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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2018, 10:57:41 PM »
I've binging youtube for any classic wow content I can find, and I found a video talking about things people like about the game and I heard a very good point nobody really talks about.

People talk about pvp and raiding as core things they enjoy, but what about...leveling?

Leveling in retail is just a small speedbump that gets in the way of endgame, and in vanilla it's not too far off to say leveling in vanilla is most of the entire experience. Not everybody even made it to 60, let alone raided or did level 60 pvp. I get making leveling shorter because you now have a million expansions of content to level through, but with level scaled zones now a days, maybe it's time to slow it down so people can see more of the world? I think lich king is where it started to be a less meaningful part of the game, because even in TBC it took a long time to hit 60-70. I took 9 days, but I also played like a no lifer doing multiple 48 hours without sleep...still, now a days after what, some zangarmarsh you're already 70? In tbc, it took doing like every quest in every zone, and while there were leftover quests, you basically seen the majority/entirety of every zone minus some shadowmoon valley or netherstorm whichever you did last. Shit I REALLY liked tbc, but, past vanilla every expansion has been downhill. I stuck with vanilla for the entirety of vanilla, from the start(literally created my account ~3 weeks after the game came out), to the release of tbc. Even have the tabard you get from the tbc launch event in vanilla. I stuck with tbc for a few months and QUIT, like I didn't see the end of it, or ANY expansion in this games history. I've played them (sans pandaria), but I play them, hit level cap, see some max level stuff, and quit. It's like a retail single player videogame to me, and not a world I want to log on to for the social aspects. I used to log on just to fish and talk in guild chat, I just don't get that anymore.

I'm starting to think a solution to this would be to make a new mmo entirely, they have more IP's than just warcraft. Maybe take the heroes of the storm ALL OF BLIZZARD IP'S MASHED INTO ONE idea into an mmo? Level 5 hydralisk, lets go!

Ohh and if you roll hunter, a class I personally find mostly useless for pve...not useless at all in pvp. Mage/hunter team in bg's/world pvp? UNSTOPPABABL!

Last thing today...

...bout...fucking...time...MONTHS to get that fucker. At least my 15 dollars wasn't totally wasted.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2018, 02:31:59 PM »
Dude, leveling is one of the reasons I want classic servers! I leveled my hunter through vanilla during TBC (so, for the most part, I had a mostly-vanilla experience) and it is what made me fall in love with the game. There was always a sense of both danger and discovery. Furthermore, if you follow a lot of the side quests you get around town it sends you all over the damn place, where you run into more and more content.

Wrath is what started the trend where each zone had its own storyline that you'd play through and Cataclysm basically took that style and ran with it. Legion made it borderline impossible to avoid any area (at least at launch--pretty sure you can skip that now). It truly felt like the game lost a lot when I got to Northrend. It was still good, it was still challenging, but when I started leveling my second character through it I started to realize how signposted everything truly was and how any sense of emergence was just lost. I get that they only had limited space to work with, but TBC was able to pull off something far more organic in the same amount of space, so that's not really an excuse.

I've played through to the end game with every expansion from Wrath onward. I really, truly do love Wrath. I feel like it's right about where Blizzard hit the sweet spot between accessibility and hardcore (and considering that's when it reached its peak sustained subscriber count, I think a lot of people agreed). That being said, I didn't experience the vanilla and TBC endgames, so who knows? I might have enjoyed one of those more had I been around.

That said, Wrath was far more enjoyable as a solo experience because of how unbelievably fucky phasing was (and still is, honestly). Getting ICC groups teleported in was a goddamn nightmare because it was borderline impossible to find two people in Icecrown who were on the same phase for some ungodly reason. You'd think the area immediately surrounding the summoning stone would be in its own little phase, but, you know...Blizzard. Phasing was pretty much step one in giving each player their own "story." Nothing benefits a massively multiplayer game than not being able to see someone in your party because you completed one more quest in a chain than they did.

I'm really not sure that Blizzard creating a new MMO would fix anything, honestly. All they'd end up doing is taking the things we dislike about WoW and shifting them into a different IP (or set of IPs). Note that the same thing that happened to WoW (overbearing story, greatly simplified core mechanics, etc) ended up making their way to Diablo 3. The cutscenes in D3 still greatly impact the game to this day, even if you set them to auto-skip. In many cases you'd start to enter the boss chamber and it would teleport you forward into a preset position. All in the name of a story that people generally felt was meh (let's not even get into the many problems that I have with RoS's story...ugh). Go figure.

I'm kind of torn between hunter and warlock, to be honest. I have a lot of good memories of huntarding, but I never truly got to experience warlocks. Maybe I'll fiddle around on my personal server and make a decision based on that. I don't want to end up getting to level 40 and regretting everything.

Congrats on the green proto! That little bastard's eluded me for years (just like the FUCKING RAVEN LORD). <_<
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #62 on: May 16, 2018, 12:46:26 AM »
I think the game at this point needs to remove "traditional" levels. They revamped the professions to where if you have 1 enchanting or whatever prof, when you start bfa, you start at 1, not at whatever level you were in legion or draenor. Each expansion is like a clean slate, for professions.

I don't think it's so farfetched for say...the expansion after bfa to eliminate the standard leveling system. Instead of going to 130, I think the baseline will be a static power level, and when you enter an expansion, you play through zones to obtain power up to some predetermined point. So if I wanted to roll a monk of which I don't have one, I could just roll one and already be ready for the current expansion content, then play that to be up to snuff. If I say waited till the expansion after, it would roll over, kinda like how purchasing the game now gives you all but the most recent expansion.

The only issue I see with that, they'd lose money in preorder incentives (FREE max level character boost), and paid level boosts.

Either way, I think the game is kind of too bloated at this point. WoW 2 has to be a thing they are talking about internally right? But if this game continues to print money, why bother with the immense amount of money and resources required to make a brand new AAA mmo. I think they need to have a new game, with leveling being just as important as the endgame.

While on wacky things they could do to make things better. Warcraft 4. How to do it with WoW existing? Blizzard aint afraid to do stupid shit, horde being an elf faction, story all sorts of wack? They aint new to funky stuff. So, split timeline. Draenor was a time traveley split timeliney type of thing. Do it again, have WoW continue in it's own timeline, and warcraft 4 exist in a seperate one. PROBLEM SOLVED blizzard you're free to make a new RTS.

...last but not least, I got my shin megami tensei strange journey coming in the mail tomorrow, in the meantime...trollin' around with the mage on lights hope. The more I play, the more I know for damn sure my main (or at least first 60) is mage. Frost tree is freaking stupid, you get tallents to double crit damage AND 50% crit rate on frozen targets? Goddamn boo, I want to pvp with this fucker.

I see almost literally no flaws in the mage. The only flaw, no heals, no tankey, but make up for it in being a god. free drinks, teleports any city you want, best gold farm in the game, solid leveling, great cc, great aoe. my ninja, what is the mage even bad at? low health? like it matters with all of the cc and utility. vanilla really sided on "pure" classes over hybrids, if you want to look at the best classes in the game being the holy qua?trinity. warrior, mage, priest, rogue. Don't even need any of the other classes really. Could even cut the rogue out of there because the warrior is so busted they take best (only!) tank slot, and with gear can out dps rogues, it's silly. Not saying other classes are useless (though hunters and druids I'd put on the bottom of the totem pole), but it ain't balanced and never pretended to be. pvp mixes it up a bit, since theres a lot more specs viable in pvp than in pve. ele sham is 100% useless garbage in pve, pretty good in pvp.

I probably repeated a lot of stuff but whatevs, vanilla is great. Best flavor of warcraft.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2018, 08:54:42 AM »
I agree entirely. That's something that Blizzard hasn't been doing a great job keeping up with. As far as professions are concerned, they felt awful to grind through even as early as WotLK.

Even if they squashed the leveling experience down to make more expansions overlap (say, make it so that you theoretically wouldn't even have to go to Outland or Northrend at all if you didn't want to) that would drastically improve the experience for newer players. Even nowadays, BC and even WotLK (to a lesser extent) feel like completely different games. Not to mention that they basically hit the pause button on the current story, seeing as BC and Wrath technically take place in the past from the perspective of any new, post-Cataclysm character.

Blizzard has also been pushing the linear story angle for a very long time, so levels have become largely redundant. It's like Diablo 3's original difficulty system: the only reason they followed that path is because it was traditional.

WoW 2 would definitely prove to be a nice, clean break. It would pretty much automatically sort out all of the retcons, anachronisms, etc, with the previous game. I think the only thing that might give them pause is that they'd be stuck in an EverQuest situation: forced to support both games to some extent. WoW remains popular enough that rolling out a new MMO, even based in the same universe, would be tricky. Then again, Blizzard has more than enough cashola to support a move like that.

And yes, Warcraft 4 needs to bloody happen. Maybe they can put the writers who keep shoving linear, guided, ego-tripping storylines into WoW onto that project (where it would be way more appropriate!) and assign writers who are better versed at world building to the MMO.

For some reason I didn't even consider the mage. Definitely not a bad idea.

I also just realized one huge silver lining of vanilla: no goddamn paladins and pretty-boy elf lovers on the Horde side. That alone is a cause for a celebration!
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2018, 01:38:21 AM »
I literally only experienced the leveling when I played vanilla. Quit just before tbc with a lvl 42 human pally because I have horrible luck. Thanks for nerfing my class choice before I started playing blizz. I enjoyed the hell out of following the quests all over and just exploring the world, reading the quest lore text and shit. Unfortunately I was very bad at actually leveling efficiently and got bored of things when the exp to level got worse at lvl 40.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #65 on: May 19, 2018, 08:42:36 PM »
I don't know what you're talking about. Paladin is great, it's just leveling is kinda boring with them, since all they really got is auto attack...they'll survive anything though. Paladin being alliance only and shaman being horde only, check this shit out.

World first to finish the LAST BOSS of a raid has mostly been horde, because of one single guild, but look at the rest, it's 95% alliance, why?


They're fantastic, and in pvp they are THE best pvp healer in the game bar none.

Just don't jump into them thinking the class fantasy is class reality in classic world of warcraft, they're healers/support, and nothing else.

Leveling does get longer every 10 levels, so you're correct on that accord. 1-10 is pretty quick, 10-20 is fairly long, 20-30, you're feeling it, 30-40, marathon mode, 40-50 you should have your mount...and you'll need it since the xp don't get easier, 50-57/8 at least you got BRD. 58-60, shut up and grind, it sucks.

If I did it as a warrior in vanilla (warrior has community opinion of being THE hardest class to level in vanilla), anybody can do it with any other class.

Really just don't go into a hybrid class expecting to dps, or tank. You can tank lower level instances fine, but the higher level stuff mostly ain't viable. Also probably don't play druid in general.

Hitting 60 is a long ride though. I'd recommend trying not to rush it, take your time, explore and enjoy all of that jazz. It's not a race.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2018, 12:08:37 PM »
I got to play a bit of the BfA beta on a friend's account yesterday. Blizzard made some really bizarre UI changes. There are now 5 action bars instead of 6, with the one next to the main action bar being 6-slots instead of 12 (there are still 6 action bars, all of which are 12-slots, internally, so third-party action bar replacements still work).

Aside from that, let's just say that I really fucking hate the fact that Sylvannas is Warchief even more now than I did, and that's saying something.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #67 on: May 23, 2018, 07:53:20 PM »
Your post, plus me watching this video...

I think it's kinda possible?

Fuck I'd buy it, if I knew ps4/pc would be on the same server. It won't, so if it happens, I'm not buying. Still, an interesting possibility.

Totes agree on the Sylvannas thing. I kinda don't like the horde at all after...vanilla. We got two kinds of elves now(I actually kinda like nightborne so...not really too mad at that), and a goddamn elf runs the show, an evil fucker at that. I guess that's why I'm alliance on retail.

So that's how it be. Did wailing caverns last week to get muh crescent staff. Took...over 2 hours, didn't really wipe or anything, it's just long. The more I play, I know for damn sure I want to find a group of like minded people to guild with. Going solo is fine and dandy for experiencing the game, and since it's not retail I'm not taking it too serious. But when it's out, I really want to go hard this game. Plus on a pvp server, if you run with 2-3 people questing(2 is probably optimal due to exp splitting in group), you ain't as likely to get ganked/camped. There is talk of a new server opening up on lights hope....june 23? So I might roll an alliance paladin on that fresh server to experience alliance 1-20 again. Retail for sure troll mage doe, class/race/faction is locked in at this point, thanks private servers!

« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 07:55:34 PM by vladgd »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #68 on: May 23, 2018, 11:35:45 PM »
Sure. I mean, Squeenix did it with both FF11 (crossplay between PS2 and PC) and FF14 (PS4 and PC). Blizzard is simplifying WoW so much that I don't see how controller play wouldn't be possible. Even if they don't add controller support, you can always connect a Bluetooth or USB keyboard/mouse to a PS4 with no problem. FF11 made use of the rarely-used USB ports on the PS2 to allow keyboard/mouse use.

I honestly can't see Classic coming to PS4, however. For one, if Blizzard doesn't want to get burned at the stake, they're going to have to make a ton of changes to vanilla in order to make that a possibility, and if it's a "series reboot" as is speculated, people are going to feel absolutely betrayed by it. I mean, they could definitely take the keyboard/mouse route with that, but you just need to fiddle with too many buttons in order to make vanilla even feasible. If they made that playable on controller it would end up being a highly compromised experience. I also can't really imagine playing anything pre-Warlords with the stock UI. Addons are so useful that it's basically given Blizzard a free pass to do the absolute bare minimum when it comes to that. Honestly, most of the reasons I use ElvUI in WoW just come with the stock UI in SW:TOR and FF14. Granted, you can't go beyond that in those two games, but at least the out of the box customization is significantly richer.

Even retail is going to be a hard sell for one reason: DBM. Blizzard is either going to basically need to integrate that into the stock UI package or somehow convince Sony to allow addons (fat chance of that happening). A lot of people argue that you don't need DBM but...well, I'm willing to bet that they either haven't raided recently or haven't gotten past LFR. Blizzard has stated that they specifically design fight mechanics with DBM in mind. I haven't raided too much in Legion, but I can say with certainty and experience that the Ursoc fight in Emerald Nightmare has such quick tank swaps that if the tanks have to call each fight, the raid leader wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise if someone else were screwing up. On our first week the OT didn't have DBM and it was a ginormous mess of everyone talking over one another. He got DBM afterwards and the fight immediately went much smoother.

As far as the Horde goes, Thrall was alright. I was incredibly leery of Garrosh, but at the start of Cataclysm he was alright until Blizzard decreed that HE MUST BE EVIL AND DISHONORABLE ALL OF A SUDDEN. I mean, he fucking throws someone off of a spire because they nuked Kaldorei Hogwarts but then turns around and nukes Theramore? What the everloving fuck!

Then Vol'jin stepped up and I was pretty much cheering until my voice gave out. Theeeeeen they immediately killed him off because OMG BOOBS, and that's been turning out about as well as I thought it would (#NotMyWarchief). At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Jaina became our next Warchief. Blizzard's just lost the fucking plot lately. Literally.

*takes a deep breath*

I didn't get a chance to try out a DK on BfA. Hopefully it's better than it was in Legion, because blood suuuuuuuuucked. Blizzard deciding that we didn't need physical mitigation (they allowed us far fewer blood shields with the rune/RP changes, then took icebound fortitude away from blood--they fixed the latter in 7.1 at least) fucked us in the early endgame wasn't even the worst part. They just took away every last bit of nuance. Literally every other class (and even spec--I enjoyed frost for the first time since frost tanking was a thing!) felt better. Ugh.

I'm probably going to roll on a PvE server whenever I do the Classic thing. I just like to be able to solo level once in a while without stressing. I don't mind PvP if it's a fair fight (I actually had a fun little druid vs. druid skirmish in Stranglethorn once--we knocked off about half of our health pools before /hugging and walking away), but in my experience on a PvP realm (a few months in WotLK and whenever Legion decided to x-realm me into a fucking PvP realm just because someone in my raid group happened to be in one) I've found that it almost never is. I'm sure that would be less of an issue with a smaller pop, but I just don't want to deal with that.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #69 on: May 25, 2018, 06:52:14 PM »
Ohh no way in hell classic would work on console, but the current game probably would be fine.

I'm going to go on a little about pvp for a moment. PvP in the current game, world pvp, ain't worth a damn, I've been on PvE since lich king. Vanilla though, PvE literally feels like part of the game is missing, like I can't even fathom why one would roll a vanilla rogue on a PvE server because of all they can do on a PvP server. There's a huge HUGE difference between vanilla and any other expansion for world pvp, and that's the absence of flying. No flying, no phasing, no cross realm, so that fucker that ganked you, you can get revenge. Unless they hearth, they'll still be there.

I do get not wanting random high levels coming down to ruin your day, but I think it's part of the experience. Seeing the world defense channel (remember that?) having people get ganked by a higher level, and requesting help, that's where the fun is imo. World pvp isn't fair, you will die, and there's nothing you can do about it, but it's fun that a gank can call for high level re inforcements, on one end, to end the conflict, or have more reinforcements from the other into a little mini spontaneous war. It's a cool dynamic I miss from the old game, the whole community aspect of each individual server is more impactful when you have pvp in the mix. 

Still going to have people camp you, and potentially force you to level in another zone or area, but that's part of it. I managed two 60's on PvP servers on vanilla, and I got my shaman to 70 week freaking one on tbc on a PvP server (week 1 = nobody had a flying mount), and it was great. I never understood why lich king needed to seperate players to two zones because I literally didn't have any issues in hellfire peninsula day one launch of the game on a pvp server. Also you get situations when raiding, all 40 people roll out, and you run into an alliance guild going to the same place at the same time...It's like av happening in the world spontaneously, its glorious.

Either way I'm not hating, maybe you'll level an alt on pvp so we can level together in the future or something. Believe me, I get the appeal of pve, I did that from lich king to present. I just feel pvp in vanilla (and maybe tbc) made a nice experience, and forces people to work together even more to get by. It's an MMO and the more reasons to force people to team up, the better, else I could play a single player game that doesn't force a subscription fee upon me.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2018, 07:21:00 PM »
It's going to depend on the player count, methinks. If they can maintain a solid player count in each shard then I can see world PvP working as you describe. Thing is, as you know, BC and WotLK fractured the world to the point that trying to get said reinforcements was a chore. All it took was a few bored top level players and you'd be unable to do much of anything, period. I probably would have enjoyed that sort of experience more when I was younger, but now I honestly can't be bothered. I have too many other hobbies and games and too little free time to be stopped dead in my tracks by a few unskilled hacks who have higher numbers than I do. I can see the appeal for some, but it's just not for me.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to rolling an alt and leveling as a group in a PvP server. That alone can even the playing field by quite a bit (and make it pretty much impossible for a single rogue to stun lock someone to death). WorldDefense would also actually work in vanilla seeing as there's only two continents to contend with.

Also, there is definitely some form of emergent PvP even on PvE realms, though it does obviously work a lot differently. "The Crossroads (or Tarren Mill if you're an easterner) is Under Attack," after all, and you can't turn in your quests until you deal with the Alliance menace. :) It's just a bit more moderated, I guess. I've come to the defense of Thrallmar, the Crossroads, and capital cities on numerous occasions and I liked being able to participate on my own terms.

I think WotLK did the two zone thing solely because of the player count. I played it very early on and the sheer volume of players pretty much broke the game entirely--I can't even imagine what it would have been like if everyone had been dropped into a single zone. It's a problem that Blizzard never really solved before CRZ was rolled out across the board. As much as I loathe it for the reworked Cataclysm zones and BC/WotLK mining (where there simply aren't enough nodes/mobs to go around), it had the effect of making player counts drop in crowded areas for the most part. I remember Mists and Warlords both being borderline unplayable in the first week due to the sheer volume of players that got funneled into the single starting zones of those expansions.

THAT SAID, CRZ really loves to fuck everyone over so it can eat a big, sweaty dick. I can't count the number of times it put me in zones that were so Alliance-heavy that there were almost no mobs left for me to kill. Nice faction balancing you've got there, Blizzard. That seems to happen the most in Spires of Arak. Naturally, it's one of my favorite questing zones, so it annoys the piss out of me whenever it happens.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #71 on: June 21, 2018, 12:56:04 AM »

Looks like Blizzard is taking an interesting approach to how they're going to implement WoW Classic.

To summarize: they decided to replicate 1.12, dusted off their archives, and were able to get a client/server build up and running. However, as I suggested, they were 13 years behind on critical security updates, ran into hardware compatibility issues in some cases, and obviously it didn't support their new login system at all. Instead of trying to maintain two divergent code branches (which is difficult for a small project, let alone a project with that level of complexity), they are porting the old data to run on their new server infrastructure with a modern client, and they're showing every indication of following the #NoChanges mindset along the way.

I suspect there are going to be some things that feel a bit different as a result of this, but I suspect that using a newer client is going to generally be a positive. I'm thinking that the shenanigans that you could pull off with addons in 1.x (like addons that would basically just let you "play" a class with a single button) will, I imagine, be nullified with the secure action system. At the same time, the new APIs introduced later on will more than likely work, so I would assume that some modern addons will still work so you won't have to hunt down ancient scraps of Lua and XML in order to watch your threat. Speaking of threat, if the new APIs are available, the threat API that was introduced in 3.x should be there as well so Omen won't have to guess like it did in Vanilla/TBC.

Much of the WoW UI is defined by XML and Lua code, so I imagine that after they port the old code to the new engine it'll look the same. The option pages will probably still look modern, but that's not really a bad thing. One of the main drawbacks of Vanilla is that it runs on DirectX 9 and OpenGL. The former isn't exactly a first-class citizen in modern Windows versions, and macOS is deprecating OpenGL so the latter is far less appealing. The newer engines can use DirectX 11 (maybe 12 in BfA, though that won't matter too much at this time), Vulkan, and Metal (on macOS), so the graphic APIs will be fully modernized, ensuring compatibility with modern systems. The only downside is that you won't be able to dust off an old XP box or PPC Mac and play Classic with them. Oh no.

So yeah, color me intrigued. Definitely interested in reading more about this.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #72 on: June 26, 2018, 02:09:55 PM »
Might be surprising from me, but im not #nochanges.

For one, it's impossible, they have to tinker around with stuff to get it on modern infrastructure. For two, not all changes are awful.

Paying for a max level character, elllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll naw.

But stuff like, OPTIONAL toggle for new character models and whatnot? I don't see why people get uppity over that, since ideally it'll be default to old models, and you don't have to see them.

As long as the spirit of the original is kept in tact, im fine with whatever....mostly. I don't want any balance changes or any of that, with the (actually non biased) shaman rework that never happened because tbc came out being a possibility. Every class in the game got a major rework to my knowledge, minus shaman which is the least changed class in vanilla iirc. I'm more #minimalchanges because not all changes are equal.

I did forget to mention I got into the BFA beta, but besides making a character...I haven't really played at all.  I'm actually contemplating skipping BFA since having leveled 8? characters to max level in legion, it kind of takes the meaning out of it for me. Sorta similar to diablo 3 seasons where you get god tier gear...then next season its meaningless, then you get even more god tier gear...wiped clean again. It's fine and dandy, but after a few cycles of that, who cares about gear/leveling when you know the outcome wont last the next few months.

Being forced to work for something makes it worth a lot more, and the current game does it so little, I don't even have the motivation to play it for free when they gave me a beta invite.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #73 on: June 29, 2018, 12:22:48 PM »
I tend to lean toward the minimal changes approach, myself. I certainly don't mind graphical updates and such as long as they keep the gameplay as similar as possible.

Even stuff like bringing in the mount selection screen from BC (well, it'd more likely be the Legion one) would be nice, since having mounts in your inventory is kind of silly. That said, I do plan on rolling a tauren, and their mount selection was extremely limited up through…3.0.8, I think? So yeah, gonna have to get used to seeing kodos again. :P

I fiddled around with the BFA beta on a friend's account and…ye gods, it's legit making me consider changing faction. Ugh. I just hope it gets better on the Horde side beyond the initial bits. At this point, I'd welcome another Warchief change.

I don't particularly mind the way that WoW handles gear (though I totally get why you might be burned out after leveling 8 characters in one xpac, heh). If I raid or grind dungeons I typically do it because I enjoy it—the gear is just a nice little bonus for doing that. It's a far cry from Diablo 3 seasons where you're literally doing the same thing from one season to the next.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2018, 11:34:11 AM »
How bout that blizzcon eh?

Ignoring the dumpster fire that was everything besides classic wow and WARCRAFT 3 REFORGED, I actually said last week before the announcement I wanted a warcraft 3 remaster over a diablo 2 remaster or even a diablo 4. I am quoted to say this at work, and I am very moist by the announcement. warcraft 3 is amongst the best videogames ever crafted by man, and my first dip into competitive 1v1 videogames over the internet, learning from loss without getting too upset, and trying to better myself., I am overall very pleased.

Summer release date marks a few things.

-Need to somehow get a new job that pays roughly what I make at 50 hours, with 40 hours...yeah good luck with that...mister I got no degree. If not, I'll still be able to put in some hours. I managed to beat a few games since the hour increase, so it can't be ALL bad. My body is already used to the workload, it's just a matter of less free time mostly.

-Laptop so I can play in my recliner without totally destroying my back at the desktop.

-Group of people to play with who aren't totally bumfuck casual, but also not "unemployed playing all day dedicate your life to the game" hardcore. I like progress, but even a nerd like me has some kind of a life, somehow.

-Based on the above point faction/race/class/professions. I want horde, but if the people I want to play with are alliance, it's fine.

If horde. Troll Mage, mining/engineering. Bank alt orc shaman or warrior, enchanting/???
If alliance. Dwarf Priest, mining/engineering (mining is a moneymaker, engineering for going bankrupt...err...PEE VEE PEE). Bank alt...some unclothed elf or something standing on a mailbox probably

My hype will die down before release, but damn if I got something nice to look forward to 2019, two nice things at that!

Now to find a laptop...