Author Topic: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.  (Read 294503 times)


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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #345 on: May 11, 2008, 08:06:03 AM »
I was gonna post last night, but there were too many of us hanging out at the computer, and I didn't feel like making them wait and watch me post here. I drank 6 Beers (my GF also drank 6, we had a 12 pack), walked one of my friends and my GF home, walked back, and went to bed. I've still got a 40 of beer left (that's a 1.8  L bottle).
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #346 on: May 11, 2008, 11:55:07 AM »
beer makes me piss

I wish that cake was a lie. :(

I guess he never figured out what Willis was saying :/


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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #347 on: May 11, 2008, 01:30:13 PM »
I would assume that unless you have a superhumanly large bladder, beer will always make you piss...
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #348 on: May 12, 2008, 01:34:00 AM »
I would assume that unless you have a superhumanly large bladder, beer will always make you piss...

Beer farts.
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #349 on: May 12, 2008, 10:07:07 PM »
My girlfriend is dying to try pot, for some reason. I suppose I'll try it with her, shouldn't be too traumatic.

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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #350 on: May 12, 2008, 10:33:58 PM »
My girlfriend is dying to try pot, for some reason. I suppose I'll try it with her, shouldn't be too traumatic.

It's actually quite fun. (Hence, why people do it)

That's the funny thing about alcohol and drugs. People often think, why do people do drugs? BECAUSE THEY FUCKING WORK. AND THEY MAKE YOU FEEL FUCKING GREAT. lmao. I think george carlin said that. (without my own twist)

I'd like to toke with my g/f sometime, lulz would probably ensue.

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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #351 on: May 13, 2008, 12:15:32 AM »
My girlfriend is dying to try pot, for some reason. I suppose I'll try it with her, shouldn't be too traumatic.

I normally don't advocate the use of drugs, but do it. It might make you paranoid, so just try and shrug that off, if you can relax you'll have a grand time.


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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #352 on: May 13, 2008, 07:42:05 AM »
I have to agree, just make sure you're in a nice setting, something familiar and stuff. Smoking up in someplace you don't know well, or are uncomfortable in can be bad. Oh, and if you get a little paranoid, just tell yourself it's the pot, and nothing will happen, and just ignore it. I've only really had slight paranoia from it, one time, when I was walking home. To me, the houses looked kinda evil, like they were watching me. But I shrugged it off, laughed, realizing it was the pot, and actually found it rather funny as I was walking.

Aside from that, make sure there's some food you can eat, if you get the munchies, it's never a good idea to try to order food from someplace when you're stoned, lol. Plus, eating is fucking amazing when you're stoned.
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #353 on: May 13, 2008, 06:26:47 PM »
420 everyday get

smoking is a wonderful thing any everyone should smoke pot at least once in their life.


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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #354 on: May 13, 2008, 11:29:17 PM »
I would have to agree. It pisses me off to no end how some people can attack drugs without having firsthand experience with any. I mean, I find being drunk worse than being stoned, by quite a bit. I drink because it's legal, and it's something more people can do, so I can enjoy myself with a larger group of people. Sure, being drunk is somewhat fun, but I much prefer being stoned. Most people who are opposed to marijuana know next to nothing about marijuana, and that is what truly pisses me off about the opposition against it. So many people demonize marijuana as some evil drug that takes over people's lives, destroys them from the inside out, makes them into gang members, makes the irresponsible, and causes violence. But they don't realize that a) marijuana is not physically addictive, and people who get addicted to it have an addictive personality, and so would be at risk of alcoholism as well, b) most people who's loves are bad because they only care about getting stoned would likely not amount to much anyway, and if it would, they are likely the sort of person who could very easily have been controlled by any other thing, like alcohol, or some excuse to become lazy and slack off, c) gangs and violence are only connected to marijuana because it is illegal, and is forced into the underground system as a way that they can fund themselves, and legalization would take a lot of power away from these groups, lowering the amount of violence associated with marijuana by a very large amount, d) most people who do marijuana now (the stoners who get all the attention anyway) are irresponsible before they get into weed, which is why they're into weed in the first place.

Nearly every problem associated with marijuana is in fact caused in some way by the illegal nature of the drug, or by the misinformation and fear mongering of the government.

That goes for many drugs as well.

Honestly, I believe that before you can make a decision on a matter such as the legality of a drug, you must understand what the drug really is. If you were to compare alcohol to marijuana in a chemical against chemical evaluation, alcohol is quite a bit more toxic, and quite a bit less medically useful than marijuana, and yet, it is legal. Why? The government made an attempt to make it illegal before.. what happened? Exactly the same thing that has happened to marijuana: crooks got involved with it and made a LOT of money, and it didn't solve a thing for the government. Sure, the prohibition was started for good reasons: alcoholism was rampant, and was a very big problem in society, but the prohibition did nothing to stop it. It simply gave away the government's share of tax money, as well as their control over it's sale, to a bunch of crooks. It solved nothing, and neither is this "war on drugs" that is failing so badly.

The biggest reason that marijuana won't be legal any time soon is that very few people really understand it. I'm not just talking about it as a drug, but the plant itself. Hemp is an EXTREMELY versatile plant, in reality. Food, clothing, materials, and MANY other things can be manufactured with hemp products. Alternative vegetable oils, clothing that is much more durable than even denim jeans, food products made from the seeds... The list goes on and on. And all this is denied, simply because the government doesn't understand how safe marijuana is as a recreational drug.

Many people are absolutely fine with only smoking weed. Lots of people have said to me that they would never touch anything but weed, because they have heard some scary shit about the other drugs, or they really understand them (heroin, crystal meth, etc. are absolutely TERRIBLE for your health). But does the government understand that? No. Many people are very responsible when they smoke weed, i know quite a few people who are academic, smart, responsible, and also happen to smoke weed. Bud those are the people you never hear about. You never hear about affluent children smoking weed and having fun like that, and being responsible. It's only the bad that ever comes out. You never hear about someone who smokes weed, takes a test at school high and does great, because they were calm, and didn't get nervous. You only hear about the stoners who get caught smoking a joint right outside the principals office and mouth off at the teachers because they're a bunch of jackasses, stoned or sober.

This shit REALLY pisses me off.

Oh, and sorry bout the rant.
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #355 on: May 15, 2008, 10:50:39 AM »
half the time I honestly can't tell when my mom is high or not. XD

i miss smoking with her.  thanks dan >_>

I think I'm just going to do it anyway.  I'm waiting to see if they're gonna piss test me at work first though before i do it (i'm temp right now but they're signing me on at the end of the month).


and Bobbias - i agree 10000000000000000000000000% with what you just posted.  Dan LOVES to drink and shit.  I feel like he is a bit of a hypocrite half the time anyways.  My mom and I went on a 4 hr road trip this last weekend and we had a good 30 min conversation about why weed is illegal but alcohol isnt.  Hell, when I used to smoke I would be MORE CAREFUL when I drove. XD 


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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #356 on: May 15, 2008, 11:16:16 AM »
Dan LOVES to drink and shit.  I feel like he is a bit of a hypocrite half the time anyways.

Bear in mind, though, that drinking isn't illegal and smoking pot is.

Also, keep in mind that some people just don't like the idea of smoking.  I don't mind smokers but I, personally, wouldn't smoke.  I don't like the idea of inhaling smoke, therefore I won't do it.

And finally, can you really trust your local pot dealer?  Granted, I don't have any personal experience with that, but I guess one of my old acquaintances (who actually used to post here in the 2.0 days) tried pot only to find that it was laced with something else.  He didn't have a very good time, from what I understand.
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #357 on: May 15, 2008, 11:28:55 AM »
If you know the person personally, then you can trust them (in my case, the guy I go to has been my friend since grade 3.)

Most weed dealers won't bother with lacing their weed because it goes against the idea of making money. Lacing it costs more money (to get whatever it was laced with) as well as makes people not want to go back to them. As long as you're not just buying it off some guy on the street, you're likely going to get weed without other shit.

Of course, you'd better either A) know by sight, how much weed you're getting, or B) have a little digital scale with you, because lots of people like to rip you off.

I would NEVER suggest driving stoned. While you are conscious of being stoned, and are more cautious, your reaction times are still impaired. Just because you can tell how stoned you are, and will drive more carefully, doesn't mean that you are more at rick for an accident if something happens that requires quick response. (like some asshole coming flying through a red or something just as you get to the intersection).

And spec, a lot of the people opposed to smoking things don't realize the difference between smoking a cigarette vs smoking weed. Cigarettes have approximately 4000 chemical compounds that shouldn't be there created from burning the tobacco + other shit that are put into them, by comparison, weed doesn't have NEARLY as many compounds. Yes, there is still tar, and a couple other chemicals that might not be all that good to you, but you also forget how much smokers inhale during a day compared to people who smoke pot. You never smoke as much pot as you would tobacco. Sure, it's still going to turn your lungs black, but not NEARLY as quickly. Plus, it's not NEARLY as carcinogenic as smoking cigarettes.

And if smoke is such an issue, they DO have vaporizers. Not to mention THC is lipid soluble, so things like butter can absorb it, and you can cook with it.

Alcohol does NOT deserve to be legal, in comparison with marijuana. I have not heard one single argument that would support alcohol over marijuana, and most of the arguments against marijuana can be said against alcohol as well, so in my opinion, this is one of the largest cases of widespread government hypocrisy ever.
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #358 on: May 15, 2008, 05:54:59 PM »
I've been somewhat interesting in trying marijuana for the past year or so.  Haven't actively tried to get my paws on it though.  Mostly 'cause I tend to be a rather lawful citizen.

I've had several people tell me that I would act "normal" if I smoked weed though.

Noooot quite sure how to take that.   :P
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Re: Drugs, Alcohol, etc.
« Reply #359 on: May 15, 2008, 07:03:11 PM »
I guess it depends on what their definition of "normal" is: socially acceptable or business as usual. :P
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