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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1770 on: January 26, 2014, 04:11:20 PM »

Welcome to the glorious pc master race of gaming. Big congrats on that amazing vidya card - that's my next upgrade for sure. Followed by a water cooled 8 core AMD (currently on 4.2 GHz FX-4170)

Far Cry 3 is one of the best single player experiences I've ever had in gaming, period. You make me want to replay it. If you like that, make sure to check out these other fine titles:

Far Cry 3: Blood dragon (everything you love about FC3, but CHEESY EIGHTIES ACTION MOVIE STYLE)
Dishonored (another one of my faves)
Metro: 2033
Bioshock: infinite (if you haven't already)
Fallout 3/New Vegas
Skyrim (PC Mods make the experience SO much better)
The Stanley Parable
Planetside 2 (F2P MMOFPS)
Path of Exile (F2P MMO diablo 2 inspired dungeon crawler, great if you had high hopes for D3 and were disappointed. Just make sure to disable/exit trade chat when you join)

How have I not seen Blood Dragon!? Dude I almost shit my pants just now watching the Steam trailer, lol! That's a perfect classic 80's action trailer. I must have it.
Do you still play at all? I play Multiplayer like a motherfucker dude. The App they have for smartphones is the SHIT for multiplayer. You can customize your class to take into battle right from your phone. There is also a puzzle mini game that gives you up to 5 Decoders per day.

Dishonored is easily one of my favorite steam purchases. Probably only a third of the way through (25 hours) but I really dig it.

I've got over 100 mods on Skyrim currently. I definitely feel ya on that. I requested PTO at work for release of Skyrim on PC actually. After all the Youtube mods for Oblivion, I realized I HAD to get Skyrim for PC this time because I was missing out so much. I even did a Frostfall Survival mod review here. I had a Radeon 6770 that surprisingly got me 25fps on Ultra. Though the some areas got pretty laggy (Lucky's Woodland Home area)

Metro I'll have to check out. I'm still working on getting to the Bioshock series. I do own them just keep getting preoccupied with other interests. I have a buddy who played through them all though and he loved it all.

Ok I see the Stanley Parable pop up like once a month for $14.99 and I don't have a clue if I should buy it. Something about it appeals to me but also makes me question it being worth the purchase. Your opinion?

Planetside 2 currently just finished downloading today actually lol. I have a buddy IRL that insisted I play it with him so I guess I'm about to find out what it's all about.

Path of Exile I'll take a look at. Haven't heard of that one.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1771 on: January 29, 2014, 09:43:56 AM »
I would acquire Stanley Parable via PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE MEANS, it is not worth 15. maybe I could see 10. Just a psychological/funny/creepy unique game using the source engine. It's narrated by a funny british guy while you walk around an empty office building that changes it's layout and story depending on the choices you make. Multiple endings; just a fun experience.

I was not aware blood dragon had multi! maybe i should purchase that :)

PS2 is a fun huge MMOFPS, makes all the difference in the world if you use a headset and join a squadron. They have some really intelligent people (sometimes) leading huge platoons spanning over like 48-64 people some times. Largest battle i have been in so far was at least 200 people. Ridiculous.
I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1772 on: January 29, 2014, 08:16:06 PM »
What's your steam name? Mine is z3phlar.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1773 on: February 27, 2014, 10:40:15 AM »
I see myself playing a ton of Diablo III in the near future (v2.0 patch? Epic).

I still play WoW from time to time (realm: US-Turalyon). I hope to get back into raiding when Siege of Orgrimmar drops. IM A DK TNAK.

I play Payday 2 once a week with a group of friends. Mort actually joined us one week when we were first starting out and before we had a reliable fourth person. Good times were had. :) I really wish Overkill would take a month and fix all of the numerous bugs, though. It seems like they're so desperate to roll out new content that they are just letting their otherwise awesome game get buggier and buggier. :\

I'm glad Minecraft isn't on Steam, because if it were on Steam I'd know exactly how many hours I spent playing it. I much prefer to be ignorant of things like that. I'm currently working through Inferno Mines (a complete the monument map in the Super Hostile series) with a friend of mine, and I'm playing through Sea of Flame, in that same series, on my own.

I play Battlefield 4 occasionally with Armegeddon. Decent game, but incredibly buggy. I've never played a game where network latency impacted your aim. I mean, seriously? :|

I also 100%'d McPixel recently. If you guys haven't played that game, you need to. It's hilarious.

Edit: My friends and I uninstalled Payday 2 after the horrible Death Wish patch dropped. It effectively made my mastermind/ghost spec useless. Even after respeccing to mastermind/enforcer, the atrocious netcode that is still present in this game makes cloakers, a new enemy with a One-Hit Kill Liu Kang style flying kick (not to mention a ludicrous COD/Battlefield-style stabby animation), completely broken, with the ability to one hit KO you through walls, and down your entire team in 5 seconds since he has no cooldown to speak of. The Death Wish patch completely breaks the stealth mechanic, making it completely RNG rather than requiring actual skill, and nerfs numerous ghost/mastermind skills to the point of absurdity. The lead developer explained that one of the changes was made because his team couldn't resolve the bugs associated with it. Furthermore, the "improved AI" that they've been hyping up merely amounts to giving the cops a better aim and more damaging bullets. Here is an epic post describing, in detail, what the fuck is wrong with the patch (and the usual Payday 2 white knights are curiously absent from that thread for the most part, which is shocking in and of itself).

Oh, I should probably also add that there are numerous bugs that still have yet to be fixed, including a particularly nasty long-standing bug on a long, stealth-focused heist, where a pathfinding error causes a guard to walk through and break a pane of glass. He then turns around, spots the broken glass, and calls in an alert. I should probably add that this bug occurs on the final phase of the heist. There is also a "pro" version of the job available, which causes you to fail the entire heist if your team gets downed at any point during the heist. So, yeah, if you're playing the pro version of that mission (Framing Frame), you're in light armor in order to stealth it, and that bug gets triggered (which is very likely since there are more guards -- THAT FUCKING RESPAWN IF YOU STEALTH KILL THEM, MIGHT I ADD -- since the latest patch), you've basically just thrown away at least 30-45 minutes of your life, all because Overkill refuses to fix their fucking game or even acknowledge the issue. As far as I'm aware, this bug is a launch day issue. The game came out about 7 months ago. WTF, Overkill?

That's not even including many of the other bugs that my friends and I have been running into, such as the escape vans simply not letting us escape, forcing us to fight to the death, snipers shooting us through roofs, enemies paralyzing/downing us through cover, cameras spotting us through walls, and more. It's just flat-out inexcusible at this point. Shoehorning us into a single playstyle (GO LOUD!!!!!1) and making successful stealth improbable without a ton of help from the RNG was the straw that broke the camels back.

Needless to say, it's going to take a ton of convincing for me to pick up any other games by Overkill Software after this debacle. If you haven't picked up Payday 2, I highly recommend against it. The developers are far too willing to completely revamp core game mechanics at a whim without regard to balance. Even if they fix the clear and obvious balance issues that the game has now, the fact that they shat out a poorly conceived patch that a majority of the community despises in the first place is extremely concerning.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 02:41:26 AM by Spectere »
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1774 on: March 15, 2014, 12:29:01 AM »
Nigga I am just going to say that I will be on that Diablo III train come expansion time on the 25th.

Otherwise im not playing anything besides street fighter 4.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1775 on: March 16, 2014, 01:26:46 PM »

Yeah, I played D3 a lot even before the Loot 2.0 patch. Now? Sheeeeeeiiiit.

Also, here's my Diablo profile thing and such: Direct all friend requests at Spectere#1344.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1776 on: March 16, 2014, 02:27:58 PM »


Though I doubt I will play much until the expansion releases. Also I play witchdoctor, and I really think the zombie dogs are LAME AS HELL. Thankfully you don't need them at all to do well.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1777 on: March 21, 2014, 09:42:27 AM »
I used Circle of Life on my witch doctor so that I didn't need to waste a skill slot on it. I also have a piece of gear that limits you to one zombie dog, but makes him big and powerful and rawr, so basically he's like a mini-gargantuan. If I ever replace that item I'll probably swap out the CoL passive, since they're just too squishy without that being there, and unless you waste a slot on the summon ability and glyph them they just don't hit hard at all.

I suppose you could combine CoL with the "ExplodeyDawg" ability, but...yeah, no. I'd rather have my two damaging slows so that I could easily kite baddies.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1778 on: March 24, 2014, 06:24:36 PM »
The other day I played a random pub game, and it was all witchdoctors...

...I put about 200 hours into this game, and never have I, and I really mean NEVER have I ran into a game of all witchdoctors. Even pre patch when the demon hunter was the only bad class in the game, people still flocked to that class like crazy, seen em more than barbs. I swear the witchdoctor could be the best class in the game, and nobody would use him because of aesthetics.

Anyway we all ran different builds and it was a cool experience. It's going to be hard to ween myself off grave injustice when I start getting item upgrades, my thing of the deep gives me freakin 20 yards of pickup radius, which would mean like 40 yards for that perk. I can fuckin spam my one minute CD abilities, and pop my two minute CD abilities for champ packs.

Going to attempt to play this expansion come midnight, but with my lag problems , and the obligatory server issues from trying to play the second the game is released, I may not get far. I want to hit 70 before I sleep.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1779 on: March 25, 2014, 12:48:51 PM »
The other day I played a random pub game, and it was all witchdoctors...

...I put about 200 hours into this game, and never have I, and I really mean NEVER have I ran into a game of all witchdoctors. Even pre patch when the demon hunter was the only bad class in the game, people still flocked to that class like crazy, seen em more than barbs. I swear the witchdoctor could be the best class in the game, and nobody would use him because of aesthetics.

That's good. I always liked the witch doctors because of how incredibly chillaxed they are with all of the in-game dialogue. Glad to see that people are starting to overlook the whole "jangly old man" thing, because they are pretty badass.

I'll probably be taking my barb up to 70 first. After that, well, we'll see.

As for the lag, I've definitely been getting a bit more rubberbanding than usual, but I'm thinking that's mostly due to the experience boosts. It's probably not going to get much better (might even get worse) in the coming weeks. Still nowhere near as bad as Diablo II on is.

Most of my issues stem from the horrendously buggy Mac release that Blizzard put out. Very disappointing, since they generally put out very high quality cross-platform releases. When I got the game to actually create a game without crashing, I ran into a bunch of other crap. Take a look at this: I wish I would have gotten a video. what.jpg is only a small glimpse of what I saw when I went into the Caverns of Araneae (or the Averns of Araneae, in this case).

Fortunately, that isn't my only option. I've been playing on my Windows rig in the meantime. I just like playing on my Mac because that's the computer that my good sound system is connected to. :( I feel really bad for people who don't have a choice there.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1780 on: March 25, 2014, 07:13:59 PM »
Witchdoctor is probably the most "normal person" out of all of the classes in the game, maby the barb comes in second place, otherwise the rest are a bit kooky.

Either way, day 1 rundown.

-Rush through act 5 skipping story I don't care about to beat act 5 asap and unlock adventure mode.

-Grind adventure mode a little bit to hit 70, when items start to matter.

-Pick the highest difficulty I could do while maintaining some killing speed in a 4 player game (only expert right now sadly)

-Finally, enjoy the endgame. Do bounties, these get you money, exp, blood shards, rift shards.  Spend blood shards to gamble (which can net legendaries), finish all bounties in an act to get a horadric cache (which has scored me as much as two legendaries in one cache), spend rift shards to open rifts. Rifts are random dungeons with tons of shit to kill, they end in a boss which tends to drop a ton of crap. Rifts are also awesome because they have special rift shrines, which I mean, they literally make you overpowered for a short period of time. They have bullshit like you emit lightning that kills everything around you, 400% fucking damage increase, Double movement speed, Severely reduced cooldowns AND FREE SKILLS, Shield that makes you invincible, its nuts.  It's really fun to have a group that ends a game full of bounty runs with everybody popping all of their rift shards to play like 10 rifts, its great.

Day one, It's good. I see no point in leveling a new character when the endgame is as poppin as it is right now. Although with adventure mode opened, I can just level my crusader in that, while getting shards and rift thingys for my level 70 characters. I mean, I killed the boss of act 5, at level 5....adventure mode is where its at, story mode is playing the game wrong.

And I still get some lag, but its not the killer unplayable lag I used to have, for now anyway.  (maby flushing my DNS or whatever the fuck they told me to do worked)


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1781 on: March 26, 2014, 01:23:33 AM »
Yeah, the lag seemed a bit better tonight. Not bad at all for the first day, especially for an expansion that's so well received. Even the Blizzard forums are buzzing with how goddamn good RoS is. And, you know what? I said all along that D3 would be just like D2: it wouldn't really shine (and in fact wouldn't really be particularly good for most players) until the expansion pack came out. Granted, I'm sure much of that had to do with the terrible community response to some features, but the point still stands. Diablo III v2.0 is how it should have launched, just like how D2:LoD made Diablo II far better than how it launched.

Adventure mode sounds fun. I like playing through the story once or twice, but after that I just wind up skipping everything anyway. Rifts sound incredibly fun based on how you're describing them, vlad. It definitely sounds like it'll make grinding a lot less tedious. I think it's safe to say that it definitely wouldn't have been possible with the old difficulty system.

I didn't get to play too much. Just did some co-op with my cousin on my barb. We started it off on master (after Newf warned me about the difficulty of Act V -- thanks again, by the way!), went up to the place leading up to the second boss, then dropped it to expert because the enemies were just taking too long to kill and we were starting to get tired (my barb did about 100k damage, while his wizard did around 70k by that just didn't add up enough).

All in all, I got a few damage upgrades and a massive toughness upgrade. I managed to replace my well-rolled Loot 1.0 Skorn with a pair of one-handers without losing too much damage (and gaining a ton of health in the process!) so I was pretty pleased overall. So far I'm rocking zero deaths in Act V. Woot.

I'm loving transmog. It works exactly how it should have worked in WoW. Get an item, it gets thrown on a list, and you can select it. Done. Dye it up. You don't have to keep fifty bazillion pieces of gear in RoS. The reforging system is pretty nice for getting rid of useless crap (+1% gold find? G'bye!) on otherwise good rares and legendaries. It seems a little pricey to me right now, but I don't have a trillion RoS crafting mats banked like I do with the vanilla ones.

So yeah, definitely fun. I highly approve.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1782 on: May 07, 2014, 02:02:06 PM »
Well it's over a month later, I guess I will share my opinion on the game. As of right now the game really needs more to do, which they have confirmed for a future patch. But doing the same rifts over and over and over and getting the same crap drops over and over and over gets pretty old fast.

I pretty much only play the game in small ~1 hour bursts now, do a few rifts, don't get anything, and stop for the day.

Ohh, and I got Mario Golf World Tour, I love me some fuckin Mario Golf! Even got the season pass, I don't see this game leaving my 2DS anytime soon. Having not played much of the gamecube game, but knowing a little about it, the 3ds game looks like an evolution of that game.

People complaining about cut content and DLC really need a reality check. From what I see, the gamecube game had the most courses, with like 7-8ish courses. The 3ds game has fucking 10, the most courses out of any mario golf game, without dlc. DLC adds all 6 courses from the n64 game, putting the full course list to 16. There is a lot of content in this game, and with online, it feels pretty fully featured.


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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1783 on: May 19, 2014, 03:28:23 AM »
Heh, I play kind of sporadically, and I have (as of right now) six hungry 70s to feed, so I think I'm set for a while. It seems like most of the people on my friends list basically stick with one or two toons and just go crazy with them, so it kind of looks like I'm the odd one out. I can honestly say that I enjoy playing all of the classes, though I do have a particular soft spot for my short-range wizard.

In non-ARPG related news, my friends and I moved on to the first Payday after I discovered that I had apparently bought a 4-pack way back when.  It's so much better...I'm not even sure why we wasted our time with the second one for so long.

Speaking of *DS games, I need to take a weekend and just plow through 999. Hnnnnnggg, it's so good. I really wish I would have played it before Virtue's Last Reward, but oh well.
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Re: watcha playin'
« Reply #1784 on: May 20, 2014, 02:38:33 AM »
I highly recommend sticking it with one character, because properly gearing a character takes an INCREDIBLE amount of time, money, and mats. Like I needed over 400 marquis topaz just to fully gem my pants and chest, and if I want to deck out my going to need another 400.

This double loot week is destroying my wrist, I can't stop playing and I am getting upgrades for once. I went from doing mediocre/poor damage on torment 1, to making torment 3 my bitch with the ability to even slowly do torment 5/6. If I get my tasker and theo gloves, I should be farming torment 5 at minimum.

The damage stat does not matter anymore, my damage looks low, and yet I shred torment 3. Theres a lot of hidden damage in my gear that does not show up, pet damage increase, physical damage increase, bonus damage to elites, my plague of toads double explosion/homing spawning fetishes like crazy. This game got a lot more fun when I got the items that allowed me to change my build for the first time in over a year, pet doctor is mad fun.

Quite the change of attitude on the game from my last post. Plus I finally got my Royal Ring of Grandeur(found ONLY in act 1 or act 4 caches), I probably upgraded more than half of my gear these past few days.