Author Topic: Obama wins - FATALITY  (Read 10071 times)


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Obama wins - FATALITY
« on: November 04, 2008, 11:11:20 PM »
People in our dorm floor are going wild. The fat douche that no one likes is threatening to move to Canada and is being met with encouragement. There's some woman repeatedly screaming "OBAAAAAMAAAA" outside that I can hear quite clearly from the fourth floor. I'm happy, mostly because the shady neoconservative tactics and mudslinging ads didn't pay off, and I'm looking forward to a better America. One of my black friends got a message from his mom, which is as follows:


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« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 11:15:21 PM by Vyhd »


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 11:15:50 PM »
Who gives a shit?

Also: why is that dude moving to Canada? I know there's a conservative PM currently, but I read that Canadian politics is made up more of "revenge politics" than actual ideology, so...?

EDIT: Black people are dumb. They think race is the deciding factor in everything, and will blindly vote for Obama no matter what. He could say that he plans on exterminating all of them, and they'd cheer and say "BLACK PRESIDENT YEAHHHHH"

Fucking niggers, I hate them. And this is coming from a half-black guy.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 11:18:07 PM by v33mon »


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 11:18:06 PM »
Let's see...



Happeh Jupi.  <3
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 11:19:53 PM »
At least this time it's a very clear win, unlike the last couple of elections.

Anyways, I'm pretty happy about it, but there's not much crazy going on here. I did get excited texts from all of my friends, though.

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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 11:23:37 PM »
EDIT: Black people are dumb. They think race is the deciding factor in everything, and will blindly vote for Obama no matter what. He could say that he plans on exterminating all of them, and they'd cheer and say "BLACK PRESIDENT YEAHHHHH"

Fucking niggers, I hate them. And this is coming from a half-black guy.

Which is pretty crazy racist. I dunno about you, but I'm in contact with actual black people. Most of them support Obama because the economy sucks and they don't have a lot of money. Others are tired of the policies that drove our country into the ground and made it the laughingstock of the world. Some support him just because he's black. Some white people don't support him just because he's black. I would bet it balances out.

The popular vote is closer than predicted, which indicates not all the people claiming to support him were actually voting for him. If anything, the data points towards losing votes from those that claimed support, and that more than balances out blind support from other voters.

As to my view, I'm not celebrating a black president, I'm celebrating a president with an even head, one that's shown the foresight to win an election without throwing around dirty accusations, that meets underhanded tactics blow-for-blow by taking the high road and informing people to their rights and filing lawsuits to call them out on their actions. One that shows a moral and logical character above and beyond that in most elected officials. One that made America excited about the right to vote, and encouraged America to vote. If you're too cynical to see past the color of his skin and towards the hope that he's given America for cleaner politics and a better future, then I'm truly sad for you.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 11:26:34 PM by Vyhd »


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2008, 11:45:06 PM »
Which is pretty crazy racist. I dunno about you, but I'm in contact with actual black people.

I live in the Bronx, in a 98-99% percent minority neighborhood, with about 30-35% of them black. I am in contact with black people, and they're basically all drug dealers, talk like they're retarded, and are generally trash.

Sorry I don't live in a rich neighborhood/college, where the blacks there can actually speak 2 sentences without saying "mah nigga."


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 11:49:34 PM »
Sorry I don't live in a rich neighborhood/college, where the blacks there can actually speak 2 sentences without saying "mah nigga."

If you think that Youngstown is a rich area you're sorely mistaken.  The suburbs around the downtown area are terrible neighborhoods, probably as bad or worse as some of the areas I've seen in Baltimore.

Just because the university he goes to is a bit more sane than the surrounding area doesn't mean anything.
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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2008, 11:54:18 PM »
Fucking niggers, I hate them. And this is coming from a half-black guy.

You're just mad because you wanted to be the first half black president.

Also, I find it funny that my grandpa, despite being a old white war veteran, voted for Obama. He really wasn't that hyped for either one, but he felt Obama was the lesser of two evils.


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2008, 11:54:43 PM »
I am just angry, my fault.

When you have the great majority of your antagonists in life be ghetto trash monkeys who think it's cool to make fun of you and generally look down upon you for anything, you'd tend to hate them too.

In general, I hate blacks, and basically always will. Go back to Africa if you like living in the trees, you dirty monkeys.

on-topic: Obama,'ll all be the same. Nothing will change, and the American people will refuse to have the coup I wish for every day, so idc about elections. They're all liars to me.


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2008, 11:59:43 PM »
If you think that Youngstown is a rich area you're sorely mistaken.  The suburbs around the downtown area are terrible neighborhoods, probably as bad or worse as some of the areas I've seen in Baltimore.

Just because the university he goes to is a bit more sane than the surrounding area doesn't mean anything.

Agreed...maybe in another thread Spec we can tell the folks not from the Y-town area about the infamous East Side.

As for me I am glad he won we need the change and hopefully in the right direction.

Second: My parents are both going to be pissed considering they are both republican (I have no idea why the fucking idiots)and the fact he won will only make my dad even a bigger raciest and against everything Obama does and it will be non-stop harrasment about me siding with a commie, nazi ect ect.

Third: I wanted him to win. Having the blood of a minority race (Native American) I support minorities and what not.  Not to mention he rarely mention that "god" was on his side and even though he might be religious but did not make it a big part of his campaign.

Hey Vyhd make a countdown until the current dick head gets out office.


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 01:02:30 AM »
Despite being Canadian, I care a lot about American Politics. It may not directly affect me very much, but Canada is very integrated with the US in some ways, and much of what affects the US also has a large impact on us, so I certainly care. And the fact that the US is a world superpower capable of deciding many international things that can and will affect us only makes things more important to me.

For example, issues like Net Neutrality, though most likely decided by American courts, can have a huge impact on how Canada will deal with it. As a whole, Canada is more liberal about freedom of the internet and such, but that doesn't mean we decide everything ourselves without looking at any precedents around the world.

And Identifying myself with (to some extent) Social Libertarianism, believing in Individualism and heavy freedom, I will generally tend towards the more liberal candidates anyway. As a Canadian who actually knows what having universal health care is like, I honestly hope you Americans finally smarten up and instate some form of health care above the evil system you have now. There is WAY too much wrong with how that system works.

And I think that maybe the fact that America is able to vote in a Black President means that America is willing to change. And that is definitely a good thing, because at the moment, America is looking like the big bad retard class bully who is always messing with everything and is too stupid to realize that it made a mistake.

I just hope Obama doesn't try to remove American presence from Iraq too early, because if that happens, the country very well could break up, or otherwise deteriorate much further than it already is. What is necessary is a massive rebuilding effort to restabilize the entire country, and an effort to completely wipe out all the insurgents. Of course, getting rid of the insurgents would have been a much less painful job if the boarders had been secured, since a good portion of insurgents are now coming in from neighboring countries.

In any case, I need to stop rambling.
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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 01:16:39 AM »
actually fuck you guys just kidding keep my quote in your sigs


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 09:14:43 AM »
Obama Wins---------Flawless Victory.
New updates for the pack Calamitous Strike posted here in my sig...also no PM's about BG's/BN's yet...I still need art for my songs.

Update: 9/28/08--Added expert difficulties for some songs and a hard difficulty
           9/30/08--Changed reasoning for song pack and added a few songs to Not Started
           10/5/08--Finished AA and have keyboard steps in the second parentheses
           10/14/08--Finished Do It Like We Do and working on a few new ones


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2008, 06:14:47 PM »
I'm still trying to figure out why so many people keep calling Obama a Socialist. Like, is it because he's trying to raise taxes on the wealthy? That's not socialism. Socialism would be if they actually took the taxes from the wealthy and spread it out over the poor directly. Using taxes on public programs and things that everyone benefits from isn't socialism at all.

Ahhh, it just bugs me that I have that one friend who's really really hardcore against Obama and is really mad about it and keeps complaining about this because his family's part of the "wealthy elite" that'll get taxed more.

Also, goddamn Independents screwing with getting Minnesota an actually good Senator. I sat there and watched as Franken was ahead by by 6% and then that slowly shrank as the Independent sat there and gained percentage until oops, Coleman's ahead by 700 votes and now we have to have a recount. Agggggh.


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Re: Obama wins - FATALITY
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2008, 09:04:25 PM »
Yeah, Canadians definitely care a lot about American politics.

And the thing that appalls me the most is that according to Readers Digest, Canadians preferred Obama 4.5:1 over McCain, and yet we for some strange reason voted the god damned conservatives in. It makes no sense to me.

I think Canada has a couple things to learn from American politics. Campaigning IS important. It helps people who don't know much about what you stand for find out. It helps get people in the mood to actually want to vote. However, it shouldn't be relied upon quite as much as it is in the US. Voting should still be about voting for the people you most believe in, and I think that the US has lost a lot of that in comparison with Canada, because of how much campaigning they have.

The other thing is that I think Canadians should be able to chose who they actually want running the country. Sometimes our parties vote someone that the majority of other people do not actually want running the country as their party leader (St
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