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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1740 on: February 24, 2012, 02:16:39 PM »
I haven't even played a single game yet :/ Being that it's tribes I actually feel a bit intimidated, since I've never played another tribes game before, and I feel like I'll be horrible, since I haven't played a twitch shooter in forever. I want to play, but I never actually feel like just busting it out and playing some matches. Same goes with LoL :/ (And SC2 now T.T)

They have skiing tutorials in game, and at the start they pair you off with low level people. I'd recommend playing a few deathmatch rounds, then going to capture the flag and figuring out how things work there once you got down the basics for combat. Also you can free roam on any map in game, so checking out a capture the flag map and seeing where the generators are, where the sentries are, and where the general best flag approaches are would also be a good idea.

Also don't go for slow flag caps, flag capping is something you just need to figure out per map, and taking the flag while going slow will inconvenience someone who has some speed for it.

I've also restarted and modded skyrim pretty hard, trying to do a stealth build and I'm enjoying it.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1741 on: February 24, 2012, 09:02:29 PM »
They have skiing tutorials in game, and at the start they pair you off with low level people. I'd recommend playing a few deathmatch rounds, then going to capture the flag and figuring out how things work there once you got down the basics for combat. Also you can free roam on any map in game, so checking out a capture the flag map and seeing where the generators are, where the sentries are, and where the general best flag approaches are would also be a good idea.

Also don't go for slow flag caps, flag capping is something you just need to figure out per map, and taking the flag while going slow will inconvenience someone who has some speed for it.

I've also restarted and modded skyrim pretty hard, trying to do a stealth build and I'm enjoying it.

Yeah, I'd never play a capper until I had skiing down pretty well.

I feel like my mouse being set to 3500 CPI is probably not the best for this game lol. I might actually have a use for profiles on it :O
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1742 on: February 26, 2012, 04:49:45 AM »
Borderlands was alright, nothing amazing but a fun little romp. I do hate bullet sponge enemies, like, why do games even fucking have them? fuck.

Lack of creativity, I think.  The saddest part is that you can generally make tough enemies without making them dumb.

I think the best fairly recent example is Mass Effect.  The bosses there are definitely bullet sponges (as in, they take far more bullets than anyone else in the game could possibly take), but there is always some sort of power to mix things up and make things more challenging.  Nothing extraordinary, it just forces the players to have to react to something instead of just mindlessly shooting.

In Borderlands, every fight I've seen with a badass mob has always been boring and, frankly, stupid.  The only way that the battle is "harder" is that you have to hold down the left mouse button longer and do some more self-heals (since most of the enemies, even the charging ones, can turn on a dime and hit you, making battle strategy pointless and making movement almost useless...might as well just stand there, eat the damage, and heal up when you can, or if you're too low just run straight backwards and hope that you don't get stuck on the terrain, which happens WAY too much).  Another way that they add challenge to boss fights is by putting shit in your way.  Seriously, turn the clock back a decade.  Why were games like Quake III and Unreal Tournament (or, for that matter, Doom) so much goddamn fun to play?  Because it took a hell of a lot of effort to trip over the environment.  Movement in non-tactical shooters should be fast, fluid, and smooth.  You shouldn't have to mash the fucking strafe buttons to dodge a pencil-thin branch!

Also I really enjoyed half life, but it is easy and lacks a lot of the weapons and enemy types that the first game had. The episodes seemed to improve the game a decent amount.

I seem to remember enjoying it, but like I said, I seriously can't remember shit about the game.  And every time I've tried to play through it since then bored me out of my skull.

Valve does much better with 4-5 hour experiences.  Half-Life 2's biggest problem was that it was artificially long.  I can't believe how long you have to sit behind the wheels of the most boring, lame vehicles ever conceived.  Having to spend 45-60 minutes basically getting shot at the beginning of the game while suffering through an awful vehicle segment with a very, very "meh" vehicle engine is the biggest demotivator ever.

Maybe if the vehicle segments were fast-paced and thrilling it would have been different, but they're seriously not.

Is FEAR 2 good? I was talking about it with ulti and he said it was heavily consolized.

I really don't see how it was "consolized."  I think PC gamers throw that term out a bit too much.  If the developer does something monumentally stupid with the controls (like, once again, fucking Borderlands) I could see it, but there are a lot of conventions that newer FPS's follow regardless of platform.  It's not that many of them are "consolized," it's that the genre is evolving, for better or for worse.

Anyway, I thought it was a lot of fun.  Very WTF-y at the end, of course, but it was an enjoyable experience.  Some of the segments were genuinely tense, and I thought FEAR 2 transitioned between the shit-your-pants parts and the pull-the-trigger parts better than the first game did.

I've also restarted and modded skyrim pretty hard, trying to do a stealth build and I'm enjoying it.

I modded Skyrim before I even got through my first play-through, haha.  To be fair, many of my mods are cosmetic.

Right now I'm rocking SkyUI, Realistic Smoke and Embers, Realistic Water Textures and Terrain, HD Ore and Ingots, and the Shrouded Cowl Beast Race Fix (which corrects a bug in the, that didn't take long) in the cosmetic department.  I highly, HIGHLY recommend SkyUI (basically replaces the UI with something a bit more usable on PC) and the realistic water mod (which makes water in general, and especially waterfalls, look fantastic).

I use mods to make the alchemy ingredients and ore lighter as well, because I'm a cheating bastard.  I also installed the SM Essential Kills mod, because when I want to go crazy and murder villagers I want to be able to actually kill everyone.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 04:55:30 AM by Spectere »
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1743 on: February 27, 2012, 04:36:31 PM »
Alright, a couple things. Does Fear 2 have the same melee system as fear 1? I think I heard it had health regen, but I could live with that (despite the old health system being really awesome). As long as that sweet melee system is intact I'd be fine. I loved playing fear online going full melee and hauling ass and kicking people to death, it was like the specialists but not as awesome.

As for that realistic water mod, could I get a link? I have SkyUI and Titanis installed, and I honestly wish Titanis changed a bit more. It did add a ton of weapons (some common, some named. Just found a sword that rockets fire constantly called dragon breath that's evidently part of another weapon I can smith) and  lot of new armors, but since I'm going light armor this time it feels less important to whore armor.

Also got pretty far into Fallout, finally figured the game out and I'm really enjoying it. One thing I noticed is that trying to do the right thing in this game is HARD. It's not like a simple option, you'll generally have to fight a lot of harder enemies to continue and do any good. Right now I'm stuck between taking down super mutants that can pretty much 1 shot me and deathclaws. I bought Planescape Torment and Baldour's Gate 2, and after I finish FF6 I'll move onto 7. Should be a good time for RPGs.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1744 on: February 29, 2012, 02:30:20 AM »
I'm trying to remember FEAR 2's melee system, to be honest.  I'm pretty sure it was Halo-style, with a quick-melee button, but I'm not sure.  I found the weapons to be very satisfying to use, so those are what I remember the most.  I'm normally a pistol whore in shooters, and I seem to remember FEAR 2 delivering the goods with regards to those.

And YES, here is the link to the realistic water mod:  The screenshots look great, but the effect itself is awesome when you see it in-game.  Aside from making the water appear as though it's flowing realistically instead of being a sheet, it makes streams look more fluid and less plastic-y.  The droplet effects in caves and such are rendered at a higher resolution and actually appear to form ripples, and it gives you the foamy look that flowing water takes on.  Bethesda seriously needs to hire the dude who made that NOW, because wow.

Tytanis looks neat.  Maybe I'll check it out after I beat the game normally (if that ever happens).  Crafting in vanilla Skyrim is very ho-hum, so that might at least spice it up a bit even if it doesn't bring much else to the table right now.

The original Fallout is a fantastic game, and you're absolutely right about it taking time to really get going in it.  I understand that some games need to evolve, but I find Fallout 3 to be a mass of wasted potential and a lame disappointment.  It wasn't the idea of a Fallout 3 FPS-RPG that bothered me, it's the way that Bethesda did it that pisses me off.  I was hoping for something styled a bit more like STALKER rather than a futuristic reskin of Oblivion with a green tint (uh, why did you did that again, Bethesda?) with some of Fallout's iconic 50's inspired graphics thrown in haphazardly.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1745 on: March 12, 2012, 04:19:50 AM »

A moment of silence for Dogmeat. He fought a long and hard battle, but he didn't live to see the end of it.

Also about to end Fallout, really love the game. My teammates are pretty useless at this point, but I'm surprised I'm able to survive most of the stuff I'm fighting through.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1746 on: March 16, 2012, 05:31:06 AM »
sort of off topic, but yeah I hope this gets made.

The video for it really just depressed me about the current state of video games.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1747 on: March 17, 2012, 01:55:15 PM »
I can't say that I'm depressed about the current state of games.  If anything, it's better now then it has been in the last decade, mostly thanks to sites like Kickstarter.  Not only does it allow indies to take away the absolute control that publishers tend to have, but it's giving them the funding to focus full-time on their work and the resources to give it that AAA polish.

I'm glad that, between modern smartphones and PC/Mac digital distribution networks (most notably Steam, even if its Mac release makes the PC version look lightning fast), indie games are thriving.  If you're upset over the state of video games, look no further than the indie store in Steam.  You'll find more variety, innovation, and replayability on a single page of titles than you would on an entire store shelf at Best Buy.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1748 on: March 20, 2012, 06:06:50 AM »
Still, most big name games will bend over backward in order to pull in the "COD audience". Things have gotten bad and good though, a lot of publishers aren't getting in the way so badly and we're starting to see a lot of cool new games come out. Yet still, you would never see a game like Odd World taking the spot light in gaming now a days, straying from "the formula" is dangerous.

Also I nutted up and beat Space Marine and Fallout. Fallout was awesome but confusing, space marine was mediocre and had a lot of random really hard parts. The final segment of Fallout was pretty awesome, and the final boss was fun minus the fact that he could endlessly summon guards to attack you. I tried cutting them down, then I realized it was pretty impossible. The game hit a pretty perfect difficulty honestly, felt hard but not luck based and not really bullshit. Despite me doing a TON of extra stuff in order to get a good ending I still had 3 cities get completely destroyed by super mutants, which pisses me off. Space Marine's end was just pretty stupid. I got stuck on it and died like 10 times in one night, then I took a major rest and I beat it in my first try with barely any effort. The final boss was also basically a giant QTE, which was boring. They sort of set up an ending, and I do like how they finally show humanity in a dickish way near the end of the game.

Man, after seeing all the stuff in the new Hitman game I'm convinced that stealth is dead. If there's ever an indie dev that wants to make a new stealth game I will support him hard.


Baldour's Gate 2 starts in a dungeon/prison right? Also finally installed Assassins Creed 2, the running is pretty fun.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:42:10 AM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1749 on: March 23, 2012, 12:23:41 AM »
The nice part is that you still see the Odd Worlds of gaming popping up on Kickstarter.  It's amazing what kind of budgets indie games can pull in now.

I really need to plow through the first Fallout game.  When I was in Florida for training two jobs ago I got about six hours into it, then abruptly stopped.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1750 on: March 23, 2012, 04:04:29 PM »
It is really. Also I'd definitely recommend Fallout. I first sort of hated it, then I learned how to play it (having to select items, then scrolling through your list of abilities was weird. Like using science on computers and what not) and I really liked it.

Just got Fallout 2 and am starting it in a hurry. still working on FF6 and recently bought Hitman 1 and 2 off of steam.

They weren't lying when they said Hitman 2 was annoying due to slow crawl you do for stealth. In Blood Money your stealth walk is about as fast as your normal walk, but if anyone sees you doing it they get suspicious.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 10:05:36 PM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1751 on: April 11, 2012, 02:35:47 AM »
Not progressing much in FF6, FO2 is just really addicting. I'm pretty sure I'm near the end, I got power armor and a named super sniper rifle and I'm basically a walking one man army. I just took out about 15-20 raiders without using a stimpack, it was dandy.  I can't figure out what vault city's computer wants from me though.

Also downloaded Brutal Doom and started playing it, and it's actually a lot of fun. Doesn't change much, but what it adds feels good. All the weapons feel different and all around better, but not OP. The chaingun is wildly inaccurate but can destroy things up close, the pistol is replaced with a rifle that can be iron sighted, the double barreled can fire 1 barrel at a time and reload that one barrel, the plasma gun can now fire off a shotgun burst. Oh, and it added a ton of new gore effects and finishing moves. You can also kick free marines and have them as allies, which is sort of useful.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1752 on: April 13, 2012, 05:11:19 PM »
mass effect 3 multiplayer, skullgirls


may as well put this in here


found a mass effect 3 terrain glitch a few hours after starting my first file, pretty entertaining.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 01:10:50 AM by vladgd »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1753 on: April 27, 2012, 09:59:53 PM »
Oh god the fucking horror.

alright, NOW I beat doom 2. Shit was a lot longer then what I expected, and I missed the secrete level this time. Also beat Fallout 2, very enjoyable game. I've heard fallout aged better then most older WRPGs, but I hope that's not the case as the game was amazing. I'll either move on to Planescape Torment or Baldour's Gate, or I'll work on getting through Super Mario RPG or FF6. Still working through Skyward Sword and Serious Sam 3 along with some multiplayer games (mostly Tribes and SMNC). Also I should of listened to how rage inducing Hitman 2 can be, these snow levels don't even feel like they belong in a Hitman game, and they're killing me.

This guard supposedly saw me from so far out of his actual view that he couldn't even turn far enough to actually aim at me. I had to rage quit at this point.


Bought 2 pros in MNC for about 5 bucks. I've yet to spend money on a free game, but I'm really enjoying SMNC and I hope it can build a small community for a while. It's a really niche game at this point.

Get on my level.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 04:46:02 PM by MortifiedocAlot »


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1754 on: May 25, 2012, 06:09:35 PM »
Alright, I'm in need of some assistance. I've tried getting Thief Gold to run without crashing without any luck. I've installed this patch and I've screwed around with the radeonhd+XP options but I still get sporadic crashes.

I am using the steam version, if that makes a difference.