Author Topic: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)  (Read 20690 times)


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2009, 01:36:21 AM »
rage post

ok, it isn't me being a bad loser (sort of) but there's something about street fighter 4, that makes say losing nearly every single round rage inducing.

figured i had a temper problem with losing.  after playing some HD REMIX, i can verify that that isn't it.  playing a mix of zangief, and dee jay, losing 3/4 of the time, and not once did i get angry or frustrated, i was having fun the entire time. 

something about the mechanics of street fighter 4 that make losing suck.  im going to go out on a limb and say the high vitality of every character, the longer matches, and just the complexity of the game make it frustrating for a beginner of the game to get the hang of.  i like the game, but unless i understand the game more, im probably going to start playing less and less.  i have over 50 hours logged on and i can't even find a character im comfortable enough with to main, there is a problem here.  street fighter 2, i fuckin got comfortable with guile right away, i then quickly learned dee jay to have him be my second main.  for some reason while playing at a friends house on random, i stumbled apon gief, whom i continue to use to this day after a glorious night of asskickery.

maby i don't like the complexity of 4, maby i don't like matches that last longer than 30 seconds, maby i just don't like that smug look on kens face.  ill keep on truckin, i have to get decent at this motherfucker eventually.

blablabla, if hdremix was a person, id marry it.  I WOULD ALMOST GO TO COMPARE HD REMIX TO SOMETHING LIKE BRAWL AS MUCH AS I HATE TO ADMIT.  it's easy to learn, and it's fun(well...depending on the person, i got sick of smash bros back when melee was out, but obviously it's popular for a reason), nuff said.  though, like, hard to master, that's just what keeps you hooked.  "ok i know how to play, i can hold my own, each fight there's something to learn and apply to my game, the drive to get better keeps me playing, playing is fun, getting better is fun, ??? FUCKIN PROFIT"

you know, it doesn't matter what really the fighting game is about.  if you have a few bros to hang out with, they are roughly your skill level, good times are to be had.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 04:19:44 AM by vladgd »


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2009, 04:55:17 AM »

my true calling, WHY DID I EVER LEAVE YOU GIEF, WHY?!

every single time i hear that "FINAL.......ATOMIC......BUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" a tear comes out of my eye in happiness.  i don't fucking care if i win the game, but for that moment, i fucking destroyed that guy.

tried learning chun-li, but im not pro enough to use her.  the hours and hours and hours of gief i played in 2, while they don't help much here...ITS STILL GIEF AND I STILL LOVE HIM!

sorry eggman, but it was the only FAB image i could find.

ps: im still losing 9 out of every 10 games i play on championship mode.  player matches are iffy, sometimes you find a bro who is roughly your skill level (i went 14 and 25 with this one guy, he played a mean gouken, and yet it was good fun....when he didn't counter, fuck that move),'s like they cloned justin wong and he wants to destroy me.  AND AND AND, flowchart kens beat me.  that's how bad i suck.  even "jump in, kick, kick, mixup throw/uppercut...uppercut...uppercut...throw crossup" fucks my day.  starting to think i shouldn't play fighting games anymore, one of dem genres where being a person who is slow to learn, REALLY sucks ass.  not like i can 'get lucky' like i can in super turbo, or random shock combos in ut2k4.  ill probably continue to rant, because that's what i do.  it's unfortunate i can't stop playing this damn game, it's like im possessed to play more.  50 something hours logged on and nearly 700 matches and counting....who fuckin knows, maby if i stick with a character for once, ill probably be a challenge to these random dudes.


apparently i end the day nearly the opposite as i started it.  before work today, i fought a zangief player, i was chun li.  i perfected him, then destroyed him (non perfect, but close), he disconnected, i was happy.

playing championship today (6am)  as zangief got to the final round (yeah wtf?) akuma....he perfects me...then rapes me second round.

i decide whatever, i made it to the final round, im cool.  plus the guy played a damn good keepaway, props to him.

few minutes round again...who do i fight?  SAME AKUMA AS LAST TIME...


that's why i keep on playing, victories like that in the mountains and mountains of losses just feel damn good.  it's like fuckin potato chips, "just one more round...ONE MORE ROUND"


1268gp nigga

ohh and i smashed my ex2 into my knee several times, i hoped i broke it, but i only heavily dented the metal bottom, which i then bent back into place.  i don't take much kindly to SUPER KEEPAWAY AKUMAS THAT SPAM EVERY TYPE OF FIREBALL IMAGINABLE(valid strategy for akuma, annoying, but what else is he to do) AND FIND THE TIME TO TAUNT YOU WHILE THEY DO SO(sorry, but that's rude.  you try and be the gief player in this matchup, not fun at all), AND ARE COCKY ENOUGH TO WHISPER YOU DEATH THREATS FOR BEATING YOU IN A VIDEOGAME OVER THE INTERNET(grow up).

anyway, sometimes people can't seem to deal with my crossup HK atomic suplex mixed up with the ex version (same thing only it can absorb an attack and still connect).  last championship i beat was 1-1 on a sagat.  he opens up with some shit that halves my health, and leaves me on the other side of the screen.  i close the ground....and do my atomic suplex shenanigans, i must have timed it right since he either didn't try to do an uppercut, or couldn't do an uppercut, because that nigga was dead, and his cp became mine ;o

anyway, y'all know me by now heavily edited TLDR shit nobody reads about me ranting is what i do.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 12:17:32 AM by vladgd »


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2009, 01:19:47 AM »
Hooray, got my 100 wins achievement and Sunny Daze, so now I just need 300 more matches...guh..

I also actually won a tournament in Championship Mode. Fought a Balrog that I was sure I'd lose against (Balrog's final training title, icon I've never seen before, lots and lots of points) but ended up creaming him due to smart use of hooligans, which for whatever reason he never headbutted against. Oh well! I was kinda mad though as my Finals opponent was an Akuma and normally I'd be happy about that because he's an easy character to beat, but he also had very little GP/CP so I got like nothing from that fight.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2009, 03:04:10 AM »
So I played a bit of this today and I realized that I completely suck at it, and then beat a few of my friends. Also the music in this game is rather horrible. I liked what third strike did, but this was just meh. Then again I don't think anything will impress me like the GG soundtrack.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2009, 05:02:17 AM »
if you aren't at minimum "good" at the game, you will get obliterated online.  also i haven't played in like 3 days.  feels good man.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2009, 06:53:20 AM »
switched mains again after raging whilst being zangief.  chun li is my new home girl.  sure i win more with gief, and bison...but they aint as fun to play as chun. 

also like, hori's are fucking durable.  i smashed the thing with my knee a while back and it works fine even after heavily denting the steel bottom.  after fighting a sagat who played like an ADD kid who had too much candy (it was like he was spaming shit, and my controller was unplugged...because nothing i did came out) i smashed my fist against the joystick with force intending to break the thing, only to loosen the ball top.  crazy glue and screwing it back on (surprised it wasn't glued in in the first place, fucker was on tight) and it's fine. 

being on the receiving end of gief this time, i realize how bullshit he is at my level of play.  if i make a mistake, i get hit hard, if he has ultra, i lose.  also what the fuck is up with gief's atomic suplex BEATING HIS FUCKING ULTRA.  this gief i fought acted as if he hacked the game to make shit have priority over mine.  doesn't help that if he coughs on me, i lose half my health bar(probably one shot seth with a jab), when it takes 30 attacks to dent him.

anywho, i really fucking want to stop playing this game, i hate it.  but for some reason, i can't quit playing it, which is why when im raging and attempting to break the controller, im pissed when it still works fine, because because of that im still playing the damn game. 

ive said the same thing 5 times over, whatever.  to end my bad FOURTY MATCHES IN A ROW LOSING STREAK i did beat an akuma with a few marvelous psychic ultra's.  "ohh no, in a corner, knocked down...CHARGE FOR ULTRA HES GOING TO THROW A FIREBALL........fireball..ultra..CHUN LI WINS!"

plus i guess poking is fun, air throws are fun, and her jump hp > hp is really nice....same with my random ass cjab cjab chp cmp jump back fireball that i do for some reason.  ill have to browse up on srk for some bnb combos.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2009, 06:57:26 AM by vladgd »


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2009, 03:52:25 AM »
is it sad that i can consistently win with ryu, almost only doing jump jrh followed by crh.  mixing it up with a few throws, kicks, and 3 hit combos.

i don't even fucking know how to play as ryu, and im winning more with him than people ive played 20+ hours with.

the priority on dragon punch and jump in roundhouse is retarded.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 05:54:07 AM by vladgd »


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2009, 12:41:51 PM »
I gotta play this again soon, haven't played it for a while. Any challengers?!!?


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2009, 11:05:27 PM »
when im on im generally only playing sf2 or sf4.  so yeah, hit me up IF we are ever online at the same time (i play random and late)

also, made it to g2.  beat a guile who was clearly better than me(seems if im going for an airthrow, but they decide to airthrow, it has priority over mine), but at the same time, made a lot of mistakes against my chun. 


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2009, 12:06:55 AM »
FINALLY got around to putting some more time into SF4. So far I'm liking Zangeif a bit, but his super/ultra is harder then balls on a 360 controller. His one full circle throw seems to have some amazing priority and has a TON of damage.

Also El Fuerte seems jawesome. He has low health and takes more damage then I think he should, but he's so quick and he has a fuckwin Ultra. Not sure why I'm awlays atracted to the odd ball character (not sure if it's him, or Blanka) in fighters but they always have the funnest play styles.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2009, 02:50:56 AM »
blanka is a turtle faggot, don't pick him.  he's like sf2 guile in terms of turtling (then again, so is the entire game)

i hate fuerte too.  don't play me online or ill block you.

fuck, i hate most of the roster, why do i continue to play this game?


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2009, 11:21:48 AM »
Hey heyheyheyheyhey! Easy on the Blanka bashing now! I don't turtle with him, and you know that. Only people who don't know how to use him turtle with him.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #42 on: May 21, 2009, 03:37:13 PM »
i hate fuerte too.  don't play me online or ill block you.

fuck, i hate most of the roster, why do i continue to play this game?

What's the matter? Is it because I'm IN DE STRUCTIBLE.

Also you'd probably destroy me if we played, something about SF has always eluded me.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #43 on: May 21, 2009, 10:32:57 PM »
Also you'd probably destroy me if we played, something about SF has always eluded me.

id hope so, i have some 900 matches and 60+ hours of gameplay, i had better be AT MINIMUM a sub par player.


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Re: Stree Fighter 4 (Xbox 360)
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2009, 09:03:20 PM »
I dont really understand how this championship mode works.
I did one, and beat everyone easily, won, and got a bunch of numbers....What now?

*Edit*  Just won a second one in a row.
I have 4230 CP and 194 GP. What are they for.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 09:13:41 PM by NewF »