight).  The way the story progresses and you (and your character) learn and grow as time goes on is very rewarding.  The Mass Effect universe and its history feel very alive and real, and the way that the various species interact with one another feels genuine.

I haven't done many of the infamous MAKO parts yet, though I feel like I've done enough.  That's the weakest point of the game by far.  The vehicle physics are hilariously broken that it's not hard to laugh when this big military vehicle fails to remain stable and starts spinning around wildly while going up a smooth hill on a planet with Earth-like gravity.  It's kind of a shame, since the planet surface segments could have been done far better.  Luckily, it doesn't seem like you have to do that to finish up the plot missions, so I suppose I could live with it.

So yeah...I like it.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1461 on: September 11, 2010, 04:26:12 AM »
Honestly, I have about a million little criticisms of it, but they aren't huge enough to get in the way of it being an insanely fun and interesting game.

this is fact, game has a ton of minor flaws, and even more bugs.

Luckily, it doesn't seem like you have to do that to finish up the plot missions, so I suppose I could live with it.

if you don't care about exp, even on insanity difficulty, you can just avoid combat in the mako sections of the plot missions.  just drive forward, be smart about jumping and avoiding fire, and it's easy to get to where you need to go.  i beat the game on hardcore difficulty in 4 hours, did not spend much time in the mako.  if you want to do side missions, expect a lot of mako driving, even if you intend on avoiding all of the optional extra stuff on each planet. 


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1462 on: September 11, 2010, 05:57:34 AM »
My Insanity run was a speed run that took 3 and a half hours I think?

I absolutely loathe how Bioware does character development though. It's completely unnatural. You get "witty" quips every now and then during a mission or in an elevator but then on the ship none of the characters ever references any of the others, no one cares about anyone else and no one moves from their one singular spot or says anything unless you specifically walk up to them at which point they start talking about one specific thing in their entire lives and you just ask questions about it until they start repeating themselves.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1463 on: September 11, 2010, 03:16:59 PM »
this is fact, game has a ton of minor flaws, and even more bugs.

I haven't run into any real bugs yet.  I know the PC version was riddled with them at one point in time, but it seems like they were patched away.

Speaking of the PC version, I really like how they decided to add the tactical HUD back into it.  Really helps for moving the borderline-suicidal characters (I'm looking at you, Kaiden and Garrus) out of harm's way.

if you don't care about exp, even on insanity difficulty, you can just avoid combat in the mako sections of the plot missions.  just drive forward, be smart about jumping and avoiding fire, and it's easy to get to where you need to go.  i beat the game on hardcore difficulty in 4 hours, did not spend much time in the mako.  if you want to do side missions, expect a lot of mako driving, even if you intend on avoiding all of the optional extra stuff on each planet. 

Yeah, I already ran into the one where you have to destroy the four geth outposts.  That one was kind of disappointing.  I was hoping for some sort of epic finisher but it wound up just being another easy run-and-gun.

I absolutely loathe how Bioware does character development though. It's completely unnatural. You get "witty" quips every now and then during a mission or in an elevator but then on the ship none of the characters ever references any of the others, no one cares about anyone else and no one moves from their one singular spot or says anything unless you specifically walk up to them at which point they start talking about one specific thing in their entire lives and you just ask questions about it until they start repeating themselves.

The problem, as I see it, is that doing the work to have every character specifically reference every other character would be both a scripting and voice-over nightmare.  There are far worse ways that they could have done it, really.  While the method for extracting the character's backstory is borderline sketchy (though it is sort of explained through Shepard wanting to get to know his/her crew better), I do like how much information is available on each of the characters (at least at the beginning of the game; not sure if it dries up just yet).

The repeated questions and dialogue should have definitely been dealt with, though.  If they wanted to make that sort of information readily available, the factoid in question should have been summarized in a sort of dossier system.

What I find to be truly loathsome is the way that Bethesda tries to force its "plots" on us.  In Oblivion you wind up with a character that's a complete half-wit and is totally impervious to any worldly knowledge and in Fallout 3 you get a character who is borderline psychic (he can ask questions about things that he doesn't even know exists).  I don't even think that they know what character development is, actually, so you probably can't even count any of their games as a comparison to stuff like Mass Effect.
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« Reply #1464 on: September 11, 2010, 08:07:37 PM »
Dragon Warrior VII.

I'm about 50 hours in and am past the half-way point of the game.  I'm going to do some of the side-quests, mainly reviving God, the bonus dungeon, Zion Cave, and MAYBE monster park.  I still haven't gotten Aira yet, but that's coming up pretty soon.  I've been grinding a lot, trying to master as many classes as I can, but it's just too much.  If I tried mastering all the classes the game has to offer, I'd lose my mind.  Hell, making it to level 99 isn't even that hard once you start encountering metal slimes-types.

It's the greatest game I've played in a long while, though.  Final Fantasy sucks.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1465 on: September 12, 2010, 04:35:17 AM »
FUCK MASS EFFECT.  Good god, I bought myself a month of time on EVE and started downloading the client.  2.6GB.  Hmm, figured I might as well amuse myself while it downloaded, so I figured I'd start up Mass Effect and knock a few quests off of my ever-growing list.  That was about 7:00PM.

It's 4:30AM now.  FUCK.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1466 on: September 12, 2010, 04:44:19 AM »
your face





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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1467 on: September 12, 2010, 04:59:19 AM »
your face

Oh hey, I saved her blue ass before I finally found the willpower to exit the game.

Still debating on whether to make her or Ashley my virtual girlfriend.  Ashley always pisses me off with her post-mission comments, but she makes up for it in her off-the-record chat charm.  I don't "know" Liara well enough to make any judgments.

Of course, if I could, I'd probably go for Wrex just because I think that would be absolutely hilarious.  I can see it kind of being like spending the night with Barrett at the Golden Saucer in Final Fantasy VII.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1468 on: September 12, 2010, 09:44:55 PM »




speaking of chun, how bout chun in a game i don't chun?

ive fought this chun before, he's pretty rape.  but his opponent thelo is one of the best hdr hondas. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 03:04:37 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1469 on: September 13, 2010, 03:23:03 AM »
I beat Mass Effect...

...then I went ahead and did a New Game+.  Ugh.

I would have bought Mass Effect 2, but I've already spent my entertainment budget for this pay period of an iPod Touch, so it'll just have to wait.  Besides, I still need to get a straight 10 on both charm and intimidate so that I can make a bipolar Shepard.
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