Author Topic: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance  (Read 514287 times)


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1305 on: August 17, 2008, 02:01:34 AM »

Unless you mean that they won't let him connect it to the 'net, in which case that royally sucks.

Pretty much Spec.

My dad is the big nay-sayer in the whole thing and refuses to let the 360 be connected...only because that means he has to get the Cat 5 cable to my brother's room (which is on the same floor unlike my room which is the attic and was a pain to get a Cat 5 cable up here).  I think also he doesn't know much about the Xbox Live network, and even though I have tried to coax him into it he still refuses.

It's not like the Playstation network where you can actually say "Holy shit I'm using the internet."


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1306 on: August 17, 2008, 02:26:22 AM »
I haven't played DC2, but that was my main gripe about the first one.  Well, that, and the fact that the main character is the thirstiest motherfucker in the known universe.

They took out thirst, it only happens from enemy attacks now. Also weapons take a while to brake, and you can save every dungeon level. Also yes that game is very damn long, I've put 125ish hours on it and I've yet to do the hidden dungeon. Also yes, shitty story is shitty. I still really liked it, not sure why. The combat was just charge, shoot, standard combo, or block, but considering some enemies will kill you within 4 hits it was still somehow pretty damn fun. Plus the amount of customization you can do with your weapons and towns (kind of, there is a specific way to build a town) is rather big.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1307 on: August 17, 2008, 02:40:17 AM »
well uhh i just started up another file.  and i was going to take pictures of the bosses this time around, but its not that easy.  you have to take pictures durring certain attacks the boss makes, so i said there "fuck it".  not like anything mandatory comes out of boss pictures anyway.

but uhh, i just killed the clown robot boss, trying to take a picture of a missile he shoots, as he shoots it, the small chance he does decide to shoot it, inclined me to make this post about how lame that is. 

but uhh, im starting to get into it, i just wanted to get the first lame dungeon out of the way before the first "good" forest dungeon starts up. 

i recall making it to the middle of the volcano dungeon before stopping, lets hope i can muster the patients to finish this game.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1308 on: August 17, 2008, 02:48:46 AM »
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. LOOK UP ONLINE HOW TO MAKE A FISH TANK! I remember as soon as I got that thing I constantly went fishing. You can save your fish, force them to fight to the death, or even breed them then. Then near the end of the game there are fish races (which get FUCKING HARD) and you can race them for very valuable stuff. Also there is a glitch involving a lure rod and making a infinite number of lures so you can have as much cash as you need. I miss this game now...


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1309 on: August 17, 2008, 02:54:09 AM »
Bionic Commando was always an awesome NES game. Rearmed just makes 68546885 times better.

I'm within the top 20 times for challenges almost always and I have a #1 score and a #5 score.

It is amazing. I would never call it dumb fun though. There are tricks to getting up through things used in getting secrets and challenges that would leave most anyone staring in disbelief at how pixel-perfect you have to be.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1310 on: August 17, 2008, 03:04:43 AM »
It is amazing. I would never call it dumb fun though. There are tricks to getting up through things used in getting secrets and challenges that would leave most anyone staring in disbelief at how pixel-perfect you have to be.

"dumb fun" is what i pretty much call anything i can pop in, play, and enjoy without too much thought(example, contra, you run around, and shoot things).  and, yeah, there are parts in the game which made me think (figuring out bosses for example, or even certain parts of a level) but for the most part, shootan, grapplan, and the fundamental thing which makes a good game, fun.

not to mention, infinite continues makes getting killed not such a big deal.   but i mean, if anyone somehow didn't like the original (or like me, didn't play the original until recently) this game, while very similar, improves apon the original quite a bit.

but uhh to mortified, its one of my pet peeves in games is mainly in rpg's(FINAL FANTASY GAMES ARE A MAJOR OFFENDER), but "stuff you can miss, and never get again".  i mean, im sorry i don't want to use a faq for the specific purpose of not missing something i can't get later in the game.  because of this, im just not going to get said item in the first place.  checking a faq every 5 minutes =/= fun.  i mean, i am a heavy faq user, but dark cloud 2 isn't one of those games you really need a faq for.  anyway, so far, i am enjoying it (again), lets see how many dungeons i can last and keep the experience fresh.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1311 on: August 17, 2008, 03:13:06 AM »
Usually "stuff you can miss and never get again" is stuff that's not even required to finish the game, so I don't understand your big piss about it.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1312 on: August 17, 2008, 03:20:36 AM »
its the principle of the thing


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1313 on: August 17, 2008, 04:32:45 AM »
but uhh to mortified, its one of my pet peeves in games is mainly in rpg's(FINAL FANTASY GAMES ARE A MAJOR OFFENDER), but "stuff you can miss, and never get again".  i mean, im sorry i don't want to use a faq for the specific purpose of not missing something i can't get later in the game.  because of this, im just not going to get said item in the first place.  checking a faq every 5 minutes =/= fun.  i mean, i am a heavy faq user, but dark cloud 2 isn't one of those games you really need a faq for.  anyway, so far, i am enjoying it (again), lets see how many dungeons i can last and keep the experience fresh.

lol wut? I never said it was a "if you miss it you can never get it again" type thing. I just think you can get all of the supplies/pictures for it in he first town, and it's awesome, so you should get it ASAP. Also try and take pictures of everything you can think of.

and yeah, that zodiac spear business of 12 really pissed me off. Then again, so did a lot of the things in FF12, that game could have been infinitely better.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1314 on: August 17, 2008, 04:46:41 AM »
well my response was mainly because im a nigger.  but in general, im not a big fan of the invention system.  IM NOT GOING TO DENY HOWEVER that it is a pretty neat idea, and it does work well, i just simply don't like it.

and yeah, the zodiac spear bullshit was lame.  "ohh damn, i can't get the best weapon in the game because i accidentally opened A COMPLETELY UNRELATED RANDOM TREASURE CHEST FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME"


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1315 on: August 17, 2008, 09:30:42 AM »
So I spent all of yesterday reading 1984. Pretty good book, it just would've been a lot better if I hadn't read it in one day >_>

Also, forecast calls for a direct or near-direct hit by a very strong tropical storm/ cat. 1 hurricane on the first day of school (tuesday). Metal. Maybe they'll postpone school starting for a day.

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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1316 on: August 17, 2008, 02:39:39 PM »
i forgot something about this game.

its actually kind of hard.

second floor of the rainbow butterfly forest...regular enemy, max dies in two hits from full health.

well since i did rush through the first dungeon, yeah.  ill just grind a bit on the first level of this dungeon, get a weapon level or two, and make my ridepod fully upgraded, since he is basically the equivalent to cheating as far as i remember.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 03:20:36 PM by vladgd »


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1317 on: August 17, 2008, 02:53:49 PM »
There are no entirely missable items in FF12. Even the Zodiac Spear, but it's entirely ridiculous to try to do it the other way. And really, the Zodiac Spear isn't that great. It has the highest attack but it's not very fast and doesn't combo well. The Masamune does a MUCH better job, considering it regularly hits 5 times per round of attacks.

In FF12 International (which of course only Japan got), they made it so you had to actually pick classes for each of your guys and they each got a unique license board that was for that job. And they rebalanced drops and what enemies dropped. And then added a TON of new stuff, like a bow with something like 220 attack and a 2H Sword that was almost as good. And a second version of the Masamune that was one handed and had an even HIGHER combo rate. AND they made it so if you held L1, the game would go in double speed. And you had full control over summons and guest characters. Why the hell did we not get that that would've made the game unbelievably amazing. Oh, it also had a trial battle mode with the last battle being against all 5 judges at once. Which is ridiculous.

I really loved FF12. The writing was an absolute new level for RPGs. It made nearly everything else that year look so...pedestrian. The story itself is actually pretty good too if you just bumrush the game so you don't have 14 hours between story segments. Although parts near the end aren't explained well enough and the ending is fairly abrupt. I want to say that's probably because the main writer for the game had to be taken off the project when he got sick.

Also, hahaha people are so terrible at Bionic Commando. Help with Challenge #10? If you can't even get through that, what hope do you have of even beating the game ever? People can't even find the green comm chip! It's in one of the first main camps! You just walk into a door and it's just sitting there.


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1318 on: August 17, 2008, 04:03:06 PM »
What the gay, I'm leaving Taiwan today. =(

That's a bummer, why?


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Re: Lame Replies Thread, With A Vengeance
« Reply #1319 on: August 17, 2008, 04:05:09 PM »
its the principle of the thing
so I bet you were angry when you found out that you missed the hidden uber javelin and shield in Final Fantasy Tactics

or when you didn't get Leviathan in Final Fantasy IV

or when you didn't get half of the espers or characters at the end of Final Fantasy VI

or thousands of other examples in the Final Fantasy series I could think of that actually have little relevance to the completion of the game!

it's really a silly thing to get annoyed about.  So somebody looked in some places harder?  Square's just giving them a small bonus for being that dedicated.  None of the shit's actually necessary to complete the game (you can beat FFVI with three characters, you DON'T need Leviathan or Ashura, and superweapons are NOT important in FFT).  You're complaining because some people did a better job at playing the game than you, and therefore got better items/characters/summons/whatever for doing such.

edit: sorry, it's just ridiculous to complain because your piece of cake got slightly less icing than somebody else's. :(
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 04:08:50 PM by Rowan »